Matched by Human | Matched by LLM | # Human | # LLM | Mapped to core value |
- responsibility (责任)
- accessibility to medical services
- responsibility and accountability
- personal responsibility and accountability
- advancing just systems
- responsible ai development
- responsible ai development and operation
- responsible ai use
- commitment to always doing the right thing
- assignment
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- awareness of climate change
- be responsible for tomorrow
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- responsible business conduct
- responsibility as a business partner
- responsible business practices
- responsible business practices toward vendors
- celebrating impact
- protection of client and company information
- collaborate responsibly with third parties
- collective responsibility
- compliance and responsibility
- comprehensive approach
- comprehensive integration
- concrete proposals
- responsible corporate behavior
- 企业宗旨 (corporate purpose)
- - corporate responsibility
- courage & responsibility
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- responsible dealing with competitors
- responsible decision-making
- democracy
- demonstrating personal integrity
- responsible disclosure
- other duties
- economic responsibility
- employee pride and achievement
- employment
- empowerment of women
- equality
- equitable access to nutritious food for all
- equity and diversity
- ethical quotations
- responsibility in exercising power and managing resources
- extensive network and market know-how
- responsibility and fairness
- fairness and honesty
- responsible financial management
- responsibility for company resources
- responsible gaming
- gartner peer insights customer first 2023
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment
- responsibility as a global insurance and financial services provider
- responsible governance
- government official
- health insurance
- honesty and morality
- hope and optimism
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- individual responsibility
- information management and social media management
- responsible information use
- innovative leadership development
- inquisitiveness
- integrity and responsibility
- integrity and responsible conduct
- international engagement
- jurisdiction and venue
- key principles
- leadership commitment
- learn early
- responsible lobbying
- local empowerment
- 责任管理 (responsibility management)
- responsible management
- management accountability and responsibility
- responsibility and mission
- 感动自己 感动他人 成就他人 成就自己 (move oneself, move others, achieve for others, achieve for oneself)
- national responsibility
- number of dwellings
- obedience and respect for authority
- personal obligation to report
- ownership and collaboration
- presentation
- privacy by design
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- proper use of information
- providing employee welfare
- responsibility to report concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- our responsibilities
- 担当 (responsibility)
- responsibility, honesty, and reliability
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- safety and hygiene
- protection and safety of workforce
- commitment to service
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- shareholders first
- social responsibility and public mission
- professional societies
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- solidarity with impacted communities
- responsible sourcing
- responsible sourcing of minerals
- responsible stewardship
- supplier collaboration
- responsible supply chain management
- support for colleagues
- talent cultivation
- responsibility to the company
- responsibility in the workplace
- transparency and responsibility
- transparent and responsible business practices
- responsible use of hivos resources and information
- responsible use of information and resources
- valutazione basata sull'accesso aperto
- acting responsibly
- act responsibly and with integrity
- act responsibly
- achieving our mission responsibly is everyone’s responsibility
- accountability and responsibility
- takohanga (responsible)
- shared responsibility
- responsible use of company resources
- responsible use of company property
- responsible resource management
- responsible action and knowledge sharing
- responsible action
- responsibility towards the public and society
- responsibility and stewardship
- responsibility and learning
- productivity and responsibility
- honor donor intent
- give and take responsibility
- employee responsibility
- clarity on roles and responsibilities
- public trust
- responsible conduct
- i use resources responsibly
- 责任
- 责任管理
- professionalism and responsibility
- loyalty and responsibility
- responsibility as a member of society
- assume responsibility and take action
- meeting people's expectations and earning their trust
- responsibility integration
- leadership and personal responsibility
- responsibility and respect
- respect for employees
- reliability and responsibility towards stakeholders
- upholding human responsibility
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- ethics and responsibility
- responsible leadership and employee welfare
- respect and fairness
- responsible use
- ethical standards and responsible behavior
- respect and responsibility
- responsible global citizenship
- responsibility and customer value
- public accountability
- 责任实践 (responsible practice)
- 责任 (responsibility)
- responsible use of social media
- responsible
- profitability with responsibility
- ethical conduct and responsibility
- responsible asset management
- freedom and responsibility
- responsible political engagement
- responsible leadership
- personal accountability
- responsibility and compliance
- leadership responsibility
- take responsibility
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- responsibility towards society
- openness and responsibility
- fulfill our responsibilities
- personal responsibility
- responsible communication
- ownership and responsibility
- responsible partnership
- deliver results responsibly
- responsibility
- awareness and responsibility
- responsibility principle
- responsibility and respect for rules
- integrity, fairness and responsibility
| - responsibility (责任)
- accessibility to medical services
- responsibility and accountability
- personal responsibility and accountability
- advancing just systems
- responsible ai development
- responsible ai development and operation
- responsible ai use
- commitment to always doing the right thing
- assignment
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- awareness of climate change
- be responsible for tomorrow
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- responsible business conduct
- responsibility as a business partner
- responsible business practices
- celebrating impact
- protection of client and company information
- collective responsibility
- compliance and responsibility
- comprehensive approach
- comprehensive integration
- concrete proposals
- responsible corporate behavior
- 企业宗旨 (corporate purpose)
- - corporate responsibility
- courage & responsibility
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- responsible dealing with competitors
- responsible decision-making
- democracy
- demonstrating personal integrity
- responsible disclosure
- economic responsibility
- employee pride and achievement
- employment
- equality
- equity and diversity
- ethical quotations
- responsibility in exercising power and managing resources
- responsibility and fairness
- fairness and honesty
- responsible financial management
- responsibility for company resources
- responsible gaming
- gartner peer insights customer first 2023
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment
- responsibility as a global insurance and financial services provider
- responsible governance
- government official
- health insurance
- honesty and morality
- hope and optimism
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- individual responsibility
- information management and social media management
- responsible information use
- innovative leadership development
- inquisitiveness
- integrity and responsibility
- integrity and responsible conduct
- international engagement
- key principles
- leadership commitment
- learn early
- local empowerment
- 责任管理 (responsibility management)
- responsible management
- management accountability and responsibility
- responsibility and mission
- 感动自己 感动他人 成就他人 成就自己 (move oneself, move others, achieve for others, achieve for oneself)
- national responsibility
- number of dwellings
- personal obligation to report
- ownership and collaboration
- privacy by design
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- proper use of information
- providing employee welfare
- responsibility to report concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- our responsibilities
- 担当 (responsibility)
- responsibility, honesty, and reliability
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- safety and hygiene
- protection and safety of workforce
- commitment to service
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- shareholders first
- social responsibility and public mission
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- responsible stewardship
- supplier collaboration
- responsible supply chain management
- support for colleagues
- talent cultivation
- responsibility to the company
- responsibility in the workplace
- transparency and responsibility
- transparent and responsible business practices
- responsible use of hivos resources and information
- valutazione basata sull'accesso aperto
- acting responsibly
- act responsibly and with integrity
- act responsibly
- achieving our mission responsibly is everyone’s responsibility
- accountability and responsibility
- a commitment to integrity, fairness and responsibility
- truth and responsibility
- takohanga (responsible)
- shared responsibility
- responsible use of company resources
- responsible use of company property
- responsible resource management
- responsible action and knowledge sharing
- responsible action
- responsibility towards the public and society
- responsibility and stewardship
- responsibility and learning
- rangatiratanga / authority and responsibility
- productivity and responsibility
- obligations
- noble purpose
- moral responsibility
- honor donor intent
- gratitude and responsibility
- give and take responsibility
- fidelity and responsibility
- employee responsibility
- constructive feedback and responsibility
- clarity on roles and responsibilities
- public trust
- responsible conduct
- 责任感
- 担当
- i use resources responsibly
- 职务就是责任,责任重于泰山
- 责任
- 责任管理
- professionalism and responsibility
- loyalty and responsibility
- responsibility as a member of society
- assume responsibility and take action
- meeting people's expectations and earning their trust
- sense of responsibility
- responsibility integration
- leadership and personal responsibility
- responsibility and respect
- respect for employees
- reliability and responsibility towards stakeholders
- upholding human responsibility
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- ethics and responsibility
- responsible leadership and employee welfare
- respect and fairness
- responsible use
- ethical standards and responsible behavior
- respect and responsibility
- responsible global citizenship
- transparency and responsibility in sharing concerns
- responsibility and customer value
- public accountability
- 责任实践 (responsible practice)
- 责任 (responsibility)
- responsible use of social media
- responsible
- profitability with responsibility
- ethical conduct and responsibility
- responsible asset management
- freedom and responsibility
- responsible political engagement
- responsible leadership
- personal accountability
- responsibility and compliance
- leadership responsibility
- take responsibility
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- responsibility towards society
- openness and responsibility
- fulfill our responsibilities
- personal responsibility
- responsible communication
- ownership and responsibility
- responsible partnership
- deliver results responsibly
- responsibility
- awareness and responsibility
- responsibility principle
- responsibility and respect for rules
- integrity, fairness and responsibility
- r
- responsabilité individuelle
- trust and personal responsibility
- we take ownership and responsibility
- responsibility for products and services
- responsibility of every one of us
- respect for company resources
- responsibility management
- duty
- individual responsibility, collective purpose
- trust and responsibility
- trust and personal responsibility in all relationships
| 194 | 205 | responsibility |
- respectful & inclusive workplace
- accountable use of resources
- always do the right thing
- respectful and inclusive workplace
- annual general meeting
- build together
- building a harmonious workplace
- business risks
- candor and trust
- cast member and employee respect
- co-creation
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- community and social responsibility
- community engagement and development
- compliance
- compliance and ethics
- compliance with international standards
- compliance with laws and policies
- protection of confidential information
- constructive criticism
- responsible consumption & production
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- development dimension
- diversity & inclusion
- documentation
- employee ownership and workplace quality
- - enterprise privacy
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- equality and fairness in the workplace
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- ethical responsibility
- fair labor practices
- respect and fairness in the workplace
- feedback
- foster a safe and healthy workplace
- fraud deterrence and reasonable disclosure
- fulfill our responsibilities
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment
- harassment-free workplace
- health as a human right
- here for the mission
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- integrity in the workplace
- key supporters
- leadership and organization
- leadership and personal responsibility
- maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
- non-discrimination and harassment-free workplace
- open workplace culture
- policy against sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- positive workplace
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- reporting of misconduct
- respect in the workplace
- safety and health
- safety and respect in the workplace
- scientific and data-driven
- scientific inquiry
- commitment to society
- speeches and presentations
- teamwork and harmonious workplace
- commitment to the poor
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- responsibility in the workplace
- respect and trust in the workplace
- universal access to knowledge
- violence and harassment free workplace
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- respectful workplace
- workplace
- workplace conduct
- workplace dignity
- workplace health and safety
- workplace health, safety and security
- workplace respect
- workplace safety
- workplace safety and workers' health
- workplace violence
- community engagement and environmental responsibility
- working environment
- office of human resources
- building a great place to work
- establishment of a healthy work environment
- creating a safe and positive work environment
- respectful work environment
- good place to work
- work environment
- inclusive, healthy work environment
| - respectful & inclusive workplace
- accountable use of resources
- always do the right thing
- respectful and inclusive workplace
- annual general meeting
- build together
- building a harmonious workplace
- business risks
- candor and trust
- cast member and employee respect
- co-creation
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- community and social responsibility
- community engagement and development
- compliance
- compliance and ethics
- compliance with international standards
- compliance with laws and policies
- protection of confidential information
- constructive criticism
- responsible consumption & production
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- development dimension
- diversity & inclusion
- documentation
- employee ownership and workplace quality
- - enterprise privacy
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- equality and fairness in the workplace
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- ethical responsibility
- fair labor practices
- respect and fairness in the workplace
- feedback
- foster a safe and healthy workplace
- fraud deterrence and reasonable disclosure
- fulfill our responsibilities
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment
- harassment-free workplace
- health as a human right
- here for the mission
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- integrity in the workplace
- leadership and organization
- leadership and personal responsibility
- maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
- non-discrimination and harassment-free workplace
- open workplace culture
- policy against sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- positive workplace
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- reporting of misconduct
- respect in the workplace
- safety and health
- safety and respect in the workplace
- scientific and data-driven
- scientific inquiry
- commitment to society
- teamwork and harmonious workplace
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- responsibility in the workplace
- respect and trust in the workplace
- universal access to knowledge
- violence and harassment free workplace
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- respectful workplace
- workplace
- workplace conduct
- workplace dignity
- workplace health and safety
- workplace health, safety and security
- workplace respect
- workplace safety
- workplace safety and workers' health
- community engagement and environmental responsibility
- working environment
- workforce
- office of human resources
- building a great place to work
- establishment of a healthy work environment
- creating a safe and positive work environment
- respectful work environment
- good place to work
- work environment
- inclusive, healthy work environment
- workenvironment
| 90 | 88 | workplace |
- respectful & inclusive workplace
- a framework for ethics in decision-making
- accountability to donors
- acknowledgment
- acknowledgment and agreement
- acknowledgment and amplification
- active tolerance
- adherence to code of ethics
- respect for all
- ambition
- respectful and civil communication
- respectful and inclusive workplace
- annual general meeting
- respect for autonomy
- respect for autonomy principle
- be honest and fair
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- respect for biodiversity
- bipartisan collaboration
- bribes, kickbacks and other improper payments
- business integrity
- respect for cast members and employees
- charitable activities
- respect and civility
- collaboration and integration
- collaboration and mutual respect
- collaboration and networking
- collaboration and responsible innovation
- respect for colleagues
- respect for colleagues and users
- respect and commitment
- compassion and respect
- compliance and ethics
- conservation
- respect for consumers
- continuously improve
- respect and courtesy
- cultural heritage
- respect for differences
- respect and diversity
- elevating frontline voices
- respect for employees
- respect for employees' private sphere
- energy bases
- engaged global citizens and competent socially responsible leaders
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- equality and equity
- respect and equity
- respect and fair treatment
- respect and fairness
- fairness and respect
- respect and fairness in the workplace
- family members and close personal relationships
- following the law
- free services
- respect and friendliness
- respect for fundamental ethical principles
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- respect for governance
- respectful grantmaking
- hard work and innovation
- human rights and respect for people
- humility and respect
- respect and humility toward others
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- respect and inclusivity
- respect for individual rights
- respect for individuals
- respect and integrity
- integrity and respect
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- public interest
- respect and kindness
- commitment to legal compliance
- respect for legality and ethics
- respect for life
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- little amal
- live as a servant leader
- respect for market competition
- measuring impact
- mrj museum closure announcement
- mutual respect
- mutual respect & teamwork
- mutual respect and appreciation
- open dialogue and escalation
- open door environment
- patient care
- respect for people
- protection of privacy and company assets
- reciprocity
- respect for resources
- respect & humility
- respect in the workplace
- respect life
- respect life, love life, honor life
- respect others
- respect, fairness, and good faith
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- serving with integrity
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- solidarity and justice
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- respect for specific qualities
- spiritual growth and devotion
- steadfastness
- substance abuse prohibition
- success
- supplier responsibility
- respect for suppliers
- support and development
- sustainable value creation
- synergistic corporate culture development
- systemic change
- respect for talent and individual potential
- talent management
- professionalism and teamwork
- teamwork and mutual respect
- teamwork and trust
- terms and conditions of employment
- respect for the audience
- respect for the individual
- commitment to the poor
- the workshop was divided into two streams
- respect and tolerance
- respect for tradition
- respect for traditional knowledge
- transparency and mutual accountability
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- respectful treatment
- respect and trust in the workplace
- respect for user autonomy
- respect for users
- respect and value others
- respectful workplace
- workplace respect
- • respect
- upholding respect and value of the individual
- tone of moderation and respect
- self-respect
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- respect, fairness and integrity
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- respect for personal integrity
- respect for people, communities, and cultures
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- respect for others' work
- respect for indigenous peoples
- respect for grantees
- respect for grant applicants and recipients
- respect for dignity and rights
- respect for dignity and gender equality
- respect for cultures, customs and traditions
- respect for cultures and international trade order
- respect for colleagues and clients
- respect and humility towards others
- respect and consideration
- renqiang (respect)
- recognition of the importance of people and relationships
- recognition and respect for professional contributions
- ngaˉkau maˉhaki (respect)
- mutual respect and openness
- mutual respect and dignity
- kindness and respect
- humility and respect for others
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- healthy relationship grid
- healthy relationship characteristics
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- fostering trust and respect
- equitable and respectful treatment
- equality, inclusiveness, and respect for the diversity of people
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect
- dignity and respect for beneficiaries
- dignity & respect
- compassion and respect for others
- collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- dignity and respect
- respecting people
- culture of respect
- respecting others
- respect for humanity and the natural world
- i respect others
- fair dealing and respect
- respect for human dignity
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- respect towards fellow human beings and the environment
- inclusivity and respect
- respect for hierarchy
- demonstrate respect for people
- respect for people and human rights
- ethics and respect
- mutual respect and care
- we value and respect others
- curiosity and respect
- fairness, dignity and respect
- respect for individuality
- respect for each other
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- respect for talent
- respect & dignity
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- responsibility and respect
- respectful work environment
- treating others with dignity and respect
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
- professionalism and respect
- respect for people and the environment
- respect for life, people and the environment
- respect our differences
- respect for individual
- respect and cooperation
- respect and responsibility
- 尊重 (zūnzhòng): respect
- collaboration and respect
- curiosity & respect
- respecting diversity
- engage with respect
- dedication and respect
- rule of law and respect
- respect for people and diversity
- respect for stakeholders
- we treat people how they want to be treated
- cast member and employee respect
- respect and equality
- show respect
- fairness, dignity, and respect
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- safety and respect in the workplace
- care and respect
- we respect people
- teamwork and respect
- being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect
- respect for others
- support and respect each other
- employee cooperation and respect
- golden rule
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- respect for life, people, and the environment
- respect for local cultures and adherence to laws
- respect for humanity
- respect and dignity
- be respectful
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- respect and empathy
- respect and inclusion
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- respecting human dignity
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- respect and dignity for individuals
- respect and consideration for human rights
- respect for all people
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- respect towards fellowman and the environment
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
| - respectful & inclusive workplace
- a framework for ethics in decision-making
- accountability to donors
- acknowledgment
- acknowledgment and amplification
- adherence to code of ethics
- respect for all
- ambition
- respectful and civil communication
- respectful and inclusive workplace
- annual general meeting
- respect for autonomy
- respect for autonomy principle
- be honest and fair
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- respect for biodiversity
- bipartisan collaboration
- bribes, kickbacks and other improper payments
- business integrity
- respect for cast members and employees
- charitable activities
- respect and civility
- collaboration and integration
- collaboration and mutual respect
- collaboration and networking
- collaboration and responsible innovation
- respect for colleagues
- respect for colleagues and users
- respect and commitment
- compassion and respect
- compliance and ethics
- conservation
- respect for consumers
- continuously improve
- respect and courtesy
- cultural heritage
- respect for differences
- respect and diversity
- elevating frontline voices
- respect for employees
- respect for employees' private sphere
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- equality and equity
- respect and equity
- respect and fair treatment
- respect and fairness
- fairness and respect
- respect and fairness in the workplace
- family members and close personal relationships
- respect and friendliness
- respect for fundamental ethical principles
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- respect for governance
- hard work and innovation
- human rights and respect for people
- humility and respect
- respect and humility toward others
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- respect and inclusivity
- respect for individual rights
- respect for individuals
- respect and integrity
- integrity and respect
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- public interest
- respect and kindness
- commitment to legal compliance
- respect for legality and ethics
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- live as a servant leader
- respect for market competition
- measuring impact
- mutual respect
- mutual respect & teamwork
- mutual respect and appreciation
- open dialogue and escalation
- open door environment
- patient care
- respect for people
- protection of privacy and company assets
- respect for resources
- respect & humility
- respect in the workplace
- respect life
- respect life, love life, honor life
- respect others
- respect, fairness, and good faith
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- serving with integrity
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- solidarity and justice
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- respect for specific qualities
- spiritual growth and devotion
- steadfastness
- success
- supplier responsibility
- respect for suppliers
- support and development
- sustainable value creation
- synergistic corporate culture development
- systemic change
- talent management
- professionalism and teamwork
- teamwork and mutual respect
- teamwork and trust
- terms and conditions of employment
- respect for the audience
- respect for the individual
- respect and tolerance
- respect for tradition
- respect for traditional knowledge
- transparency and mutual accountability
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- respectful treatment
- respect and trust in the workplace
- respect for user autonomy
- respect for users
- respect and value others
- respectful workplace
- workplace respect
- • respect
- upholding the respect and value of the individual
- upholding respect and value of the individual
- trust and respect
- tone of moderation and respect
- self-respect
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- respect, fairness and integrity
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- respect for personal integrity
- respect for people, communities, and cultures
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- respect for others' work
- respect for indigenous peoples
- respect for grantees
- respect for grant applicants and recipients
- respect for dignity and rights
- respect for dignity and gender equality
- respect for cultures, customs and traditions
- respect for cultures and international trade order
- respect for colleagues and clients
- respect and humility towards others
- respect and consideration
- renqiang (respect)
- recognition of the importance of people and relationships
- recognition and respect for professional contributions
- ngākau māhaki / respect
- ngaˉkau maˉhaki (respect)
- mutual respect and openness
- mutual respect and dignity
- kindness and respect
- humility and respect for others
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- healthy relationship grid
- healthy relationship characteristics
- gratitude and respect
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- fostering trust and respect
- equitable and respectful treatment
- equality, inclusiveness, and respect for the diversity of people
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect
- dignity and respect for beneficiaries
- dignity & respect
- deference
- decency
- courtesy and correctness
- compassion and respect for others
- collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- dignity and respect
- respecting people
- culture of respect
- respecting others
- respect for humanity and the natural world
- i respect others
- fair dealing and respect
- respect for human dignity
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- respect towards fellow human beings and the environment
- inclusivity and respect
- respect for hierarchy
- demonstrate respect for people
- respect for people and human rights
- ethics and respect
- mutual respect and care
- we value and respect others
- curiosity and respect
- fairness, dignity and respect
- respect for individuality
- respect for each other
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- respect for talent
- respect & dignity
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- responsibility and respect
- respectful work environment
- treating others with dignity and respect
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
- professionalism and respect
- respect for people and the environment
- respect for life, people and the environment
- respect our differences
- respect for individual
- the core values highlighted in compal electronics, inc.'s supplier code of conduct reflect a robust commitment to ethical business practices, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and respectful treatment of all workers within the supply ch
- respect and cooperation
- respect and responsibility
- 尊重 (zūnzhòng): respect
- collaboration and respect
- curiosity & respect
- respecting diversity
- engage with respect
- dedication and respect
- rule of law and respect
- respect for people and diversity
- respect for stakeholders
- we treat people how they want to be treated
- cast member and employee respect
- respect and equality
- show respect
- fairness, dignity, and respect
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- safety and respect in the workplace
- care and respect
- we respect people
- teamwork and respect
- being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect
- respect for others
- support and respect each other
- employee cooperation and respect
- golden rule
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- respect for life, people, and the environment
- respect for local cultures and adherence to laws
- respect for humanity
- respect and dignity
- be respectful
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- respect and empathy
- respect and inclusion
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- respecting human dignity
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- respect and dignity for individuals
- respect and consideration for human rights
- respect for all people
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- respect towards fellowman and the environment
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
- r
- unity and respect
- we treat each other fairly and respectfully
- employee empowerment & respect
- respect for competitors
- respect for others' rights
- treat all people properly and with respect – from clerks to ceos
- faith-friendliness
- inclusive and respectful working environment
- matter of respect
- we are open, we respect, we trust
- creating a respectful workplace
- always have respect for spiritual matters, and remember to be grateful at all times
- be respectful and promote inclusion
- be kind and respectful
- organizational cohesion and respect
- respect
| 260 | 270 | respect |
- 社会责任百分百 契约精神百分百 法律意识百分百 (100% social responsibility, 100% contract spirit, 100% legal awareness)
- 360-degree friendships
- a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- accountability and disciplinary action
- accuracy and honesty
- achieving concrete change
- acting honestly, fairly, and in good faith
- actively engaging in conservation of the global environment and contributing to local communities and society
- adherence and discipline
- advancement with the times
- affordability
- applicability
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- - basic honesty
- be pleasant and straightforward
- 北汽愿景 (beijing automotive vision)
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- build trust by acting with integrity
- capable
- community and disaster support
- community consensus
- community engagement and outreach
- comparability
- competitiveness
- compliance and facilitation
- conduct yourself honestly and with integrity
- continuous learning and adaptation
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- customer service
- economic development
- economic integration
- employment
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- engaged global citizens and competent socially responsible leaders
- equality and inclusivity
- equitable access to nutritious food for all
- equitable business operations
- commitment to ethical business practices
- ethical computing and technology for positive impact
- ethical quotations
- ethical standards
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- ethics and responsibility
- evidence-based
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- fair labor rights
- family members and close personal relationships
- focus on measurable impact
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- fundraising
- global movement
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- honest and ethical practices
- honest and open communication
- honest and open communications
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- honesty
- honesty and accountability
- honesty and ethical conduct
- honesty and ethics
- honesty and integrity
- 诚实守信 (honesty and integrity)
- 诚实守信
- honesty and integrity in decision-making
- honesty and moral conduct
- honesty and transparency
- honesty and trust
- honesty and trustworthiness
- honesty in business conduct
- honesty in representation
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- honesty, fairness and integrity
- honesty, integrity and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and service
- respect for human rights
- professional integrity
- integrity and honesty
- integrity, fairness and honesty
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- integrity, honesty, and transparency
- intellectual honesty
- lawful surveillance
- limited data sharing
- long-term impact
- media
- moderation tools
- no conflict of interest
- - open & honest ethics line
- openness and honesty
- privacy of patrons
- prohibition of hard-core cartels
- promoting integrity and honesty
- responsibility, honesty, and reliability
- responsible risk and crisis management
- safeguarding information
- safety first
- - share premium contribution
- shared value creation
- commitment to social justice
- strengthening democracy
- tenacity
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
- commitment to the public good
- transparency and honesty
- transparency and honesty in business practices
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- we are honest and trustworthy
- we share (community)
- zero tolerance for corruption, fraud and dishonesty
- honesty and openness
- honesty and morality
- honesty and being non-judgmental
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- candor
- respect, honesty and integrity
- honesty and fairness
- open, honest and clear communication
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- honest and ethical conduct
- i am honest
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- be honest and fair
- fairness and honesty
- open and honest communication
- clear and honest communication
| - 社会责任百分百 契约精神百分百 法律意识百分百 (100% social responsibility, 100% contract spirit, 100% legal awareness)
- a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- accountability and disciplinary action
- accuracy and honesty
- achieving concrete change
- acting honestly, fairly, and in good faith
- actively engaging in conservation of the global environment and contributing to local communities and society
- adherence and discipline
- advancement with the times
- affordability
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- - basic honesty
- be honest
- be pleasant and straightforward
- 北汽愿景 (beijing automotive vision)
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- build trust by acting with integrity
- capable
- community and disaster support
- community consensus
- community engagement and outreach
- competitiveness
- compliance and facilitation
- conduct yourself honestly and with integrity
- continuous learning and adaptation
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- customer service
- economic development
- employment
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- equality and inclusivity
- commitment to ethical business practices
- ethical quotations
- ethical standards
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- ethics and responsibility
- evidence-based
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- fair labor rights
- family members and close personal relationships
- focus on measurable impact
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- global movement
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- honest and ethical practices
- honest and open communication
- honest and open communications
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- honesty
- honesty and accountability
- honesty and ethical conduct
- honesty and ethics
- honesty and integrity
- 诚实守信 (honesty and integrity)
- 诚实守信
- honesty and integrity in decision-making
- honesty and moral conduct
- honesty and transparency
- honesty and trust
- honesty and trustworthiness
- honesty in business conduct
- honesty in representation
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- honesty, fairness and integrity
- honesty, integrity and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and service
- respect for human rights
- professional integrity
- integrity and honesty
- integrity, fairness and honesty
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- integrity, honesty, and transparency
- intellectual honesty
- limited data sharing
- moderation tools
- no conflict of interest
- - open & honest ethics line
- openness and honesty
- privacy of patrons
- prohibition of hard-core cartels
- promoting integrity and honesty
- responsibility, honesty, and reliability
- responsible risk and crisis management
- safeguarding information
- safety first
- - share premium contribution
- shared value creation
- commitment to social justice
- strengthening democracy
- tenacity
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
- commitment to the public good
- transparency and honesty
- transparency and honesty in business practices
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- we are honest and trustworthy
- we share (community)
- zero tolerance for corruption, fraud and dishonesty
- honesty and openness
- honesty and morality
- honesty and being non-judgmental
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- candor
- respect, honesty and integrity
- honesty and fairness
- open, honest and clear communication
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- honest and ethical conduct
- i am honest
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- be honest and fair
- fairness and honesty
- honesty, fairness, and integrity
- open and honest communication
- clear and honest communication
- forthrightness
- honest effort in the performance of duties
- be accountable, straightforward and honest in all your dealings
- deal honestly with the government
| 129 | 123 | honesty |
- 5) further robust research and evaluation of men’s sheds would be beneficial. this should include both qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of their impact on mental wellbeing and social inclusion
- a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- accessibility and universal design
- accountability and speaking up
- accountability to donors
- acting honestly, fairly, and in good faith
- activities and initiatives
- ad issues
- additional eligibility qualifications
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- advancement of the purebred dog sport
- advocacy and monitoring
- agility and responsiveness
- - amazon web service (aws)
- anti-bribery and fair dealing
- commitment to anti-corruption
- anti-corruption and fair competition
- anti-corruption and fair dealing
- anti-trust and fair competition
- antitrust and competition
- antitrust and fair competition
- applied knowledge
- be open-minded
- beneficiary protection
- bipartisan collaboration
- brand building
- bright futures
- build trust by acting with integrity
- building belonging
- building hard and impossible things
- centering victims' and survivors' experiences
- civic engagement for non-profit purposes
- clean energy leadership
- client service
- collaboration and partnerships
- collaborative spirit
- colleague conduct
- communication
- community engagement and human rights
- community engagement and outreach
- community welfare
- company
- company property
- professional competence and fairness
- competition and antitrust
- competitiveness
- compliance and ethics questions
- compliance and lawfulness
- compliance with laws and policies
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- comprehensive assessment
- conflict resolution and mediation
- consent
- continuous learning and adaptation
- copyleft
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
- 企业价值观 (corporate values)
- craft of grantmaking
- culture of respect
- customer centricity
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- definições preliminares
- definition of close personal relationships
- delivering innovation
- democracy and international cooperation
- determined
- development and safety of employees
- disability rights promotion
- discouragement of misuse
- diversity
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- effective government
- emergency response
- employment
- empowerment through critical thinking
- environmental stewardship
- equality and fairness in the workplace
- equitable access to nutritious food for all
- equitable and fair transactions
- equitable and respectful treatment
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- esg governance
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical computing and technology for positive impact
- ethical practices and fairness
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- ethics and responsibility
- ethics hotline
- 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- evidence-based
- evidence-based approach
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- exemplary leadership
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- expertise and media engagement
- expertise in rmb and china market
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- external communications
- faces of walden
- fair and equitable treatment
- fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical dealing
- fair business practices
- fair business practices and ethics
- fair business, advertising, and competition
- fair commercial practices
- fair competition & integrity
- fair competition and anti-corruption practices
- fair competition and partnership
- fair competition and partnerships
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- fair dealing and respect
- fair distribution of riches and opportunities
- fair enforcement
- fair operating practices
- fair play
- fair principles
- fair representation
- fair trade
- fair transactions
- fair treatment and dignity
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- fair treatment and working conditions
- fair value exchange
- - fairly
- fairness
- respect and fairness
- responsibility and fairness
- fairness and compliance
- fairness and confidentiality
- fairness and ethical conduct
- fairness and inclusion
- fairness and individual rights protection
- fairness and integrity
- fairness and justice
- fairness and respect
- fairness and sustainability
- fairness and thoughtful risk-taking
- fairness and transparency
- fairness in business relationships
- fairness, equality, and global stewardship
- fairness, equity, and justice
- fairness, integrity and impartiality
- fax
- feminism
- focus on the customer
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- focusing on sustainable and environmentally-friendly operations
- foreign assistance structures must uphold diplomacy and development as distinct and equal disciplines
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- fundraising
- global representation
- good, clean, and fair food
- group intellectual property policy
- group policies
- growth and impact
- guaranteeing confidentiality
- hard work and innovation
- holistic student development
- honesty, fairness and integrity
- honesty, integrity and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and fairness
- human-centered performance
- improving and extending people’s lives
- inclusive development
- inclusive hiring practices
- inclusive language
- 创新发展
- professional integrity
- integrity and compliance
- integrity and fair dealing
- integrity, fairness and honesty
- integrity, fairness and responsibility
- integrity, fairness, and transparency
- iteration
- commitment to key causes
- labor rights and fairness
- respect for laws and regulations
- legal compliance and fairness, equitability, and integrity
- looking to the future
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- making it happen
- no one tries harder for customers
- 'now is the time to kill'
- number of dwellings
- people first
- perseverance
- political contributions
- procedural fairness
- proper use of assets
- protecting information and assets
- quality management
- recognizing beneficiary dignity
- respect, fairness, and good faith
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- safe and high-quality products and services
- safeguarding assets
- self-awareness
- self-sufficiency
- selflessness and humility
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- strategic grant-making
- strategic leadership
- supplementary documents
- supportive
- commitment to the environment
- commitment to the poor
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- the wellbeing of the patient
- theme 2: innovation and continuous learning
- transparency and fair competition
- transparency and fair trade
- transparency and fairness
- transparent and equitable grantmaking
- zero tolerance for reprisals
- tika (fair)
- respect, fairness, and professionalism
- respect, fairness and integrity
- principle of proportionality
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- fairness and inclusivity
- fairness and impartiality
- fairness and equity
- fair trials
- fair pricing
- equity and fairness
- competing fairly
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- fairness and legitimacy
- win-win partnership and fair trade
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- fair dealing and avoiding unfair advantage
- fairness, dignity and respect
- fairness and trust in business relationships
- fair treatment of business partners
- anti-corruption and fair trading
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- fair competition and business transactions
- fair competition and treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- compliance and fair management
- fair and ethical employment practices
- honesty and fairness
- trustworthy relationships and open, fair business practices
- fair and honest competition
- respect and fair treatment
- human rights and fair treatment
- fairness and non-discrimination
- fair trade and competition
- fair dealing
- fair collaboration
- compete vigorously and fairly
- play fair
- fair
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- fairness, dignity, and respect
- be honest and fair
- fair business
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- fair competition and transparency
- fairness and accountability
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- fairness and equality
- fairness and honesty
- integrity and fairness
- impartiality and fairness
- be fair
- fair and honest competition and market conduct
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
- respect and fairness in the workplace
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- fairness and dignity
- fairness in stakeholder engagement
- transparent and fair business activities
- fair and cooperative collaboration
| - a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- accessibility and universal design
- accountability and speaking up
- accountability to donors
- acting honestly, fairly, and in good faith
- activities and initiatives
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- advancement of the purebred dog sport
- advocacy and monitoring
- agility and responsiveness
- anti-bribery and fair dealing
- commitment to anti-corruption
- anti-corruption and fair competition
- anti-corruption and fair dealing
- anti-trust and fair competition
- antitrust and competition
- antitrust and fair competition
- applied knowledge
- be open-minded
- beneficiary protection
- bipartisan collaboration
- brand building
- bright futures
- build trust by acting with integrity
- building belonging
- building hard and impossible things
- centering victims' and survivors' experiences
- civic engagement for non-profit purposes
- clean energy leadership
- client service
- collaboration and partnerships
- collaborative spirit
- colleague conduct
- communication
- community engagement and human rights
- community engagement and outreach
- community welfare
- company
- professional competence and fairness
- competition and antitrust
- competitiveness
- compliance and ethics questions
- compliance and lawfulness
- compliance with laws and policies
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- comprehensive assessment
- conflict resolution and mediation
- continuous learning and adaptation
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
- 企业价值观 (corporate values)
- culture of respect
- customer centricity
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- delivering innovation
- democracy and international cooperation
- determined
- development and safety of employees
- discouragement of misuse
- diversity
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- effective government
- emergency response
- employment
- empowerment through critical thinking
- environmental stewardship
- equality and fairness in the workplace
- equitable and fair transactions
- equitable and respectful treatment
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- esg governance
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical practices and fairness
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- ethics and responsibility
- ethics hotline
- 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- evidence-based
- evidence-based approach
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- exemplary leadership
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- expertise and media engagement
- expertise in rmb and china market
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- external communications
- fair and equitable treatment
- fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical dealing
- fair business practices
- fair business practices and ethics
- fair business, advertising, and competition
- fair commercial practices
- fair competition & integrity
- fair competition and anti-corruption practices
- fair competition and partnership
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- fair dealing and respect
- fair enforcement
- fair operating practices
- fair play
- fair principles
- fair transactions
- fair treatment and dignity
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- fair treatment and working conditions
- fair value exchange
- - fairly
- fairness
- respect and fairness
- responsibility and fairness
- fairness and compliance
- fairness and confidentiality
- fairness and ethical conduct
- fairness and inclusion
- fairness and individual rights protection
- fairness and integrity
- fairness and justice
- fairness and respect
- fairness and sustainability
- fairness and thoughtful risk-taking
- fairness and transparency
- fairness in business relationships
- fairness, equality, and global stewardship
- fairness, equity, and justice
- fairness, integrity and impartiality
- feminism
- focus on the customer
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- focusing on sustainable and environmentally-friendly operations
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- global representation
- group intellectual property policy
- group policies
- growth and impact
- guaranteeing confidentiality
- hard work and innovation
- honesty, fairness and integrity
- honesty, integrity and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and fairness
- human-centered performance
- improving and extending people’s lives
- inclusive development
- inclusive hiring practices
- inclusive language
- 创新发展
- professional integrity
- integrity and compliance
- integrity and fair dealing
- integrity, fairness and honesty
- integrity, fairness and responsibility
- integrity, fairness, and transparency
- iteration
- commitment to key causes
- labor rights and fairness
- respect for laws and regulations
- legal compliance and fairness, equitability, and integrity
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- making it happen
- no one tries harder for customers
- number of dwellings
- people first
- perseverance
- political contributions
- procedural fairness
- proper use of assets
- protecting information and assets
- quality management
- recognizing beneficiary dignity
- respect, fairness, and good faith
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- safe and high-quality products and services
- safeguarding assets
- self-awareness
- self-sufficiency
- selflessness and humility
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- strategic grant-making
- strategic leadership
- supportive
- commitment to the environment
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- the wellbeing of the patient
- theme 2: innovation and continuous learning
- transparency and fair competition
- transparency and fair trade
- transparency and fairness
- transparent and equitable grantmaking
- zero tolerance for reprisals
- a commitment to integrity, fairness and responsibility
- tika (fair)
- respect, fairness, and professionalism
- respect, fairness and integrity
- proportionality
- principle of proportionality
- open and fair competition
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- fairness and inclusivity
- fairness and impartiality
- fairness and equity
- fair trials
- fair pricing
- equity and fairness
- competing fairly
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- fairness and legitimacy
- win-win partnership and fair trade
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- fair dealing and avoiding unfair advantage
- fairness, dignity and respect
- fairness and trust in business relationships
- fair treatment of business partners
- anti-corruption and fair trading
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- fair competition and business transactions
- fair competition and treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- compliance and fair management
- fair and ethical employment practices
- honesty and fairness
- trustworthy relationships and open, fair business practices
- fair and honest competition
- respect and fair treatment
- deal fairly with others
- human rights and fair treatment
- fairness and non-discrimination
- fair trade and competition
- fair dealing
- fair collaboration
- treat everyone fairly, equitably and professionally
- compete vigorously and fairly
- play fair
- fair
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- fairness, dignity, and respect
- be honest and fair
- fair business
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- fair competition and transparency
- fairness and accountability
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- fairness and equality
- fairness and honesty
- integrity and fairness
- impartiality and fairness
- honesty, fairness, and integrity
- be fair
- fair and honest competition and market conduct
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
- respect and fairness in the workplace
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- fairness and dignity
- fairness in stakeholder engagement
- transparent and fair business activities
- fair and cooperative collaboration
- impartiality and fairness in dealing with private organizations and individuals
- loyalty to the constitution, laws, and ethical principles above private gain
- refraining from unfair practices
- sense of fairness
- anti-corruption & fair dealing
- prevention of nepotism
- fairness and bias avoidance
- fair treatment
- fairness in performance
- fair transaction procedures
- win the right way
- fairness and integrity in the marketplace
- competing fairly and honestly
- treat people fairly
- treat each other fairly
- compete fairly
| 277 | 272 | fairness |
- 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- be loyal and transparent
- control over technology
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- extensive network and market know-how
- commitment to long-term partnerships and investments
- loyalty and transparency
- loyalty to the company and avoiding conflicts of interest
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- loyalty to clients/employers
- loyality to the company and conflicts of interest
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- fiduciary responsibility and loyalty
- be faithful
- patriotism and loyalty
- loyalty to the company and conflict of interest prevention
- loyalty and responsibility
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- loyalty and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- loyalty to the company
- public trust and loyalty
- fidelity
- loyalty
- loyalty to the company and conflicts of interest
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
| - 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- be loyal and transparent
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- commitment to long-term partnerships and investments
- loyalty and transparency
- loyalty to the company and avoiding conflicts of interest
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- loyalty, competence and independence
- loyalty to clients/employers
- loyalty and obligation
- loyalty and independence
- loyality to the company and conflicts of interest
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- fiduciary responsibility and loyalty
- fidelity and responsibility
- be faithful
- patriotism and loyalty
- loyalty to the company and conflict of interest prevention
- loyalty and responsibility
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- loyalty and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- loyalty to the company
- public trust and loyalty
- fidelity
- loyalty
- loyalty to the company and conflicts of interest
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- loyalty and patriotism
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility and integrity
- be loyal
| 27 | 32 | loyalty |
- a commitment to sustainability
- accountability for adherence
- accuracy
- accuracy and completeness
- accuracy and honesty
- accuracy and representation
- accuracy and verification
- accuracy of records
- accurate & transparent record-keeping
- accurate books and records
- accurate business records
- accurate public disclosure
- accurate record keeping
- accurate records and reporting
- accurate reporting
- accurate representation
- avoiding improper gifts
- company
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- connected
- coordination
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- cost sharing
- - domestic
- effective remedies
- effectiveness
- empowering texas communities
- empowering veterans
- empowerment
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- energy conservation
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- equitable outcomes
- esg governance
- ethical conduct and responsibility
- ethical justification and scientific validity
- fair trade and competition
- feeding families, the nation, and the world
- financial integrity and accurate records
- financial integrity and recordkeeping
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- generous
- genuine
- genuine need and justice
- gitlab era
- hiding content
- 首页 (home page)
- respect for human rights
- i am accurate and ethical with our finances
- iia position paper
- impact sourcing
- information security and accuracy
- information security and privacy
- integration and coordination
- integrity of records
- integrity of the registry
- international collaboration
- maintaining accurate records
- minimizing bias
- products
- providing motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- providing reliable and accurate reporting
- recordkeeping, reporting, and financial integrity
- respectfulness
- 责任 (responsibility)
- solving with care
- tangible, lasting results
- transparency and accuracy in reporting
- transparency and accuracy of settlements
- transparency and traceability
- 决策零失误 (zero errors in decision-making)
- 决策零失误
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- 管理零失误 (zero errors in management)
- 管理零失误
- 操作零失误 (zero errors in operation)
- 操作零失误
- 零分包 零转包 零挂靠
- zero tolerance
- accurate representation of non-recurring events
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- accurate recordkeeping
- accurate record-keeping
- accurate public disclosure and financial reporting
- accurate financial reporting
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- accuracy and transparency
- truth and verification
- transparency and accuracy
- testing
- strong content
- research and reporting
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- professionalism, diligence, and correctness
- post-publication discussions and corrections
- monitoring and documentation
- measurement matters
- journalistic integrity
- journalism excellence
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- impartiality and accuracy
- high-quality metadata
- ground-truthed data is the usp of osm and always preferred
- ground-truthed data
- excellence in journalism
- editorial judgment & quality
- editorial integrity
- customized reporting
- combating misinformation
- breaking news
- meticulousness
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure
- transparency and accuracy in documentation
- scientific integrity
- keep accurate records
- facts
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
- be accurate
| - a commitment to sustainability
- accountability for adherence
- accuracy
- accuracy and completeness
- accuracy and honesty
- accuracy and representation
- accuracy and verification
- accuracy of records
- accurate & transparent record-keeping
- accurate books and records
- accurate business records
- accurate public disclosure
- accurate record keeping
- accurate records and reporting
- accurate reporting
- accurate representation
- avoiding improper gifts
- company
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- connected
- coordination
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- - domestic
- effective remedies
- effectiveness
- empowering texas communities
- empowering veterans
- empowerment
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- equitable outcomes
- esg governance
- ethical conduct and responsibility
- fair trade and competition
- feeding families, the nation, and the world
- financial integrity and accurate records
- financial integrity and recordkeeping
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- generous
- genuine
- genuine need and justice
- gitlab era
- hiding content
- respect for human rights
- i am accurate and ethical with our finances
- impact sourcing
- information security and accuracy
- information security and privacy
- integration and coordination
- integrity of records
- integrity of the registry
- international collaboration
- maintaining accurate records
- products
- providing motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- providing reliable and accurate reporting
- recordkeeping, reporting, and financial integrity
- respectfulness
- 责任 (responsibility)
- solving with care
- transparency and accuracy in reporting
- transparency and accuracy of settlements
- transparency and traceability
- 决策零失误 (zero errors in decision-making)
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- 管理零失误 (zero errors in management)
- 管理零失误
- 操作零失误 (zero errors in operation)
- 操作零失误
- zero tolerance
- accurate representation of non-recurring events
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- accurate recordkeeping
- accurate record-keeping
- accurate public disclosure and financial reporting
- accurate financial reporting
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- accuracy and transparency
- accuracy and completeness in public disclosures
- [date of last update
- truth and verification
- transparency and accuracy
- testing
- strong content
- selecting, verifying, and producing ugc
- research and reporting
- record
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- publication standards
- providing high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed research
- professionalism, diligence, and correctness
- post-publication discussions and corrections
- monitoring and documentation
- measurement matters
- journalistic integrity
- journalism excellence
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- impartiality and accuracy
- high-quality metadata
- ground-truthed data is the usp of osm and always preferred
- ground-truthed data
- excellence in journalism
- enhance product quality
- editorial judgment & quality
- editorial integrity
- customized reporting
- countering disinformation
- correction of errors
- combating misinformation
- breaking news
- adherence to journalistic standards
- meticulousness
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure
- transparency and accuracy in documentation
- scientific integrity
- keep accurate records
- facts
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
- be accurate
- attention to detail
- completeness
- meticulous
- precision
- look at the facts in a cold-blooded way; admit and learn from mistakes
- keep accurate books and business records
| 121 | 128 | accuracy |
- a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- academic excellence
- accessibility and convenience
- accountability and correction
- accountability and disciplinary action
- accountable
- acf research is responsive to the needs of vulnerable people
- achieving concrete change
- act with intention
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- acting with empathy and integrity
- acting with integrity
- acting with integrity, individually and collectively
- responsible action
- adaptability and innovation
- adherence to laws and regulations
- advancing, promoting, and serving the physical sciences
- affordability
- anonymity in vox pops
- anti-oppression
- anticipation of risks and mitigation
- appeal to the national human rights commission, dated 15 december 2003
- commitment to associates
- audit oversight
- avoiding financial crimes
- avoiding unsustainable depletion of nature's stocks
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- be customer-oriented
- 进地方门 做地方人 说地方话 办地方事 尽地方责
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- beneficiary protection
- benefiting vulnerable populations
- best interests of amazon
- 既聪明 又能干 更听话
- 构建产业结构合理、质量效益领先、军工核心突出、国际竞争力强的世界一流船舶集团 (building a world-class shipbuilding group with a rational industrial structure, leading quality and efficiency, prominent military core, and strong international competitiveness)
- business intelligence
- care for the elderly
- caring for communities
- celebrating impact
- challenge and agility
- charitable activities
- clean and low carbon development
- climate action
- climate change and emissions
- climate-smart agriculture
- collaboration and growth
- collaboration and interdisciplinary approach
- collaboration and respect
- collaboration and scholarship
- collaborative aptitude
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- personal commitment and integrity
- our commitment to integrity
- communicating extensively with the public, disclosing corporate information proactively and fairly, and safeguarding information
- commitment to community
- community and teamwork
- community engagement and human rights
- community-driven
- company property
- compliance and legal integrity
- compliance with competition and antitrust laws
- compliance with international humanitarian law
- compliance with laws and integrity
- compliance with the code of conduct
- compliance with the law and integrity
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- conduct
- conduct yourself honestly and with integrity
- conflict prevention
- consequences for violations
- conservazione della produzione scientifica
- constant care
- continual growth
- continuing professional development
- contribution to local communities
- contribution to society and the country
- contribution to the development of the international community
- corporate citizenship and compliance
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- 企业精神:担当、协同、清正、奉献
- craftsmanship
- creativity
- critical thinking
- cultivating a culture of success
- cultural integrity
- culture of respect
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- data and human stories
- data and reproducibility
- data privacy and confidentiality
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- development and safety of employees
- diplomacy and development as distinct and equal disciplines
- disclosure and recusal
- discriminação de indivíduos
- diversity and activity
- diversity and expertise
- do what's right
- document all interactions
- dreaming big
- ecological priority
- economic development
- editorial integrity
- effective philanthropy
- emergency loans
- 重情诚信 (emphasis on emotions and integrity)
- employee dignity and development
- employee pride and achievement
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- ending occupation and apartheid
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- engaged global citizens and competent socially responsible leaders
- ensure financial integrity and responsibility
- enterprise spirit
- entrepreneurialism
- environmental commitment
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- equal opportunities
- equal opportunities and respect
- equality and inclusivity
- equality, inclusiveness, and respect for the diversity of people
- equitable business operations
- equitable treatment
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and intersectionality
- commitment to ethical business practices
- ethical integrity
- ethical integrity in operations
- ethics & business integrity (e&bi) department
- ethics & integrity
- ethics and integrity
- ethics and responsibility
- every little help makes a big difference
- evidence-based decision-making
- excellence, integrity, and inclusion at work
- expanding human potential
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- extensive network and market know-how
- fair
- fair competition & integrity
- fair competition and antitrust
- fair use
- fairness and accountability
- fairness and equity
- fairness and integrity
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- fairness in stakeholder engagement
- fairness, integrity and impartiality
- family members and close personal relationships
- fax
- - female employees
- financial and material resource allocation
- financing of terrorism
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- forgiveness and mercy
- fortitude
- forward-thinking
- fostering innovation and challenge
- free redistribution
- full, fair, and understandable disclosure
- fundraising
- general principles
- global movement
- global understanding
- globalization and realism in policy
- golden rule
- governance bodies
- responsible government collaboration
- grateful
- gratitude
- group business integrity policy
- hanleybrown et al. (2012), kania & kramer (2013)
- 和悦共生
- have integrity
- health, safety & security
- healthcare accessibility
- honesty and integrity
- 诚实守信 (honesty and integrity)
- 诚实守信
- honesty and integrity in decision-making
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- honesty, fairness and integrity
- honesty, integrity and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and service
- honor and integrity
- honorable and operate with integrity
- i respect others
- impartiality and accuracy
- impartiality and integrity
- implementation of the sustainable development goals (sdgs)
- improve production efficiency
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- inclusive language
- independence and integrity
- integrity
- personal and professional integrity
- respect and integrity
- 诚信 (integrity)
- 清正 (integrity)
- • integrity
- personal integrity
- integrity & ethics
- integrity & ethics vision and strategy
- integrity & sincerity
- integrity always
- integrity and accountability
- integrity and anti-corruption
- integrity and business ethics
- integrity and common sense
- integrity and compliance with the law
- integrity and craftsmanship
- integrity and dedication
- integrity and ethical behavior
- integrity and ethical conduct
- integrity and ethical responsibility
- integrity and fair dealing
- integrity and honesty
- integrity and innovation
- integrity and lawful conduct
- integrity and lawfulness
- integrity and leadership
- integrity and practical results
- integrity and pragmatism
- integrity and principled business conduct
- integrity and professionalism
- integrity and prudence
- integrity and respect
- integrity and responsibility
- integrity and responsible conduct
- integrity and sincerity towards shareholders
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- integrity and transparency
- integrity and transparency in business conduct
- integrity and trust
- integrity and trust ("shin-you")
- 重情诚信 (integrity and trustworthiness)
- integrity and trustworthiness
- integrity and truthfulness
- integrity beyond reproach
- 诚行天下
- integrity in business dealings
- integrity in business practices
- integrity in business relations
- 诚行天下 信立伟业
- 诚行天下 信立伟业 (integrity and trustworthiness in business)
- 廉洁从业
- integrity in information management & disclosure
- integrity in the workplace
- integrity of records
- integrity of the author's source code
- integrity of the registry
- integrity-based
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- integrity, courage and passion
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- integrity, excellence, and customer focus
- integrity, fairness and responsibility
- integrity, fairness, and transparency
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- integrity, honesty, and transparency
- integrity, transparency and meritocracy
- integrity, transparency, and meritocracy
- investing in people, places, and opportunities
- iteration
- journalistic integrity
- knowable magazine
- knowledge
- lawful and integrity-focused actions
- leadership commitment
- legal compliance and fairness, equitability, and integrity
- local capacity
- long view
- maintaining the integrity of the akc registry
- market integrity
- modern slavery & trafficking
- net assets at beginning of year
- number of dwellings
- open dialogue and escalation
- operating with absolute integrity
- partner up
- partnership and transparency
- partnership with families
- payments
- people over process
- post-publication discussions and corrections
- responsibility principle
- probity and integrity
- processing personal data
- - procurement
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- prohibition of sexual relationships with beneficiaries and minors
- promoting integrity and honesty
- protecting confidentiality and privacy
- recognition and influence
- rejection of anti-social forces
- relationship with tax authorities
- reporting and non-retaliation policy
- responsible
- rule of law
- sacredness of mother earth
- safe and high-quality products and services
- safe working environment
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- safety and compliance
- safety and integrity
- scientific integrity
- security and integrity
- shared value creation
- shining a spotlight
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- solidarity
- sound corporate activities and risk-conscious culture
- staying fresh and renewing the organization
- strategic leadership
- strengthening democracy, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
- support across life events
- tact and discretion
- targeted assistance
- technological innovation
- tenacity
- commitment to the code
- the metlife foundation is dedicated to driving inclusive mobility for underserved and underrepresented communities around the world through collaborations with nonprofit organizations and investments aligned with three strategic focus areas
- transparency & integrity in government relations
- transparency and customization
- transparency and integrity
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- trust and integrity
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
- universal significance
- unquestioned integrity
- unrelenting integrity
- unwavering integrity
- upholding the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- 重情诚信 (valuing emotions and integrity)
- 重情诚信 (valuing relationships and integrity)
- voicing opinions and concerns
- we are committed to a healthy future
- we are dedicated to maintaining the integrity of our registry
- we serve with integrity
- we value and respect others
- winning with integrity
- act with integrity
- act with integrity and persistence
- act responsibly and with integrity
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- upholding principles
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- serving with integrity
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- respect, fairness and integrity
- research ethics & integrity
- professional integrity
- non-profit integrity
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- integrity of the author’s source code
- integrity of conduct
- integrity in personal art collecting
- integrity and impartiality
- integrity and dignity
- integridade
- institutional integrity
- honesty and morality
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- build trust by acting with integrity
- 诚实守信 (integrity)
- business ethics and integrity
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- do what we promise
- integrity and ethical standards
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- respect, honesty and integrity
- integrity and legality
- professionalism and integrity
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润 (today's integrity, tomorrow's market, the day after tomorrow's profit)
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- 誠信的經營 (integrity in management)
- integrity, fairness and honesty
- integrity and ethics
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- we act with integrity
- 诚信 (chéngxìn): integrity
- culture of integrity
- compliance and integrity
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- uncompromising integrity
- transparency and integrity in relationships
- personal and business integrity, national and international trade
- building trustworthy robots
- demonstrating personal integrity
- performance with integrity
- ethical behavior and integrity
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- truth and integrity
- business integrity
- 廉洁治理 (integrity and governance)
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
- integrity and compliance
- honesty in business conduct
- intellectual honesty
- integrity and fairness
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- collaboration, competition, and integrity
- uncompromised integrity
- integrity and ethical business practices
- integrity above all
| - a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- academic excellence
- accessibility and convenience
- accountability and correction
- accountability and disciplinary action
- accountable
- achieving concrete change
- act with intention
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- acting with empathy and integrity
- acting with integrity
- acting with integrity, individually and collectively
- responsible action
- adaptability and innovation
- adherence to laws and regulations
- advancing, promoting, and serving the physical sciences
- affordability
- anonymity in vox pops
- anti-oppression
- anticipation of risks and mitigation
- appeal to the national human rights commission, dated 15 december 2003
- avoiding financial crimes
- avoiding unsustainable depletion of nature's stocks
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- be customer-oriented
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- beneficiary protection
- benefiting vulnerable populations
- 构建产业结构合理、质量效益领先、军工核心突出、国际竞争力强的世界一流船舶集团 (building a world-class shipbuilding group with a rational industrial structure, leading quality and efficiency, prominent military core, and strong international competitiveness)
- business intelligence
- care for the elderly
- caring for communities
- celebrating impact
- challenge and agility
- charitable activities
- clean and low carbon development
- climate action
- climate-smart agriculture
- collaboration and growth
- collaboration and interdisciplinary approach
- collaboration and respect
- collaboration and scholarship
- collaborative aptitude
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- personal commitment and integrity
- our commitment to integrity
- communicating extensively with the public, disclosing corporate information proactively and fairly, and safeguarding information
- commitment to community
- community and teamwork
- community engagement and human rights
- community-driven
- compliance and legal integrity
- compliance with competition and antitrust laws
- compliance with international humanitarian law
- compliance with laws and integrity
- compliance with the code of conduct
- compliance with the law and integrity
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- conduct
- conduct yourself honestly and with integrity
- conflict prevention
- conservazione della produzione scientifica
- constant care
- continual growth
- continuing professional development
- contribution to local communities
- contribution to society and the country
- contribution to the development of the international community
- corporate citizenship and compliance
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- craftsmanship
- creativity
- critical thinking
- cultivating a culture of success
- cultural integrity
- culture of respect
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- data and human stories
- data and reproducibility
- data privacy and confidentiality
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- development and safety of employees
- diplomacy and development as distinct and equal disciplines
- disclosure and recusal
- discriminação de indivíduos
- diversity and activity
- diversity and expertise
- do what's right
- document all interactions
- dreaming big
- ecological priority
- economic development
- editorial integrity
- effective philanthropy
- emergency loans
- 重情诚信 (emphasis on emotions and integrity)
- employee dignity and development
- employee pride and achievement
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- ending occupation and apartheid
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- ensure financial integrity and responsibility
- entrepreneurialism
- environmental commitment
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- equal opportunities
- equal opportunities and respect
- equality and inclusivity
- equality, inclusiveness, and respect for the diversity of people
- equitable treatment
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and intersectionality
- commitment to ethical business practices
- ethical integrity
- ethical integrity in operations
- ethics & business integrity (e&bi) department
- ethics & integrity
- ethics and integrity
- ethics and responsibility
- evidence-based decision-making
- excellence, integrity, and inclusion at work
- expanding human potential
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- fair
- fair competition & integrity
- fair competition and antitrust
- fairness and accountability
- fairness and equity
- fairness and integrity
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- fairness in stakeholder engagement
- fairness, integrity and impartiality
- family members and close personal relationships
- financial and material resource allocation
- financing of terrorism
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- forgiveness and mercy
- fortitude
- forward-thinking
- fostering innovation and challenge
- full, fair, and understandable disclosure
- general principles
- global movement
- global understanding
- globalization and realism in policy
- golden rule
- governance bodies
- responsible government collaboration
- grateful
- gratitude
- 和悦共生
- have integrity
- health, safety & security
- healthcare accessibility
- honesty and integrity
- 诚实守信 (honesty and integrity)
- 诚实守信
- honesty and integrity in decision-making
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- honesty, fairness and integrity
- honesty, integrity and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and fairness
- honesty, integrity, and service
- honor and integrity
- honorable and operate with integrity
- i respect others
- impartiality and accuracy
- impartiality and integrity
- implementation of the sustainable development goals (sdgs)
- improve production efficiency
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- inclusive language
- independence and integrity
- integrity
- personal and professional integrity
- respect and integrity
- 诚信 (integrity)
- 清正 (integrity)
- • integrity
- personal integrity
- integrity & ethics
- integrity & ethics vision and strategy
- integrity & sincerity
- integrity always
- integrity and accountability
- integrity and anti-corruption
- integrity and business ethics
- integrity and common sense
- integrity and compliance with the law
- integrity and craftsmanship
- integrity and dedication
- integrity and ethical behavior
- integrity and ethical conduct
- integrity and ethical responsibility
- integrity and fair dealing
- integrity and honesty
- integrity and innovation
- integrity and lawful conduct
- integrity and lawfulness
- integrity and leadership
- integrity and practical results
- integrity and pragmatism
- integrity and principled business conduct
- integrity and professionalism
- integrity and prudence
- integrity and respect
- integrity and responsibility
- integrity and responsible conduct
- integrity and sincerity towards shareholders
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- integrity and transparency
- integrity and transparency in business conduct
- integrity and trust
- integrity and trust ("shin-you")
- 重情诚信 (integrity and trustworthiness)
- integrity and trustworthiness
- integrity and truthfulness
- integrity beyond reproach
- integrity in business dealings
- integrity in business practices
- integrity in business relations
- 诚行天下 信立伟业 (integrity and trustworthiness in business)
- 廉洁从业
- integrity in information management & disclosure
- integrity in the workplace
- integrity of records
- integrity of the author's source code
- integrity of the registry
- integrity-based
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- integrity, courage and passion
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- integrity, excellence, and customer focus
- integrity, fairness and responsibility
- integrity, fairness, and transparency
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- integrity, honesty, and transparency
- integrity, transparency and meritocracy
- integrity, transparency, and meritocracy
- investing in people, places, and opportunities
- iteration
- journalistic integrity
- knowable magazine
- knowledge
- lawful and integrity-focused actions
- leadership commitment
- legal compliance and fairness, equitability, and integrity
- local capacity
- long view
- maintaining the integrity of the akc registry
- modern slavery & trafficking
- number of dwellings
- open dialogue and escalation
- operating with absolute integrity
- partner up
- partnership and transparency
- partnership with families
- people over process
- post-publication discussions and corrections
- responsibility principle
- probity and integrity
- processing personal data
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- prohibition of sexual relationships with beneficiaries and minors
- promoting integrity and honesty
- protecting confidentiality and privacy
- recognition and influence
- relationship with tax authorities
- responsible
- rule of law
- sacredness of mother earth
- safe and high-quality products and services
- safe working environment
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- safety and compliance
- safety and integrity
- scientific integrity
- security and integrity
- shared value creation
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- solidarity
- sound corporate activities and risk-conscious culture
- staying fresh and renewing the organization
- strategic leadership
- strengthening democracy, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
- support across life events
- technological innovation
- tenacity
- commitment to the code
- the metlife foundation is dedicated to driving inclusive mobility for underserved and underrepresented communities around the world through collaborations with nonprofit organizations and investments aligned with three strategic focus areas
- transparency & integrity in government relations
- transparency and customization
- transparency and integrity
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- trust and integrity
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
- universal significance
- unquestioned integrity
- unrelenting integrity
- unwavering integrity
- upholding the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- 重情诚信 (valuing emotions and integrity)
- 重情诚信 (valuing relationships and integrity)
- voicing opinions and concerns
- we are committed to a healthy future
- we are dedicated to maintaining the integrity of our registry
- we serve with integrity
- we value and respect others
- winning with integrity
- honesty, fairness, and integrity
- act with integrity
- act with integrity and persistence
- act responsibly and with integrity
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- a commitment to integrity, fairness and responsibility
- we are faithful
- upholding principles
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- serving with integrity
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- respect, fairness and integrity
- research ethics & integrity
- professional integrity
- producing investigative journalism with moral force
- non-profit integrity
- matatika (trustworthy)
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- integrity of the author’s source code
- integrity of conduct
- integrity in personal art collecting
- integrity and impartiality
- integrity and dignity
- integridade
- institutional integrity
- honesty and morality
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- build trust by acting with integrity
- 重情诚信
- 诚信经营
- 诚信
- 诚实守信 (integrity)
- business ethics and integrity
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- do what we promise
- integrity and ethical standards
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- respect, honesty and integrity
- integrity and legality
- professionalism and integrity
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润 (today's integrity, tomorrow's market, the day after tomorrow's profit)
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- character is our strength
- 誠信的經營 (integrity in management)
- integrity, fairness and honesty
- integrity and ethics
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- we act with integrity
- 诚信 (chéngxìn): integrity
- culture of integrity
- compliance and integrity
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- uncompromising integrity
- transparency and integrity in relationships
- personal and business integrity, national and international trade
- building trustworthy robots
- demonstrating personal integrity
- performance with integrity
- ethical behavior and integrity
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- truth and integrity
- business integrity
- 廉洁治理 (integrity and governance)
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
- integrity and compliance
- honesty in business conduct
- intellectual honesty
- integrity and fairness
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- collaboration, competition, and integrity
- uncompromised integrity
- integrity and ethical business practices
- integrity above all
- loyalty to the constitution, laws, and ethical principles above private gain
- trustworthy engineering
- promotion of integrity
- integrity matters
- unity, dedication, integrity and progress
- upholding our values
- character
- write right principles
- be accountable, straightforward and honest in all your dealings
- win the right way
- fairness and integrity in the marketplace
- competing fairly and honestly
- we do what we promise
- uprightness
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility and integrity
- commitment to integrity
| 414 | 406 | integrity |
- a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- academic excellence
- accurate representation of non-recurring events
- achieve excellence
- assessment and monitoring
- awareness
- care and concern
- care for employees
- challenging dogma with evidence
- committed to excellence
- compare
- comprehensive information and positive vision
- confidentiality and intellectual property protection
- construct excellent projects to improve people's livelihood
- cost basis calculator
- customer service excellence
- democratic participation
- drive for excellence
- embracing complexity and change
- empowering individuals and communities
- entrepreneurial spirit in pursuit of excellence
- environmental commitment
- evaluating outcomes
- evaluation capacity development
- excellence
- 卓越 (excellence)
- commitment to excellence
- 卓越
- personal and professional excellence
- professional excellence
- professionalism and excellence
- excellence (ihsan)
- excellence (卓越)
- excellence and determination
- excellence and innovation
- excellence and leadership in digital infrastructure
- excellence and quality
- excellence and recognition
- excellence and stewardship
- excellence for you
- excellence in governance and performance
- excellence in journalism
- excellence in production capacity
- excellence in teaching
- excellence in training
- excellence, integrity, and inclusion at work
- excellent
- excellent customer service
- fair competition and transparency
- - financial income
- financial resourcing
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- fostering dialogue
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- harmony and pursuit of excellence
- harmony-based, pursuing excellence
- holistic development
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- i strive to excel
- impact with excellence
- inclusive excellence
- innovation and excellence
- integrity, excellence, and customer focus
- journalism excellence
- microsoft security excellence awards winner 2023
- modern slavery & trafficking
- our most important goal is to make excellent maps geo-data available as widely as possible for free
- operational excellence
- passion and excellence
- passionate execution
- perform with excellence
- political activity and community
- pragmatic excellence
- product excellence
- promotion of innovation and excellence
- promotion of quality and benefit
- pursue excellence
- pursuing excellence
- pursuit for excellence
- pursuit of excellence
- 追求卓越
- 追求卓越 (pursuit of excellence)
- quality and excellence
- quality excellence
- quality learning
- regulatory excellence
- relentless pursuit of excellence
- safety and excellence
- scientific excellence
- service excellence
- social media
- soundness
- sovereignty respect
- strict limitations on classifying events as "exceptional
- strive for excellence
- striving for excellence in products & services
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- sustained excellence and leadership
- teacher support
- team
- technical excellence
- the author submits that the facts as presented above disclose violations of articles 7 and 10, in conjunction with article 2(3) of the iccpr
- the courage to leaps and the pursuit for excellence
- transparency and integrity in relationships
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- 愿景:建设全球卓越保险集团
- we perform with excellence
- we strive for excellence
- we value and respect others
- passion to win
- passion for winning
- 决策零失误 (zero errors in decision-making)
- 决策零失误
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- 管理零失误 (zero errors in management)
- 管理零失误
- 操作零失误 (zero errors in operation)
- 操作零失误
- 零分包 零转包 零挂靠
- zero tolerance
- high standards of operation
- exemplariness
- better our best
- high standards
- craftsmanship
- commitment to delivering the best solutions
- follow the fundamental rules of the world and strive for the best as a team
- value of research and endeavor
- we make it great
- delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results
- corporate governance excellence
| - a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- academic excellence
- accurate representation of non-recurring events
- achieve excellence
- awareness
- care and concern
- care for employees
- challenging dogma with evidence
- committed to excellence
- confidentiality and intellectual property protection
- cost basis calculator
- customer service excellence
- democratic participation
- drive for excellence
- embracing complexity and change
- empowering individuals and communities
- entrepreneurial spirit in pursuit of excellence
- environmental commitment
- evaluation capacity development
- excellence
- 卓越 (excellence)
- commitment to excellence
- 卓越
- personal and professional excellence
- professional excellence
- professionalism and excellence
- excellence (ihsan)
- excellence (卓越)
- excellence and determination
- excellence and innovation
- excellence and leadership in digital infrastructure
- excellence and quality
- excellence and recognition
- excellence and stewardship
- excellence for you
- excellence in governance and performance
- excellence in journalism
- excellence in production capacity
- excellence in teaching
- excellence in training
- excellence, integrity, and inclusion at work
- excellent
- excellent customer service
- fair competition and transparency
- - financial income
- financial resourcing
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- fostering dialogue
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- harmony and pursuit of excellence
- harmony-based, pursuing excellence
- holistic development
- i strive to excel
- impact with excellence
- inclusive excellence
- innovation and excellence
- integrity, excellence, and customer focus
- journalism excellence
- microsoft security excellence awards winner 2023
- modern slavery & trafficking
- our most important goal is to make excellent maps geo-data available as widely as possible for free
- operational excellence
- passion and excellence
- passionate execution
- perform with excellence
- political activity and community
- pragmatic excellence
- product excellence
- promotion of innovation and excellence
- promotion of quality and benefit
- pursue excellence
- pursuing excellence
- pursuit for excellence
- pursuit of excellence
- 追求卓越
- 追求卓越 (pursuit of excellence)
- quality and excellence
- quality excellence
- quality learning
- relentless pursuit of excellence
- safety and excellence
- scientific excellence
- service excellence
- social media
- soundness
- strive for excellence
- striving for excellence in products & services
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- sustained excellence and leadership
- teacher support
- team
- technical excellence
- the courage to leaps and the pursuit for excellence
- transparency and integrity in relationships
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- 愿景:建设全球卓越保险集团
- we perform with excellence
- we strive for excellence
- we value and respect others
- passion to win
- passion for winning
- 决策零失误 (zero errors in decision-making)
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- 管理零失误 (zero errors in management)
- 管理零失误
- 操作零失误 (zero errors in operation)
- 操作零失误
- zero tolerance
- we do great work and improve
- prerequisites to success
- high standards of operation
- exemplariness
- distinction
- better our best
- high standards
- craftsmanship
- commitment to delivering the best solutions
- follow the fundamental rules of the world and strive for the best as a team
- value of research and endeavor
- we make it great
- delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results
- corporate governance excellence
- have fun while being the best
- e
- raising the bar
- best product
- relentless passion for the highest standard of service
- set the standard
- raise the bar
- we raise the bar
- excellence & equity
- ideal
- promote green development, pursue excellence
- technical robustness
- seeking excellence to drive success
- 向上向善 (aspiring to be better and do good)
- delivering our very best
- exceeding customer expectations
- outperform expectations
| 131 | 139 | excellence |
- a work environment free from harassment
- advocacy and monitoring
- anti-bullying and anti-harassment
- anti-discrimination
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity
- anti-fraud and corruption
- anti-harassment
- avoiding discrimination and violence
- compliance management
- confucian and businesslike character
- 企业道德 (corporate ethics)
- discrimination
- discrimination and harassment
- prevention of discrimination and harassment
- discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
- do not discriminate
- effective governance
- emergency response
- encouraging self-reflection and writing about personal values
- equal opportunity and non-discrimination
- equality and non-discrimination
- global expansion and influence
- harassment
- harassment and bullying
- prevention of harassment and discrimination
- harassment-free
- harassment-free environment
- harassment-free experience
- harassment-free workplace
- health as a human right
- here for the mission
- honesty and being non-judgmental
- humane treatment and non-discrimination
- image
- impartiality and non-discrimination
- implementation
- importance of infrastructure and governance
- international law and human rights
- leadership and organization
- long-term stewardship
- net assets, end of year
- no discrimination
- no discrimination against fields of endeavor
- no discrimination against persons or groups
- no discrimination or harassment
- no harassment/discrimination against whistleblowers
- no violence/harassment
- respect and non-discrimination
- non-discrimination
- non-discrimination and anti-harassment
- non-discrimination and equal participation
- non-discrimination and harassment-free workplace
- non-discrimination in aid delivery
- non-tolerance of discrimination
- non-tolerance of harassment
- potential consequences of ethical misconduct
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- prohibition of harassment
- prohibition of harassment, exploitation and abuse
- commitment to reducing inequity
- rejecting all forms of harassment and discrimination
- rejecting harassment and discrimination
- prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- prevention of sexual harassment
- sexual harassment
- successes achieved
- the walton family foundation is a philanthropic organization based in bentonville, ar 72712. they have five core values that guide their approach to giving
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- violence and harassment free workplace
- warmth and camaraderie
- zero tolerance for harassment
- zero tolerance for harassment, exploitation, and abuse
- zero tolerance of harassment or violence
- zero-tolerance towards harassment
- zero tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- protection from harassment
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- nondiscrimination
- non-harassment
- non-discrimination and non-violence
- non-discrimination and inclusivity
- non-discrimination and human rights
- non-discrimination and diversity
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- mutual respect and non-discrimination
- inclusivity and non-discrimination
- inclusive hiring practices
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- eeo statement
- discriminação de indivíduos
- avoidance of hate speech
- anti-racism and anti-sexism
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity relations
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- non-discrimination and equal treatment
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- maintaining a safe, healthy and comfortable work environment and respecting individuality and diversity
- diversity and non-discrimination
- non-discrimination and non-harassment
- workers' rights, health, safety and anti-discrimination
- fairness and non-discrimination
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- equal opportunity compliance
- equality and fairness in the workplace
| - a work environment free from harassment
- advocacy and monitoring
- anti-bullying and anti-harassment
- anti-discrimination
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity
- anti-fraud and corruption
- anti-harassment
- avoiding discrimination and violence
- compliance management
- 企业道德 (corporate ethics)
- discrimination
- discrimination and harassment
- prevention of discrimination and harassment
- discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
- do not discriminate
- effective governance
- emergency response
- encouraging self-reflection and writing about personal values
- equal opportunity and non-discrimination
- equality and non-discrimination
- global expansion and influence
- harassment
- harassment and bullying
- prevention of harassment and discrimination
- harassment-free
- harassment-free environment
- harassment-free experience
- harassment-free workplace
- health as a human right
- here for the mission
- honesty and being non-judgmental
- humane treatment and non-discrimination
- impartiality and non-discrimination
- importance of infrastructure and governance
- international law and human rights
- leadership and organization
- long-term stewardship
- net assets, end of year
- no discrimination
- no discrimination against fields of endeavor
- no discrimination against persons or groups
- no discrimination or harassment
- no harassment/discrimination against whistleblowers
- no violence/harassment
- respect and non-discrimination
- non-discrimination
- non-discrimination and anti-harassment
- non-discrimination and equal participation
- non-discrimination and harassment-free workplace
- non-discrimination in aid delivery
- non-tolerance of discrimination
- non-tolerance of harassment
- potential consequences of ethical misconduct
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- prohibition of harassment
- prohibition of harassment, exploitation and abuse
- commitment to reducing inequity
- rejecting all forms of harassment and discrimination
- rejecting harassment and discrimination
- prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- prevention of sexual harassment
- sexual harassment
- successes achieved
- the walton family foundation is a philanthropic organization based in bentonville, ar 72712. they have five core values that guide their approach to giving
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- violence and harassment free workplace
- warmth and camaraderie
- zero tolerance for harassment
- zero tolerance for harassment, exploitation, and abuse
- zero tolerance of harassment or violence
- zero-tolerance towards harassment
- zero tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse
- we treat everybody equally
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- protection from harassment
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- nondiscrimination
- non-harassment
- non-discrimination and non-violence
- non-discrimination and inclusivity
- non-discrimination and human rights
- non-discrimination and diversity
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- mutual respect and non-discrimination
- intimidation
- inclusivity and non-discrimination
- inclusive hiring practices
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- eeo statement
- discriminação de indivíduos
- avoidance of hate speech
- anti-racism and anti-sexism
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity relations
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- non-discrimination and equal treatment
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- maintaining a safe, healthy and comfortable work environment and respecting individuality and diversity
- diversity and non-discrimination
- non-discrimination and non-harassment
- workers' rights, health, safety and anti-discrimination
- fairness and non-discrimination
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- equal opportunity compliance
- equality and fairness in the workplace
- zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment
- adherence to laws and regulations providing equal opportunity for all americans
- non-discrimination in employment
- inclusive and respectful working environment
- prohibition of any discrimination
| 107 | 111 | non-discrimination and anti-harassment |
- a. understanding of the terms of reference (tor)
- adherence to labor laws
- associate well-being
- avoidance of insider trading
- awareness
- balanced presentation
- building trust
- collaboration and connection
- competence
- compliance and quality assurance
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- consideration
- consumer-centricity
- context over control
- context-specificity
- continuous education on ethics and compliance
- contractors
- culture of integrity
- curiosity & respect
- customer-driven
- democratic control
- digital innovation
- embracing complexity and change
- equal opportunities and diversity
- excellence and quality
- fair and cooperative collaboration
- financial integrity and transparency
- foster innovation and learning
- global corporate citizenship
- global performance
- global quality organization
- global solidarity
- grace
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- health, safety and welfare
- high performance
- high standards
- high standards of governance
- high standards of operation
- high standards of personal and professional conduct
- high-functioning board and leadership
- high-performing teams
- 高质量发展 (high-quality development)
- high-quality development
- high-quality library services
- high-quality production
- high-quality products and services
- high-quality services
- highest ethical standards
- highlighted core values
- i apply systems thinking
- improving quality of life
- innovation and product quality
- innovation and quality
- integrity and dignity
- product quality and safety
- quality
- quality and brand enhancement
- quality and compliance
- quality and efficiency
- quality and excellence
- quality and innovation
- commitment to quality and innovation
- quality and reliability
- quality and reputation
- quality and rigor
- quality and safety
- quality and safety focus
- quality and safety through evidence-based medicine, performance measurement and improvement, and patient engagement
- quality and scientific rigor
- quality and standards
- quality and sustainability
- quality and trust
- quality assurance
- quality assurance and value creation
- quality commitment
- quality discussion
- quality emphasis and brand building
- quality excellence
- quality first
- quality improvement
- 质量是企业的生命
- quality of life
- quality of life improvement
- quality of service
- quality orientation
- quality service and relationships
- quality services
- quality that earns the trust of society
- safety and quality
- staff member
- stand for equality
- sustainability and social impact
- a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- quality learning
- quality customer service
- quality content
- quality and versatility
- quality and accountability
- provide quality products and services
- number of complaints received about products and services in 2019
- editorial judgment & quality
- quality and customer-centric service
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- quality experience
- product and service quality
- quality and customer satisfaction
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- promotion of quality and benefit
- product safety and quality
- product quality & safety
- safe and high-quality products and services
- quality and value
- speed and quality
- quality management
- speed & quality
- 我们的品质 (our quality)
- commitment to quality
| - a. understanding of the terms of reference (tor)
- adherence to labor laws
- associate well-being
- avoidance of insider trading
- awareness
- balanced presentation
- building trust
- collaboration and connection
- competence
- compliance and quality assurance
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- consideration
- consumer-centricity
- context over control
- context-specificity
- continuous education on ethics and compliance
- culture of integrity
- curiosity & respect
- customer-driven
- democratic control
- digital innovation
- embracing complexity and change
- equal opportunities and diversity
- excellence and quality
- fair and cooperative collaboration
- financial integrity and transparency
- foster innovation and learning
- global corporate citizenship
- global performance
- global quality organization
- global solidarity
- grace
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- health, safety and welfare
- high performance
- high standards
- high standards of governance
- high standards of operation
- high standards of personal and professional conduct
- high-functioning board and leadership
- high-performing teams
- 高质量发展 (high-quality development)
- high-quality development
- high-quality library services
- high-quality production
- high-quality products and services
- high-quality services
- highest ethical standards
- highlighted core values
- improving quality of life
- innovation and product quality
- innovation and quality
- integrity and dignity
- product quality and safety
- quality
- quality and brand enhancement
- quality and compliance
- quality and efficiency
- quality and excellence
- quality and innovation
- commitment to quality and innovation
- quality and reliability
- quality and reputation
- quality and rigor
- quality and safety
- quality and safety focus
- quality and scientific rigor
- quality and standards
- quality and sustainability
- quality and trust
- quality assurance
- quality assurance and value creation
- quality commitment
- quality discussion
- quality emphasis and brand building
- quality excellence
- quality first
- quality improvement
- 质量是企业的生命
- quality of life
- quality of life improvement
- quality of service
- quality orientation
- quality service and relationships
- quality services
- quality that earns the trust of society
- safety and quality
- staff member
- stand for equality
- sustainability and social impact
- a guarantee of excellence in all aspects of work
- quality learning
- quality customer service
- quality content
- quality and versatility
- quality and accountability
- provide quality products and services
- number of complaints received about products and services in 2019
- enhance product quality
- editorial judgment & quality
- 质量第一
- 改革创新求品质
- quality and customer-centric service
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- quality experience
- product and service quality
- quality and customer satisfaction
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- streamline administration for high-quality development
- promotion of quality and benefit
- product safety and quality
- product quality & safety
- safe and high-quality products and services
- quality and value
- speed and quality
- quality management
- speed & quality
- 我们的品质 (our quality)
- commitment to quality
- q&a
- e
- dedication to quality
- best product
- serving society with superior quality
- set the standard
- ideal
- quality & efficiency
- produce high quality vehicles
- quality focus
- product safety & quality
- ensuring quality
- product quality
| 119 | 133 | quality |
- a. understanding of the terms of reference (tor)
- academic success
- accessibility of education
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- accurate representation of non-recurring events
- adapting and innovating
- advocacy and activism
- agility and innovation
- ambition and drive
- - american psychological association (apa). (2013). working with immigrant-origin clients
- authentic writing purpose
- avoiding harm
- awareness building
- basic right to healthcare
- belief in the impact of science and technology
- best public welfare
- beyond all boundaries
- candor
- caring
- celebrating unique qualities and perspectives
- challenge and innovation
- change at scale
- - change in net assets
- clear and honest communication
- clear expectations
- client-centric approach
- client-centricity
- clothing
- collaboration and interdependence
- collaborative innovation
- community-led sustainable innovation
- compliance and integrity
- compliance with international trade controls
- comprehensive framework
- comprehensive meal tools
- confronting global challenges
- consequences of violations
- constant innovation
- consumer focus
- continuous improvement and innovation
- continuous innovation
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
- courageous innovation
- credential attainment
- dare to innovate
- data-driven impact
- deliver together
- respect for democratic principles
- description
- dignity and worth of every individual
- direct readers to submit site to slashdot
- directors and employees expenses
- diversity and people-centeredness
- education
- education and skill development
- educational resources
- emergency preparedness
- employee care
- employee engagement
- 职工誓言 (employees' oath)
- encouragement of ebook creation and distribution
- 我们的工程理念 (our engineering philosophy)
- entrepreneurial spirit
- entrepreneurship & innovation
- equal opportunities and diversity
- ethical and transparent process
- ethics and compliance
- excellence and innovation
- expansion and growth
- - facilitated innovation workshops at leadership town halls
- fair and ethical employment practices
- fair business
- fair competition and antitrust compliance
- financial and material resource allocation
- focus on cities
- focus on greatest need and impact
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- free speech
- full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure
- fundraising expense ratio
- gender justice
- governing law
- gratitude and duty
- green and low-carbon
- group domain name and trademark policy
- harmonious innovation and pioneering spirit
- harmony with nature
- healthcare compliance
- impact-oriented
- industrial integration and innovation
- innovate
- innovating
- innovation
- 创新 (innovation)
- 创新
- • innovation
- innovation (创新)
- innovation & partnerships
- innovation and adaptation
- innovation and challenge
- innovation and co-creation
- innovation and competition
- innovation and connectivity
- innovation and continuous improvement
- innovation and customer focus
- innovation and discovery
- innovation and diversification
- innovation and efficiency
- 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- innovation and excellence
- innovation and experimentation
- innovation and expertise
- innovation and flexibility
- innovation and inclusiveness
- 创新进取 (innovation and initiative)
- innovation and intellectual property
- innovation and leadership
- innovation and learning
- innovation and proactivity
- innovation and product quality
- 创新进取 (innovation and progress)
- innovation and progress
- innovation and quality
- innovation and research
- innovation and responsiveness
- innovation and social progress
- innovation and sound profit-making
- innovation and stability
- innovation and strengthening services
- innovation and technological advancement
- innovation and technology
- innovation and technology leadership
- innovation culture
- innovation for sustainability
- innovation gene
- 创新基因 (innovation genes)
- innovation in communication
- innovation in education
- innovation in financial services
- innovation in philanthropy
- innovation that matters
- innovation that matters – for our company and for the world
- innovation that matters—for our company and for the world
- innovation-oriented
- innovative
- innovative and responsive grantmaking
- innovative co-creation
- innovative development
- innovative leadership
- innovative learning
- innovative spirit
- 敢为人先的创新精神 (innovative spirit)
- 创新精神
- innovativeness
- integrity and innovation
- interconnectedness
- interoperability and innovation
- - launch an innovation challenge with a cash reward
- leadership and innovation
- learning and innovation
- management systems
- manufacturing green steel for human civilization
- respect for multiple forms of knowledge
- mutual trust
- net assets at end of year
- one company
- open source innovation
- overcoming bias
- partnership and innovation
- people and the environment
- persistence and innovation
- philanthropic innovation
- positive relationships
- proactive innovation
- product and service quality
- - other program income
- promotion of innovation and excellence
- protecting company assets and ensuring their proper use
- pursuit of innovation
- commitment to quality and innovation
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- reform and innovation
- reporting and non-retaliation
- retaliation is strictly prohibited
- reusable
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- science and innovation
- scientific & technological innovation
- scientific development and technological innovation
- scientific evidence
- scientific innovation
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- self-cultivation
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- serving constituencies
- serving the community
- shared understanding
- shared vision and values
- smoking
- social conscience
- social innovation
- speaking truth
- spiritual values
- staff investment
- staff representative bodies (srbs)
- collaboration with stakeholders
- stakeholder focus
- stakeholder inclusion
- 我们的标准 (our standards)
- strategic leadership
- strategic planning
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- support for labour standards
- support for success
- sustainable environment
- sustainable growth
- synergy through corporate culture development
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- territorial integrity and sovereignty
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- tika (fair)
- timely and accessible public information
- transparency and internal control
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- video materials
- we are innovative
- quality and innovation
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- theme 2: innovation and continuous learning
- the introduction of something new or different
- sustainable innovation
- support and innovation
- software independence and modularity
- site coordinators’ innovation fellowship
- seeking continuous improvement and innovation
- revolutionizing the way the world works
- research and innovation
- promotion and development of free office software
- project incubation
- partnerships and innovation
- modernity
- mhi contributes to successful acquisition of first observation images by jaxa's "xrism" x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission satellite
- legal innovation
- investing in new ideas and research
- innovative models
- innovative learning models
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- innovation and improvement
- innovation and forward thinking
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- hard work and innovation
- gitlab era
- fostering innovation and challenge
- foster innovation and learning
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- focus on ethereum
- entrepreneurial mindset
- developing innovative solutions
- bug tracker migration
- alternative business models
- adaptability and innovation
- innovation and transformation
- collaboration and responsible innovation
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- innovation and risk-taking
- 创新发展
- culture of performance and innovation
- teamwork, entrepreneurship & innovation
- delivering constant innovation
- innovation and leading industry development
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- striving for innovation and scientific management
- move fast & be technically fearless
- championing innovation and sustainability
- innovation and development
- forward-thinking
- creation beyond vision
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- 和合创先 (harmonious innovation)
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- innovation and creativity
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- neuroscience-driven ai
- innovation is our way forward
- building hard and impossible things
- delivering innovation
- customer focus and innovation
- continuous learning and innovation
- 创新 (chuàngxīn): innovation
- agile innovation
- human ingenuity
- prioritizing technological innovation
- digital innovation
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- 科技创新 (technological innovation)
- creativity and innovation
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- innovation & adaptability
- innovate responsibly
- growth and innovation
- technological innovation
- advancement with the times
- proactive & innovative
- innovation and digital integration
- comprehensive development through innovation
- purposeful innovation
- innovation and adaptability
- create the future of sport
- leading with exceptional ideas
- innovation gene (创新基因)
| - a. understanding of the terms of reference (tor)
- academic success
- accessibility of education
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- accurate representation of non-recurring events
- adapting and innovating
- advocacy and activism
- agility and innovation
- ambition and drive
- - american psychological association (apa). (2013). working with immigrant-origin clients
- authentic writing purpose
- avoiding harm
- awareness building
- basic right to healthcare
- belief in the impact of science and technology
- candor
- caring
- celebrating unique qualities and perspectives
- challenge and innovation
- change at scale
- clear and honest communication
- clear expectations
- client-centric approach
- client-centricity
- collaboration and interdependence
- collaborative innovation
- community-led sustainable innovation
- compliance and integrity
- comprehensive framework
- confronting global challenges
- consequences of violations
- constant innovation
- consumer focus
- continuous improvement and innovation
- continuous innovation
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
- courageous innovation
- credential attainment
- dare to innovate
- data-driven impact
- deliver together
- respect for democratic principles
- description
- dignity and worth of every individual
- diversity and people-centeredness
- education
- education and skill development
- educational resources
- emergency preparedness
- employee care
- employee engagement
- 职工誓言 (employees' oath)
- 我们的工程理念 (our engineering philosophy)
- entrepreneurial spirit
- entrepreneurship & innovation
- equal opportunities and diversity
- ethical and transparent process
- ethics and compliance
- excellence and innovation
- expansion and growth
- - facilitated innovation workshops at leadership town halls
- fair and ethical employment practices
- fair business
- fair competition and antitrust compliance
- financial and material resource allocation
- focus on cities
- focus on greatest need and impact
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- free speech
- full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure
- fundraising expense ratio
- gender justice
- gratitude and duty
- green and low-carbon
- group domain name and trademark policy
- harmonious innovation and pioneering spirit
- harmony with nature
- impact-oriented
- industrial integration and innovation
- innovate
- innovating
- innovation
- 创新 (innovation)
- 创新
- • innovation
- innovation (创新)
- innovation & partnerships
- innovation and adaptation
- innovation and challenge
- innovation and co-creation
- innovation and competition
- innovation and connectivity
- innovation and continuous improvement
- innovation and customer focus
- innovation and discovery
- innovation and diversification
- innovation and efficiency
- 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- innovation and excellence
- innovation and experimentation
- innovation and expertise
- innovation and flexibility
- innovation and inclusiveness
- 创新进取 (innovation and initiative)
- innovation and intellectual property
- innovation and leadership
- innovation and learning
- innovation and proactivity
- innovation and product quality
- 创新进取 (innovation and progress)
- innovation and progress
- innovation and quality
- innovation and research
- innovation and responsiveness
- innovation and social progress
- innovation and sound profit-making
- innovation and stability
- innovation and strengthening services
- innovation and technological advancement
- innovation and technology
- innovation and technology leadership
- innovation culture
- innovation for sustainability
- innovation gene
- 创新基因 (innovation genes)
- innovation in communication
- innovation in education
- innovation in financial services
- innovation in philanthropy
- innovation that matters
- innovation that matters – for our company and for the world
- innovation that matters—for our company and for the world
- innovation-oriented
- innovative
- innovative and responsive grantmaking
- innovative co-creation
- innovative development
- innovative leadership
- innovative learning
- innovative spirit
- 敢为人先的创新精神 (innovative spirit)
- 创新精神
- innovativeness
- integrity and innovation
- interoperability and innovation
- - launch an innovation challenge with a cash reward
- leadership and innovation
- learning and innovation
- management systems
- manufacturing green steel for human civilization
- mutual trust
- net assets at end of year
- one company
- open source innovation
- partnership and innovation
- people and the environment
- persistence and innovation
- philanthropic innovation
- proactive innovation
- product and service quality
- - other program income
- promotion of innovation and excellence
- protecting company assets and ensuring their proper use
- pursuit of innovation
- commitment to quality and innovation
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- reform and innovation
- retaliation is strictly prohibited
- reusable
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- science and innovation
- scientific & technological innovation
- scientific development and technological innovation
- scientific evidence
- scientific innovation
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- self-cultivation
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- serving constituencies
- serving the community
- social conscience
- social innovation
- speaking truth
- spiritual values
- staff investment
- collaboration with stakeholders
- stakeholder focus
- stakeholder inclusion
- 我们的标准 (our standards)
- strategic leadership
- strategic planning
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- support for labour standards
- support for success
- sustainable environment
- sustainable growth
- synergy through corporate culture development
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- territorial integrity and sovereignty
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- tika (fair)
- transparency and internal control
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- we are innovative
- quality and innovation
- * mobile devices
- - host hack-a-thon
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- theme 2: innovation and continuous learning
- the introduction of something new or different
- sustainable innovation
- support and innovation
- software independence and modularity
- smart buildings
- site coordinators’ innovation fellowship
- seeking continuous improvement and innovation
- revolutionizing the way the world works
- research and innovation
- prototype
- promotion and development of free office software
- project incubation
- pioneering discoveries
- partnerships and innovation
- nonlinear, hybrid approach
- modernity
- mhi contributes to successful acquisition of first observation images by jaxa's "xrism" x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission satellite
- mhi and worley awarded feed contract for uk's first co2 capture plant at a cement production facility
- legal innovation
- investing in new ideas and research
- innovative models
- innovative learning models
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- innovation and improvement
- innovation and forward thinking
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- hla: ideas programme
- hard work and innovation
- gitlab era
- fostering innovation and challenge
- foster innovation and learning
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- focus on ethereum
- experimentation
- entrepreneurial mindset
- developing innovative solutions
- bug tracker migration
- bold thinking
- arch build system (abs) and arch user repository (aur)
- apply ai creatively
- alternative business models
- advancing bold solutions
- adaptability and innovation
- 拼搏创新
- 创新进取
- 勇于创新
- 科技创新
- 改革创新求品质
- innovation and transformation
- collaboration and responsible innovation
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- innovation and risk-taking
- 创新发展
- culture of performance and innovation
- teamwork, entrepreneurship & innovation
- delivering constant innovation
- innovation and leading industry development
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- striving for innovation and scientific management
- move fast & be technically fearless
- championing innovation and sustainability
- innovation and development
- forward-thinking
- creation beyond vision
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- 和合创先 (harmonious innovation)
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- innovation and creativity
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- neuroscience-driven ai
- innovation is our way forward
- building hard and impossible things
- delivering innovation
- customer focus and innovation
- continuous learning and innovation
- 创新 (chuàngxīn): innovation
- agile innovation
- human ingenuity
- prioritizing technological innovation
- digital innovation
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- 科技创新 (technological innovation)
- creativity and innovation
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- innovation & adaptability
- innovate responsibly
- growth and innovation
- technological innovation
- advancement with the times
- proactive & innovative
- innovation and digital integration
- comprehensive development through innovation
- purposeful innovation
- innovation and adaptability
- create the future of sport
- leading with exceptional ideas
- innovation gene (创新基因)
- innovation that matters - for our company and for the world
- building a modern industrial system
- powerful ai
- inventing the future
- green transformation and innovation
- autonomous cyber defense
- innovation-driven
- always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times
- invent the future
| 314 | 319 | innovation |
- abiding by the code and establishing a system to ensure its full implementation
- 坚守安全底线 筑牢安全根基
- adherence to labor laws
- begin with humility
- collaboration and diversity
- complaints and appeals
- comprehensive safeguarding
- comprehensive security features
- dedication to safety
- defining application security
- direct
- efficiency and safety
- 我们的情感 (our emotions)
- employee empowerment and safety
- employee safety
- empowerment of trafficked persons
- engaging content
- financial integrity and transparency
- firewall
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- health as a human right
- historical materialism
- international security and stability
- journalist safety
- leadership and organization
- observance of the “do no harm” principle
- people trafficking
- pluralistic extension systems
- product quality and safety
- product safety
- - product safety
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- quality and safety
- quality and safety focus
- quality and safety through evidence-based medicine, performance measurement and improvement, and patient engagement
- remedy for human rights abuses
- safety
- • safety
- protection and safety
- safety & security
- safety & security as paramount
- safety above all else
- safety and environmental protection
- safety and environmental responsibility
- safety and environmental stewardship
- safety and environmental sustainability
- safety and excellence
- safety and hygiene
- safety and integrity
- safety and quality
- safety and reliability
- safety and risk prevention
- safety and security
- safety and welfare
- safety and wellbeing
- 安全为天、生命至上
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三
- safety of journalists
- safety prioritization
- safety, health, and environment
- spiritual devotion
- staff member
- strategic approach
- support and gratitude
- sustainable upward mobility
- together with our partners
- user control and safety
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- victim assistance
- zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse
- zero tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse
- workplace safety and workers' health
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- security and safety
- safety, health, and welfare
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- safety and welcoming environment
- safety and moderation
- saferworld (2006) 'creating safer communities
- safe & supportive
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- health, safety & security
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- hazardous materials management
- confidentiality and safety
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- 安全生产
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- promoting safe and responsible use
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- harm avoidance
- safety and compliance
- safety and environment management
- safety, health and environment
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三 (safety first, reputation second, efficiency third)
- equity of access vs. safety
- safe work environment
- health, safety, security, & environment (hsse)
- safety & health
- safety and sustainability
- ensuring the safety of people and property
- user safety and security
- product quality & safety
- safety & privacy
- anzen
- operational safety
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- guest safety
- top priority on safety
- safety and respect in the workplace
- safety, health, and the environment
- protection and safety of workforce
- safe and healthy work conditions
- workplace safety
- promoting safety
- create a secure work environment
- safety & environmental stewardship
- promotion of a safe and secure work environment
- safety & environment management
- safety and privacy
- safe working environment
- safety first
| - abiding by the code and establishing a system to ensure its full implementation
- adherence to labor laws
- begin with humility
- collaboration and diversity
- comprehensive safeguarding
- comprehensive security features
- dedication to safety
- defining application security
- efficiency and safety
- 我们的情感 (our emotions)
- employee empowerment and safety
- employee safety
- empowerment of trafficked persons
- engaging content
- financial integrity and transparency
- firewall
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- health as a human right
- international security and stability
- journalist safety
- leadership and organization
- observance of the “do no harm” principle
- people trafficking
- product quality and safety
- product safety
- - product safety
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- quality and safety
- quality and safety focus
- remedy for human rights abuses
- safety
- • safety
- protection and safety
- safety & security
- safety & security as paramount
- safety above all else
- safety and environmental protection
- safety and environmental responsibility
- safety and environmental stewardship
- safety and environmental sustainability
- safety and excellence
- safety and hygiene
- safety and integrity
- safety and quality
- safety and reliability
- safety and risk prevention
- safety and security
- safety and welfare
- safety and wellbeing
- 安全为天、生命至上
- safety of journalists
- safety prioritization
- safety, health, and environment
- spiritual devotion
- staff member
- strategic approach
- support and gratitude
- sustainable upward mobility
- together with our partners
- user control and safety
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- victim assistance
- zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse
- zero tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse
- workplace safety and workers' health
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- security and safety
- safety, health, and welfare
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- safety and welcoming environment
- safety and moderation
- saferworld (2006) 'creating safer communities
- safe & supportive
- s
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- health, safety & security
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- hazardous materials management
- confidentiality and safety
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- 坚守安全底线
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- 安全生产
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- promoting safe and responsible use
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- harm avoidance
- safety and compliance
- safety and environment management
- safety, health and environment
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三 (safety first, reputation second, efficiency third)
- equity of access vs. safety
- safe work environment
- health, safety, security, & environment (hsse)
- safe power supply
- stabilizing production and supply, forestalling safety risks
- safety & health
- safety and sustainability
- ensuring the safety of people and property
- user safety and security
- product quality & safety
- safety & privacy
- anzen
- operational safety
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- guest safety
- top priority on safety
- safety and respect in the workplace
- safety, health, and the environment
- protection and safety of workforce
- safe and healthy work conditions
- workplace safety
- promoting safety
- create a secure work environment
- safety & environmental stewardship
- promotion of a safe and secure work environment
- safety & environment management
- safety and privacy
- safe working environment
- safety first
- making the world safer
- promotion of safe and responsible use
- safety and accountability
- 安全第一 (safety first)
- workplace security and safety
- product safety & quality
- our safety
- make food that is safe to eat
| 124 | 129 | safety |
- abolition of private property
- accountability & continuous improvement
- accountability and compliance
- accountability and responsibility
- accountable
- - accounts payable and accrued expenses
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- accurate recordkeeping
- achieving self-improvement to serve others, and serving others to achieve self-fulfillment
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- advocacy and influence
- - alphabet inc., google llc, google ireland limited
- ambition and youthfulness
- anonymous reporting
- anti-bribery and compliance
- anti-corruption compliance
- anti-money laundering and sanction compliance
- authenticity
- avoiding financial crimes
- be considerate
- be open
- 行为规范 (behavioral standards)
- believing in a shared destiny
- beyond virtue
- bribes offered by suppliers during a call for tenders or in exchange for tickets to sports events
- candid conversations
- informed citizenship
- clean and low carbon development
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- client wealth and financial inclusion
- climate change and emissions
- climate resilience
- commit to good
- community-centric approach
- community-focus
- company asset
- company assets and reputation
- compensation and healthcare
- competition law compliance
- commitment to compliance
- compliance and accountability
- compliance and ethical conduct
- compliance and ethical decision-making
- compliance and ethical standards
- compliance and governance
- compliance and quality assurance
- compliance and responsibility
- compliance and risk management
- compliance as top priority
- compliance by board of directors
- compliance culture
- compliance hotline
- compliance related values such as sanctions and export controls, anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering, and insider dealing and market abuse
- compliance to laws and regulations
- compliance with antitrust laws
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- compliance with environmental policy
- compliance with export and import regulations
- compliance with foreign trade law
- compliance with international and local laws
- compliance with international instruments
- compliance with international law
- compliance with international trade laws
- compliance with laws
- compliance with laws and integrity
- compliance with laws and regulations
- compliance with laws and rules
- compliance with laws, rules, and regulations
- compliance with legislation and standards
- compliance with national legislation, conventions and agreements
- compliance with privacy and civil rights laws
- compliance with regulations
- compliance with regulatory standards
- compliance with rules and regulations
- compliance with the company’s rules
- compliance with the law and integrity
- compliance with trade controls
- complying with laws and regulations of relevant countries and regions and respecting global norms, standards, cultures and customs
- comprehensive development through innovation
- comprehensive integration
- concern for community
- conscientiousness
- conservation of property
- constructive discussion
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
- 持续价值创造 (continuous value creation)
- contract compliance
- contributing to sustainable development goal 6
- contribution to local communities
- copy of the complaint to prison authorities
- copyleft
- corporate security and crisis management
- cultural competence
- customer
- decentralization
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- department
- deterrence
- dog welfare
- - domestic
- economic sanctions compliance
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- employee evaluation based on ethics compliance
- respect for employee personal information
- employee pride and achievement
- empowerment through information
- energy conservation
- enterprise values
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- equal opportunity compliance
- equality and non-supremacy
- equality in protection
- equitable outcomes
- equity and equality
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- ethical
- ethical and legal compliance
- ethical behavior and integrity
- ethical business practices and compliance
- ethical compliance
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical justification and scientific validity
- ethical relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- ethics & compliance committee
- commitment to ethics and compliance
- ethics and transparency
- evidence
- exercise discretion and confidentiality at appropriate times
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- fair pricing
- fair trade and competition
- fair treatment of business partners
- fairness and compliance
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- fairness, dignity and respect
- feeding families, the nation, and the world
- focus on measurable impact
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- for more information, visit petrobras’ portal
- freedom and flexibility
- freedom and human rights culture
- freedom and responsibility
- get it done
- global compliance
- global recognition
- - global trade compliance
- good faith and compliance
- good leadership, compliance and the “four-eyes principle”
- gri self-assessment application level
- group integrated risk management policy
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- guardrails
- hiding content
- high-quality library and information services
- 首页 (home page)
- honor
- respect for human rights and compliance with laws
- human-centered design
- humanitarian relief
- i avoid conflicts of interest
- i care
- i choose depth
- i take ownership
- idealism
- ideas and intellectual property
- identify the specific areas of non-compliance
- iia position paper
- importance of people as the most valuable resource
- respect for individual
- industry collaboration
- inspiration from communities
- inspiring change
- integrated systems thinking
- integration of culture into business practices
- integration with nature
- integrity and lawful conduct
- integrity and lawfulness
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- intergenerational appeal
- international bill of human rights
- international sanctions
- international standards compliance
- international trade compliance issues
- internationalism
- internationalization
- investing in communities
- 以钢铁意志做人
- lack of compliance with codes of conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- legal and regulatory compliance
- legal hold
- legality
- legality and compliance
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- - management & general
- modern slavery & trafficking compliance & reporting violations
- non-profit 501(c)3 leadership
- open, informed debate
- p.s. for those who are new to the project or need a refresher, here are some resources that might be helpful
- participants and mission come first
- philanthropy as a foundation for living
- plan s compliance
- practicing transparent financial reporting
- predictability
- pride and national identity
- procedural fairness
- quality and compliance
- quality of life
- respected global corporate citizen
- respecting the law
- risk management and compliance (risk pro)
- safe and healthy work conditions
- seeking continuous improvement and innovation
- suggestion from a business provider to close eyes to eligibility conditions for home loans
- respect for talent
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润
- trade compliance
- trade compliance and sanctions
- transparency and compliance
- unleash opportunities
- unwavering compliance
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- values in action
- valuing people
- work collaboratively
- you can also use kia compliance
- accountability for adherence
- violations of laws and regulations
- the provided text outlines the compliance policies of the sc group, a multinational company headquartered in japan. it covers two main areas
- stringent regulatory oversight
- strict adherence to laws and regulations
- respect for legal provisions
- other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- office of foreign assets control (ofac) compliance program
- legal and customer requirements
- kia compliance
- fresenius se & co. kgaa compliance management system (cms) is designed to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards across all business units. the cms consists of three main elements
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- compliance with the code of conduct
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- compliance with government procedures
- compliance policy
- compliance and facilitation
- compliance and ethics questions
- annual compliance confirmation
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- i follow the law
- compliance with laws and policies
- compliance
- compliance and reporting
- we obey the law
- law and policy compliance
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- safety and compliance
- compliance and fair management
- holistic corporate compliance
- comply with the law
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- compliance with laws and guidelines
- ethics and compliance
- compliance and lawfulness
- compliance and ethics
- fair competition and compliance with market regulations
- integrity and compliance with the law
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- compliance with international standards
- compliance and integrity
- efficiency and compliance
- compliance to regulations
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- compliance with insider information and market manipulation regulations
- compliance with foreign trade regulations
- 敬业合规 (dedication and compliance)
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- complying with the code of conduct
- commitment to fair competition and legal compliance
- responsibility and compliance
- compliance and legal adherence
- comply with laws and regulations
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- compliance with law
- corporate governance and compliance
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- integrity and compliance
- compliance with the law
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
- compliance management
- corporate citizenship and compliance
- compliance with standards
- regulatory compliance
- governance and compliance
- compliance and legal integrity
| - accountability & continuous improvement
- accountability and compliance
- accountability and responsibility
- accountable
- - accounts payable and accrued expenses
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- accurate recordkeeping
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- advocacy and influence
- ambition and youthfulness
- anonymous reporting
- anti-bribery and compliance
- anti-corruption compliance
- anti-money laundering and sanction compliance
- authenticity
- avoiding financial crimes
- be considerate
- be open
- 行为规范 (behavioral standards)
- believing in a shared destiny
- bribes offered by suppliers during a call for tenders or in exchange for tickets to sports events
- candid conversations
- informed citizenship
- clean and low carbon development
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- client wealth and financial inclusion
- community-centric approach
- community-focus
- company asset
- company assets and reputation
- compensation and healthcare
- competition law compliance
- commitment to compliance
- compliance and accountability
- compliance and ethical conduct
- compliance and ethical decision-making
- compliance and ethical standards
- compliance and governance
- compliance and quality assurance
- compliance and responsibility
- compliance and risk management
- compliance as top priority
- compliance by board of directors
- compliance hotline
- compliance related values such as sanctions and export controls, anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering, and insider dealing and market abuse
- compliance to laws and regulations
- compliance with antitrust laws
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- compliance with environmental policy
- compliance with export and import regulations
- compliance with foreign trade law
- compliance with international and local laws
- compliance with international law
- compliance with international trade laws
- compliance with laws
- compliance with laws and integrity
- compliance with laws and regulations
- compliance with laws and rules
- compliance with laws, rules, and regulations
- compliance with legislation and standards
- compliance with national legislation, conventions and agreements
- compliance with privacy and civil rights laws
- compliance with regulations
- compliance with regulatory standards
- compliance with rules and regulations
- compliance with the company’s rules
- compliance with the law and integrity
- compliance with trade controls
- complying with laws and regulations of relevant countries and regions and respecting global norms, standards, cultures and customs
- comprehensive development through innovation
- comprehensive integration
- concern for community
- conservation of property
- constructive discussion
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
- 持续价值创造 (continuous value creation)
- contract compliance
- contributing to sustainable development goal 6
- contribution to local communities
- copy of the complaint to prison authorities
- corporate security and crisis management
- cultural competence
- customer
- decentralization
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- department
- deterrence
- dog welfare
- - domestic
- economic sanctions compliance
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- respect for employee personal information
- employee pride and achievement
- empowerment through information
- enterprise values
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- equal opportunity compliance
- equality and non-supremacy
- equality in protection
- equitable outcomes
- equity and equality
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- ethical
- ethical and legal compliance
- ethical behavior and integrity
- ethical business practices and compliance
- ethical compliance
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- ethics & compliance committee
- commitment to ethics and compliance
- ethics and transparency
- evidence
- exercise discretion and confidentiality at appropriate times
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- fair pricing
- fair trade and competition
- fair treatment of business partners
- fairness and compliance
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- fairness, dignity and respect
- feeding families, the nation, and the world
- focus on measurable impact
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- freedom and flexibility
- freedom and human rights culture
- freedom and responsibility
- get it done
- global recognition
- good faith and compliance
- good leadership, compliance and the “four-eyes principle”
- group integrated risk management policy
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- hiding content
- honor
- respect for human rights and compliance with laws
- human-centered design
- humanitarian relief
- i avoid conflicts of interest
- i care
- i take ownership
- ideas and intellectual property
- importance of people as the most valuable resource
- respect for individual
- industry collaboration
- inspiration from communities
- inspiring change
- integrated systems thinking
- integration of culture into business practices
- integration with nature
- integrity and lawful conduct
- integrity and lawfulness
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- intergenerational appeal
- international bill of human rights
- international sanctions
- international standards compliance
- international trade compliance issues
- internationalization
- investing in communities
- 以钢铁意志做人
- lack of compliance with codes of conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- legal and regulatory compliance
- legal hold
- legality
- legality and compliance
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- - management & general
- modern slavery & trafficking compliance & reporting violations
- non-profit 501(c)3 leadership
- open, informed debate
- philanthropy as a foundation for living
- practicing transparent financial reporting
- predictability
- pride and national identity
- procedural fairness
- quality and compliance
- quality of life
- respected global corporate citizen
- respecting the law
- risk management and compliance (risk pro)
- safe and healthy work conditions
- seeking continuous improvement and innovation
- respect for talent
- trade compliance
- transparency and compliance
- unleash opportunities
- unwavering compliance
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- values in action
- valuing people
- work collaboratively
- you can also use kia compliance
- accountability for adherence
- abide by the spirit and the letter of the laws and regulations
- * compliance and ethics questions
- violations of laws and regulations
- the provided text outlines the compliance policies of the sc group, a multinational company headquartered in japan. it covers two main areas
- stringent regulatory oversight
- strict adherence to laws and regulations
- respect for legal provisions
- reasons for scholarship removal
- other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- office of foreign assets control (ofac) compliance program
- legal and customer requirements
- kia compliance
- fresenius se & co. kgaa compliance management system (cms) is designed to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards across all business units. the cms consists of three main elements
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- compliance with the code of conduct
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- compliance with government procedures
- compliance policy
- compliance and facilitation
- compliance and ethics questions
- annual compliance confirmation
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- 敬业合规
- i follow the law
- compliance with laws and policies
- compliance
- compliance and reporting
- we obey the law
- law and policy compliance
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- safety and compliance
- compliance and fair management
- holistic corporate compliance
- comply with the law
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- compliance with laws and guidelines
- ethics and compliance
- compliance and lawfulness
- compliance and ethics
- fair competition and compliance with market regulations
- integrity and compliance with the law
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- commitment to competition compliance
- compliance with international standards
- compliance and integrity
- efficiency and compliance
- compliance to regulations
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- compliance with insider information and market manipulation regulations
- compliance with foreign trade regulations
- 敬业合规 (dedication and compliance)
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- complying with the code of conduct
- commitment to fair competition and legal compliance
- responsibility and compliance
- compliance and legal adherence
- comply with laws and regulations
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- compliance with law
- corporate governance and compliance
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- integrity and compliance
- compliance with the law
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
- compliance and transparency
- compliance management
- corporate citizenship and compliance
- compliance with standards
- regulatory compliance
- governance and compliance
- compliance and legal integrity
- compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations
- interpretation and compliance
- policy implementation and compliance
- implementation and enforcement
- understanding and adherence
- governance ethics & compliance
- compliance with policies and procedures
- comply with regulations governing business across borders
| 298 | 280 | compliance |
- abolition of private property
- academic freedom
- public access to information
- accessibility and universal design
- accountability & transparency
- accountability and reporting misconduct
- accountability and transparency
- accountability to others
- accurate & transparent record-keeping
- accurate records and reporting
- accurate reporting
- accurate representation
- achieving our mission responsibly is everyone’s responsibility
- acknowledgment of receipt and request for additional information by the national human rights commission, dated 20 december 2003
- acting as owners
- active engagement and reporting of violations
- active participation and reporting
- addressing allegations of misconduct
- addressing the decline in investigative reporting
- adherence and discipline
- advancement with the times
- affordability and accessibility
- anti-racism
- appeal to the national human rights commission, dated 15 december 2003
- authorship and contributorship
- basic health services
- be fair
- be loyal and transparent
- be open and transparent
- be patient focused
- be trustworthy and transparent
- 北汽愿景 (beijing automotive vision)
- bold terms
- breaking the cycle of poverty
- building a better future
- building community and influence
- candor and transparency
- charitable activities
- clarity
- co-operation and communication
- code of conduct for law enforcement officials
- collaboration & communication
- communicate openly and transparently
- communicating extensively with the public, disclosing corporate information proactively and fairly, and safeguarding information
- communication channel
- commitment to community
- community and collaboration
- community consensus
- community welfare
- community-led development
- compliance with policies
- comprehensive assessment
- computer and telecommunication systems
- concrete proposals
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- connected
- consensus and compromise
- conservation
- constructive dialogue
- consumer information
- contact investor relations
- 持续价值创造 (continuous value creation)
- copyright and contact information
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- creating value
- critical thinking
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- csr reporting
- data-driven decision making
- defending human rights
- dependability
- dignity
- public disclosure and financial reporting
- disclosure and transparency
- disclosure of information
- disclosure of td information
- diversity and activity
- do what's right
- eeo statement
- effective remedies
- effectiveness
- employee responsibility
- employment
- empowerment through information
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- encouraging reporting of violations
- energy conservation
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- engaged global citizens and competent socially responsible leaders
- engagement and interaction
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- environmental justice
- environmental protection and corporate social responsibility
- equal rights
- equality and inclusion
- equitable access to nutritious food for all
- equity and transparency
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical and responsible behaviour
- ethical standards
- ethics and transparency
- excellence in journalism
- expansion of consciousness
- expense reporting
- expertise and media engagement
- fairness and transparency
- prevention of financial crime
- fiscal responsibility and transparency
- focus on measurable impact
- forgiveness
- fostering solidarity and social ties
- full disclosure
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- global accessibility
- global recognition
- handling material, non-public information
- health equity
- - hgtv-esque model cis classroom
- honesty and transparency
- housing first
- respect for human rights and labor
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- i respect others
- idealism
- iia position paper
- immediate reporting
- impact tracking
- improve production efficiency
- incident reporting
- inclusive development
- inclusive language
- inclusive representation
- independence and transparency
- independent journalism
- information security and transparency
- informing
- informing the public
- innovation and improvement
- innovation in communication
- inspired determination
- responsibility integration
- integrity and transparency
- integrity and transparency in business conduct
- integrity of the author's source code
- integrity, honesty, and transparency
- integrity, transparency and meritocracy
- integrity, transparency, and meritocracy
- public interest reporting
- international collaboration
- international engagement
- 铁的决心、铁的制度、铁的手腕
- iteration
- justice and protection
- keep accurate records
- knowledge dissemination
- leadership commitment
- legal and customer requirements
- local ownership
- commitment to long-term partnerships and investments
- long-term solutions
- loyalty and transparency
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- management and provision of information
- management transparency and accountability
- commitment to measuring impact
- media, information, and it
- mhi contributes to successful acquisition of first observation images by jaxa's "xrism" x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission satellite
- minimizing bias
- moderation and reporting
- monitoring, reporting, and evaluation
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- number of dwellings
- personal obligation to report
- open communication and collaboration
- open communication and reporting
- open dialogue and escalation
- openness and transparency
- openness, transparency, and learning
- operate with transparency
- participants and mission come first
- public participation and transparency
- patient-centered care
- perceptiveness
- practical problem-solving
- practicing transparent financial reporting
- principle 5: engage in transparent due diligence
- principle 8: review, document, and improve decisions and processes
- principle of proportionality
- privacy of patrons
- product quality & safety
- profit for the reporting period
- promoting employment and urbanization
- prompt internal reporting of code violations
- prompt reporting of violations
- protecting the foundation's reputation
- quality and versatility
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- recognition and respect for professional contributions
- recordkeeping, reporting, and financial integrity
- regulated migration policies
- relationship with tax authorities
- reporting
- reporting and information sharing
- reporting and investigation
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- reporting bugs
- reporting channel
- reporting concerns/receiving advice
- reporting employment concerns
- reporting issues and seeking advice
- reporting known or suspected violations
- reporting misconduct
- reporting misconduct and concerns
- reporting obligation
- reporting of concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behaviour
- reporting of incidents or concerns
- reporting potential breaches
- reporting procedures
- reporting resources
- reporting to the audit committee process
- reporting violations
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- reporting, cooperating with investigations, and discipline in connection with violations
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- respected global corporate citizen
- respectfulness
- right to request information
- safe and sustainable society
- safe reporting
- safeguarding information
- sc awards europe 2021
- security and resilience
- service to constituencies
- shared value creation
- shareholder value & transparency
- commitment to social justice
- solutions-oriented approach
- solve problems that matter
- stakeholder engagement and protection
- responsibility to stakeholders
- strategic leadership
- targeted assistance
- tenacity
- protection of the environment
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
- the provided text outlines the compliance policies of the sc group, a multinational company headquartered in japan. it covers two main areas
- together with our employees
- training and guidance
- transparency
- transparency & accountability
- transparency & integrity in government relations
- transparency and accountability
- transparency and accuracy in reporting
- transparency and accuracy of settlements
- transparency and awareness
- transparency and clarity
- transparency and collaboration
- transparency and communication
- transparency and completeness of information
- transparency and compliance
- transparency and consensus-based processes
- transparency and dialogue
- transparency and efficiency
- transparency and exposure
- transparency and fair competition
- transparency and fair trade
- transparency and fairness
- transparency and governance
- transparency and honesty
- transparency and honesty in business practices
- transparency and integrity
- transparency and open data
- transparency and openness
- transparency and openness in governance and output
- transparency and protection of boundaries
- transparency and public knowledge
- transparency and reliability
- transparency and reporting
- transparency and responsibility
- transparency and robustness
- transparency and simplicity
- transparency and spiritual growth
- transparency and stakeholder engagement
- transparency and traceability
- transparency and trust
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- transparency in decision-making
- transparency in governance
- transparency in newsgathering
- transparency mechanism
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- transparent and ethical governance
- transparent and responsible business practices
- transparent disclosure
- transparent political lobbying
- trust and transparency
- truth & transparency
- ubuntu
- ullrich & adamu (2016)
- universal design for learning (udl)
- universality and transparency
- untiring effort for improvement
- upholding the code
- value
- value and transparency for shareholders
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- we are transparent and we tell the truth
- welcoming
- whistleblower protection and reporting
- whistleblower protection and reporting mechanism
- - key performance indicator b6.5.1
- - key performance indicator b6.5.2
- - key performance indicator b6.5.3
- - key performance indicator b6.5.4
- - key performance indicator b6.5.5
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- - key performance indicator b6.5.7
- - key performance indicator b6.5.8
- - key performance indicator b6.5.9
- - key performance indicator b6.5.10
- - key performance indicator b7.1
- - key performance indicator b7.2
- - key performance indicator b7.3
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- - key performance indicator b8.2
- - key performance indicator b8.3
- accuracy and transparency
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- transparent and equitable grantmaking
- transparent
- transparency and public involvement
- transparency and mutual accountability
- transparency and exposé
- transparency and customization
- transparency and accuracy
- transparency and accessibility
- transparency and access
- partnership and transparency
- open company no bullshit
- funding transparency
- supply chain transparency and accountability
- transparency and internal control
- transparency and accuracy in documentation
- business ethics and transparency
- ethical and transparent process
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- trustworthy relationships and open, fair business practices
- integrity, fairness, and transparency
- transparency (透明)
- sunshine
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- transparency and management systems
- transparency and integrity in relationships
- developing transparent commercial relations
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- financial integrity and transparency
- transparency and diligence in reporting
- transparency and open communication
- fair competition and transparency
- transparency and truthfulness
- transparency and disclosure
- business integrity and transparency
- transparent and fair business activities
| - public access to information
- accessibility and universal design
- accountability & transparency
- accountability and reporting misconduct
- accountability and transparency
- accountability to others
- accurate & transparent record-keeping
- accurate records and reporting
- accurate reporting
- accurate representation
- achieving our mission responsibly is everyone’s responsibility
- acknowledgment of receipt and request for additional information by the national human rights commission, dated 20 december 2003
- acting as owners
- active engagement and reporting of violations
- active participation and reporting
- adherence and discipline
- advancement with the times
- affordability and accessibility
- anti-racism
- appeal to the national human rights commission, dated 15 december 2003
- basic health services
- be fair
- be loyal and transparent
- be open and transparent
- be trustworthy and transparent
- 北汽愿景 (beijing automotive vision)
- bold terms
- building a better future
- building community and influence
- candor and transparency
- charitable activities
- clarity
- co-operation and communication
- code of conduct for law enforcement officials
- collaboration & communication
- communicate openly and transparently
- communicating extensively with the public, disclosing corporate information proactively and fairly, and safeguarding information
- communication channel
- commitment to community
- community and collaboration
- community consensus
- community welfare
- community-led development
- compliance and transparency
- comprehensive assessment
- computer and telecommunication systems
- concrete proposals
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- connected
- consensus and compromise
- conservation
- constructive dialogue
- consumer information
- contact investor relations
- 持续价值创造 (continuous value creation)
- copyright and contact information
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- creating value
- critical thinking
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- csr reporting
- data-driven decision making
- defending human rights
- dependability
- dignity
- public disclosure and financial reporting
- disclosure and transparency
- disclosure of information
- disclosure of td information
- diversity and activity
- do what's right
- eeo statement
- effective remedies
- effectiveness
- employee responsibility
- employment
- empowerment through information
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- encouraging reporting of violations
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- engagement and interaction
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- environmental justice
- environmental protection and corporate social responsibility
- equal rights
- equality and inclusion
- equity and transparency
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical and responsible behaviour
- ethical standards
- ethics and transparency
- excellence in journalism
- expansion of consciousness
- expertise and media engagement
- fairness and transparency
- prevention of financial crime
- fiscal responsibility and transparency
- focus on measurable impact
- forgiveness
- fostering solidarity and social ties
- full disclosure
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- global accessibility
- global recognition
- handling material, non-public information
- health equity
- honesty and transparency
- respect for human rights and labor
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- i respect others
- immediate reporting
- impact tracking
- improve production efficiency
- incident reporting
- inclusive development
- inclusive language
- inclusive representation
- independence and transparency
- independent journalism
- information security and transparency
- informing
- informing the public
- innovation and improvement
- innovation in communication
- inspired determination
- responsibility integration
- integrity and transparency
- integrity and transparency in business conduct
- integrity of the author's source code
- integrity, honesty, and transparency
- integrity, transparency and meritocracy
- integrity, transparency, and meritocracy
- public interest reporting
- international collaboration
- international engagement
- 铁的决心、铁的制度、铁的手腕
- iteration
- justice and protection
- keep accurate records
- knowledge dissemination
- leadership commitment
- legal and customer requirements
- local ownership
- commitment to long-term partnerships and investments
- long-term solutions
- loyalty and transparency
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- management and provision of information
- management transparency and accountability
- commitment to measuring impact
- media, information, and it
- mhi contributes to successful acquisition of first observation images by jaxa's "xrism" x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission satellite
- moderation and reporting
- monitoring, reporting, and evaluation
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- number of dwellings
- personal obligation to report
- open communication and collaboration
- open communication and reporting
- open dialogue and escalation
- openness and transparency
- openness, transparency, and learning
- operate with transparency
- public participation and transparency
- patient-centered care
- practical problem-solving
- practicing transparent financial reporting
- principle 5: engage in transparent due diligence
- principle 8: review, document, and improve decisions and processes
- principle of proportionality
- privacy of patrons
- product quality & safety
- profit for the reporting period
- promoting employment and urbanization
- prompt internal reporting of code violations
- prompt reporting of violations
- protecting the foundation's reputation
- quality and versatility
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- recognition and respect for professional contributions
- recordkeeping, reporting, and financial integrity
- relationship with tax authorities
- reporting
- reporting and information sharing
- reporting and investigation
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- reporting channel
- reporting concerns/receiving advice
- reporting employment concerns
- reporting issues and seeking advice
- reporting known or suspected violations
- reporting misconduct
- reporting misconduct and concerns
- reporting obligation
- reporting of concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behaviour
- reporting of incidents or concerns
- reporting potential breaches
- reporting procedures
- reporting violations
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- reporting, cooperating with investigations, and discipline in connection with violations
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- respected global corporate citizen
- respectfulness
- right to request information
- safe and sustainable society
- safe reporting
- safeguarding information
- security and resilience
- service to constituencies
- shared value creation
- shareholder value & transparency
- commitment to social justice
- solutions-oriented approach
- stakeholder engagement and protection
- responsibility to stakeholders
- strategic leadership
- tenacity
- protection of the environment
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
- the provided text outlines the compliance policies of the sc group, a multinational company headquartered in japan. it covers two main areas
- together with our employees
- training and guidance
- transparency
- transparency & accountability
- transparency & integrity in government relations
- transparency and accountability
- transparency and accuracy in reporting
- transparency and accuracy of settlements
- transparency and awareness
- transparency and clarity
- transparency and collaboration
- transparency and communication
- transparency and completeness of information
- transparency and compliance
- transparency and consensus-based processes
- transparency and dialogue
- transparency and efficiency
- transparency and exposure
- transparency and fair competition
- transparency and fair trade
- transparency and fairness
- transparency and governance
- transparency and honesty
- transparency and honesty in business practices
- transparency and integrity
- transparency and open data
- transparency and openness
- transparency and openness in governance and output
- transparency and protection of boundaries
- transparency and public knowledge
- transparency and reliability
- transparency and reporting
- transparency and responsibility
- transparency and robustness
- transparency and simplicity
- transparency and spiritual growth
- transparency and stakeholder engagement
- transparency and traceability
- transparency and trust
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- transparency in decision-making
- transparency in governance
- transparency in newsgathering
- transparency mechanism
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- transparent and ethical governance
- transparent and responsible business practices
- transparent disclosure
- transparent political lobbying
- trust and transparency
- truth & transparency
- ubuntu
- universal design for learning (udl)
- universality and transparency
- untiring effort for improvement
- upholding the code
- value
- value and transparency for shareholders
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- we are transparent and we tell the truth
- welcoming
- whistleblower protection and reporting
- whistleblower protection and reporting mechanism
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- - key performance indicator b6.5.10
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- accuracy and transparency
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- trasparenza
- transparent and equitable grantmaking
- transparent
- transparency and public involvement
- transparency and mutual accountability
- transparency and exposé
- transparency and customization
- transparency and accuracy
- transparency and accessibility
- transparency and access
- partnership and transparency
- open company no bullshit
- income statement (unaudited, accrual basis, in $)
- funding transparency
- final report by the chief prosecutor’s office, dated 20 november 2003
- supply chain transparency and accountability
- transparency and internal control
- transparency and accuracy in documentation
- business ethics and transparency
- ethical and transparent process
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- trustworthy relationships and open, fair business practices
- integrity, fairness, and transparency
- transparency (透明)
- sunshine
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- transparency and management systems
- transparency and responsibility in sharing concerns
- transparency and integrity in relationships
- developing transparent commercial relations
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- financial integrity and transparency
- transparency and diligence in reporting
- transparency and open communication
- fair competition and transparency
- transparency and truthfulness
- transparency and disclosure
- business integrity and transparency
- transparent and fair business activities
- transparent cpc governance
| 370 | 336 | transparency |
- absolute accountability
- acceptance of gifts and gratuities
- public accountability
- art of leadership and communication
- artful compromise
- automation
- be there
- board of directors support
- brilliant career
- building community
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- building strong relationships
- business integrity and transparency
- candidatures
- caring for employees
- celebrating marketplace role models
- clarity on roles and responsibilities
- collaboration and participation
- collective good
- community collaboration
- community engagement and partnerships
- community-driven approach
- community-led and people-centered approach
- protection of company assets and information
- compliance & reporting violations
- compliance with law
- compliance with the law
- conscious leadership
- consumer interests
- copyright infringement
- - corporate responsibility
- data protection
- deepening knowledge and understanding
- due process
- earning our customers' satisfaction and trust
- economic, environmental and social performance
- emphasis on philanthropy as a form of citizen responsibility
- empowerment of women
- engage and collaborate within a community of practice
- environmental health & safety policy
- ethical standards and human rights
- ethics
- financial resilience
- funding transparency
- going for greatness
- respect for grant applicants and recipients
- helping people eat better and live better
- historical legacy
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- humanitarian action
- i share my concerns
- impact measurement
- protection of information and intellectual properties
- personal information protection policy
- information provided by the chief prosecutor’s office, dated 15 january 2004
- integrity regarding gifts
- interoperable
- investment in people and communities
- 铁的制度 (iron system)
- knowledge and expertise
- 精益管理
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- respect for legality, human rights and ethical values
- leverage ratio
- license must not be specific to a product
- respect for local communities
- manship et al. (2016)
- responsibility as a member of society
- meticulousness
- mutuality
- - net profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to equity holder of the company
- neuroscience-driven ai
- neutrality
- non-discrimination and non-violence
- non-tolerance of violence and hate speech
- observance of the “do no harm” principle
- ombuds office
- one company local roots
- opposition to exploitation
- participation and inclusion
- patient-centricity
- patient-first
- pay it forward
- peace
- peaceful activism
- peaceful purposes
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- performance with integrity
- persistence
- positive systemic change
- power of gratitude
- practice teamwork
- prioritizing people and sharing benefits
- productivity and responsibility
- promoting employment and urbanization
- promotion and development of free office software
- proprietary design
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- protect google’s assets
- 改革创新求品质 落实管理提效率
- responsibility and respect
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- respect, fairness, and professionalism
- personal responsibility
- responsiveness in emergencies
- responsiveness to the needs of vulnerable people
- revolutionary change
- rights realization and protection
- scientifically-founded
- self-accountability
- self-determination
- self-discovery
- 自力更生
- passion for service
- commitment to service
- serving millions through sustainable solutions
- setting standards
- shareholder satisfaction
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- skills and training
- social accountability
- social change
- social conscience
- social stewardship
- societal attitudes
- professional societies
- 不惜成本 成就资本
- speed
- 精神传承 (spiritual heritage)
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- standards for collaboration and data-sharing
- steady
- strategic impact
- strictness
- stringent regulatory oversight
- support and participation
- support for victims
- support to national goals
- sustainability and self-sufficiency
- sustainable innovation
- sustainable partnerships
- system management
- systemic view
- taxation
- teamwork and communication
- 技术支持
- the 5 ws
- the core values of a.p. moller
- thoughtful cooperation with governments
- transparency and accessibility
- trust and confidentiality
- upholding labor rights
- responsible use of company property
- protection of users' rights
- value
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- winning together
- xiao yaqing, director of the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of the state council, said that it promotes the market value management of state-owned enterprises
- zellman & kilburn (2015)
- active engagement
- world bank (2012) 'what have been the impacts of world bank community driven development programs?'
- work in the best interest of the community
- volunteerism and community engagement
- support others in the community
- strengthening families and communities
- service to community
- scale & a neighborhood-based approach
- saferworld (2004) 'philosophy and principles of community based policing' and 'police reform through community based policing, philosophy and guidelines for implementation'
- resident involvement
- public engagement and education
- public engagement
- philanthropy and community engagement
- partnership between individuals and their community
- partnership and community development
- participatory research
- participatory design
- parent and community involvement
- membership committee
- member-driven campaigns
- involving parents and community
- invest in our communities
- importance of clubs and volunteers
- human-centered and community-led approach
- get support from others in the community
- family and community strengthening
- engaging with our communities
- engaging with diverse communities
- engage
- empowered communities
- dialogue and engagement
- connecting the public to public schools
- community-led development
- community-led action
- community-led
- community-focus
- community-driven solutions
- community-driven moderation
- community-driven development
- community-centric approach
- community-centeredness
- community-centered approach
- community-centered
- community service
- community right-to-know
- community representation
- community participation
- community moderation
- community investment
- community importance
- community engagement and outreach
- community empowerment
- community consultation
- community building
- community and societal engagement
- commitment to the jewish people
- civil society engagement
- civic engagement for non-profit purposes
- civic engagement
- by taking the time to evaluate the needs of each community and individual, we're better able to help them achieve a brighter future. the best way to move forward is by learning together
- building community and influence
- best practices and local engagement
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- audience engagement
- community stewardship
- community development
- communicating with the public
- commitment to community
- community engagement
- community engagement and social welfare
- serving the community
- community engagement and corporate citizenship
- community engagement and development
- community focus
- contribute to our communities
- live the community
- engagement and interaction
- community engagement and impact
- concern for community
- community impact
- community involvement
- community and stakeholder engagement
- community and collaboration
- community and disaster support
- community engagement and human rights
- contribution to local communities
- community engagement and environmental responsibility
- community engagement and social responsibility
- community responsibility
- community support
| - absolute accountability
- acceptance of gifts and gratuities
- public accountability
- art of leadership and communication
- artful compromise
- automation
- be there
- board of directors support
- building community
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- building strong relationships
- business integrity and transparency
- caring for employees
- clarity on roles and responsibilities
- collaboration and participation
- collective good
- community collaboration
- community engagement and partnerships
- community-driven approach
- community-led and people-centered approach
- protection of company assets and information
- compliance & reporting violations
- compliance with law
- compliance with the law
- consumer interests
- copyright infringement
- - corporate responsibility
- data protection
- deepening knowledge and understanding
- earning our customers' satisfaction and trust
- economic, environmental and social performance
- emphasis on philanthropy as a form of citizen responsibility
- engage and collaborate within a community of practice
- environmental health & safety policy
- ethical standards and human rights
- ethics
- financial resilience
- funding transparency
- going for greatness
- respect for grant applicants and recipients
- helping people eat better and live better
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- humanitarian action
- i share my concerns
- impact measurement
- protection of information and intellectual properties
- personal information protection policy
- integrity regarding gifts
- interoperable
- investment in people and communities
- knowledge and expertise
- 精益管理
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- respect for legality, human rights and ethical values
- leverage ratio
- respect for local communities
- responsibility as a member of society
- meticulousness
- mutuality
- - net profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to equity holder of the company
- neuroscience-driven ai
- neutrality
- non-discrimination and non-violence
- non-tolerance of violence and hate speech
- observance of the “do no harm” principle
- one company local roots
- opposition to exploitation
- participation and inclusion
- pay it forward
- peace
- peaceful activism
- peaceful purposes
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- performance with integrity
- persistence
- positive systemic change
- power of gratitude
- practice teamwork
- prioritizing people and sharing benefits
- productivity and responsibility
- promoting employment and urbanization
- promotion and development of free office software
- proprietary design
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- protect google’s assets
- responsibility and respect
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- respect, fairness, and professionalism
- personal responsibility
- responsiveness in emergencies
- responsiveness to the needs of vulnerable people
- revolutionary change
- rights realization and protection
- scientifically-founded
- self-accountability
- self-determination
- self-discovery
- 自力更生
- passion for service
- commitment to service
- serving millions through sustainable solutions
- setting standards
- shareholder satisfaction
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- skills and training
- social accountability
- social change
- social conscience
- social stewardship
- societal attitudes
- speed
- 精神传承 (spiritual heritage)
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- standards for collaboration and data-sharing
- steady
- strategic impact
- stringent regulatory oversight
- support and participation
- support for victims
- support to national goals
- sustainability and self-sufficiency
- sustainable innovation
- sustainable partnerships
- system management
- systemic view
- teamwork and communication
- thoughtful cooperation with governments
- transparency and accessibility
- trust and confidentiality
- upholding labor rights
- responsible use of company property
- protection of users' rights
- value
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- winning together
- active engagement
- world bank (2012) 'what have been the impacts of world bank community driven development programs?'
- working at the grassroots level
- work in the best interest of the community
- volunteerism and community engagement
- support others in the community
- strengthening families and communities
- service to community
- scale & a neighborhood-based approach
- saferworld (2004) 'philosophy and principles of community based policing' and 'police reform through community based policing, philosophy and guidelines for implementation'
- resident involvement
- putnam r (2000) 'bowling alone
- public engagement and education
- public engagement
- philanthropy and community engagement
- partnership between individuals and their community
- partnership and community development
- participatory research
- participatory design
- parent and community involvement
- neighborhood-based approach
- membership committee
- member-driven campaigns
- involving parents and community
- invest in our communities
- importance of clubs and volunteers
- human-centered and community-led approach
- get support from others in the community
- get involved with acm
- family and community strengthening
- engaging with our communities
- engaging with diverse communities
- engaging the public
- engagement
- engage
- empowered communities
- dialogue and engagement
- connecting the public to public schools
- community-led development
- community-led action
- community-led
- community-focus
- community-driven solutions
- community-driven moderation
- community-driven development
- community-centric approach
- community-centeredness
- community-centered approach
- community-centered
- community service
- community right-to-know
- community representation
- community participation
- community moderation
- community investment
- community importance
- community engagement and outreach
- community empowerment
- community consultation
- community building
- community and societal engagement
- commitment to the jewish people
- civil society engagement
- civic engagement for non-profit purposes
- civic engagement
- by taking the time to evaluate the needs of each community and individual, we're better able to help them achieve a brighter future. the best way to move forward is by learning together
- building community and influence
- best practices and local engagement
- belief that all people have the right to live in peaceful communities and participate fully in decisions that affect their lives
- audience engagement
- associations
- activity fields
- community stewardship
- community development
- communicating with the public
- commitment to community
- community engagement
- community engagement and social welfare
- serving the community
- community engagement and corporate citizenship
- community engagement and development
- community focus
- contribute to our communities
- live the community
- engagement and interaction
- community engagement and impact
- concern for community
- community impact
- community involvement
- community and stakeholder engagement
- community and collaboration
- community and disaster support
- community engagement and human rights
- contribution to local communities
- community engagement and environmental responsibility
- community engagement and social responsibility
- community responsibility
- community support
- we build belonging
- employee empowerment and public engagement
- community feedback
- connection with local communities
- involvement
| 251 | 240 | community engagement |
- absolute accountability
- protection of actionaid's assets, resources and information
- climate and environmental protection
- corporate culture
- environmental and climate protection
- environmental and safety standards
- environmental awareness and action
- environmental consciousness
- profitability and commitment to people and the environment
- environmental impact
- environmental management
- environmental preservation and harmony with society
- environmental protection and conservation
- environmental responsibility
- environmental responsibility and green development
- environmental responsibility and safety
- environmental stewardship and green development
- equality, inclusiveness and respect for the diversity of people
- establishing shared ethical standards
- fostering trust and respect
- get started
- governance and compliance
- 绿色环保
- joy and the transformational power of giving
- impact and transformation
- integrity and ethical standards
- integrity of conduct
- 铁的制度
- learning orientation
- minimize our environmental footprint
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- proper standards for gifts and entertainment
- protecting assets
- safety and environmental protection
- safety and environmental responsibility
- safety and environmental stewardship
- protection and safety of workforce
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- tips for operationalizing equitable partnerships
- total change in net assets
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- we care for the planet
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- the climate divide
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- humane and sustainable food systems
- environmental health & safety policy
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and social protection
- driving environmental outcomes
- commitment to environmental and social responsibility
- awareness of climate change
- respect towards fellow human beings and the environment
- environmental and social responsibility
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- sustainability and environmental responsibility
- economic, environmental and social performance
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- consideration for the environment
- respect for people and the environment
- responsibility towards society and environment
- respect for the planet and communities
- people and the environment
- sustainability and social responsibility
- environment and sustainability
- social and environmental responsibility
- community responsibility and environmental stewardship
- responsibility to society and the environment
- commitment to the environment
- respect our planet and communities
- respect for human rights and the environment
- responsible minerals sourcing
- respect for life, people, and the environment
- community engagement and environmental responsibility
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- community and environmental responsibility
- respect towards fellowman and the environment
| - absolute accountability
- protection of actionaid's assets, resources and information
- climate and environmental protection
- corporate culture
- environmental and climate protection
- environmental and safety standards
- environmental awareness and action
- environmental consciousness
- profitability and commitment to people and the environment
- environmental impact
- environmental management
- environmental preservation and harmony with society
- environmental protection and conservation
- environmental responsibility
- environmental responsibility and green development
- environmental responsibility and safety
- environmental stewardship and green development
- equality, inclusiveness and respect for the diversity of people
- establishing shared ethical standards
- fostering trust and respect
- get started
- governance and compliance
- 绿色环保
- joy and the transformational power of giving
- impact and transformation
- integrity and ethical standards
- integrity of conduct
- learning orientation
- minimize our environmental footprint
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- proper standards for gifts and entertainment
- protecting assets
- safety and environmental protection
- safety and environmental responsibility
- safety and environmental stewardship
- protection and safety of workforce
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- we care for the planet
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- the climate divide
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- humane and sustainable food systems
- environmental health & safety policy
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and social protection
- driving environmental outcomes
- commitment to environmental and social responsibility
- awareness of climate change
- respect towards fellow human beings and the environment
- environmental and social responsibility
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- sustainability and environmental responsibility
- economic, environmental and social performance
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- consideration for the environment
- respect for people and the environment
- responsibility towards society and environment
- respect for the planet and communities
- people and the environment
- sustainability and social responsibility
- environment and sustainability
- social and environmental responsibility
- community responsibility and environmental stewardship
- responsibility to society and the environment
- commitment to the environment
- respect our planet and communities
- respect for human rights and the environment
- responsible minerals sourcing
- respect for life, people, and the environment
- community engagement and environmental responsibility
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- community and environmental responsibility
- respect towards fellowman and the environment
- environmental and social wellbeing
| 77 | 75 | environmental and social responsibility |
- academic performance
- accessibility of research
- awareness building
- basic right to healthcare
- beyond all boundaries
- passion for chemistry
- driven
- innovation and discovery
- innovation and research
- innovation and technological advancement
- interdisciplinary research
- legacy and inspiration
- legal and customer requirements
- listen first
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- respect for multiple forms of knowledge
- mutual trust
- commitment to original research and education
- original research and education
- overview of stage 3 activities
- participatory research
- passionate about science
- personally identifiable information
- positive relationships
- proactive mitigation and prevention
- product excellence
- protecting company assets and ensuring their proper use
- protecting information
- research & advocacy unit (rau)
- research and data-driven action
- research and development
- research and documentation
- research and endeavor
- research and expertise
- - research and investigations
- research-based practice
- resource use
- reusable
- risk management organization
- rolling-release model
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- passion for science
- science
- science and innovation
- science and technology
- science graphics library
- scientific & technological innovation
- scientific approach
- scientific decision-making
- scientific development
- scientific development and technological innovation
- scientific innovation
- 科学管理 (kēxué guǎnlǐ): scientific management
- scientific outlook on development
- scientific research
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- 社会责任
- social responsibility and community engagement
- speak up
- speak up culture
- speaking on behalf of hp
- spirit
- stakeholder inclusion
- strict limitations on classifying events as "exceptional
- support for education and research
- sustainable development strategy
- synergy through corporate culture development
- tika (fair)
- timely and accessible public information
- 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- - earmarked reserve tech development
- support for research
- student research opportunities
- scientifically-founded
- scientific progress
- scientific inquiry
- scientific advancement
- science communication
- science and research
- research and reporting
- research and innovation
- promotion of research and development
- promotion of research
- open and reproducible science
- long-term investment in science
- investing in new ideas and research
- informed decision-making based on science
- high-quality scientific research
- healthcare and medical research
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- diversity in science
- diverse scientific coverage
- conservazione della produzione scientifica
- commitment to science and society
- belief in the impact of science and technology
- advancing, promoting, and serving the physical sciences
- advancement of chemical science
- 科学、民主、有序、高效
- striving for innovation and scientific management
- neuroscience-driven ai
- scientific excellence
- value of research and endeavor
| - accessibility of research
- awareness building
- basic right to healthcare
- passion for chemistry
- driven
- innovation and discovery
- innovation and research
- innovation and technological advancement
- interdisciplinary research
- legacy and inspiration
- legal and customer requirements
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- mutual trust
- commitment to original research and education
- original research and education
- participatory research
- passionate about science
- personally identifiable information
- proactive mitigation and prevention
- product excellence
- protecting company assets and ensuring their proper use
- protecting information
- research & advocacy unit (rau)
- research and data-driven action
- research and development
- research and documentation
- research and endeavor
- research and expertise
- - research and investigations
- research-based practice
- reusable
- risk management organization
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- passion for science
- science
- science and innovation
- science and technology
- science graphics library
- scientific & technological innovation
- scientific approach
- scientific decision-making
- scientific development
- scientific development and technological innovation
- scientific innovation
- 科学管理 (kēxué guǎnlǐ): scientific management
- scientific outlook on development
- scientific research
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- 社会责任
- speak up
- speak up culture
- speaking on behalf of hp
- spirit
- stakeholder inclusion
- support for education and research
- sustainable development strategy
- synergy through corporate culture development
- tika (fair)
- 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- - earmarked reserve tech development
- support for research
- student research opportunities
- serving science and society
- scientifically-founded
- scientific progress
- scientific inquiry
- scientific advancement
- science communication
- science and research
- ricerca interdisciplinare
- research and reporting
- research and innovation
- research
- rand federally funded research and development centers (ffrdcs)
- promotion of research and development
- promotion of research
- open and reproducible science
- long-term investment in science
- investing in new ideas and research
- informed decision-making based on science
- increase investment in r&d
- high-quality scientific research
- healthcare and medical research
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- elevating research in public discourse
- documentation and research
- diversity in science
- diverse scientific coverage
- conservazione della produzione scientifica
- commitment to science and society
- clinical trials
- bringing science to life
- belief in the impact of science and technology
- advancing, promoting, and serving the physical sciences
- advancing research and teaching
- advancing basic science
- advancement of physical sciences
- advancement of chemical science
- 科学、民主、有序、高效
- striving for innovation and scientific management
- neuroscience-driven ai
- scientific excellence
- value of research and endeavor
- we follow the science
- investment in r&d
| 102 | 105 | science, research & development, technology |
- accelerating social change
- appropriate use of social media
- community engagement and social responsibility
- competent socially responsible leaders
- core values of hyundai mobis
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- corporate social responsibility
- corporate social responsibility (csr)
- employee rights and social responsibility
- environmental and social protection
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and social responsibility
- commitment to environmental and social responsibility
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- favoring social dialogue
- global social equity
- professionalism in social media
- long-term social vision
- participation and inclusion
- party building and social responsibility
- positive social change
- positive social transformation
- 责任实践 (responsible practice)
- safety & environmental stewardship
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- social and emotional development
- social and environmental responsibility
- social and political issues
- social benefit
- social cohesion
- social consciousness
- social contributions
- social development
- social entrepreneurship
- social equality
- social harmony
- social impact
- - social impact
- social inclusion
- social inclusion and assistance
- social mobility
- social networks
- social participation
- social participation and development
- social progress
- social responsibility
- social responsibility and public mission
- social support
- 利益相关方参与
- trade union, political, and social activities
- responsible use of social media
- wealth creation and social responsibility
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- targeted impact
- social innovation
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- meaningful social change
- make a positive impact
- impactful
- impact-first investing
- impact tracking
- impact sourcing
- impact reporting
- impact of daily choices
- human and social development
- higher purpose of media
- focused philanthropy
- doing real and permanent good
- building a better future
- social commitment
- feeding families, the nation, and the world
- societal impact
- sustainability and social impact
| - accelerating social change
- appropriate use of social media
- community engagement and social responsibility
- competent socially responsible leaders
- core values of hyundai mobis
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- corporate social responsibility
- corporate social responsibility (csr)
- employee rights and social responsibility
- environmental and social protection
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and social responsibility
- commitment to environmental and social responsibility
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- favoring social dialogue
- global social equity
- professionalism in social media
- long-term social vision
- participation and inclusion
- party building and social responsibility
- positive social change
- positive social transformation
- 责任实践 (responsible practice)
- safety & environmental stewardship
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- social and environmental responsibility
- social and political issues
- social benefit
- social consciousness
- social contributions
- social equality
- social harmony
- social impact
- - social impact
- social inclusion
- social inclusion and assistance
- social mobility
- social networks
- social participation and development
- social progress
- social responsibility
- social responsibility and public mission
- 利益相关方参与
- trade union, political, and social activities
- responsible use of social media
- wealth creation and social responsibility
- 8) given the dearth of social return on investment (sroi) information around mental health projects for men and boys, investment in sroi reporting could be useful to consider. this would help in demonstrating the broader social and economic benefits of su
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- targeted impact
- social innovation
- s
- positive societal impact
- mhi concludes nissay positive impact finance agreement
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- meaningful social change
- making a difference
- make a positive impact
- impactful
- impact-first investing
- impact tracking
- impact sourcing
- impact reporting
- impact of daily choices
- human and social development
- higher purpose of media
- focused philanthropy
- evaluate the impact of microfinance programs on poverty alleviation
- doing real and permanent good
- daily choices can change the world
- creation of added value for society
- building a better future
- social commitment
- mission of contributing to a better world
- feeding families, the nation, and the world
- societal impact
- sustainability and social impact
- contributing to a better world
- leveraging ai for good
- positive impact
- continually assess the societal impacts of our work
- make a difference
| 73 | 81 | social impact |
- acceptable use
- accessibility and convenience
- accountability and reporting
- accountability for violations
- accurate public disclosure and financial reporting
- acf research is ethically justified and scientifically valid
- act with integrity
- adherence to commitments
- anonymity and confidentiality
- autonomy
- building a great place to work
- building stronger communities
- - burns, j. k. (2009). mental health and inequity
- business risks
- civility
- collaborative
- commitment to communities
- responsible conduct
- connection to nature
- consultants / agents / brokers
- contact for violations
- context over control
- corporate culture
- costco credit card
- customer focus and industry development
- data integrity
- data-driven approach
- dealings with governments
- demonstrate respect for people
- developing transparent commercial relations
- diversity equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
- do not engage in insider trading
- driving environmental outcomes
- employee
- empowerment and social responsibility
- equity and inclusion
- fair competition and compliance with market regulations
- fairness, dignity and respect
- fidelity
- follow global trade laws
- get support from others in the community
- global network
- green manufacturing
- grievance handling
- humanistic outlook
- humanity and splendor
- humility and learning
- information security
- interconnected fate
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- commitment to quality
- transformation through cultural management
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- • safety
- - product safety
- safety, health, and welfare
- safe and welcoming environment
- public health protection
- public health and safety
- protection of public health is the highest priority
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- health, safety and security
- health, safety and environment (hse) department
- health, safety & security
- health and well-being protection
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- health and safety protection
- health and protection
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- environmental health & safety policy
- drug-free work environment
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- better health
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- 安全为天、生命至上
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- safety, health, & environment (she)
- health, safety, and security
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- health, safety and welfare
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- safety and wellbeing
- foster a safe and healthy workplace
- health, safety, and environmental protection
- safety, health, and environment (she)
- safety and environment management
- safety, health and environment
- health, safety and environment
- employee health and safety
- workers' rights, health, safety and anti-discrimination
- health
- maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
- environmental responsibility and safety
- safety & health
- environmental, health & safety
- ensuring the safety of people and property
- contribution to a safe and healthy working environment
- health, safety, and welfare
- safety prioritization
- guest safety
- safety and environmental responsibility
- safety, health, and the environment
- health and well-being
- protection and safety of workforce
- health and safety
- dedication to safety
- safe and healthy work conditions
- safety and health
- safety, health, and environment
- safety
- promoting safety
- environment and safety
- promotion of safe and healthy work environments
- safety & environment management
- promote a safe hp
| - acceptable use
- accessibility and convenience
- accountability and reporting
- accountability for violations
- accurate public disclosure and financial reporting
- acf research is ethically justified and scientifically valid
- act with integrity
- adherence to commitments
- anonymity and confidentiality
- autonomy
- building a great place to work
- building stronger communities
- - burns, j. k. (2009). mental health and inequity
- business risks
- civility
- collaborative
- commitment to communities
- responsible conduct
- connection to nature
- context over control
- corporate culture
- costco credit card
- customer focus and industry development
- data integrity
- data-driven approach
- dealings with governments
- demonstrate respect for people
- developing transparent commercial relations
- diversity equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
- do not engage in insider trading
- driving environmental outcomes
- employee
- empowerment and social responsibility
- equity and inclusion
- fair competition and compliance with market regulations
- fairness, dignity and respect
- fidelity
- get support from others in the community
- global network
- humanistic outlook
- humanity and splendor
- humility and learning
- information security
- interconnected fate
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- commitment to quality
- transformation through cultural management
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- • safety
- - product safety
- workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation
- sanitation and clean water
- safety, health, and welfare
- safe and welcoming environment
- public health protection
- public health and safety
- protection of public health is the highest priority
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- health, safety and security
- health, safety and environment (hse) department
- health, safety & security
- health and well-being protection
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- health and safety protection
- health and protection
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- environmental health & safety policy
- drug-free work environment
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- better health
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- 坚守安全底线
- safety, health, environment, and quality (sheq)
- 安全为天、生命至上
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- safety, health, & environment (she)
- health, safety, and security
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- health, safety and welfare
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- safety and wellbeing
- foster a safe and healthy workplace
- health, safety, and environmental protection
- safety, health, and environment (she)
- safety and environment management
- safety, health and environment
- health, safety and environment
- employee health and safety
- workers' rights, health, safety and anti-discrimination
- health
- maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
- environmental responsibility and safety
- safety & health
- environmental, health & safety
- ensuring the safety of people and property
- contribution to a safe and healthy working environment
- health, safety, and welfare
- safety prioritization
- guest safety
- safety and environmental responsibility
- safety, health, and the environment
- health and well-being
- protection and safety of workforce
- health and safety
- dedication to safety
- safe and healthy work conditions
- safety and health
- safety, health, and environment
- safety
- promoting safety
- environment and safety
- promotion of safe and healthy work environments
- safety & environment management
- promote a safe hp
- customer health & wellness
- safety, health & environment (she)
- health, safety, and environment
- health, safety, security, and environment
- our safety
- make food that is safe to eat
| 117 | 121 | health and safety |
- acceptance
- commitment to accessibility
- accessible
- accountability and evaluation
- commitment to achieving results
- affordable housing
- commitment to andrew carnegie's vision
- antitrust laws
- protection of assets and property
- commitment to protection and assistance
- 行为规范 (behavioral standards)
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- being customer driven
- biocapacity
- bright futures
- building a world-class financial insurance group
- business risks
- care and concern
- commitment to a cause greater than themselves
- commitment to change
- responsible citizenship
- clean energy focus
- commit to making a difference
- commit to shared success
- commitment
- personal commitment
- commitment and effort
- commitment with the organization
- committing to do good
- community contribution
- community-centricity
- compassion and generosity
- 全面从严治党 建设清廉国企
- responsible conduct
- consideration for the environment
- constant care
- cooperation among cooperatives
- 核心理念 (core values)
- core values of hyundai mobis
- core_values
- create a secure work environment
- commitment to delivering the best solutions
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- respect and dignity
- disaster relief
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- commitment to dog owners' interests
- emotional connection
- emotional intelligence
- commitment to employees
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- engage
- engage and collaborate within a community of practice
- commitment to equity and inclusion
- ethical business practices and integrity
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- ethics & business integrity
- exemplary service
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- fair wages and working hours
- commitment to fao
- focus on outcomes
- foster innovation and learning
- freedom of access to information
- going for greatness
- commitment to public good
- good, clean, fair and healthy food as a right for all
- commitment to growth and transformation
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- commitment to high ethical standards
- commitment to high standards of business conduct
- high-quality library and information services
- respect for human life and dignity
- commitment to impact
- in case of problems
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 20 june 2003
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 7 january 2003
- local
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- commitment to measuring impact
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- neutrality in financial choices
- never fear challenges
- nurturing differences
- responsible partnership
- partnership and empowerment
- partnership with vital voices
- patent neutrality
- respect for people and diversity
- commitment to present and future generations
- preservation
- protecting and saving lives
- protecting assets and reputation
- protecting employee privacy
- commitment to purebred dog sports
- quality commitment
- relationships with institutions
- reliability and responsibility towards stakeholders
- protection of reputation
- research and reporting
- resourcefulness
- 尊重 (zūnzhòng): respect
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- responding to changing needs
- revolutionary change
- role model leadership
- safety and privacy
- commitment to science and society
- selflessness
- serving the underprivileged
- shareholder value and engagement
- sharing
- sharing and wellbeing
- small loans with frequent repayment
- social media
- social responsibility commitment
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- commitment to solutions
- sovereignty and independence
- speed & quality
- statement of activities (income statement)
- support
- commitment to sustainability
- sustainability reporting
- commitment to systems change
- targeted philanthropy
- tax benefits
- the author respectfully requests that the human rights committee find that the state has violated articles 7 and 10, in conjunction with article 2(3) of the iccpr, and recommend the remedies requested above
- the software running the core of osm is open-source
- trading in securities
- user privacy
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- supporting skilled, committed, and tenacious leaders
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- shared commitment
- professionalism and commitment
- principle 1: commitment to impact
- personal commitment and integrity
- perseverance and long-term commitment
- optimism and commitment
- loyalty to clients/employers
- long-term commitment to fields of work and organizations
- long-term commitment
- lifelong commitment
- leadership commitment
- inspiring passionate commitment
- entrepreneurship and commitment
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- committed to excellence
- commitment to the code
- commitment to service
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- assignment
- commitment to compliance
- delivering on our commitments
- our commitment to integrity
- commitment to users
- commitment to excellence
- commitment to honoring commitments
- commitment to life
- adherence to commitments
- respect and commitment
- strive
- political responsibility and commitment
- be there
- honoring commitments to partners
- committed
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- professional commitment
- commitment to quality and innovation
- commitment to consumers and communities
- devotion
| - commitment to accessibility
- accessible
- accountability and evaluation
- commitment to achieving results
- affordable housing
- antitrust laws
- protection of assets and property
- 行为规范 (behavioral standards)
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- being customer driven
- bright futures
- building a world-class financial insurance group
- business risks
- care and concern
- commitment to a cause greater than themselves
- commitment to change
- responsible citizenship
- clean energy focus
- commit to making a difference
- commit to shared success
- commitment
- personal commitment
- commitment and effort
- commitment with the organization
- committing to do good
- community contribution
- compassion and generosity
- responsible conduct
- consideration for the environment
- constant care
- cooperation among cooperatives
- 核心理念 (core values)
- core values of hyundai mobis
- core_values
- create a secure work environment
- commitment to delivering the best solutions
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- respect and dignity
- disaster relief
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- commitment to dog owners' interests
- emotional connection
- emotional intelligence
- commitment to employees
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- engage
- engage and collaborate within a community of practice
- commitment to equity and inclusion
- ethical business practices and integrity
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- ethics & business integrity
- exemplary service
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- fair wages and working hours
- commitment to fao
- focus on outcomes
- foster innovation and learning
- freedom of access to information
- going for greatness
- commitment to public good
- good, clean, fair and healthy food as a right for all
- commitment to growth and transformation
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- commitment to high ethical standards
- commitment to high standards of business conduct
- respect for human life and dignity
- commitment to impact
- in case of problems
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 20 june 2003
- local
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- commitment to measuring impact
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- neutrality in financial choices
- never fear challenges
- nurturing differences
- responsible partnership
- partnership and empowerment
- partnership with vital voices
- patent neutrality
- respect for people and diversity
- commitment to present and future generations
- preservation
- protecting assets and reputation
- commitment to purebred dog sports
- quality commitment
- relationships with institutions
- reliability and responsibility towards stakeholders
- protection of reputation
- research and reporting
- resourcefulness
- 尊重 (zūnzhòng): respect
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- responding to changing needs
- revolutionary change
- role model leadership
- safety and privacy
- commitment to science and society
- selflessness
- shareholder value and engagement
- sharing
- sharing and wellbeing
- small loans with frequent repayment
- social media
- social responsibility commitment
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- commitment to solutions
- sovereignty and independence
- speed & quality
- support
- commitment to sustainability
- sustainability reporting
- commitment to systems change
- targeted philanthropy
- the author respectfully requests that the human rights committee find that the state has violated articles 7 and 10, in conjunction with article 2(3) of the iccpr, and recommend the remedies requested above
- trading in securities
- user privacy
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- unquestionable commitment
- supporting skilled, committed, and tenacious leaders
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- shared commitment
- promise
- professionalism and commitment
- principle 1: commitment to impact
- personal commitment and integrity
- perseverance and long-term commitment
- optimism and commitment
- loyalty to clients/employers
- long-term commitment to fields of work and organizations
- long-term commitment
- lifelong commitment
- leadership commitment
- inspiring passionate commitment
- entrepreneurship and commitment
- engagement and commitment
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- company commitment
- committed to excellence
- commitments
- commitment to the code
- commitment to service
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- assignment
- 忠于职守
- commitment to compliance
- delivering on our commitments
- our commitment to integrity
- commitment to users
- commitment to excellence
- commitment to honoring commitments
- commitment to life
- adherence to commitments
- performance is our commitment
- respect and commitment
- strive
- political responsibility and commitment
- be there
- honoring commitments to partners
- committed
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- professional commitment
- commitment to quality and innovation
- commitment to consumers and communities
- devotion
- our commitments to each other
- our commitment
- profitability and commitment
- 一分信任 十分责任 百分努力 千分付出 万分担当 (one part trust, ten parts responsibility, hundred parts effort, thousand parts dedication, ten thousand parts commitment)
- deliver on the promise
- organization's commitment
- completion of duty
- hard work and commitment
- always be faithful to your duties, thereby contributing to the company and to the overall good
- we commit to shared success
| 175 | 178 | commitment |
- access
- advocacy
- advocacy and legal intervention
- all for the customer
- altruism
- assuming good intent
- being customer-driven
- building trust
- caution principle
- challenge
- client focus and protection
- client satisfaction
- client-centered
- client-centric focus
- our clients
- respect for colleagues and clients
- collective good
- community engagement
- compliance with universal ethics standards
- comprehensive meal tools
- confidence of our shareholders and business partners
- consensus
- consideration of individual needs
- constructive participation
- coordinated and integrated care facilitated by technology and community resources
- creating value for customers
- crisis readiness
- customer commitment
- customer delight
- customer driven
- customer engagement
- customer experience
- customer first
- customer first policy
- customer focus
- customer focus and ethics
- customer focused
- customer orientation
- お客さま志向・倫理観
- customer orientation and ethics
- customer partnership
- customer protection
- customer relations
- customer satisfaction as top priority
- customer service excellence
- customer success
- customer trust
- responsibility and customer value
- customer value
- customer-centric
- customer-centric approach
- customer-centric services
- customer-centricity
- customer-first
- customer-focus
- customer-focused
- customers
- respect for customers
- commitment to customers
- cyber resilience
- dedication to every client's success
- deliver customer satisfaction
- democratic member control
- development of a rewarding work environment
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- discouraging misuse of microbiology
- dismantling the power of polluters
- don't #@%! the customer
- economic integration
- employee worth and shared success
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- 企业与客户共创价值
- evidence-informed decision making
- excellent customer service
- commitment to fair competition and legal compliance
- fair competition and treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- freedom of work choice
- gender and family focus
- growth and impact
- health, safety and welfare
- health, safety, and security
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- ilo's role
- impact reporting
- innovation and customer focus
- integrity, excellence, and customer focus
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- listening to customers
- loyalty to clients/employers
- passion for our products and customers
- personalized service
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of customers
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of our customers
- putting clients first
- putting customers first
- quality and customer satisfaction
- quality and customer-centric service
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- reporting financial impropriety
- significant amount transferred by a customer in a sensitive sector
- sovereignty and independence
- speaking on behalf of nike
- speaking up and non-retaliation
- speaking with a trustworthy voice
- speed and quality
- spiritual and ethical principles
- spiritual penetration
- stability
- stakeholder value
- strategic leadership
- strategic philanthropy
- supply chain responsibility
- the core values are
- the core values expressed in the text from lennar's code of business ethics and conduct include
- theft
- - total income statement
- track the progress of clients in moving out of poverty
- understanding customer needs
- unite around our customers
- we are customer 1st, team 1st
- we are customer-driven
- respect for consumers
- quality customer service
- members first
- member-centric
- legal and customer requirements
- human-centered, participatory design
- human-centered approach
- human-centered and participatory design
- gartner peer insights customer first 2023
- don’t #@!% the customer
- customizable experience
- customer
- consumer interests
- client-centricity
- human-centric design
- consumer-centricity
- 以客户为中心、以效益为根本
- customer-driven
- the power to become indispensable to our customers
- client value creation
- customer 1st
- be customer-oriented
- client service
- commitment to users
- sincerity and customer satisfaction
- customer-driven corporate culture
- client centricity
- customer satisfaction
- customer-centered
- pleasurable shopping experience
- driving customer success
- customer focus and innovation
- service to the customer
- patient and consumer focus
- customer service
- joy of buying
- provision of quality, customer-centred service
- human-centered design
- client-centric approach
- no one tries harder for customers
- client focus
- consumer focus
- value co-creation with customers
- customers first
- we back our customers
- customer-oriented service
- being customer driven
- dedication to customers' success
- client first
- customer centricity
- love our consumers and brands
- customer obsessed
- focus on the customer
- earning our customers' satisfaction and trust
- customer-centric culture
- customer focus and industry development
| - access
- advocacy
- advocacy and legal intervention
- all for the customer
- altruism
- assuming good intent
- being customer-driven
- building trust
- caution principle
- challenge
- client focus and protection
- client satisfaction
- client-centered
- client-centric focus
- our clients
- respect for colleagues and clients
- collective good
- community engagement
- compliance with universal ethics standards
- confidence of our shareholders and business partners
- consensus
- consideration of individual needs
- constructive participation
- coordinated and integrated care facilitated by technology and community resources
- creating value for customers
- crisis readiness
- customer commitment
- customer delight
- customer driven
- customer engagement
- customer experience
- customer first
- customer first policy
- customer focus
- customer focus and ethics
- customer focused
- customer orientation
- お客さま志向・倫理観
- customer orientation and ethics
- customer partnership
- customer relations
- customer satisfaction as top priority
- customer service excellence
- customer success
- customer trust
- responsibility and customer value
- customer value
- customer-centric
- customer-centric approach
- customer-centric services
- customer-centricity
- customer-first
- customer-focus
- customer-focused
- customers
- respect for customers
- commitment to customers
- dedication to every client's success
- deliver customer satisfaction
- democratic member control
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- dismantling the power of polluters
- employee worth and shared success
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- 企业与客户共创价值
- evidence-informed decision making
- excellent customer service
- commitment to fair competition and legal compliance
- fair competition and treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- freedom of work choice
- gender and family focus
- growth and impact
- health, safety and welfare
- health, safety, and security
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- impact reporting
- innovation and customer focus
- integrity, excellence, and customer focus
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- listening to customers
- loyalty to clients/employers
- passion for our products and customers
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of customers
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of our customers
- putting clients first
- putting customers first
- quality and customer satisfaction
- quality and customer-centric service
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- reporting financial impropriety
- significant amount transferred by a customer in a sensitive sector
- sovereignty and independence
- speaking on behalf of nike
- speaking up and non-retaliation
- speaking with a trustworthy voice
- speed and quality
- spiritual and ethical principles
- spiritual penetration
- stability
- stakeholder value
- strategic leadership
- strategic philanthropy
- the core values are
- the core values expressed in the text from lennar's code of business ethics and conduct include
- - total income statement
- understanding customer needs
- unite around our customers
- we are customer 1st, team 1st
- we are customer-driven
- user-centered free/libre open source software (floss)
- user influence
- user centrality
- use of user generated content (ugc)
- respect for consumers
- quality customer service
- members first
- member-centric
- legal and customer requirements
- human-centered, participatory design
- human-centered approach
- human-centered and participatory design
- here's a link to the sales callback request form if that is what you were looking for
- gartner peer insights customer first 2023
- don’t #@!% the customer
- customizable experience
- customer
- consumer interests
- beneficiary-centricity
- 客户为中心
- client-centricity
- human-centric design
- consumer-centricity
- 以客户为中心、以效益为根本
- customer-driven
- the power to become indispensable to our customers
- client value creation
- customer 1st
- be customer-oriented
- client service
- commitment to users
- sincerity and customer satisfaction
- customer-driven corporate culture
- client centricity
- customer satisfaction
- customer-centered
- pleasurable shopping experience
- driving customer success
- customer focus and innovation
- service to the customer
- patient and consumer focus
- customer service
- joy of buying
- provision of quality, customer-centred service
- human-centered design
- client-centric approach
- no one tries harder for customers
- client focus
- consumer focus
- value co-creation with customers
- customers first
- we back our customers
- customer-oriented service
- being customer driven
- dedication to customers' success
- client first
- customer centricity
- love our consumers and brands
- customer obsessed
- focus on the customer
- earning our customers' satisfaction and trust
- customer-centric culture
- customer focus and industry development
- customer interest
- user-centricity
- costumer relations
- exceeding customer expectations
- user experience
- customer orientation & ethical standards
| 177 | 178 | customer-centricity |
- public access and distribution
- audience engagement
- public awareness
- public benefit
- commercial
- conflict of interest management
- cooperation and coordination with other organizations
- public disclosures
- economic-financial performance
- education and empowerment
- enable
- public engagement and advocacy
- environmental compliance
- financial resilience
- public functions / political activities
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- legal redress
- link between animal cruelty and other crimes
- listening and learning
- loving kindness
- public official
- public official and campaign visits
- public officials
- respect for others
- public participation and transparency
- persistence
- public policy
- public policy and communications
- pragmatism and nonpartisanship
- privacy breach
- projects are king
- provide feedback and coaching
- public purpose
- - public relations
- public responsibility
- public service
- service-oriented leadership
- public spirit
- public spiritedness
- stakeholder engagement and shareholder value
- public stories
- transparency and public knowledge
- transparency and public involvement
- serving constituencies
- service to constituencies
- promoting public service messages
- prevention in public systems
- informing the public
- commitment to the public good
- commitment to public good
- service to the country and people
- service to the country and the people
- public welfare
- serving the country
- serving the public, caring about people's livelihood
- social responsibility and public mission
- serving the public, caring about people’s livelihood
| - public access and distribution
- audience engagement
- public awareness
- public benefit
- conflict of interest management
- cooperation and coordination with other organizations
- public disclosures
- economic-financial performance
- education and empowerment
- enable
- public engagement and advocacy
- environmental compliance
- financial resilience
- public functions / political activities
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- listening and learning
- loving kindness
- public official
- public official and campaign visits
- public officials
- respect for others
- public participation and transparency
- persistence
- public policy and communications
- pragmatism and nonpartisanship
- privacy breach
- projects are king
- provide feedback and coaching
- public responsibility
- public service
- service-oriented leadership
- public spirit
- stakeholder engagement and shareholder value
- transparency and public knowledge
- unyielding commitment to the public good
- transparency and public involvement
- serving constituencies
- service to the public
- service to constituencies
- promoting public service messages
- prevention in public systems
- non-profit and public benefit
- informing the public
- commitment to the public good
- commitment to public good
- service to the country and people
- service to the country and the people
- public welfare
- serving the country
- serving the public, caring about people's livelihood
- social responsibility and public mission
- serving the public, caring about people’s livelihood
- serving the public
- service to the country
- service to the nation
| 57 | 55 | public service |
- access and equity
- bribes offered by suppliers during a call for tenders or in exchange for tickets to sports events
- delivering constant innovation
- lawful and ethical conduct
- love our consumers and brands
- making friends and verifying requests
- - management level employees
- 管理之道
- our objective is global performance
- occupancy date
- social justice (adl)
- - overseas
- - ntt group activities around the world
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- the hi network consists of an international federation based in lyon, france, and eight national associations
- solidarity with technical organizations, governments, and ngos
- security cooperation
- local presence and global action
- local presence - global action
- international support
- international perspective
- international law
- interconnected fate
- global solidarity
- global partnerships
- global network
- global mindset
- global interdependence
- global impact and reach
- global health improvement
- global council and philanthropy
- global coordination
- global cooperation
- global collaboration
- global affiliations
- global action and inclusivity
- engaging with the world
- confronting global challenges
- collaboration across boundaries
- global corporate citizenship
- global connectivity
- responsible government collaboration
- global consistency and local adaptation
- responsible global citizenship
- thoughtful cooperation with governments
- global expansion and influence
- global vision and cooperation
- contribution to the development of the international community
| - access and equity
- bribes offered by suppliers during a call for tenders or in exchange for tickets to sports events
- delivering constant innovation
- lawful and ethical conduct
- love our consumers and brands
- making friends and verifying requests
- - management level employees
- our objective is global performance
- social justice (adl)
- - overseas
- - ntt group activities around the world
- transnational cooperation
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- the hi network consists of an international federation based in lyon, france, and eight national associations
- solidarity with technical organizations, governments, and ngos
- security cooperation
- responding to global crisis
- multilateralism
- local presence and global action
- local presence - global action
- international support
- international perspective
- international law
- interconnected fate
- global solidarity
- global partnerships
- global network
- global mindset
- global interdependence
- global impact and reach
- global health improvement
- global council and philanthropy
- global coordination
- global cooperation
- global collaboration
- global affiliations
- global action and inclusivity
- engaging with the world
- diplomatic tools and actions
- diplomacy and development as equal disciplines
- confronting global challenges
- collaboration across boundaries
- global corporate citizenship
- global connectivity
- responsible government collaboration
- global consistency and local adaptation
- responsible global citizenship
- thoughtful cooperation with governments
- global expansion and influence
- global vision and cooperation
- contribution to the development of the international community
- collaboration with governments
- thoughtful collaboration with governments
- one global network
| 48 | 54 | global cooperation |
- access and influence
- access to basic services
- access to justice
- access to knowledge
- access to knowledge as a right
- access to opportunity
- access to residence
- building just communities
- business continuity and crisis management
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- diversity in science
- diversity, equity and access
- equal access
- personal and professional excellence
- professional excellence
- improving access to knowledge and education
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusivity and access
- respect for legal provisions
- no one tries harder for customers
- patient-centered care
- permissiveness and perpetual rights
- privacy
- profit
- protecting information and assets
- recognizing beneficiary dignity
- reliability and responsiveness
- representation of asm
- respectful reputation
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- self-reflection
- selflessness and humility
- serving others
- sustainable consumption
- theme 1: collaboration and teamwork
- transparent
- universal moral edict
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- access to remedy
- access to poetry
- access to information
- access and equity
- access
- transparency and access
- system identity and access codes
- promoting access
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- facilitating discovery, access, and interaction
- empowerment through access to water and sanitation
- direct access
| - access to basic services
- access to justice
- access to knowledge
- access to knowledge as a right
- access to opportunity
- access to residence
- building just communities
- business continuity and crisis management
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- diversity in science
- diversity, equity and access
- equal access
- personal and professional excellence
- professional excellence
- improving access to knowledge and education
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusivity and access
- respect for legal provisions
- no one tries harder for customers
- patient-centered care
- permissiveness and perpetual rights
- privacy
- profit
- protecting information and assets
- recognizing beneficiary dignity
- reliability and responsiveness
- representation of asm
- respectful reputation
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- self-reflection
- selflessness and humility
- serving others
- sustainable consumption
- theme 1: collaboration and teamwork
- transparent
- universal moral edict
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- access to remedy
- access to poetry
- access to information
- access and equity
- access
- * system identity and access codes
- unfiltered access
- transparency and access
- system identity and access codes
- providing access and opportunity
- promoting access
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- facilitating discovery, access, and interaction
- expanding access to resources and opportunities
- enhanced access through open scheduling, extended hours, and new communication options
- enhanced access
- empowerment through access to water and sanitation
- direct access
| 50 | 55 | access |
- access to education
- access to knowledge and education
- accessibility of education
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- continuous education on ethics and compliance
- education
- commitment to education
- education and advocacy
- education and awareness
- education and empowerment
- education and enablement
- education and learning
- education and opportunity
- education and outreach
- education and professional development
- commitment to original research and education
- precautionary principle
- 可持续发展
- the core values in the text are
- wages and benefits
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- valuing education beyond the traditional
- transformative education
- transformational education
- transformation through education, work, and income
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- support for education and research
- sri education (2016)
- redefining education
- quality education
- public engagement and education
- public education
- public awareness and education
- public and professional education
- promoting peace education
- prevention through education
- original research and education
- oregon department of education, early learning division
- media freedom and literacy
- innovation in education
- improving access to knowledge and education
- high-quality education
- health education
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- equity in education
- encouraging educational institutions
- empowerment through education
- educational resources
- educational opportunities at rand
- educational impact
- educational equity
- educational and policy tool
- educational
- education for peace
- education focus
- education and youth
- education and technical advancement
- education and storytelling
- education and skills development
- education and skill development
- education and information
- create conditions for language learning
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- education, training, and information
| - access to education
- access to knowledge and education
- accessibility of education
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- continuous education on ethics and compliance
- education
- commitment to education
- education and advocacy
- education and awareness
- education and empowerment
- education and enablement
- education and learning
- education and opportunity
- education and outreach
- education and professional development
- commitment to original research and education
- 可持续发展
- the core values in the text are
- wages and benefits
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- valuing education beyond the traditional
- transformative education
- transformational education
- transformation through education, work, and income
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- support for education and research
- sri education (2016)
- redefining education
- quality education
- public engagement and education
- public education
- public awareness and education
- public and professional education
- providing practice for standardized tests or college entrance essays
- promoting peace education
- prevention through education
- portland state university
- original research and education
- oregon department of education, early learning division
- media freedom and literacy
- learners at the center
- innovation in education
- improving access to knowledge and education
- high-quality education
- health education
- funds for a secondary college
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- equity in education
- encouraging educational institutions
- empowerment through education
- educational resources
- educational opportunities at rand
- educational impact
- educational equity
- educational and policy tool
- educational
- education for peace
- education focus
- education and youth
- education and technical advancement
- education and storytelling
- education and skills development
- education and skill development
- education and information
- create conditions for language learning
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- advancing research and teaching
- education, training, and information
- foxconn education foundation
| 64 | 69 | education |
- access to information
- public access to information
- accessibility of information
- act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- protection of assets and information
- bug tracker migration
- business ethics
- climate change risk management
- co-operation and communication
- collaboration for the common good
- combating intolerance
- communication channel
- community libraries
- community-driven development
- protection of confidential information and assets
- - continuity reserve
- continuous learning
- continuous professional development
- convenience
- coordination
- corporate culture development
- 企业概况
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- cultural and environmental support
- department
- developing innovative solutions
- document all interactions
- dream team
- earn the trust of customers
- education, training, and information
- efficiency
- engage responsible third parties
- environmental protection
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical business practices
- ethical decision-making
- everyday community
- evidence-based solutions
- experimental disposition
- fair distribution of resources
- fairness and inclusivity
- final report by the national human rights commission, dated 15 june 2004
- follow the fundamental rules of the world
- fostering solidarity and social ties
- freedom of information
- global cooperation
- group and center structure
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- handling material, non-public information
- healthy relationship grid
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- personal information
- information
- protection of information and data security
- information management
- information management and disclosure
- information technology
- responsible information use
- integrity in information management & disclosure
- it appears you have provided information about two entities
- management and provision of information
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- material information
- media, information, and it
- misuse of company property, information, or opportunities for personal gain
- non-public information
- non-public material information
- physical assets and information
- privacy
- privacy and information security
- protection of privacy and inside information
- privacy and personal information
- processing of information
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protect facebook’s confidential information
- protecting confidential information
- protecting personal information
- reporting and information sharing
- representation of asm
- right to request information
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- sensitive information
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- transparency and completeness of information
- transparency in newsgathering
- treatment of information and knowledge
- responsible use of hivos resources and information
- responsible use of information and resources
- posting information
- informing
- freedom of access to information
- empowerment through information
- education and information
- consumer information
- information management and social media management
- company information
- confidentiality and information handling
| - access to information
- public access to information
- accessibility of information
- act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- protection of assets and information
- bug tracker migration
- business ethics
- climate change risk management
- co-operation and communication
- collaboration for the common good
- combating intolerance
- communication channel
- community libraries
- community-driven development
- protection of confidential information and assets
- - continuity reserve
- continuous learning
- continuous professional development
- convenience
- coordination
- corporate culture development
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- cultural and environmental support
- department
- developing innovative solutions
- document all interactions
- dream team
- earn the trust of customers
- education, training, and information
- efficiency
- environmental protection
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical business practices
- ethical decision-making
- everyday community
- evidence-based solutions
- experimental disposition
- fair distribution of resources
- fairness and inclusivity
- final report by the national human rights commission, dated 15 june 2004
- fostering solidarity and social ties
- global cooperation
- group and center structure
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- handling material, non-public information
- healthy relationship grid
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- personal information
- information
- protection of information and data security
- information management
- information management and disclosure
- information technology
- responsible information use
- integrity in information management & disclosure
- management and provision of information
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- material information
- media, information, and it
- non-public information
- non-public material information
- physical assets and information
- privacy
- privacy and information security
- protection of privacy and inside information
- privacy and personal information
- processing of information
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protect facebook’s confidential information
- protecting confidential information
- protecting personal information
- reporting and information sharing
- representation of asm
- right to request information
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- sensitive information
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- transparency and completeness of information
- transparency in newsgathering
- treatment of information and knowledge
- responsible use of hivos resources and information
- website
- posting information
- informing
- inform
- freedom of access to information
- empowerment through information
- education and information
- consumer information
- additionally, the website provides information for various stakeholders
- information management and social media management
- company information
- confidentiality and information handling
- reports and downloads
- use of information
- collection of information
- other information
| 101 | 101 | information |
- access to information
- commitment to accessibility
- accessibility and affordability
- accessibility of information
- accessibility of research
- accessible & inclusive
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- alignment
- assuming good intentions
- confidentiality and trade secrets
- direct communication
- engaging with the world
- equity, accessibility, and trust
- focus on greatest need and impact
- foundation
- free and open access
- global access to listening and spoken language
- human security
- professionalism and integrity
- international support
- legal empowerment
- net nonoperating activities
- non-tolerance of spam
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- performance and career development interviews
- principle of proportionality
- remediation
- renew and improve
- resource use
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- social media responsibility
- social responsibility commitment
- speak up & resources
- staff representative bodies (srbs)
- standards for partners
- steely resolve
- supporting third sector organizations
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- accessible
- accessibility to healthcare
- accessibility and universal design
- accessibility and inclusivity
- accessibility and inclusion
- accessibility and convenience
- accessibility
- universal design for learning (udl)
- support for people with disabilities
- support and accessibility
- serving people with disabilities
- promoting access
- open to all
- inclusive access
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- healthcare accessibility
- global accessibility
- barrier-free community
- affordability and accessibility
| - access to information
- commitment to accessibility
- accessibility and affordability
- accessibility of information
- accessibility of research
- accessible & inclusive
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- assuming good intentions
- confidentiality and trade secrets
- direct communication
- engaging with the world
- equity, accessibility, and trust
- focus on greatest need and impact
- foundation
- free and open access
- professionalism and integrity
- international support
- net nonoperating activities
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- performance and career development interviews
- principle of proportionality
- renew and improve
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- social media responsibility
- social responsibility commitment
- speak up & resources
- standards for partners
- steely resolve
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- accessible
- accessibility to healthcare
- accessibility and universal design
- accessibility and inclusivity
- accessibility and inclusion
- accessibility and convenience
- accessibility
- we aim for the geo-data collected to be accessible and easy to work with for both data contributors as well as data users
- universal design for learning (udl)
- support for people with disabilities
- support and accessibility
- serving people with disabilities
- promoting access
- open to all
- inclusive access
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- healthcare accessibility
- global accessibility
- free and accessible geo-data
- enhanced access
- barrier-free community
- affordability and accessibility
- usability
- user navigation
| 57 | 53 | accessibility |
- public access to information
- protection of assets and information
- client confidentiality and data protection
- climate change alignment
- compliance policy
- protection of confidential information and assets
- confidential information and data protection
- protection of confidentiality
- protection of corporate property and confidentiality
- data protection and confidentiality
- demonstrating personal integrity
- dog owners' advocacy
- encouraging the charitable impulse at the local level
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- protection of information and data security
- insider trading prohibition
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- international understanding
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- protection of privacy and inside information
- protect client and company information
- protect facebook’s confidential information
- protecting confidential information
- protecting personal information
- reporting and information sharing
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- commitment to the jewish people
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- respect for user data
- processing personal data
- personally identifiable information
- personal information protection policy
- personal data protection and privacy
- personal data
- institutional repository
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- group data privacy policy
- gdpr
- data and reproducibility
- data and human stories
- safeguarding information
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- limited data sharing
- protect information
- protecting information
- confidentiality and data protection
- protection of personal data
- data privacy policy
- data protection and privacy
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- privacy and data protection
- protection of data and privacy
- protection of information
- data protection
| - public access to information
- protection of assets and information
- client confidentiality and data protection
- compliance policy
- protection of confidential information and assets
- confidential information and data protection
- protection of confidentiality
- protection of corporate property and confidentiality
- data protection and confidentiality
- demonstrating personal integrity
- dog owners' advocacy
- encouraging the charitable impulse at the local level
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- protection of information and data security
- insider trading prohibition
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- international understanding
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- protection of privacy and inside information
- protect client and company information
- protect facebook’s confidential information
- protecting confidential information
- protecting personal information
- reporting and information sharing
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- commitment to the jewish people
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- respect for user data
- processing personal data
- personally identifiable information
- personal information protection policy
- personal data protection and privacy
- personal data
- institutional repository
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- group data privacy policy
- gdpr
- data and reproducibility
- data and human stories
- data
- copy of the entry in city prison’s database
- safeguarding information
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- limited data sharing
- protect information
- protecting information
- confidentiality and data protection
- protection of personal data
- data privacy policy
- data protection and privacy
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- privacy and data protection
- protection of data and privacy
- protection of information
- data protection
- data responsibility
- user protection
- personal data protection
- protection of customer and associate data
| 55 | 60 | data protection |
- access to justice
- advancing "just systems
- class struggle
- climate justice
- community upliftment
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- comprehensive reform
- consequences in case of violations
- decolonization and anti-racism
- equity & justice
- fairness and justice
- fairness, equity, and justice
- focus on extreme poverty
- focus on the missed-out
- global justice
- group policies
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- human rights and justice
- inclusion and social justice
- justice
- justice and equality
- justice and love
- justice for victims
- legacy and inspiration
- legal support for private action
- local presence
- making it happen
- - name
- non-profit integrity
- open culture of inclusiveness
- open dialogue and escalation
- - operating result
- pioneer
- promotion of accountability and justice
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
- responding to financial crimes and anti-social elements
- safety, health, and welfare
- security and safety
- student research opportunities
- technological innovation
- the right resources
- thrive as a whole community
- toˉkeke (impartial)
- transparency and mutual accountability
- zero-tolerance
- unwavering commitment to justice
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- solidarity and justice
- procedural fairness
- peace, justice and tolerance
- justice and rehabilitation
- justice and protection
- justice and impunity
- justice and democratic values
- justice and accountability
- justice (adl)
- just society
- independent and accountable justice system
- health and justice for all
- genuine need and justice
- fair trials
- fair enforcement
- equity and justice
- building just communities
- advancing just systems
- fairness and legitimacy
- promoting equity and justice
| - access to justice
- advancing "just systems
- class struggle
- community upliftment
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- comprehensive reform
- consequences in case of violations
- equity & justice
- fairness and justice
- fairness, equity, and justice
- focus on extreme poverty
- focus on the missed-out
- global justice
- group policies
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- human rights and justice
- inclusion and social justice
- justice
- justice and equality
- justice and love
- justice for victims
- legacy and inspiration
- legal support for private action
- local presence
- making it happen
- non-profit integrity
- open culture of inclusiveness
- open dialogue and escalation
- pioneer
- promotion of accountability and justice
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
- responding to financial crimes and anti-social elements
- safety, health, and welfare
- security and safety
- student research opportunities
- technological innovation
- the right resources
- thrive as a whole community
- toˉkeke (impartial)
- transparency and mutual accountability
- unwavering commitment to justice
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- solidarity and justice
- procedural fairness
- peace, justice and tolerance
- justice and rehabilitation
- justice and protection
- justice and impunity
- justice and democratic values
- justice and accountability
- justice (adl)
- just society
- independent and accountable justice system
- health and justice for all
- genuine need and justice
- fair trials
- fair enforcement
- equity and justice
- building just communities
- advancing just systems
- fairness and legitimacy
- promoting equity and justice
| 67 | 62 | justice |
- access to knowledge and education
- collaboration and interdependence
- compliance with insider information and market manipulation regulations
- data and reproducibility
- data protection and privacy
- democracy
- embracing diversity
- energy
- equity and fairness
- ethics & business integrity
- ethics hotline
- financial inclusion
- gratitude
- indigenous peoples' rights
- innovation and sound profit-making
- job creation
- job title
- join forces
- joy and fun
- justice (adl)
- justice and accountability
- justice and impunity
- knowledge and expertise
- 求利求名多求己少求人 爱家爱国多爱人少爱己
- - return on net assets, fully diluted
- - net profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to equity holder of the company
- - net profit for the year ended 31 december 2007
- - basic earnings per share (rmb)
- sustainable monetization
- result before taxes
- profit for the reporting period
- non-recurring profit or loss
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- mhi achieves large yoy growth in order intake, revenue, and profit in strong third quarter, raises fy2023 order intake and revenue guidance
- increase (decrease) in net assets
- profitability with a conscience
- competitiveness and profitability
- fair profit and growth
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润 (today's integrity, tomorrow's market, the day after tomorrow's profit)
- consistent and satisfactory profits
- profitable growth
- commercial success
- profitability with responsibility
- economic-financial performance
- profit
- profitability and commitment to people and the environment
| - access to knowledge and education
- collaboration and interdependence
- compliance with insider information and market manipulation regulations
- data and reproducibility
- data protection and privacy
- democracy
- embracing diversity
- energy
- equity and fairness
- ethics & business integrity
- ethics hotline
- gratitude
- indigenous peoples' rights
- innovation and sound profit-making
- job creation
- job title
- join forces
- justice (adl)
- justice and accountability
- justice and impunity
- knowledge and expertise
- - total revenue
- - total profit
- - revenue from operations
- - return on net assets, fully diluted
- - result after taxes
- - net profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to equity holder of the company
- - net profit for the year ended 31 december 2007
- - net profit attributable to equity holder of the company
- - basic earnings per share (rmb)
- sustainable monetization
- revenue opportunities
- result before taxes
- profit for the reporting period
- non-recurring profit or loss
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- mhi achieves large yoy growth in order intake, revenue, and profit in strong third quarter, raises fy2023 order intake and revenue guidance
- increase (decrease) in net assets
- commercial use
- profitability with a conscience
- competitiveness and profitability
- fair profit and growth
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润 (today's integrity, tomorrow's market, the day after tomorrow's profit)
- consistent and satisfactory profits
- profitable growth
- commercial success
- profitability with responsibility
- economic-financial performance
- profit
- profitability and commitment to people and the environment
- financial performance
- 市场导向、精益运营、价值增长 (market-oriented, lean operations, value growth)
- profitability
- profitability and commitment
- rational pursuit of enterprise value
| 46 | 55 | profitability |
- access to poetry
- acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- benefiting local places as a responsible company
- best practices and local engagement
- confidentiality and data privacy
- data protection
- environmental health & safety policy
- establishing shared ethical standards
- prevention of financial crime
- follow the rules
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment appropriately
- global and local application
- global consistency and local adaptation
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- learning and development
- legal aid
- respect for local communities
- respect for local culture and customs
- respect for local cultures and adherence to laws
- local drive and initiative
- local empowerment and best practices
- local ethics officer (leo)
- local focus with global reach
- local impact
- local ownership and adaptation
- local presence - global action
- local solutions
- localization
- localized solutions
- locally-led solutions
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- military and civilian integration
- one company local roots
- open and reproducible science
- open-mindedness
- open, honest and clear communication
- partner with different sectors
- partnerships and collaboration
- pay it forward
- personalization
- regulated migration policies
- regulation
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- safeguarding
- safety and moderation
- shareholder value maximization
- our shareholders
- site coordinators’ innovation fellowship
- steely resolve
- strategic impact
- strengthening local capacities
- take bold measures
- trust in local leadership
- value community expertise
- value of working at the local or grassroots level
- support for local journalism
- local presence
- local leadership
- local focus
- local engagement
- local empowerment
- local
- focus on cities
- contribution to local communities
| - access to poetry
- acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- benefiting local places as a responsible company
- best practices and local engagement
- confidentiality and data privacy
- data protection
- environmental health & safety policy
- establishing shared ethical standards
- prevention of financial crime
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment appropriately
- global and local application
- global consistency and local adaptation
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- learning and development
- respect for local communities
- respect for local culture and customs
- respect for local cultures and adherence to laws
- local drive and initiative
- local empowerment and best practices
- local ethics officer (leo)
- local focus with global reach
- local impact
- local ownership and adaptation
- local presence - global action
- local solutions
- localization
- localized solutions
- locally-led solutions
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- military and civilian integration
- one company local roots
- open and reproducible science
- open-mindedness
- open, honest and clear communication
- partner with different sectors
- partnerships and collaboration
- pay it forward
- personalization
- regulation
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- safeguarding
- safety and moderation
- shareholder value maximization
- our shareholders
- site coordinators’ innovation fellowship
- steely resolve
- strategic impact
- strengthening local capacities
- take bold measures
- trust in local leadership
- value community expertise
- value of working at the local or grassroots level
- support for local journalism
- regional focus with national impact
- regional focus
- local presence
- local leadership
- local focus
- local engagement
- local empowerment
- local
- focus on cities
- contribution to local communities
- regional contribution
- 进地方门做地方人说地方话办地方事尽地方责 (entering local communities, being a local, speaking locally, and taking responsibility for local affairs)
- local communities
| 67 | 69 | local impact |
- access to poetry
- acf research promotes the strengthening of capacities in the host country's target communities
- informed and engaged communities
- care for our communities
- responsibility to communities
- our communities
- communities
- communities first
- commitment to consumers and communities
- contribute to our communities
- contributing to our communities
- decentralization and autonomy
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- empowering communities
- engaging with diverse communities
- engaging with our communities
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- importance of all communities
- individuals and communities can transform themselves
- invest in our communities
- leadership and ethics in shaping communities
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- partnership between individuals and their community
- 以人为本 (people-oriented)
- recognition of informal partnerships between individuals and their communities
- respect our planet and communities
- saferworld (2006) 'creating safer communities
- respect for the planet and communities
- transparency and management systems
- we support our communities
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- work in the best interest of the community
- we share (community)
- understand the community’s historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- understand the community's historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- thriving communities
- strengthening families and communities
- social networks
- scale & a neighborhood-based approach
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- resident involvement
- remember that you are mapping in a large community
- parent and community involvement
- oregon community foundation website and community tool box website
- nurturing knowledge communities and institutions
- number of dwellings
- learning community
- involving parents and community
- inspiration from communities
- human-centered and community-led approach
- family and community strengthening
- everyday community
- empowering texas communities
- culture and community at rand
- connecting the public to public schools
- community-minded
- community-led development
- community-focus
- community-driven solutions
- community-driven
- community-centric solutions
- community-centric approach
- community-centric
- community-centered approach
- community-centered
- community upliftment
- community standards
- community representation
- community libraries
- community investment
- community input
- community improvement
- community importance
- community growth
- community engagement and outreach
- community consultation
- community building
- community and teamwork
- community and societal engagement
- community and connection
- community and approachability
- collaboration and community
- building stronger communities
- building community and influence
- building community
- building communities
- build community
- social media
- community development
- serving the community
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- caring for communities
- respect for local communities
- community
- strengthening communities
- communication with villagers
- live the community
- concern for community
- community impact
- community involvement
- favoring social dialogue
- political activity and community
- local community benefits and cultural representation
- collaborative community
- community strengthening
| - access to poetry
- acf research promotes the strengthening of capacities in the host country's target communities
- informed and engaged communities
- care for our communities
- responsibility to communities
- our communities
- communities
- communities first
- commitment to consumers and communities
- contribute to our communities
- contributing to our communities
- decentralization and autonomy
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- empowering communities
- engaging with diverse communities
- engaging with our communities
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- importance of all communities
- individuals and communities can transform themselves
- invest in our communities
- leadership and ethics in shaping communities
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- partnership between individuals and their community
- 以人为本 (people-oriented)
- recognition of informal partnerships between individuals and their communities
- respect our planet and communities
- saferworld (2006) 'creating safer communities
- respect for the planet and communities
- transparency and management systems
- we support our communities
- • community
- * social media
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- work in the best interest of the community
- we share (community)
- understand the community’s historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- understand the community's historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- thriving communities
- strengthening families and communities
- social networks
- scale & a neighborhood-based approach
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- resident involvement
- remember that you are mapping in a large community
- parent and community involvement
- oregon community foundation website and community tool box website
- nurturing knowledge communities and institutions
- number of dwellings
- neighborhood-based approach
- learning community
- involving parents and community
- inspiration from communities
- human-centered and community-led approach
- family and community strengthening
- everyday community
- empowering texas communities
- culture and community at rand
- connecting the public to public schools
- community-minded
- community-led development
- community-focus
- community-driven solutions
- community-driven
- community-centric solutions
- community-centric approach
- community-centric
- community-centered approach
- community-centered
- community upliftment
- community standards
- community representation
- community libraries
- community investment
- community input
- community improvement
- community importance
- community growth
- community engagement and outreach
- community consultation
- community building
- community and teamwork
- community and societal engagement
- community and connection
- community and approachability
- collaboration and community
- canadian branch network
- building stronger communities
- building community and influence
- building community
- building communities
- build community
- social media
- community development
- serving the community
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- caring for communities
- respect for local communities
- community
- strengthening communities
- 友善的社會 (friendly society)
- communication with villagers
- live the community
- concern for community
- community impact
- community involvement
- favoring social dialogue
- political activity and community
- local community benefits and cultural representation
- collaborative community
- community strengthening
- connection with local communities
- view ourselves as a local small business: know our customers, create summer jobs and support local organizations
- local communities
| 105 | 113 | communities |
- access to quality health services
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- ethical practices and corporate citizenship
- full, fair, and understandable disclosure
- integrity and prudence
- prudence
- prudent stewardship
- safety and moderation
- conservatism in estimates
- caution
- prudence principle
- caution principle
| - access to quality health services
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- ethical practices and corporate citizenship
- full, fair, and understandable disclosure
- integrity and prudence
- prudence
- prudent stewardship
- safety and moderation
- conservatism in estimates
- caution
- prudence principle
- caution principle
- exercising prudence and caution
| 12 | 13 | prudence |
- access to remedy
- beneficiary-focused
- business ethics and integrity
- co-operation, communication
- collaboration and collective knowledge
- contribution to the economy and society
- customer obsessed
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工 (develop the enterprise, contribute to society, benefit employees)
- documentation and monitoring
- economic contribution
- engagement and dialogue
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- especially for managers
- establishing shared ethical standards
- ethical governance
- evidence-based advocacy
- follow the fundamental rules of the world and strive for the best as a team
- global mindset
- governance and compliance
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- network
- 共享 (sharing)
- social responsibility and community engagement
- tel.
- winning together
- active engagement & contribution to society
- active contribution to global environment and society
- commitment to science and society
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- community contribution
- social contribution
- contribution to society and the country
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- social contributions
- responsibility towards society
- commitment to society
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- contribution to society
| - access to remedy
- beneficiary-focused
- business ethics and integrity
- co-operation, communication
- collaboration and collective knowledge
- contribution to the economy and society
- customer obsessed
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工 (develop the enterprise, contribute to society, benefit employees)
- economic contribution
- engagement and dialogue
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- especially for managers
- establishing shared ethical standards
- ethical governance
- evidence-based advocacy
- follow the fundamental rules of the world and strive for the best as a team
- global mindset
- governance and compliance
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- 共享 (sharing)
- winning together
- active engagement & contribution to society
- active contribution to global environment and society
- creation of added value for society
- creation added value for society
- commitment to science and society
- advancing the greater good
- 贡献社会
- 奉献社会、造福员工
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- community contribution
- social contribution
- contribution to society and the country
- mission of contributing to a better world
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- social contributions
- responsibility towards society
- commitment to society
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- contribution to society
- contributing to a better world
- service to society
- serving society
- contribution to social development
- contribution
- duty and contribution
- contributing to society
| 39 | 48 | contribution to society |
- access to security and privacy tools as a fundamental human right
- accessibility and inclusion
- ambition
- ambition and youthfulness
- annual reviews wikipedian-in-residence
- be good
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- code of conduct
- collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- compliance with the law
- conflict prevention and management
- respect and consideration for human rights
- contrast
- country-driven
- data security and intellectual property protection
- informed decisions
- dedication and citizenship
- - deferred excise tax liability
- development and progress
- dignity & respect
- employment and stability
- empowering human rights defenders
- empowerment and potential
- empowerment through critical thinking
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- ethical and human rights management
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- evidence-based programs
- fairness and equality
- fairness and individual rights protection
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- full participation
- respect for fundamental human rights
- respect for fundamental human rights and dignity
- respect for fundamental human rights, social justice, human dignity, and equal rights
- future impact
- human rights
- protection of human rights
- commitment to human rights
- human rights advocacy
- respect for human rights and compliance with laws
- respect for human rights and diversity
- respect for human rights and fair labor practices
- human rights and human dignity
- respect for human rights and inclusion
- respect for human rights and individuality
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- human rights and justice
- human rights and labor practices
- human rights and labor standards
- human rights and modern slavery
- human rights and sustainable development
- respect for human rights and the environment
- human rights and worker welfare
- human rights compatibility
- human rights policy
- human rights protection
- human rights violations
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- human rights, working conditions and modern slavery
- human-centered performance
- in case of problems
- integrity of competitions
- labor and human rights
- labor and human rights standards
- leadership and organization
- respect for legal provisions
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- prevention of malnutrition and hunger
- responsible minerals sourcing
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- open culture of inclusiveness
- peaceful, non-violent manner
- respect for people and diversity
- permissiveness and perpetual rights
- philanthropic legacy
- pioneer
- profit
- promoting equity and justice
- promoting human rights
- promoting safe and responsible use
- protect human rights
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗 (put strugglers first, long-term hard work)
- quality and value
- reinforcing the human rights movement
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- respect human rights
- serve athletes
- social welfare
- societal impact
- software independence and modularity
- solicitation from intermediaries offering incentives in exchange for preferential treatment
- strict adherence to laws and regulations
- substance abuse prohibition
- systemic change
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- the report's functional role and values were defined as an important instrument to disclose duty performance information in line with relevant requirements, improve corporate social responsibility work, and provide feedback for improvement. the report was
- the rule of law
- transparency and diligence in reporting
- transparent
- universality of human rights
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- wise stewardship
- working conditions and human rights
- acknowledgment of receipt and request for additional information by the national human rights commission, dated 20 december 2003
- zimbabwe lawyers for human rights (zlhr)
- zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse
- upholding humanitarian principles in un mission mandates
- the author respectfully requests that the human rights committee find that the state has violated articles 7 and 10, in conjunction with article 2(3) of the iccpr, and recommend the remedies requested above
- sustainability and human rights
- support for victims of human rights violations
- strengthening democracy, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- rights realization and protection
- rights and sovereignty of indigenous peoples
- respect for poets' rights
- respect for people’s rights and dignity
- respect for people's rights and dignity
- respect for international law and standards
- respect for international law
- respect for indigenous peoples
- respect for indigenous and tribal peoples' rights
- respect for human life and dignity
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- respect for dignity and rights
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- remedy for human rights abuses
- refusal of medical examination by prison authorities
- recognition of human trafficking
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- protection of users' rights
- protection of lawyers' rights
- protection of journalists
- protection of human dignity
- protection from exploitation and abuse
- protection against exploitation and abuse
- promotion and protection of human rights
- privileges and immunities
- prevention of exploitation and abuse
- preventing exploitation and abuse
- people trafficking
- opposition to the death penalty
- opposition to exploitation
- non-discrimination and human rights
- modern slavery & trafficking
- justice and impunity
- inviolable human rights
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- international law and principles
- international law and human rights
- international bill of human rights
- indigenous peoples' rights
- human rights perspective
- human rights and fair working conditions
- human rights and empowerment
- human rights and dignity
- health as a human right
- good, clean, fair and healthy food as a right for all
- freedom and human rights culture
- final report by the national human rights commission, dated 15 june 2004
- ethical standards and human rights
- ending occupation and apartheid
- defending human rights
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- compliance with international humanitarian law
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of human life
- basic right to healthcare
- appeal to the national human rights commission, dated 15 december 2003
- esg resources hub - human rights at verizon
- corporate culture that respects human rights
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- respect for people and human rights
- respect for human rights and labor
- respect for human and labor rights
- respect and protection of human rights
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- upholding human responsibility
- human rights due diligence
- respect for legality, human rights and ethical values
- we believe in humanist values
- opposition to modern slavery and human trafficking
- human rights and fair treatment
- human rights and fair labor practices
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- respect for human rights
- human rights and diversity
- human rights & labor standards
- curiosity and respect for humans and animals
- human rights and respect for people
- respect for labor and human rights
- respect for individual rights
- human rights and social responsibility
- humane treatment and non-discrimination
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- respect for human rights and inclusivity
- community engagement and human rights
- respect for human rights and dignity
- respecting human rights
- management of human rights and ethics
- humans
- respect for human and labour rights
| - access to security and privacy tools as a fundamental human right
- accessibility and inclusion
- ambition
- ambition and youthfulness
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- code of conduct
- collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- compliance with the law
- conflict prevention and management
- respect and consideration for human rights
- data security and intellectual property protection
- informed decisions
- dedication and citizenship
- development and progress
- dignity & respect
- employment and stability
- empowering human rights defenders
- empowerment and potential
- empowerment through critical thinking
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- ethical and human rights management
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- evidence-based programs
- fairness and equality
- fairness and individual rights protection
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- full participation
- respect for fundamental human rights
- respect for fundamental human rights and dignity
- respect for fundamental human rights, social justice, human dignity, and equal rights
- future impact
- human rights
- protection of human rights
- commitment to human rights
- human rights advocacy
- respect for human rights and compliance with laws
- respect for human rights and diversity
- respect for human rights and fair labor practices
- human rights and human dignity
- respect for human rights and inclusion
- respect for human rights and individuality
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- human rights and justice
- human rights and labor practices
- human rights and labor standards
- human rights and modern slavery
- human rights and sustainable development
- respect for human rights and the environment
- human rights and worker welfare
- human rights compatibility
- human rights policy
- human rights protection
- human rights violations
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- human rights, working conditions and modern slavery
- human-centered performance
- in case of problems
- labor and human rights
- labor and human rights standards
- leadership and organization
- respect for legal provisions
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- prevention of malnutrition and hunger
- responsible minerals sourcing
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- open culture of inclusiveness
- peaceful, non-violent manner
- respect for people and diversity
- permissiveness and perpetual rights
- philanthropic legacy
- pioneer
- profit
- promoting equity and justice
- promoting human rights
- promoting safe and responsible use
- protect human rights
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗 (put strugglers first, long-term hard work)
- quality and value
- reinforcing the human rights movement
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- respect human rights
- serve athletes
- social welfare
- societal impact
- software independence and modularity
- solicitation from intermediaries offering incentives in exchange for preferential treatment
- strict adherence to laws and regulations
- systemic change
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- the report's functional role and values were defined as an important instrument to disclose duty performance information in line with relevant requirements, improve corporate social responsibility work, and provide feedback for improvement. the report was
- the rule of law
- transparency and diligence in reporting
- transparent
- universality of human rights
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- wise stewardship
- working conditions and human rights
- acknowledgment of receipt and request for additional information by the national human rights commission, dated 20 december 2003
- zimbabwe lawyers for human rights (zlhr)
- zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse
- upholding humanitarian principles in un mission mandates
- the national human rights commission conducted its own investigation into the author’s claims. this investigation included interviews with the author, his family, and mr. l, as well as a review of the medical and psychiatric reports. the national human ri
- the author, through mr. l, appealed the decision of the chief prosecutor’s office to the national human rights commission on 15 december 2003 (see annex 36 for a copy of the appeal). the national human rights commission acknowledged receipt of the appeal
- the author respectfully requests that the human rights committee find that the state has violated articles 7 and 10, in conjunction with article 2(3) of the iccpr, and recommend the remedies requested above
- sustainability and human rights
- support for victims of human rights violations
- strengthening democracy, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- rights-based approach
- rights realization and protection
- rights and sovereignty of indigenous peoples
- rights and protection
- respect for poets' rights
- respect for people’s rights and dignity
- respect for people's rights and dignity
- respect for international law and standards
- respect for international law
- respect for indigenous peoples
- respect for indigenous and tribal peoples' rights
- respect for human life and dignity
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- respect for dignity and rights
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- remedy for human rights abuses
- regard and consideration for the rights of an individual and/or group
- refusal of medical examination by prison authorities
- recognition of trafficked persons' agency
- recognition of human trafficking
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- protection of users' rights
- protection of lawyers' rights
- protection of journalists
- protection of human dignity
- protection from exploitation and abuse
- protection against exploitation and abuse
- promotion and protection of human rights
- prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse
- prohibition against sexual exploitation and abuse
- privileges and immunities
- prevention of exploitation and abuse
- preventing exploitation and abuse
- people trafficking
- opposition to the death penalty
- opposition to exploitation
- non-exploitation
- non-discrimination and human rights
- non-derogability
- ngo report on city prison
- modern slavery & trafficking
- justice and impunity
- inviolable human rights
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- intolerance for abusive behavior
- international law and principles
- international law and human rights
- international bill of human rights
- indigenous peoples' rights
- human rights perspective
- human rights and fair working conditions
- human rights and empowerment
- human rights and dignity
- health as a human right
- good, clean, fair and healthy food as a right for all
- freedom and human rights culture
- final report by the national human rights commission, dated 15 june 2004
- ethical standards and human rights
- ending occupation and apartheid
- despite the findings and recommendations of the national human rights commission, the state has not taken any action to compensate the author or to prosecute the police officers involved in his torture. the author has therefore exhausted all available dom
- defending rights
- defending human rights
- declaration of tokyo
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- copy of the investigations (human rights) act 1990
- compliance with international humanitarian law
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of human life
- basic right to healthcare
- article 7 of the iccpr provides that “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” the author submits that the physical and psychological abuse he suffered at the hands of the police officers at city pol
- article 2(3) of the iccpr provides that each state party undertakes “to ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein recognized are violated shall have an effective remedy.” the author submits that the state has failed to provide him with an
- article 10(1) of the iccpr provides that “all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.” the author submits that the conditions of detention at city prison, including se
- appeal to the national human rights commission, dated 15 december 2003
- esg resources hub - human rights at verizon
- corporate culture that respects human rights
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- respect for people and human rights
- respect for human rights and labor
- respect for human and labor rights
- respect and protection of human rights
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- upholding human responsibility
- human rights due diligence
- respect for legality, human rights and ethical values
- we believe in humanist values
- opposition to modern slavery and human trafficking
- human rights and fair treatment
- human rights and fair labor practices
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- respect for human rights
- human rights and diversity
- human rights & labor standards
- curiosity and respect for humans and animals
- human rights and respect for people
- respect for labor and human rights
- respect for individual rights
- human rights and social responsibility
- humane treatment and non-discrimination
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- respect for human rights and inclusivity
- community engagement and human rights
- respect for human rights and dignity
- respecting human rights
- management of human rights and ethics
- humans
- respect for human and labour rights
- respect for human rights and fair treatment
- protection of rights
- human rights and working conditions
- making the world safer
- humanrights
- user rights
- human rights at verizon
- not weaponizing our robots
- respect for others' rights
- non-complicity in human rights abuses
- individual rights protection
- respect for human life
- violence and weapons
- compliance with human rights
| 209 | 235 | human rights |
- access to security and privacy tools as a fundamental human right
- affordability and accessibility
- ambition and youthfulness
- building a sustainable business
- collaborative
- committed
- compliance to regulations
- confidentialité des informations privilégiées
- confidentiality and information handling
- confidentiality and insider information
- confidentiality and privacy
- respect for confidentiality and privacy
- confidentiality and proprietary information
- confidentiality and secrecy
- confidentiality and security
- conflict of interests, transfer of interests, and non-public information management
- - continuity reserve
- convenience
- customer privacy
- deliver results responsibly
- developing transparent commercial relations
- employee privacy
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- evidence-based solutions
- government officials
- - grants payable, net
- human-centeredness
- illuminating humanity
- imagination
- personal information
- inside information
- insider information
- legal and privacy
- price fixing
- protection of privacy
- respect for privacy
- privacy and anonymity
- privacy and civil rights
- privacy and confidentiality
- privacy and dignity
- protection of privacy and intimacy
- privacy and personal information
- respect for privacy and safety
- privacy and security protection
- respect for privacy choices
- privacy or security violations
- privacy protection
- protecting privacy
- protecting privacy and intimacy
- safety & privacy
- security and confidentiality
- security and privacy
- security and privacy protection
- strive for the best as a team
- commitment to the jewish people
- respect for user privacy
- respect for victims' privacy
- we the peoples" approach
- respect for employees' private sphere
- respect for children's privacy
- protection of users' rights
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- privacy of patrons
- privacy breach
- privacy and control
- personal data protection and privacy
- hiding content
- protection of privacy and company assets
- limited data sharing
- protection of privacy and inside information
- privacy
- information security and privacy
- protecting confidentiality and privacy
- privacy by design
- user privacy
- compliance with privacy and civil rights laws
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- honor people’s privacy in everything we do
- privacy and information security
- privacy, security, and freedom of expression
- privacy and security
- privacy and data security
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- privacy and data protection
- safety and privacy
| - access to security and privacy tools as a fundamental human right
- affordability and accessibility
- ambition and youthfulness
- building a sustainable business
- collaborative
- committed
- compliance to regulations
- confidentialité des informations privilégiées
- confidentiality and information handling
- confidentiality and insider information
- confidentiality and privacy
- respect for confidentiality and privacy
- confidentiality and proprietary information
- confidentiality and secrecy
- confidentiality and security
- conflict of interests, transfer of interests, and non-public information management
- - continuity reserve
- convenience
- customer privacy
- deliver results responsibly
- developing transparent commercial relations
- employee privacy
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- evidence-based solutions
- government officials
- human-centeredness
- illuminating humanity
- imagination
- personal information
- inside information
- insider information
- legal and privacy
- price fixing
- protection of privacy
- respect for privacy
- privacy and anonymity
- privacy and civil rights
- privacy and confidentiality
- privacy and dignity
- protection of privacy and intimacy
- privacy and personal information
- respect for privacy and safety
- privacy and security protection
- respect for privacy choices
- privacy or security violations
- privacy protection
- protecting privacy
- protecting privacy and intimacy
- safety & privacy
- security and confidentiality
- security and privacy
- security and privacy protection
- strive for the best as a team
- commitment to the jewish people
- respect for user privacy
- respect for victims' privacy
- user rights protection
- respect for employees' private sphere
- respect for children's privacy
- protection of users' rights
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- privacy of patrons
- privacy breach
- privacy and control
- personal data protection and privacy
- hiding content
- protection of privacy and company assets
- limited data sharing
- protection of privacy and inside information
- privacy
- information security and privacy
- protecting confidentiality and privacy
- data trust and privacy
- privacy by design
- user privacy
- compliance with privacy and civil rights laws
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- honor people’s privacy in everything we do
- privacy and information security
- privacy, security, and freedom of expression
- privacy and security
- privacy and data security
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- privacy and data protection
- safety and privacy
- no adult content or gore
- privacy policy
- consumer protection
- respect for private information
- user consent
| 86 | 91 | privacy |
- accessibility
- administration of code
- anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance
- audits and assessments
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
- awareness and responsibility
- benefit for all
- "beyond health care
- biodiversity conservation
- bouygues telecom | address
- brand building as a spirit for inspiration
- breaking news
- build a more caring, sustainable world
- building powerful partnerships
- building trustworthy robots
- business gifts
- client value creation
- collaborative approach
- communications
- community partners and strategic partnerships are keys to success
- compliance and legal adherence
- confidentiality
- confidentiality and data protection
- consensus-driven
- consideration of ethical principles, patient needs, and laws
- contrast
- core_values
- 企业文化 (corporate culture)
- corporate governance excellence
- create the future of sport
- 以客户为中心、以效益为根本
- decentralization and co-existence
- defining family
- disciplined approach
- disqualifications
- do not trade on material non-public information
- educational opportunities at rand
- equality, inclusiveness and respect for the diversity of people
- establishing shared ethical standards
- ethical fundraising
- ethical principles
- ethical use of others' material
- fair competition and antitrust
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- focus on serving the poor, especially women and rural areas
- fostering trust and respect
- group dealing policy
- honesty and fairness
- implement sustainable community solutions
- commitment to international cooperation
- local presence
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- optimize the production process
- paid posts
- privacy, security, and freedom of expression
- remedy for human rights abuses
- respect towards fellowman and the environment
- supportiveness
- universal protection
- we care for the planet
- the environment
- the edib conservation principles are
- right to clean environment
- respect for biodiversity
- protection of the environment
- protection of environment and eco-system
- protection of biodiversity
- protecting the planet
- integration with nature
- improving the environment
- green and low-carbon
- environmental protection and conservation
- environmental education
- environmental awareness and action
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and biodiversity protection
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- ecology
- ecological policies
- driving environmental outcomes
- dismantling the power of polluters
- cultural and environmental support
- conservation and environment
- conservation
- connection to nature
- compliance with environmental policy
- caring for nature
- environmental care
- ecological priority
- respect for humanity and the natural world
- environmental awareness
- 绿色环保
- commitment to environmental protection
- environmental commitment
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- environmental conservation
- environmental impact
- protecting our planet
- consideration for the environment
- environmental management
- environmental preservation and harmony with society
- actively engaging in conservation of the global environment and contributing to local communities and society
- environmental consciousness
- care for the environment
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- environmental responsibility and safety
- preserving the environment
- minimize our environmental footprint
- environmental compliance
- environment
- climate and environmental protection
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- respect our planet and communities
- respect for human rights and the environment
- clean and low carbon development
- environmental and climate protection
- environmental responsibility
- respect for the environment
- environmental respect
| - accessibility
- administration of code
- anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance
- audits and assessments
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
- awareness and responsibility
- "beyond health care
- biodiversity conservation
- bouygues telecom | address
- brand building as a spirit for inspiration
- breaking news
- build a more caring, sustainable world
- building powerful partnerships
- building trustworthy robots
- business gifts
- client value creation
- collaborative approach
- communications
- community partners and strategic partnerships are keys to success
- compliance and legal adherence
- confidentiality
- confidentiality and data protection
- consensus-driven
- consideration of ethical principles, patient needs, and laws
- core_values
- corporate governance excellence
- create the future of sport
- 以客户为中心、以效益为根本
- decentralization and co-existence
- defining family
- disciplined approach
- do not trade on material non-public information
- educational opportunities at rand
- equality, inclusiveness and respect for the diversity of people
- establishing shared ethical standards
- ethical fundraising
- ethical principles
- ethical use of others' material
- fair competition and antitrust
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- fostering trust and respect
- honesty and fairness
- implement sustainable community solutions
- commitment to international cooperation
- local presence
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- optimize the production process
- paid posts
- privacy, security, and freedom of expression
- remedy for human rights abuses
- respect towards fellowman and the environment
- supportiveness
- we care for the planet
- urban and rural ecological policies
- three phases to green steel production
- the environment
- the edib conservation principles are
- right to clean environment
- respect for biodiversity
- protection of the environment
- protection of environment and eco-system
- protection of biodiversity
- protecting the planet
- one conservancy
- nature
- integration with nature
- improving the environment
- i686 support phase-out
- green and low-carbon
- environmental protection and conservation
- environmental education
- environmental awareness and action
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and biodiversity protection
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- ecology
- ecological policies
- driving environmental outcomes
- dismantling the power of polluters
- cultural and environmental support
- conservation and environment
- conservation
- connection to nature
- compliance with environmental policy
- caring for nature
- 爱护环境
- environmental care
- ecological priority
- respect for humanity and the natural world
- environmental awareness
- 绿色环保
- commitment to environmental protection
- environmental commitment
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- environmental conservation
- environmental impact
- protecting our planet
- consideration for the environment
- environmental management
- environmental preservation and harmony with society
- actively engaging in conservation of the global environment and contributing to local communities and society
- environmental consciousness
- care for the environment
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- strict management, protecting lucid waters and lush mountains
- environmental responsibility and safety
- preserving the environment
- minimize our environmental footprint
- environmental compliance
- environment
- climate and environmental protection
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- respect our planet and communities
- respect for human rights and the environment
- clean and low carbon development
- environmental and climate protection
- environmental responsibility
- respect for the environment
- environmental respect
- green development and ecological protection
- green actions
- environmental
- energy conservation and enviroment protection
- curiosity and respect for the natural world
- promote green development, pursue excellence
- environmental preservation
- protection of environment
- ecological responsibility
- green practices and ecological contributions
- green
| 119 | 130 | environmental conservation |
- accessibility and affordability
- personal and business integrity, national and international trade
- engaging with the world
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- renew and improve
- low-cost, replicable models
- implement cost reduction measures in procurement
- financial accessibility
- fair pricing
- costco auto program
- affordable housing
- affordability and accessibility
- affordability
| - accessibility and affordability
- personal and business integrity, national and international trade
- engaging with the world
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- renew and improve
- providing free or low-cost access
- low-cost, replicable models
- interest-free loans
- implement cost reduction measures in procurement
- financial accessibility
- fair pricing
- ensure value for money
- costs
- costco travel
- costco auto program
- cost-consciousness
- affordable housing
- affordability and accessibility
- affordability
| 14 | 20 | affordability |
- accessibility and inclusion
- code of conduct
- communication and coordination
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- creating shared value
- data security and intellectual property protection
- development and progress
- equity focus
- full participation
- future impact
- respect for human rights and fair labor practices
- human rights and labor practices
- human rights and labor standards
- human rights and modern slavery
- human rights and worker welfare
- human rights, working conditions and modern slavery
- inclusive growth
- labor rights and fairness
- 责任管理
- responsible minerals sourcing
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- peer review processes
- pioneer
- commitment to the poor
- working conditions and human rights
- human rights and fair working conditions
- forced labor and child labor
- fair labor rights
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- respect for human rights and labor
- respect for human and labor rights
- fair and ethical employment practices
- upholding labor rights
- fair treatment and working conditions
- labor and human rights standards
- people & labor
- adherence to labor laws
- human rights and fair labor practices
- respect for labor standards
- fair wages and working hours
- prohibition of forced and child labor
- labor practices
- freedom of association and collective bargaining
- respect for labor and human rights
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- labor standards and employee rights
- support for labour standards
- prohibition of forced labor
- labor and human rights
- labor rights
- fair labor practices
- respect for human and labour rights
| - accessibility and inclusion
- code of conduct
- communication and coordination
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- creating shared value
- data security and intellectual property protection
- development and progress
- equity focus
- full participation
- future impact
- respect for human rights and fair labor practices
- human rights and labor practices
- human rights and labor standards
- human rights and modern slavery
- human rights and worker welfare
- human rights, working conditions and modern slavery
- inclusive growth
- labor rights and fairness
- 责任管理
- responsible minerals sourcing
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- pioneer
- working conditions and human rights
- workers' rights
- human rights and fair working conditions
- forced labor and child labor
- fair labor rights
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- respect for human rights and labor
- respect for human and labor rights
- fair and ethical employment practices
- upholding labor rights
- fair treatment and working conditions
- labor and human rights standards
- labor
- people & labor
- adherence to labor laws
- human rights and fair labor practices
- labor rights protection
- respect for labor standards
- fair wages and working hours
- prohibition of forced and child labor
- labor practices
- freedom of association and collective bargaining
- respect for labor and human rights
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- labor standards and employee rights
- support for labour standards
- prohibition of forced labor
- labor and human rights
- labor rights
- fair labor practices
- respect for human and labour rights
- human rights and working conditions
- employee rights protection
- forced labor
- labour rights and protection
- fair labor and employment practices
- respect for employees' rights
- protection of workers' rights
- elimination of forced labor
- labor protection
- employment and labor
| 54 | 65 | labor rights |
- accessibility and inclusion
- accessible
- assessment
- collaboration and advocacy
- confidentiality
- connectivity
- diversification
- education and youth
- environment
- environmental governance
- environmental protection and sustainability
- execution
- - in-kind contributions
- independent development through openness
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- strategic journalism
- taking care of our people
- total change in net assets
- unwavering commitment to justice
- we care for the planet
- the environment
- sacredness of mother earth
- right to clean environment
- respect for biodiversity
- protection of the environment
- protection of environment and eco-system
- protection of biodiversity
- protecting the planet
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- integration with nature
- improving the environment
- green and low-carbon
- environmental protection and conservation
- environmental health & safety policy
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and social protection
- environmental and biodiversity protection
- ecology
- ecological policies
- driving environmental outcomes
- dismantling the power of polluters
- cultural and environmental support
- connection to nature
- compliance with environmental policy
- caring for nature
- awareness of climate change
- environmental care
- ecological priority
- environmental awareness
- 绿色环保
- commitment to environmental protection
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- environmental commitment
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- health, safety, and environmental protection
- environmental impact
- protecting our planet
- sustainability and environmental protection
- consideration for the environment
- environmental management
- environmental consciousness
- care for the environment
- respect for the planet and communities
- protect people and the environment
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- safety and environmental protection
- environmental protection
- people and the environment
- environmental responsibility and safety
- environmental, health & safety
- preserving the environment
- minimize our environmental footprint
- environmental compliance
- climate and environmental protection
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- environmental standards
- commitment to the environment
- respect our planet and communities
- environmental and safety standards
- respect for human rights and the environment
- environmental and climate protection
- environmental responsibility
- respect for the environment
- environment and safety
- environmental respect
- biodiversity conservation
| - accessibility and inclusion
- accessible
- collaboration and advocacy
- confidentiality
- connectivity
- diversification
- education and youth
- environment
- environmental protection and sustainability
- - in-kind contributions
- independent development through openness
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- strategic journalism
- taking care of our people
- unwavering commitment to justice
- we care for the planet
- urban and rural ecological policies
- three phases to green steel production
- the environment
- sacredness of mother earth
- right to clean environment
- respect for biodiversity
- protection of the environment
- protection of environment and eco-system
- protection of biodiversity
- protecting the planet
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- one conservancy
- nature
- integration with nature
- improving the environment
- i686 support phase-out
- green and low-carbon
- environmental protection and conservation
- environmental health & safety policy
- environmental and social protection policy
- environmental and social protection
- environmental and biodiversity protection
- elimination of the production and release of toxics
- ecology
- ecological policies
- driving environmental outcomes
- dismantling the power of polluters
- cultural and environmental support
- connection to nature
- compliance with environmental policy
- caring for nature
- awareness of climate change
- affordable and clean energy
- 爱护环境
- environmental care
- ecological priority
- environmental awareness
- 绿色环保
- commitment to environmental protection
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- environmental commitment
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- health, safety, and environmental protection
- environmental impact
- protecting our planet
- sustainability and environmental protection
- consideration for the environment
- environmental management
- environmental consciousness
- care for the environment
- respect for the planet and communities
- protect people and the environment
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- safety and environmental protection
- environmental protection
- strict management, protecting lucid waters and lush mountains
- people and the environment
- environmental responsibility and safety
- environmental, health & safety
- preserving the environment
- minimize our environmental footprint
- environmental compliance
- climate and environmental protection
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- environmental standards
- commitment to the environment
- respect our planet and communities
- environmental and safety standards
- respect for human rights and the environment
- environmental and climate protection
- environmental responsibility
- respect for the environment
- environment and safety
- environmental respect
- biodiversity conservation
- green development and ecological protection
- green actions
- protection and conservation of federal property
- environmental
- energy conservation and enviroment protection
- curiosity and respect for the natural world
- emission reduction
- qinglonghu wetland
- environmental preservation
- protection of environment
- ecological responsibility
- green practices and ecological contributions
- green
| 87 | 105 | environmental protection |
- accessibility and inclusivity
- confidentiality and data privacy
- family and emotional wealth
- license must not restrict other software
- respect for people and human rights
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- quality improvement and empowerment
- racial justice and prosperity
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- understand the community's historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- understand the community’s historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- valuing education beyond the traditional
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- respect for traditional knowledge
- respect for local culture and customs
- respect for cultures, customs, and traditions
- respect for cultural diversity
- respect for artistic heritage
- preservation
- historical relevance
- historical continuity
- cultural support
- cultural responsiveness
- cultural preservation
- cultural integrity
- cultural and environmental support
- conservation and preservation of the museum's collection
- cultural heritage
- cultural promotion
- historical significance
- cultural fusion
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- cultural sensitivity
| - accessibility and inclusivity
- confidentiality and data privacy
- family and emotional wealth
- license must not restrict other software
- respect for people and human rights
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- quality improvement and empowerment
- racial justice and prosperity
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- understand the community's historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- understand the community’s historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- valuing education beyond the traditional
- acquisition and preservation of art
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- respect for traditional knowledge
- respect for local culture and customs
- respect for cultures, customs, and traditions
- respect for cultural diversity
- respect for artistic heritage
- preservation
- historical relevance
- historical continuity
- cultural support
- cultural responsiveness
- cultural preservation
- cultural integrity
- cultural and environmental support
- conservation and preservation of the museum's collection
- cultural heritage
- cultural promotion
- historical significance
- cultural fusion
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- cultural sensitivity
- traditional chinese culture
- respect for history
- cultural heritage preservation
| 34 | 38 | cultural heritage |
- accessibility and inclusivity
- accountability and responsibility
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- achieving self-improvement to serve others, and serving others to achieve self-fulfillment
- adherence to law
- adherence to laws and regulations
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- advocacy and influence
- advocating for responsible robotics laws and regulation
- agile innovation
- - amazon web services inc., amazon web services emea sarl
- - american psychological association (apa). (2013). working with immigrant-origin clients
- anonymous reporting
- approval and updates
- authenticity
- be bold
- beyond virtue
- bold and creative approach
- brand and mission fit
- building community and influence
- business ethics and transparency
- candid conversations
- capacity building
- informed citizenship
- clean and low carbon development
- client wealth and financial inclusion
- communication
- community upliftment
- community-focus
- company asset
- compensation and healthcare
- competition and cartel laws
- competition law compliance
- compliance to laws and regulations
- compliance with antitrust laws
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- compliance with foreign trade law
- compliance with foreign trade regulations
- compliance with international law
- compliance with international trade laws
- compliance with laws
- compliance with laws and regulations
- compliance with laws and rules
- compliance with laws, rules, and regulations
- compliance with national legislation, conventions and agreements
- compliance with privacy and civil rights laws
- compliance with regulatory standards
- compliance with rules and regulations
- compliance with trade controls
- comply with laws and regulations
- comply with the law
- comprehensive development through innovation
- conflict resolution and mediation
- conservation of property
- continual growth
- continuity
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
- contributing to sustainable development goal 6
- contribution to local communities
- copy of the complaint to prison authorities
- respect for copyright
- corporate culture that respects human rights
- create a secure work environment
- informed decision-making based on science
- delivering constant innovation
- democracy and community power
- democracy and rule of law
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- department
- dismantling polluter power
- dispute resolution
- dog welfare
- respect for each other
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- respect for employee personal information
- our employees
- empowerment through education and training
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- environmental stewardship
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- equity and equality
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- ethical
- ethical & responsible
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- evidence
- exercise discretion and confidentiality at appropriate times
- fair treatment of business partners
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- feedback mechanisms and regular consultations
- - female employees
- fiduciary duties
- focus on measurable impact
- following the rules
- for more information, visit petrobras’ portal
- freedom and flexibility
- future
- global accessibility
- - global trade compliance
- group integrated risk management policy
- group intellectual property policy
- guardrails
- guidance by mission, vision, and values
- health and well-being
- respect for hierarchy
- honor
- human rights and dignity
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- humanitarian relief
- respect and humility towards others
- i avoid conflicts of interest
- i choose depth
- i know our code and act ethically
- i take ownership
- ideas and intellectual property
- implementation and communication
- in summary, the core values include
- inclusion and equity
- inclusivity and flexibility
- innovation and leading industry development
- integration
- integration of culture into business practices
- integration with nature
- integridade
- 誠信的經營 (integrity in management)
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- international bill of human rights
- international law
- international law and principles
- respect for international law and standards
- international standards compliance
- international trade compliance issues
- international trade controls
- commitment to joint learning
- respect for law and public order
- law-abiding
- law-based governance
- lawful and ethical behavior
- lawful conduct
- lawful, responsible, and ethical behavior
- lawfulness
- laws and regulations
- laws, rules, and regulations
- protection of lawyers' rights
- legal hold
- legality
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- legitimacy
- legitimate defense
- liberty and rule of law
- looking to the future
- low-cost, replicable models
- loyalty
- loyalty to the constitution and the law
- moderate, clear regulations
- money laundering prevention
- obedience to the law
- obey the law
- organizational skills
- patent protection
- patient focus
- privacy and security
- promoting safety
- promotion of international and regional security and stability
- - property and equipment, net
- purity and chastity
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗 (put strugglers first, long-term hard work)
- reflection
- professional regulation and licensure
- regulation and self-regulation
- regulations governing assessments
- responsibility and respect for rules
- respecting international trade order and abiding by laws and regulations
- respecting others
- respecting the law
- respect for rules and regulations
- rules on export controls
- safe and healthy work conditions
- serve athletes
- simplicity and clarity in regulation
- social welfare
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- speed and quality
- suggestion from a business provider to close eyes to eligibility conditions for home loans
- sustainable development and social responsibility
- respect for talent
- the iici is a non-profit organization that relies on funding to provide scholarships, develop new training projects, and contribute to the development and strengthening of investigation standards and best practices. donations can be made through the iici
- respect for the law
- the power to become a force for good in our communities
- trade compliance
- trade compliance and sanctions
- transparent and fair business activities
- unwavering compliance
- upholding the rule of law
- utility
- vibrancy
- - web application server
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- working hours, overtime, and benefits
- zimbabwe lawyers for human rights (zlhr)
- zimbabwe women lawyers association (zwla)
- regulation
- changes to the statutes
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- rule of law and respect
- respect for laws and regulations
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
| - accessibility and inclusivity
- accountability and responsibility
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- adherence to laws and regulations
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- advocacy and influence
- advocating for responsible robotics laws and regulation
- agile innovation
- - american psychological association (apa). (2013). working with immigrant-origin clients
- anonymous reporting
- authenticity
- be bold
- bold and creative approach
- building community and influence
- business ethics and transparency
- candid conversations
- capacity building
- informed citizenship
- clean and low carbon development
- client wealth and financial inclusion
- communication
- community upliftment
- community-focus
- company asset
- compensation and healthcare
- competition and cartel laws
- competition law compliance
- compliance to laws and regulations
- compliance with antitrust laws
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- compliance with foreign trade law
- compliance with foreign trade regulations
- compliance with international law
- compliance with international trade laws
- compliance with laws
- compliance with laws and regulations
- compliance with laws and rules
- compliance with laws, rules, and regulations
- compliance with national legislation, conventions and agreements
- compliance with privacy and civil rights laws
- compliance with regulatory standards
- compliance with rules and regulations
- compliance with trade controls
- comply with laws and regulations
- comply with the law
- comprehensive development through innovation
- conflict resolution and mediation
- conservation of property
- continual growth
- continuity
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
- contributing to sustainable development goal 6
- contribution to local communities
- copy of the complaint to prison authorities
- respect for copyright
- corporate culture that respects human rights
- create a secure work environment
- informed decision-making based on science
- delivering constant innovation
- democracy and community power
- democracy and rule of law
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- department
- dispute resolution
- dog welfare
- respect for each other
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- respect for employee personal information
- our employees
- empowerment through education and training
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- environmental stewardship
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- equity and equality
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- ethical
- ethical & responsible
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- evidence
- exercise discretion and confidentiality at appropriate times
- fair treatment of business partners
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- feedback mechanisms and regular consultations
- focus on measurable impact
- following the rules
- freedom and flexibility
- global accessibility
- group integrated risk management policy
- group intellectual property policy
- guidance by mission, vision, and values
- health and well-being
- respect for hierarchy
- honor
- human rights and dignity
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- humanitarian relief
- respect and humility towards others
- i avoid conflicts of interest
- i know our code and act ethically
- i take ownership
- ideas and intellectual property
- implementation and communication
- in summary, the core values include
- inclusion and equity
- inclusivity and flexibility
- innovation and leading industry development
- integration
- integration of culture into business practices
- integration with nature
- integridade
- 誠信的經營 (integrity in management)
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- international bill of human rights
- international law
- international law and principles
- respect for international law and standards
- international standards compliance
- international trade compliance issues
- commitment to joint learning
- law-abiding
- lawful and ethical behavior
- lawful, responsible, and ethical behavior
- laws and regulations
- laws, rules, and regulations
- protection of lawyers' rights
- legal hold
- legality
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- liberty and rule of law
- low-cost, replicable models
- loyalty
- loyalty to the constitution and the law
- moderate, clear regulations
- money laundering prevention
- obey the law
- patent protection
- privacy and security
- promoting safety
- promotion of international and regional security and stability
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗 (put strugglers first, long-term hard work)
- reflection
- regulation and self-regulation
- regulations governing assessments
- responsibility and respect for rules
- respecting international trade order and abiding by laws and regulations
- respecting others
- respecting the law
- respect for rules and regulations
- rules on export controls
- safe and healthy work conditions
- serve athletes
- simplicity and clarity in regulation
- social welfare
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- speed and quality
- sustainable development and social responsibility
- respect for talent
- the power to become a force for good in our communities
- trade compliance
- transparent and fair business activities
- unwavering compliance
- upholding the rule of law
- utility
- vibrancy
- - web application server
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- working hours, overtime, and benefits
- zimbabwe lawyers for human rights (zlhr)
- zimbabwe women lawyers association (zwla)
- regulation
- legal framework
- changes to the statutes
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- rule of law and respect
- respect for laws and regulations
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
- compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations
| 210 | 180 | rules, laws, regulations |
- accessibility of education
- acm learning center
- average training hours for management employees
- - average training hours for other employees
- - change in net assets
- charitable activities
- responsible citizenship
- civil communication
- code of ethics
- concern for community
- respect and consideration
- constant innovation
- contact information for noble research institute, llc
- continuous improvement
- continuous improvement and accountability
- continuous improvement and innovation
- continuous innovation
- continuous learning and improvement
- create conditions for language learning
- create value
- cross-training and task integration/compression
- documentation and records
- growth and innovation
- health education
- how to build and maintain trust: learning from the japanese..
- inclusivity and equality
- protection of information
- innovation and continuous improvement
- innovation and learning
- innovative learning
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- interdisciplinary learning
- involving parents and community
- iterative learning
- justice and protection
- keep accurate records
- passion for learning
- learning
- learning and growth
- learning and impact
- learning and innovation
- commitment to learning and knowledge sharing
- learning and openness
- learning and trust
- learning community
- learning-focused
- lifelong learning
- - media productions
- mentorship and training
- commitment to ongoing learning and self-reflection
- organizational learning
- positive learning environment
- - program management and general
- protect information
- protecting apple
- respect & dignity
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- security
- shared learning
- shared understanding
- social and emotional learning
- social emotional learning
- speed and agility
- staff member
- strategic planning
- suppliers & business partners
- sustainability reporting
- sustainable growth
- talent and teamwork
- tax benefits
- training
- - training
- training and certification
- training and development
- training and mentoring
- transformation through learning
- transformative learning
- trying fast and learning fast
- youth leadership and organizing
- accountability and continuous improvement
- accountability & continuous improvement
- theme 2: innovation and continuous learning
- sustainable learning models
- staying current
- seeking continuous improvement and innovation
- renew and improve
- professional learning
- principle 8: review, document, and improve decisions and processes
- personal and professional development
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- learning through action and listening
- learning orientation
- learning is the source of human progress
- learning from mistakes
- learning and development
- learning and adaptation
- keeping up-to-date
- iteration
- hands-on learning
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- experiential learning
- evaluation and continuous improvement
- continuous review
- continuous professional development
- continuing professional development
- commitment to learning and improvement
- commitment to joint learning
- collaborative learning
- better our best
- learning from failure
- learning and improvement
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- continuous learning and adaptation
- continuous learning and innovation
- continuously improve
- progressive work culture
- i improve
- comprehensive relationships and self-improvement
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- try fast, learn fast
- untiring effort for improvement
- continuous learning
| - accessibility of education
- acm learning center
- average training hours for management employees
- - average training hours for other employees
- charitable activities
- responsible citizenship
- civil communication
- code of ethics
- concern for community
- respect and consideration
- constant innovation
- contact information for noble research institute, llc
- continuous improvement
- continuous improvement and accountability
- continuous improvement and innovation
- continuous innovation
- continuous learning and improvement
- create conditions for language learning
- create value
- documentation and records
- growth and innovation
- health education
- how to build and maintain trust: learning from the japanese..
- inclusivity and equality
- protection of information
- innovation and continuous improvement
- innovation and learning
- innovative learning
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- interdisciplinary learning
- involving parents and community
- iterative learning
- justice and protection
- keep accurate records
- passion for learning
- learning
- learning and growth
- learning and impact
- learning and innovation
- commitment to learning and knowledge sharing
- learning and openness
- learning and trust
- learning community
- learning-focused
- lifelong learning
- - media productions
- mentorship and training
- commitment to ongoing learning and self-reflection
- organizational learning
- positive learning environment
- - program management and general
- protect information
- protecting apple
- respect & dignity
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- security
- shared learning
- speed and agility
- staff member
- strategic planning
- suppliers & business partners
- sustainability reporting
- sustainable growth
- talent and teamwork
- training
- - training
- training and certification
- training and development
- training and mentoring
- transformation through learning
- youth leadership and organizing
- accountability and continuous improvement
- accountability & continuous improvement
- theme 2: innovation and continuous learning
- sustainable learning models
- staying current
- seeking continuous improvement and innovation
- review and update the plan
- renew and improve
- professional learning
- principle 8: review, document, and improve decisions and processes
- personal and professional development
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- monitor and assess student language development
- listen and learn continuously
- learning through action and listening
- learning orientation
- learning is the source of human progress
- learning from mistakes
- learning and development
- learning and adaptation
- keeping up-to-date
- iterative improvement
- iteration
- hands-on learning
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- experiential learning
- evaluation and continuous improvement
- continuous review and dialogue
- continuous review
- continuous professional development
- continuing professional development
- commitment to learning and improvement
- commitment to joint learning
- collaborative learning
- capacity building and continuous improvement
- better our best
- learning from failure
- learning and improvement
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- continuous learning and adaptation
- continual assessment
- continuous learning and innovation
- continuously improve
- progressive work culture
- i improve
- comprehensive relationships and self-improvement
- periodic certification
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- try fast, learn fast
- untiring effort for improvement
- continuous learning
- always improving
- continuous assessment
- self-improvement
- we are always improving
- continual improvement
- kaizen
- we listen and learn
- always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times
- continual improvement and capacity building
| 124 | 133 | continuous learning and improvement |
- accessibility to healthcare
- answer
- protection of assets and property
- authorization letter from the author
- better our best
- brand protection
- building strong relationships
- centering the voices and experiences of people facing hunger
- clean energy leadership
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
- constructive dialogue with stakeholders
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- diversity as wealth
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- ethical sourcing
- expand overseas markets
- fair competition
- fair competition and anti-trust
- fairness and impartiality
- financial security
- focus on colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- impartiality
- implement cost reduction measures in procurement
- 诚实守信 (integrity)
- promotion of stakeholder value
- relationships with stakeholders
- simpllicity
- commitment to stakeholders
- respect for stakeholders
- protection of stakeholders
- protection of stakeholders' interests
- the core values are
- transparency and stakeholder engagement
- trust from stakeholders
- valuing stakeholders
- stockholder engagement
- stakeholder involvement
- stakeholder focus
- customer, shareholder, and stakeholder focus
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- 利益相关方参与
- stakeholder engagement and shareholder value
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- listening to stakeholders
- stakeholder rights protection
- collaboration with stakeholders
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- stakeholder engagement
- stakeholder inclusion
- responsibility to stakeholders
- community and stakeholder engagement
- shareholder engagement
- shareholder value and engagement
- stakeholder engagement and protection
- fairness in stakeholder engagement
| - accessibility to healthcare
- protection of assets and property
- authorization letter from the author
- better our best
- brand protection
- building strong relationships
- clean energy leadership
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
- constructive dialogue with stakeholders
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- diversity as wealth
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- expand overseas markets
- fair competition
- fair competition and anti-trust
- fairness and impartiality
- financial security
- focus on colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- impartiality
- implement cost reduction measures in procurement
- 诚实守信 (integrity)
- promotion of stakeholder value
- relationships with stakeholders
- simpllicity
- commitment to stakeholders
- respect for stakeholders
- protection of stakeholders
- protection of stakeholders' interests
- the core values are
- transparency and stakeholder engagement
- trust from stakeholders
- valuing stakeholders
- stockholder engagement
- stakeholder involvement
- stakeholder focus
- customer, shareholder, and stakeholder focus
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- 利益相关方参与
- stakeholder engagement and shareholder value
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- listening to stakeholders
- stakeholder rights protection
- collaboration with stakeholders
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- stakeholder engagement
- stakeholder inclusion
- responsibility to stakeholders
- community and stakeholder engagement
- shareholder engagement
- shareholder value and engagement
- stakeholder engagement and protection
- fairness in stakeholder engagement
- questionnaire of stakeholder concerns
- communication with stakeholders
- increase communication and coordination with stakeholders
- co-creation with stakeholders
| 57 | 58 | stakeholder engagement |
- accessibility to healthcare
- analytical cookies
- being customer driven
- centering the voices and experiences of people facing hunger
- collaboration and interdependence
- creating shareholder value
- dedication to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life
- diversity as wealth
- duty of care
- ecological policies
- economic integration
- engage
- fair competition
- full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- jointly responsible
- justice and accountability
- respect for labor standards
- opposition to unlawful activities
- shareholder value
- shareholder value & transparency
- non-profit and non-shareholder
- social value
- the core values are
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- uphold party leadership
- value and transparency for shareholders
- - share premium contribution
- - net assets per share attributable to the equity holder of the company (rmb)
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- stakeholder engagement and shareholder value
- promotion of stakeholder value
- shareholder satisfaction
- stakeholder value promotion
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- shareholder value maximization
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- stakeholder value
- respect for shareholders and investors
- shareholder rights
- shareholder value and engagement
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- shareholder engagement and value creation
- shareholder relations
| - accessibility to healthcare
- being customer driven
- collaboration and interdependence
- creating shareholder value
- dedication to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life
- diversity as wealth
- duty of care
- ecological policies
- engage
- fair competition
- full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- justice and accountability
- respect for labor standards
- opposition to unlawful activities
- shareholder value
- shareholder value & transparency
- non-profit and non-shareholder
- the core values are
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- value and transparency for shareholders
- - share premium contribution
- - net profit attributable to equity holder of the company
- - net assets per share attributable to the equity holder of the company (rmb)
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- market price of shares
- stakeholder engagement and shareholder value
- promotion of stakeholder value
- shareholder satisfaction
- stakeholder value promotion
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- shareholder value maximization
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- stakeholder value
- respect for shareholders and investors
- shareholder rights
- shareholder value and engagement
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- shareholder engagement and value creation
- shareholder relations
- our commitments to our shareholders
- shareowner faqs
- respect for shareholders
- protection of stockholder interest
| 45 | 45 | shareholder value |
- accessibility to medical services
- aligning short-term needs with long-term sustainability
- assignment
- avoidance of hate speech
- best cooperation
- biocapacity
- building just communities
- building powerful partnerships
- business gifts
- clean energy focus
- clothing
- collaborative partnership
- communicate expectations clearly
- consideration of ethical principles, patient needs, and laws
- consumer information
- corporate governance excellence
- corporate social responsibility and sustainability
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
- countering corruption
- create the future of sport
- decentralization and co-existence
- diary notes of mr. l
- diversity equity and inclusion
- diversity inclusion
- do not trade on material non-public information
- ecological sustainability
- economic sustainability
- educational opportunities at rand
- efficiency and sustainability
- energy security and technological leadership
- environment and sustainability
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- environmental protection and sustainability
- environmental sustainability
- equity and diversity
- ethical principles
- ethical use of others' material
- evaluation and continuous improvement
- financial interests
- financial responsibility
- for a sustainable future
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- fostering trust and respect
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- human rights and sustainable development
- humane and sustainable food systems
- humanistic outlook
- inclusive language
- incorporating application security into software acquisition
- commitment to indianapolis and indiana
- 创新 (chuàngxīn): innovation
- innovation & adaptability
- innovation and adaptability
- innovation and forward thinking
- innovation for sustainability
- integrity and fairness
- interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable partnership
- interfaith understanding
- 铁的制度
- prevention of irregular payments and money laundering
- iteration
- key principles
- labor practices
- labor rights
- life matters most
- long-term sustainability
- lyondellbasell is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably. the company's approach to sustainability is guided by its three pillars
- manufacturing green steel for human civilization
- meaningful and sustainable change
- modern and user-friendly digital platform
- ntt group sustainability conferences
- - ntt group sustainability conferences
- paid posts
- commitment to party building and governance
- 以人为本 (people-oriented)
- perseverance and long-term commitment
- commitment to present and future generations
- principle 7: conduct exits considering sustained impact
- profitable growth
- proper standards for gifts and entertainment
- proper use of assets
- provision of quality, customer-centred service
- purpose and ethos
- quality and sustainability
- reason
- reasonable work schedules and rest periods
- recognition and sustainability
- regulation
- reliable operation
- renqiang (respect)
- respect for resources and sustainability
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- respectfulness
- revolutionizing the way the world works
- runway of sustainability
- safety and environmental sustainability
- scientific philanthropy
- scientific rigor
- seeking and offering help
- sensitivity to diversity
- serving millions through sustainable solutions
- serving people with disabilities
- sharing and wellbeing
- social conscience
- socially responsible corporate governance
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- stakeholder involvement
- state responsibility for private practices
- strategic leadership
- strategic partnerships
- strict adherence to laws and regulations
- striving
- strong content
- commitment to sustainability
- systematic risk
- truth
- value community expertise
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- winning together
- act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- a commitment to sustainability
- valuing stewardship of the earth's health and preserving its resources
- the asr also includes a disclosure supplement that provides additional information on specific sustainability issues material to raízen's operations. the supplement is prepared in accordance with the gri standards
- take the long view
- sustainable use of resources
- sustainable upward mobility
- sustainable supply chain
- sustainable partnerships
- sustainable partnership
- sustainable monetization
- sustainable innovation
- sustainable governance
- sustainable environment
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable change
- sustainable
- sustainability and systemic change
- sustainability and self-sufficiency
- sustainability and self-reliance
- sustainability and scale
- sustainability and impact
- sustainability and human rights
- sustainability and growth
- sustainability and future planning
- sustainability and environmental stewardship
- sustainability and corporate information
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- reusable
- responsible consumption & production
- respect for the sacredness of mother earth
- planetary boundaries
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- long-term solutions
- long view
- keeping human demands within planetary limits
- investment in infrastructure
- investing in the future
- implement sustainable community solutions
- green and low-carbon
- fairness and sustainability
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- environment & sustainability
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- community-led sustainable innovation
- climate-smart agriculture
- climate adaptation
- building a sustainable business
- be responsible for tomorrow
- avoiding unsustainable depletion of nature's stocks
- themes of sustainability
- long-term thinking
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- long-term perspective
- committed to a healthy future
- sustainable development and responsibility towards communities
- sustainability in the supply chain
- creating future living space for human
- delivering long-term success and sustainability
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- championing innovation and sustainability
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- sustainable energy supply
- sustainability and environmental responsibility
- sustainable and responsible practices
- sustainability reporting
- green finance
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- sustainable performance
- sustainability and environmental protection
- ensuring environmental sustainability
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- sustainable development and social responsibility
- comprehensive energy solutions
- safe and sustainable society
- responsible use of resources
- sustainability and environmental consciousness
- sustainable development strategy
- environmental stewardship and green development
- sustainability and responsibility
- promote green development
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- long-term value
- sustainable value creation
- safety and sustainability
- sustainable growth
- sustainability and social responsibility
- sustainable development
- social responsibility and sustainability
- circular economy
- clean energy leadership
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- sustainability and social impact
- clean and low carbon development
- focusing on sustainable and environmentally-friendly operations
- responsible minerals sourcing
- production of cleaner and next-generation fuels
- sustainability
- sustainable development principle
- build a more caring, sustainable world
- sustainable practices
- sustainable management
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- commitment to sustainable development
| - accessibility to medical services
- aligning short-term needs with long-term sustainability
- assignment
- avoidance of hate speech
- best cooperation
- building just communities
- building powerful partnerships
- business gifts
- clean energy focus
- collaborative partnership
- communicate expectations clearly
- consideration of ethical principles, patient needs, and laws
- consumer information
- corporate governance excellence
- corporate social responsibility and sustainability
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
- countering corruption
- create the future of sport
- decentralization and co-existence
- diary notes of mr. l
- diversity equity and inclusion
- diversity inclusion
- do not trade on material non-public information
- ecological sustainability
- economic sustainability
- educational opportunities at rand
- efficiency and sustainability
- environment and sustainability
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- environmental protection and sustainability
- environmental sustainability
- equity and diversity
- ethical principles
- ethical use of others' material
- evaluation and continuous improvement
- financial interests
- financial responsibility
- for a sustainable future
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- fostering trust and respect
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- human rights and sustainable development
- humane and sustainable food systems
- humanistic outlook
- inclusive language
- incorporating application security into software acquisition
- commitment to indianapolis and indiana
- 创新 (chuàngxīn): innovation
- innovation & adaptability
- innovation and adaptability
- innovation and forward thinking
- innovation for sustainability
- integrity and fairness
- interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable partnership
- interfaith understanding
- prevention of irregular payments and money laundering
- iteration
- key principles
- labor practices
- labor rights
- long-term sustainability
- lyondellbasell is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably. the company's approach to sustainability is guided by its three pillars
- manufacturing green steel for human civilization
- meaningful and sustainable change
- ntt group sustainability conferences
- - ntt group sustainability conferences
- paid posts
- commitment to party building and governance
- 以人为本 (people-oriented)
- perseverance and long-term commitment
- commitment to present and future generations
- principle 7: conduct exits considering sustained impact
- profitable growth
- proper standards for gifts and entertainment
- proper use of assets
- provision of quality, customer-centred service
- purpose and ethos
- quality and sustainability
- reasonable work schedules and rest periods
- recognition and sustainability
- regulation
- reliable operation
- renqiang (respect)
- respect for resources and sustainability
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- respectfulness
- revolutionizing the way the world works
- runway of sustainability
- safety and environmental sustainability
- scientific philanthropy
- scientific rigor
- sensitivity to diversity
- serving millions through sustainable solutions
- serving people with disabilities
- sharing and wellbeing
- social conscience
- socially responsible corporate governance
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- stakeholder involvement
- state responsibility for private practices
- strategic leadership
- strategic partnerships
- strict adherence to laws and regulations
- striving
- strong content
- commitment to sustainability
- systematic risk
- truth
- value community expertise
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- winning together
- act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- a commitment to sustainability
- valuing stewardship of the earth's health and preserving its resources
- three phases to green steel production
- the asr also includes a disclosure supplement that provides additional information on specific sustainability issues material to raízen's operations. the supplement is prepared in accordance with the gri standards
- take the long view
- sustainable use of resources
- sustainable upward mobility
- sustainable supply chain
- sustainable partnerships
- sustainable partnership
- sustainable monetization
- sustainable innovation
- sustainable governance
- sustainable environment
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable change
- sustainable
- sustainability and systemic change
- sustainability and self-sufficiency
- sustainability and self-reliance
- sustainability and scale
- sustainability and impact
- sustainability and human rights
- sustainability and growth
- sustainability and future planning
- sustainability and environmental stewardship
- sustainability and corporate information
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- reusable
- responsible consumption & production
- respect for the sacredness of mother earth
- reduce energy consumption
- planetary boundaries
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- mhi and worley awarded feed contract for uk's first co2 capture plant at a cement production facility
- long-term solutions
- long view
- keeping human demands within planetary limits
- investment in infrastructure
- investing in the future
- implement sustainable community solutions
- i686 support phase-out
- green and low-carbon
- fairness and sustainability
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- environment & sustainability
- energy efficiency
- energy conservation and emission reduction
- community-led sustainable innovation
- cluster buildings
- climate-smart agriculture
- climate adaptation
- circularity
- building a sustainable business
- be responsible for tomorrow
- avoiding unsustainable depletion of nature's stocks
- themes of sustainability
- long-term thinking
- 节能省地
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- long-term perspective
- committed to a healthy future
- sustainable development and responsibility towards communities
- sustainability in the supply chain
- creating future living space for human
- delivering long-term success and sustainability
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- championing innovation and sustainability
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- sustainable energy supply
- sustainability and environmental responsibility
- sustainable and responsible practices
- sustainability reporting
- green finance
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- sustainable performance
- sustainability and environmental protection
- ensuring environmental sustainability
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- sustainable development and social responsibility
- the core values highlighted in compal electronics, inc.'s supplier code of conduct reflect a robust commitment to ethical business practices, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and respectful treatment of all workers within the supply ch
- comprehensive energy solutions
- safe and sustainable society
- responsible use of resources
- sustainability and environmental consciousness
- sustainable development strategy
- environmental stewardship and green development
- strict management, protecting lucid waters and lush mountains
- sustainability and responsibility
- promote green development
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- long-term value
- sustainable value creation
- safety and sustainability
- sustainable growth
- sustainability and social responsibility
- sustainable development
- social responsibility and sustainability
- circular economy
- clean energy leadership
- environmental responsibility and sustainability
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- sustainability and social impact
- clean and low carbon development
- focusing on sustainable and environmentally-friendly operations
- responsible minerals sourcing
- production of cleaner and next-generation fuels
- sustainability
- sustainable development principle
- build a more caring, sustainable world
- sustainable practices
- sustainable management
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- commitment to sustainable development
- working for the common good and the long term
- carbon neutrality
- cleaner and next-generation fuels
- green actions
- embracing green and low-carbon development
- tcfd net zero vision report
- orientation of a resource-based enterprise
- sustainability report
- sustainability policy
- promoting sustainability
- build in mitigation efforts commensurate with expected and actual impacts
- strong environmental sustainability
- long-term value proposition
- green and low carbon
- new energies
| 224 | 241 | sustainability |
- accessible & inclusive
- - australia
- breaking down barriers
- charitable activities
- community and inclusivity
- corporate responsibility and inclusivity
- cultural heritage
- development dimension
- diversity & inclusion
- diversity and inclusivity
- empowerment and inclusivity
- professional ethics and integrity
- excellence, integrity, and inclusion at work
- global action and inclusivity
- inclusive
- inclusive and empowering
- inclusive and equitable approach
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- inclusive engagement of all parts of society
- inclusive excellence
- inclusive finance
- inclusiveness
- inclusiveness and ambition
- inclusiveness and leaving no one behind
- inclusivity
- respect and inclusivity
- inclusivity & collaboration
- inclusivity and access
- inclusivity and collaboration
- inclusivity and diversity
- inclusivity and empowerment
- inclusivity and equity
- inclusivity and non-discrimination
- inclusivity in financial services
- information security
- non-discrimination and inclusivity
- participation and inclusivity
- recusal
- refraining from any agreement or unfair practices
- remove barriers
- removing barriers
- science communication
- strict
- student-centeredness
- technology-focused
- the core values of siemens energy
- accessibility and inclusivity
- open culture of inclusiveness
- multivocality
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- inclusivity and flexibility
- inclusivity and equality
- inclusiveness and diversity
- inclusive representation
- inclusive language
- inclusive hiring practices
- inclusive access
- inclusion and equal participation
- inclusion and belonging
- group inclusion and diversity policy
- fairness and inclusivity
- equality and inclusivity
- diverse and welcoming environment
- building a diverse team
- welcoming
- inclusive development
- inclusivity and respect
- be open and inclusive
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- respectful and inclusive workplace
- diversity and inclusion
- we embrace diversity
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- respect for human rights and inclusivity
- innovation and inclusiveness
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
- respect for diversity and inclusiveness
- embrace diversity and inclusion
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
| - accessible & inclusive
- breaking down barriers
- charitable activities
- community and inclusivity
- corporate responsibility and inclusivity
- cultural heritage
- development dimension
- diversity & inclusion
- diversity and inclusivity
- empowerment and inclusivity
- professional ethics and integrity
- excellence, integrity, and inclusion at work
- global action and inclusivity
- inclusive
- inclusive and empowering
- inclusive and equitable approach
- inclusive and respectful workplace
- inclusive engagement of all parts of society
- inclusive excellence
- inclusiveness
- inclusiveness and ambition
- inclusiveness and leaving no one behind
- inclusivity
- respect and inclusivity
- inclusivity & collaboration
- inclusivity and access
- inclusivity and collaboration
- inclusivity and diversity
- inclusivity and empowerment
- inclusivity and equity
- inclusivity and non-discrimination
- inclusivity in financial services
- information security
- non-discrimination and inclusivity
- participation and inclusivity
- recusal
- refraining from any agreement or unfair practices
- remove barriers
- removing barriers
- science communication
- strict
- technology-focused
- accessibility and inclusivity
- we welcome everyone who shares our vision and values
- open culture of inclusiveness
- multivocality
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- inclusivity and flexibility
- inclusivity and equality
- inclusiveness and diversity
- inclusive representation
- inclusive language
- inclusive hiring practices
- inclusive access
- inclusion and equal participation
- inclusion and belonging
- include those who’ve been excluded
- include those who've been excluded
- group inclusion and diversity policy
- fairness and inclusivity
- equality and inclusivity
- diverse and welcoming environment
- deepening inclusion
- building a diverse team
- welcoming
- inclusive development
- inclusivity and respect
- be open and inclusive
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- respectful and inclusive workplace
- inclusion
- diversity and inclusion
- we embrace diversity
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- respect for human rights and inclusivity
- innovation and inclusiveness
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
- respect for diversity and inclusiveness
- embrace diversity and inclusion
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- we are inclusive
- we value different perspectives
- excel by embracing an inclusive work environment and diverse teams
- inclusive and respectful working environment
- be respectful and promote inclusion
| 81 | 87 | inclusivity |
- accesso libero e gratuito
- competence and diversity, global reach, and tradition
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- corruption
- empowering graduates
- ensuring environmental sustainability
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- harmony and coexistence
- high-quality and rigorous peer review
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- member-centric
- member-driven campaigns
- member-driven priorities
- members first
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- scale and capacity
- act as one team
- together with our employees
- supporting our team members
- 团队精神
- we are one team
- team 1st
- strive for the best as a team
- group synergy
- high-performing teams
- 团队精神 (team spirit)
- team
- dream team
- one big team
- we win as a team
- team "smbc group
- team spirit
- win as a team
- supportive teamwork
- teamwork and synergy
| - accesso libero e gratuito
- competence and diversity, global reach, and tradition
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- corruption
- empowering graduates
- ensuring environmental sustainability
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- harmony and coexistence
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- member-centric
- member-driven campaigns
- members first
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- scale and capacity
- act as one team
- together with our employees
- supporting our team members
- 团队精神
- we are one team
- team 1st
- strive for the best as a team
- group synergy
- high-performing teams
- 团队精神 (team spirit)
- building an excellent team with concerted efforts
- team
- dream team
- one big team
- we win as a team
- team "smbc group
- team spirit
- win as a team
- supportive teamwork
- teamwork and synergy
- being one team
- we are one / team work!
- we are a team
- cohesive management
| 35 | 38 | team spirit |
- accommodation
- adaptability to changing needs
- agility & adaptability
- caring and warmth
- challenge and innovation
- collective passion
- complaint and whistleblower management
- compliance and integrity
- consequences of violations
- fair dealing
- follow the rules
- global consistency and local adaptation
- innovation and adaptation
- learning, adaptation, and humility
- local ownership and adaptation
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- on-boarding documents
- 总体发展方略 (overall development strategy)
- overcoming bias
- personalization
- protecting apple
- resilience and adaptation
- service to the country and the people
- serving the community
- sharing (共享)
- supporting each other
- sustainability in the supply chain
- sustainable learning models
- the asr also includes a disclosure supplement that provides additional information on specific sustainability issues material to raízen's operations. the supplement is prepared in accordance with the gri standards
- - children's hospitals adaptation
- think flexibly
- staying fresh and renewing the organization
- responding to changing needs
- preparedness for future challenges
- modifiability
- learning and adaptation
- lean staffing and flexible procedures
- importance of staying fresh and adaptable
- flexibility and nimbleness
- flexibility and adaptability
- context-specificity
- complexity and adaptability
- adapting and innovating
- adaptability and responsiveness
- adaptability and innovation
- adaptability and flexibility
- adaptability and evolution
- adapt lesson delivery as needed
- anticipation of change
- innovation & adaptability
- innovation and adaptability
- adaptability
| - accommodation
- adaptability to changing needs
- agility & adaptability
- caring and warmth
- challenge and innovation
- collective passion
- complaint and whistleblower management
- compliance and integrity
- consequences of violations
- fair dealing
- global consistency and local adaptation
- innovation and adaptation
- learning, adaptation, and humility
- local ownership and adaptation
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- 总体发展方略 (overall development strategy)
- personalization
- protecting apple
- resilience and adaptation
- service to the country and the people
- serving the community
- sharing (共享)
- supporting each other
- sustainability in the supply chain
- sustainable learning models
- the asr also includes a disclosure supplement that provides additional information on specific sustainability issues material to raízen's operations. the supplement is prepared in accordance with the gri standards
- - children's hospitals adaptation
- versatility
- think flexibly
- staying fresh and renewing the organization
- responding to changing needs
- reassignment
- preparedness for future challenges
- nonlinear, hybrid approach
- modifiability
- learning and adaptation
- lean staffing and flexible procedures
- importance of staying fresh and adaptable
- flexibility and nimbleness
- flexibility and adaptability
- context-specificity
- complexity and adaptability
- adapting and innovating
- adaptability and responsiveness
- adaptability and innovation
- adaptability and flexibility
- adaptability and evolution
- adapt lesson delivery as needed
- anticipation of change
- innovation & adaptability
- innovation and adaptability
- adaptability
- resilient operations
| 52 | 53 | adaptability |
- accompaniment for the long-term
- adaptability and flexibility
- adapting and innovating
- dignity and worth of every individual
- embrace risk
- flexibility
- flexibility and adaptability
- flexibility and nimbleness
- flexibility for developing countries
- innovation and flexibility
- lean staffing and flexible procedures
- protection of participants' confidentiality
- prompt internal reporting of violations
- scalability
- smoking
- social contribution
- strict
- strive for lasting impact
- passion for success
- sustainability and corporate information
- sustainability in the supply chain
- youth leadership and organizing
- accommodation
- think flexibly
- responding to changing needs
- quality and versatility
- modifiability
- inclusivity and flexibility
- freedom and flexibility
- complexity and adaptability
- adaptability to changing needs
- adapt lesson delivery as needed
- convenience
| - adaptability and flexibility
- adapting and innovating
- dignity and worth of every individual
- flexibility
- flexibility and adaptability
- flexibility and nimbleness
- flexibility for developing countries
- innovation and flexibility
- lean staffing and flexible procedures
- protection of participants' confidentiality
- prompt internal reporting of violations
- scalability
- social contribution
- strict
- passion for success
- sustainability and corporate information
- sustainability in the supply chain
- youth leadership and organizing
- accommodation
- think flexibly
- responding to changing needs
- reassignment
- quality and versatility
- modifiability
- inclusivity and flexibility
- group flexible work arrangements policy
- freedom and flexibility
- complexity and adaptability
- adaptability to changing needs
- adapt lesson delivery as needed
- convenience
- 柔韧圆通 (flexible and harmonious)
| 33 | 32 | flexibility and adaptability |
- accountability
- responsibility and accountability
- personal accountability
- professionalism and accountability
- personal responsibility and accountability
- accountability & transparency
- accountability and advocacy
- accountability and compliance
- accountability and consequences
- accountability and correction
- accountability and courage
- accountability and enforcement of code
- accountability and redress
- accountability and reporting misconduct
- accountability and responsible use of resources
- accountability and speaking up
- accountability for adherence to the code
- accountability to the board
- accountable governance
- accountable leadership
- accounting
- accuracy of records
- accurate recordkeeping
- acknowledgment of receipt and request for additional information by the national human rights commission, dated 20 december 2003
- protection of acted's resources and assets
- adaptability and evolution
- addressing allegations of misconduct
- commitment to always doing the right thing
- authorship and contributorship
- avoiding duplication of effort
- avoiding unsustainable depletion of nature's stocks
- be accountable
- be patient focused
- being accountable
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- bold terms
- building a better future
- charitable activities
- community building
- company assets and reputation
- company creed
- compliance and accountability
- confronting media failures
- consensus and compromise
- context, not control
- continuous improvement and accountability
- countering corruption
- create value
- creating value
- critical thinking and analysis
- decentralization
- delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results
- demonstrate accountability
- dignity
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- documentation and records
- effectiveness
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- environmental justice
- esg resources hub - human rights at verizon
- ethical behavior and integrity
- ethical standards and accountability
- fair competition and compliance with market regulations
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- gri self-assessment application level
- group accountability policy
- growth and innovation
- - hgtv-esque model cis classroom
- honesty and accountability
- respect for human rights and dignity
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
- implementation and accountability
- implementation and communication
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- inclusive development
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- independence and accountability
- innovation and improvement
- innovative leadership development
- inspiring change
- integration and coordination
- integrity and accountability
- integrity and fairness
- integrity of the author's source code
- inviolable human rights
- justice and protection
- keep accurate records
- leadership commitment
- learning & accountability
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 15 october 2003
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 17 april 2003
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 18 march 2003
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 30 august 2003
- letter of complaint to chief prosecutor, dated 15 january 2003
- limited data sharing
- maintaining accountability and trust
- management accountability and responsibility
- management transparency and accountability
- mutual learning and accountability
- number of dwellings
- open and accountable
- openness and accountability
- p.s. for those who are new to the project or need a refresher, here are some resources that might be helpful
- pragmatic advocacy
- privacy and control
- promotion of accountability and justice
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 14 august 2005
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 march 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. k, dated 15 february 2003
- quality and accountability
- recognition and respect for professional contributions
- recognizing the importance of clubs and volunteers
- regulated migration policies
- remembrance
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- results and accountability
- sc awards europe 2021
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- sincerity
- social value
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- subject matter experts
- sustainability and social impact
- tact and discretion
- taking action
- the power to become creators of exceptional value
- the right resources
- "the tipping point
- thoughtful
- transparency & accountability
- transparency and accountability
- transparency and traceability
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- - turnover
- ullrich & adamu (2016)
- uncompromised integrity
- uncompromising integrity
- universal understanding
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- user privacy
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- valutazione basata sull'accesso aperto
- we are accountable
- worth of each individual
- - key performance indicator b6.5.1
- - key performance indicator b6.5.2
- - key performance indicator b6.5.3
- - key performance indicator b6.5.4
- - key performance indicator b6.5.5
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- - key performance indicator b6.5.7
- - key performance indicator b6.5.8
- - key performance indicator b6.5.9
- - key performance indicator b6.5.10
- - key performance indicator b7.1
- - key performance indicator b7.2
- - key performance indicator b7.3
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- - key performance indicator b8.2
- - key performance indicator b8.3
- accountable use of resources
- accountable
- accountability to donors
- accountability to others
- accountability for violations
- accountability for perpetrators
- accountability for adherence
- accountability and transparency
- accountability and responsibility
- accountability and reporting
- accountability and evaluation
- accountability and disciplinary action
- accountability and cooperation
- accountability and continuous improvement
- accountability & continuous improvement
- absolute accountability
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- transparency and mutual accountability
- the report's functional role and values were defined as an important instrument to disclose duty performance information in line with relevant requirements, improve corporate social responsibility work, and provide feedback for improvement. the report was
- stewardship and accountability
- self-accountability
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- ownership and accountability
- justice and accountability
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- independent and accountable justice system
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- government accountability
- demonstrating impact and designing accountability systems
- democratic accountability
- corrective action process
- corporate accountability
- audits and assessments
- reporting
- supply chain transparency and accountability
- leadership and accountability
- public accountability
- fairness and accountability
- ownership & accountability
- social accountability
| - accountability
- responsibility and accountability
- personal accountability
- professionalism and accountability
- personal responsibility and accountability
- accountability & transparency
- accountability and advocacy
- accountability and compliance
- accountability and consequences
- accountability and correction
- accountability and courage
- accountability and enforcement of code
- accountability and redress
- accountability and reporting misconduct
- accountability and responsible use of resources
- accountability and speaking up
- accountability for adherence to the code
- accountability to the board
- accountable governance
- accountable leadership
- accounting
- accuracy of records
- accurate recordkeeping
- acknowledgment of receipt and request for additional information by the national human rights commission, dated 20 december 2003
- protection of acted's resources and assets
- adaptability and evolution
- commitment to always doing the right thing
- avoiding duplication of effort
- avoiding unsustainable depletion of nature's stocks
- be accountable
- being accountable
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- bold terms
- building a better future
- charitable activities
- community building
- company assets and reputation
- company creed
- compliance and accountability
- confronting media failures
- consensus and compromise
- context, not control
- continuous improvement and accountability
- countering corruption
- create value
- creating value
- critical thinking and analysis
- decentralization
- delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results
- demonstrate accountability
- dignity
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- documentation and records
- effectiveness
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- environmental justice
- esg resources hub - human rights at verizon
- ethical behavior and integrity
- ethical standards and accountability
- fair competition and compliance with market regulations
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- group accountability policy
- growth and innovation
- honesty and accountability
- respect for human rights and dignity
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
- implementation and accountability
- implementation and communication
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- inclusive development
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- independence and accountability
- innovation and improvement
- innovative leadership development
- inspiring change
- integration and coordination
- integrity and accountability
- integrity and fairness
- integrity of the author's source code
- inviolable human rights
- justice and protection
- keep accurate records
- leadership commitment
- learning & accountability
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 15 october 2003
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 30 august 2003
- letter of complaint to chief prosecutor, dated 15 january 2003
- limited data sharing
- maintaining accountability and trust
- management accountability and responsibility
- management transparency and accountability
- mutual learning and accountability
- number of dwellings
- open and accountable
- openness and accountability
- pragmatic advocacy
- privacy and control
- promotion of accountability and justice
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 14 august 2005
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 march 2003
- quality and accountability
- recognition and respect for professional contributions
- recognizing the importance of clubs and volunteers
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- results and accountability
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- sincerity
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- subject matter experts
- sustainability and social impact
- taking action
- the right resources
- "the tipping point
- thoughtful
- transparency & accountability
- transparency and accountability
- transparency and traceability
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- uncompromised integrity
- uncompromising integrity
- universal understanding
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- user privacy
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- valutazione basata sull'accesso aperto
- we are accountable
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- - key performance indicator b6.5.10
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- accountable use of resources
- accountable
- accountability to donors
- accountability to others
- accountability for violations
- accountability for perpetrators
- accountability for adherence
- accountability and transparency
- accountability and responsibility
- accountability and reporting
- accountability and evaluation
- accountability and disciplinary action
- accountability and cooperation
- accountability and continuous improvement
- accountability & continuous improvement
- absolute accountability
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- transparency and mutual accountability
- the report's functional role and values were defined as an important instrument to disclose duty performance information in line with relevant requirements, improve corporate social responsibility work, and provide feedback for improvement. the report was
- stewardship and accountability
- self-accountability
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- reply from chief prosecutor, dated 5 june 2003
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- ownership and accountability
- office of the inspector general
- justice and accountability
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- independent and accountable justice system
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- implement consequences
- government accountability
- demonstrating impact and designing accountability systems
- democratic accountability
- corrective action process
- corporate accountability
- audits and assessments
- reporting
- supply chain transparency and accountability
- leadership and accountability
- public accountability
- fairness and accountability
- ownership & accountability
- social accountability
- governance and accountability
- safety and accountability
- be accountable, straightforward and honest in all your dealings
- proper accounting
- appropriate accounting and adherence to agreements
| 204 | 181 | accountability |
- professionalism and accountability
- public and professional education
- professional autonomy
- professionalism and collaboration
- professionalism and collegiality
- professional commitment
- professionalism and commitment
- professional communication
- professional competence
- professional conduct
- professional dedication despite hardship
- professional development
- professional distance
- editorial integrity
- professional engagement
- professionalism and ethical conduct
- professionalism and ethics
- personal and professional excellence
- professionalism and excellence
- extensive network and market know-how
- professional growth and teamwork
- integrity and professionalism
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- professional knowledge and skills
- long-term impact
- professionalism
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- professional solidarity
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- spiritual devotion
- stewardship and accountability
- sustainability and scale
- sustainability and systemic change
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- respect, fairness, and professionalism
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- professionalism, diligence, and correctness
- professionalism in social media
- professional integrity
- professional excellence
- professional competence and fairness
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- professionalism and responsibility
- 专业 (professionalism)
- professionalism and integrity
- professionalism and respect
- profession
- professionalism and confidentiality
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- professionalism and reliability
- professionalism in conduct
- professionalism and teamwork
- conscientious performance of duties
| - professionalism and accountability
- public and professional education
- professional autonomy
- professionalism and collaboration
- professionalism and collegiality
- professional commitment
- professionalism and commitment
- professional communication
- professional competence
- professional conduct
- professional dedication despite hardship
- professional distance
- editorial integrity
- professional engagement
- professionalism and ethical conduct
- professionalism and ethics
- personal and professional excellence
- professionalism and excellence
- professional growth and teamwork
- integrity and professionalism
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- professional knowledge and skills
- professionalism
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- professional solidarity
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- spiritual devotion
- stewardship and accountability
- sustainability and scale
- sustainability and systemic change
- 价值观:诚信、专业、创新、卓越
- we uphold high standards for the administration and operation of the akc
- upholding high administrative and operational standards
- respect, fairness, and professionalism
- qualified professionals
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- professionalism, diligence, and correctness
- professionalism in social media
- professional integrity
- professional excellence
- professional competence and fairness
- professional
- informally professional
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- 专业
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- professionalism and responsibility
- 专业 (professionalism)
- professionalism and integrity
- professionalism and respect
- profession
- professionalism and confidentiality
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- professionalism and reliability
- professionalism in conduct
- professionalism and teamwork
- conscientious performance of duties
- performance and professionalism
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility and integrity
| 55 | 60 | professionalism |
- accountability and advocacy
- courage and advocacy
- respect for diversity and equal opportunity
- education and advocacy
- other expenses
- 引领行业发展
- letter of complaint to chief prosecutor, dated 1 october 2002
- prevention of malnutrition and hunger
- - management and accounting costs
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- organizational skills
- people-centric
- respect for poets' rights
- predictability
- promoting humanity
- protect what is ours
- purity and chastity
- reflective
- security cooperation
- self-discipline
- community and stakeholder engagement
- taking action
- tech readiness
- the eclipse foundation logo is made up of two colors
- protection of the environment
- transparency and diligence in reporting
- transparency and disclosure
- zimbabwe women lawyers association (zwla)
- visibility and advocacy
- support and promotion
- research & advocacy unit (rau)
- public policy and advocacy
- public engagement and advocacy
- pragmatic advocacy
- humanitarian advocacy
- human rights advocacy
- evidence-based advocacy
- dog owners' advocacy
- collaboration and advocacy
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- advocacy for freedom
- advocacy for children
- advocacy and monitoring
- advocacy and legal intervention
- advocacy and legal change
- advocacy and influence
- advocacy and awareness
- advocacy and activism
- advocacy
- advocating for responsible robotics laws and regulation
- speaking on behalf of nike
| - accountability and advocacy
- courage and advocacy
- respect for diversity and equal opportunity
- education and advocacy
- prevention of malnutrition and hunger
- - management and accounting costs
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- people-centric
- respect for poets' rights
- predictability
- promoting humanity
- protect what is ours
- reflective
- security cooperation
- community and stakeholder engagement
- taking action
- tech readiness
- protection of the environment
- transparency and diligence in reporting
- transparency and disclosure
- zimbabwe women lawyers association (zwla)
- visibility and advocacy
- support and promotion
- research & advocacy unit (rau)
- public policy and advocacy
- public engagement and advocacy
- pragmatic advocacy
- inspiring action and advocacy
- inspiration and advocacy
- humanitarian advocacy
- human rights advocacy
- evidence-based advocacy
- dog owners' advocacy
- collaboration and advocacy
- be a good partner & advocate
- advocate
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- advocacy for freedom
- advocacy for children
- advocacy and monitoring
- advocacy and legal intervention
- advocacy and legal change
- advocacy and influence
- advocacy and change
- advocacy and awareness
- advocacy and activism
- advocacy
- advocating for responsible robotics laws and regulation
- speaking on behalf of nike
| 51 | 49 | advocacy |
- accountability and continuous improvement
- addressing the overlooked
- alcohol and drug use
- animal welfare
- anti-corruption and fair trading
- assuming good intentions
- beauty
- building hard and impossible things
- citizenship
- client service
- collaboration and networking
- communication
- community engagement and development
- competitors, public officials, and business
- comprehensive framework
- conservation
- continuous learning and innovation
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
- respect for dignity and gender equality
- respect for dignity and rights
- direct communication
- diversity and equal opportunities
- diversity and equal opportunity
- diversity and equality
- diversity and equity
- diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusiveness
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- diversity, equity and access
- commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity, & inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (dei)
- diversity, equity, inclusion and justice
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect
- embrace diversity and inclusion
- employees
- commitment to equity and inclusion
- equity and transparency
- ethical business principles
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- evaluation
- exemplarity and role modelling
- exemplary leadership
- expertise in rmb and china market
- fairness and legitimacy
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- freedom to act
- gender equality
- grantee or business partner history with the endowment
- group inclusion and diversity policy
- guaranteeing energy security
- respect for human dignity and diversity
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- inclusion and diversity
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusiveness and diversity
- justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion
- professional learning
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- long view
- making it happen
- modern slavery & trafficking
- mutual respect and dignity
- - net profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to equity holder of the company
- never settle
- operational safety
- responsible partnerships
- patent neutrality
- philanthropic spirit
- positive
- prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people served
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people we serve
- protection of privacy and company assets
- progressive values
- promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
- promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- property of iucn
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- reporting of violations
- responsible risk and crisis management
- role model leadership
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- shared ownership & voice
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- social media responsibility
- socially responsible leadership
- software independence and modularity
- solidarity principle
- solidarity with technical organizations, governments, and ngos
- speeches and presentations
- strength of democracy
- supply chain management
- supportive teamwork
- technological integration
- technological transformation
- technology-focused
- the core values presented within the text are clearly structured under three categories reflecting different aspects of ethical behavior and responsibility
- the wellbeing of the patient
- theme 1: collaboration and teamwork
- transparency and disclosure
- treating others with dignity and respect
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- responsible use
- we value and respect others
- - web application server
- access and equity
- social justice and equity
- respect, equity and diversity
- respect for people's rights and dignity
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- racial justice and equity
- protection of human dignity
- promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
- open and equitable research communication
- mutual dignity
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- inviolability of human dignity
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- inclusivity and equity
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusive and equitable approach
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- inclusion and equity
- human dignity
- health equity
- equity in education
- equity focus
- equity and justice
- equity and intersectionality
- equity and fairness
- equity and equality
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and diversity
- equity and belonging
- equity & justice
- equitable outcomes
- equitable opportunity
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
- equality and equity
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- empowerment of vulnerable groups
- diversity, inclusion, and equity
- diversity, inclusion and equity
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- diversity equity and inclusion
- dignity and worth of people
- dignity and worth of every individual
- dignity and worth
- dignity & respect
- dignity (karamah)
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- dignity and respect
- diversity, equity & inclusion (dei)
- diversity inclusion
- equity & joy
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- fair treatment and dignity
- respect & dignity
- promoting equity and justice
- equity of access vs. safety
- dignity
- equity and inclusion
- respect for human rights and dignity
- equitable treatment
- equity
- diversity inclusion principle
- equity principle
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (de&i)
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
| - accountability and continuous improvement
- addressing the overlooked
- alcohol and drug use
- animal welfare
- anti-corruption and fair trading
- assuming good intentions
- beauty
- building hard and impossible things
- citizenship
- client service
- collaboration and networking
- communication
- community engagement and development
- competitors, public officials, and business
- comprehensive framework
- conservation
- continuous learning and innovation
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
- respect for dignity and gender equality
- respect for dignity and rights
- direct communication
- diversity and equal opportunities
- diversity and equal opportunity
- diversity and equality
- diversity and equity
- diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusiveness
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- diversity, equity and access
- commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity, & inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (dei)
- diversity, equity, inclusion and justice
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect
- embrace diversity and inclusion
- employees
- commitment to equity and inclusion
- equity and transparency
- ethical business principles
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- exemplary leadership
- expertise in rmb and china market
- fairness and legitimacy
- focused on ethereum concepts and design principles
- freedom to act
- gender equality
- group inclusion and diversity policy
- respect for human dignity and diversity
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- inclusion and diversity
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusiveness and diversity
- justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion
- professional learning
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- long view
- making it happen
- modern slavery & trafficking
- mutual respect and dignity
- - net profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to equity holder of the company
- operational safety
- responsible partnerships
- patent neutrality
- philanthropic spirit
- positive
- prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people served
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people we serve
- protection of privacy and company assets
- promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
- promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- property of iucn
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- reporting of violations
- responsible risk and crisis management
- role model leadership
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- shared ownership & voice
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- social media responsibility
- socially responsible leadership
- software independence and modularity
- solidarity principle
- solidarity with technical organizations, governments, and ngos
- strength of democracy
- supply chain management
- supportive teamwork
- technological integration
- technological transformation
- technology-focused
- the wellbeing of the patient
- theme 1: collaboration and teamwork
- transparency and disclosure
- treating others with dignity and respect
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- responsible use
- we value and respect others
- - web application server
- access and equity
- + total equity
- social justice and equity
- respect, equity and diversity
- respect for people's rights and dignity
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- racial justice and equity
- racial equity
- protection of human dignity
- promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
- open and equitable research communication
- mutual dignity
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- inviolability of human dignity
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- inclusivity and equity
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusive and equitable approach
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- inclusion and equity
- human dignity
- health equity
- equity in education
- equity focus
- equity and justice
- equity and intersectionality
- equity and fairness
- equity and equality
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and diversity
- equity and belonging
- equity & justice
- equitable outcomes
- equitable opportunity
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
- equality and equity
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- empowerment of vulnerable groups
- diversity, inclusion, and equity
- diversity, inclusion and equity
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- diversity equity and inclusion
- dignity and worth of people
- dignity and worth of every individual
- dignity and worth
- dignity & respect
- dignity (karamah)
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- dignity and respect
- diversity, equity & inclusion (dei)
- diversity inclusion
- equity & joy
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- fair treatment and dignity
- respect & dignity
- promoting equity and justice
- equity of access vs. safety
- dignity
- equity and inclusion
- respect for human rights and dignity
- equitable treatment
- equity
- diversity inclusion principle
- equity principle
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (de&i)
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
- we stand for equity & inclusion
- excellence & equity
| 176 | 172 | dignity, equity, inclusion (dei) |
- accountability and cooperation
- act like an owner
- communal ownership
- compliance with international standards
- date and place
- fresenius se & co. kgaa compliance management system (cms) is designed to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards across all business units. the cms consists of three main elements
- ownership and collaboration
- partnerships and collaboration
- personalization
- social value
- acting as owners
- act as owners
- shared ownership & voice
- ownership and accountability
- local ownership
- leadership through ownership
- i take ownership
- user ownership of created assets
- own the outcome
- take ownership
- ownership and responsibility
- ownership & accountability
| - accountability and cooperation
- act like an owner
- compliance with international standards
- fresenius se & co. kgaa compliance management system (cms) is designed to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards across all business units. the cms consists of three main elements
- ownership and collaboration
- partnerships and collaboration
- personalization
- acting as owners
- act as owners
- shared ownership and voice
- shared ownership & voice
- rangatiratanga / authority and responsibility
- ownership and accountability
- local ownership
- leadership through ownership
- i take ownership
- user ownership of created assets
- ownership
- own the outcome
- take ownership
- ownership and responsibility
- ownership & accountability
- sense of ownership
- we act as owners
- we take ownership and responsibility
- user empowerment and ownership
- employee ownership
- own it, live it, lead it
| 22 | 28 | ownership |
- accountability and courage
- acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other
- by following in jesus' footsteps, we look to support those who need it most and transform their lives
- consequences of violations
- courage
- courage & responsibility
- courage and advocacy
- courage and civic attitude
- courage and resilience
- courage in dealing with others
- courage of conduct
- courage of conviction
- courage to speak up
- data privacy and confidentiality
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- equity and intersectionality
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- integrity, courage and passion
- promoting humanity
- take the long view
- tel
- the courage to leaps and the pursuit for excellence
- take bold measures
- courageous conversations
- bold terms
- courageous innovation
- be bold
- fortitude
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
| - accountability and courage
- acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other
- by following in jesus' footsteps, we look to support those who need it most and transform their lives
- consequences of violations
- courage
- courage & responsibility
- courage and advocacy
- courage and civic attitude
- courage and resilience
- courage in dealing with others
- courage of conviction
- courage to speak up
- data privacy and confidentiality
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- equity and intersectionality
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- integrity, courage and passion
- promoting humanity
- take the long view
- the courage to leaps and the pursuit for excellence
- acting with courage
- take bold measures
- moral strength
- idealism and risk tolerance
- courageous conversations
- boldness
- audacity
- 勇于创新
- 铁的手腕
- bold terms
- courageous innovation
- be bold
- fortitude
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- noble and heroic compromise
- 铁的手腕 (iron wrist)
- 方毅刚勇 (pragmatic and courageous)
- 善勇 (brave and virtuous)
| 32 | 40 | courage |
- accountability and enforcement of code
- accountability for adherence to the code
- adherence to internal codes
- adherence to other codes
- adherence to the code of conduct
- administration of the code
- appreciating our code and values
- character development
- 行为规范 (code of conduct)
- code of ethics waivers
- code support line
- codes of conduct
- community-centric approach
- company assets and reputation
- complying with the code of conduct
- cultural competence
- cultural philosophy
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (de&i)
- employee code of conduct and managerial leadership model
- engie ethics code of conduct
- ethical & responsible
- facts
- fair pricing
- follow the code and policies
- global reach
- human rights and social responsibility
- initiative
- integrated systems thinking
- 诚信 (chéngxìn): integrity
- integrity above all
- 誠信的經營 (integrity in management)
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- intergenerational appeal
- internationalism
- liability for code violation
- long-term thinking
- management of codes of ethical conduct
- responsible partnership
- principles of corporate ethics, and code of conduct
- questions about the code
- serving the public, caring about people's livelihood
- the power to become
- traffic
- transformative passion
- warmth and camaraderie
- we follow our code and policies
- we protect the health and well-being of all dogs
- acceptable use
- abiding by the code and establishing a system to ensure its full implementation
- - the ncarb rule of conduct is made up of 5 general rules
- workplace conduct
- upholding the code
- this procedure is an appendix to the group code of ethics. it will be made available to employees by any appropriate means
- their ethics guide, available in 24 languages, outlines the group's values, rules of conduct, and actions. the guide includes an annex
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- the text also mentions the core values that employees at gazprom international must adhere to
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- standards of work conduct
- standards for partners
- reporting, cooperating with investigations, and discipline in connection with violations
- reporting obligation
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- moderation and reporting
- local ethics officer (leo)
- lack of compliance with codes of conduct
- it appears that you have provided a corporate code of business conduct and ethics policy for d.r. horton, inc. the document includes information on resources available to employees for guidance regarding compliance questions or concerns, as well as contac
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- high standards of conduct
- group social media policy
- establishing and enforcing standards
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- consequences in case of violations
- conduct
- compliance with this code
- compliance with the company’s rules
- compliance with the code of conduct
- commitment to the code
- code of conduct for law enforcement officials
- cern, a registered charity, presented thoughts on developing and implementing a code of conduct and harassment investigation framework. the code is based on the organization's core values
- appropriate use of social media
- appropriate conduct outside of work
- administration of code
- adherence to code of ethics
- code of ethics
- i know our code and act ethically
- colleague conduct
- the code of conduct
- code of conduct
- ethical and lawful conduct
- supplier and consultant conduct alignment
- thus, there are no visible core values or ethical outlines in the provided text. the title "dell technologies code of conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- ethical and legal compliance
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- legal and ethical conduct
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- the core values highlighted in the text specific to swiss re's code of conduct are
- 员工行为准则 (employee code of conduct)
- 行为规范 (behavioral standards)
- strict
- reporting procedures
- the core values expressed in the text from lennar's code of business ethics and conduct include
| - accountability and enforcement of code
- accountability for adherence to the code
- adherence to internal codes
- adherence to other codes
- adherence to the code of conduct
- administration of the code
- appreciating our code and values
- character development
- 行为规范 (code of conduct)
- code of ethics waivers
- codes of conduct
- community-centric approach
- company assets and reputation
- complying with the code of conduct
- cultural competence
- cultural philosophy
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (de&i)
- employee code of conduct and managerial leadership model
- engie ethics code of conduct
- ethical & responsible
- facts
- fair pricing
- follow the code and policies
- global reach
- human rights and social responsibility
- initiative
- integrated systems thinking
- 诚信 (chéngxìn): integrity
- integrity above all
- 誠信的經營 (integrity in management)
- integrity, trustworthiness and accountability
- intergenerational appeal
- liability for code violation
- long-term thinking
- management of codes of ethical conduct
- responsible partnership
- principles of corporate ethics, and code of conduct
- questions about the code
- serving the public, caring about people's livelihood
- transformative passion
- warmth and camaraderie
- we follow our code and policies
- we protect the health and well-being of all dogs
- acceptable use
- abiding by the code and establishing a system to ensure its full implementation
- - the ncarb rule of conduct is made up of 5 general rules
- workplace conduct
- upholding the code
- unacceptable behavior
- this procedure is an appendix to the group code of ethics. it will be made available to employees by any appropriate means
- their ethics guide, available in 24 languages, outlines the group's values, rules of conduct, and actions. the guide includes an annex
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- the text also mentions the core values that employees at gazprom international must adhere to
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- standards of work conduct
- standards for partners
- sanofi internal audit (sia)
- reporting, cooperating with investigations, and discipline in connection with violations
- reporting obligation
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- prohibition of alcohol and drug use
- other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- non-tolerance of negative behavior
- moderation and reporting
- local ethics officer (leo)
- lack of compliance with codes of conduct
- it appears that you have provided a corporate code of business conduct and ethics policy for d.r. horton, inc. the document includes information on resources available to employees for guidance regarding compliance questions or concerns, as well as contac
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- high standards of conduct
- group social media policy
- establishing and enforcing standards
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- consequences in case of violations
- conduct
- compliance with this code
- compliance with the company’s rules
- compliance with the code of conduct
- commitment to the code
- code of conduct for law enforcement officials
- cern, a registered charity, presented thoughts on developing and implementing a code of conduct and harassment investigation framework. the code is based on the organization's core values
- appropriate use of social media
- appropriate conduct outside of work
- administration of code
- adherence to code of ethics
- code of ethics
- i know our code and act ethically
- colleague conduct
- the code of conduct
- code of conduct
- ethical and lawful conduct
- supplier and consultant conduct alignment
- thus, there are no visible core values or ethical outlines in the provided text. the title "dell technologies code of conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- ethical and legal compliance
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- legal and ethical conduct
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- the core values highlighted in the text specific to swiss re's code of conduct are
- 员工行为准则 (employee code of conduct)
- 行为规范 (behavioral standards)
- strict
- reporting procedures
- the core values expressed in the text from lennar's code of business ethics and conduct include
- the aig code of conduct
- disciplinary procedures
- behavior guidelines
- adhering to the fedex code of conduct
- instructions in contravention of the code of ethics
- country-specific codes of ethics
- preparation and integration of the code of ethics
- behavior standards
- our code of conduct
- shared standards
| 104 | 114 | code of conduct |
- accountability and evaluation
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- address the structural and social determinants of health
- assume responsibility and take action
- building belonging
- 经营理念 (management philosophy)
- 经营理念 (business philosophy)
- business philosophy
- caring for communities
- commitment to change
- changes to the statutes
- climate-smart agriculture
- compliance and facilitation
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- conducting equitable & ethical business
- consent
- definition of close personal relationships
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- equality in protection
- expanding human potential
- expansion of consciousness
- faces of walden
- facing facts
- fair business practices
- fair business practices and ethics
- fair business, advertising, and competition
- fair commercial practices
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- fairness and equity
- focus on the customer
- group whistleblowing policy
- high business ethics
- commitment to high standards of business conduct
- honesty in business conduct
- industry collaboration
- institutional capacity
- professional integrity
- integrity and principled business conduct
- normative and ethical values
- - share premium contribution
- spiritual devotion
- transparent and ethical governance
- - ethics office
- setting high standards for business practice
- professional ethics and integrity
- professional ethics
- principles of corporate ethics, and code of conduct
- legal and medical ethics
- ethics & business integrity (e&bi) department
- ethical fundraising
- ethical business principles
- business ethics and anti-corruption
- i am accurate and ethical with our finances
- business practices
- business ethics and integrity
- upholding the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity
- fair and ethical business practices
- ethical business practice
- fair competition and business transactions
- business ethics and transparency
- integrity and business ethics
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- integrity in business dealings
- ethical business practices and compliance
- 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- commitment to ethical business practices
- business relationships and fair competition
- fair operating practices
- business ethics
- ethical financial practices
- business integrity
- fair business
- 业务领域 (business areas)
- ethics & business integrity
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- anti-corruption and ethical business practices
- fairness in business relationships
- ethics in business
- ethical business conduct
- integrity in business practices
- business integrity and transparency
- integrity in business relations
- high standards of integrity and business ethics
- work ethics and anti-corruption
- ethical business practices
- 企业道德 (corporate ethics)
| - accountability and evaluation
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- address the structural and social determinants of health
- assume responsibility and take action
- building belonging
- 经营理念 (management philosophy)
- 经营理念 (business philosophy)
- business philosophy
- caring for communities
- commitment to change
- changes to the statutes
- climate-smart agriculture
- compliance and facilitation
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- conducting equitable & ethical business
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- equality in protection
- expanding human potential
- expansion of consciousness
- facing facts
- fair business practices
- fair business practices and ethics
- fair business, advertising, and competition
- fair commercial practices
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- fairness and equity
- focus on the customer
- group whistleblowing policy
- high business ethics
- commitment to high standards of business conduct
- honesty in business conduct
- industry collaboration
- institutional capacity
- professional integrity
- integrity and principled business conduct
- normative and ethical values
- - share premium contribution
- spiritual devotion
- transparent and ethical governance
- - ethics office
- this text appears to be the "our conduct" section of a website, specifically from hsbc group. it outlines their approach to conduct and ethics in business, focusing on five key outcomes
- setting high standards for business practice
- professional ethics and integrity
- professional ethics
- principles of corporate ethics, and code of conduct
- legal and medical ethics
- good practices and ethical standards of contracts negotiation
- ethics & business integrity (e&bi) department
- ethical fundraising
- ethical business principles
- doing business with suncor
- business ethics and anti-corruption
- i am accurate and ethical with our finances
- business practices
- business ethics and integrity
- upholding the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity
- fair and ethical business practices
- ethical business practice
- fair competition and business transactions
- business ethics and transparency
- integrity and business ethics
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- integrity in business dealings
- ethical business practices and compliance
- 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- commitment to ethical business practices
- ethical handling of finances
- business relationships and fair competition
- fair operating practices
- business ethics
- ethical financial practices
- business integrity
- fair business
- 业务领域 (business areas)
- ethics & business integrity
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- anti-corruption and ethical business practices
- fairness in business relationships
- ethics in business
- ethical business conduct
- integrity in business practices
- business integrity and transparency
- integrity in business relations
- high standards of integrity and business ethics
- work ethics and anti-corruption
- ethical business practices
- 企业道德 (corporate ethics)
- how we do business
- best business practices
- corporate ethics
- business principle
- ethical business
- professional conduct and ethics
- basic ethics
- ethical expectations
- business conduct
- market responsibly
- promotion of fair business activities
| 86 | 98 | business ethics |
- accountability and reporting
- accountable use of resources
- acf research is ethically justified and scientifically valid
- always do the right thing
- building stronger communities
- community standards
- community well-being
- compliance
- consultants / agents / brokers
- responsible consumption & production
- contextual understanding
- culture of performance and innovation
- customizable experience
- due process
- employee well-being
- commitment to employee well-being
- employee well-being and diversity
- employee well-being and growth
- employee wellbeing
- enterprise privacy office (toronto) e-mail
- equity & joy
- fair wages and working hours
- fraud deterrence and reasonable disclosure
- professional fulfillment and wellbeing
- global expansion
- health and happiness
- health and well-being protection
- health and wellness
- holistic well-being
- human well-being
- humanity and splendor
- humor and lightheartedness
- joy
- joy and resilience
- joy of buying
- joy of creating
- joy of selling
- measurability
- principle 9: public disclosure and independent verification of alignment with impact principles
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people served
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people we serve
- promoting well-being
- protecting company resources
- safety and wellbeing
- serving the country's development and safeguarding people's well-being
- strengthening and inspiring
- sustainable energy supply
- universal access to knowledge
- commitment to users
- well-being
- well-being and vitality
- well-being principle
- wellbeing
- wellness beyond health
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- well-being and prosperity
- we protect the health and well-being of all dogs
- self-care
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- quality of life improvement
- quality of life
- improving quality of life
- enhancing quality of life
- dedication to health and well-being
- culture of caring and wellness
- alcohol and drug use
- safety and well-being
- commitment to life
- helping people eat better and live better
- sharing and wellbeing
- employee well-being and development
- associate well-being
- health and well-being
| - accountability and reporting
- accountable use of resources
- acf research is ethically justified and scientifically valid
- always do the right thing
- building stronger communities
- community standards
- community well-being
- compliance
- responsible consumption & production
- contextual understanding
- culture of performance and innovation
- customizable experience
- employee well-being
- commitment to employee well-being
- employee well-being and diversity
- employee well-being and growth
- employee wellbeing
- enterprise privacy office (toronto) e-mail
- equity & joy
- fair wages and working hours
- fraud deterrence and reasonable disclosure
- professional fulfillment and wellbeing
- global expansion
- health and happiness
- health and well-being protection
- health and wellness
- holistic well-being
- human well-being
- humanity and splendor
- joy and resilience
- joy of buying
- joy of creating
- joy of selling
- principle 9: public disclosure and independent verification of alignment with impact principles
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people served
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people we serve
- promoting well-being
- protecting company resources
- safety and wellbeing
- strengthening and inspiring
- sustainable energy supply
- universal access to knowledge
- commitment to users
- well-being
- well-being and vitality
- well-being principle
- wellbeing
- wellness beyond health
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- well-being and prosperity
- we protect the health and well-being of all dogs
- self-care
- safety and wellbeing of staff
- quality of life improvement
- quality of life
- improving quality of life
- enhancing quality of life
- dedication to health and well-being
- culture of caring and wellness
- alcohol and drug use
- safety and well-being
- commitment to life
- helping people eat better and live better
- sharing and wellbeing
- employee well-being and development
- associate well-being
- health and well-being
- wellness
- psychological quality
- customer health & wellness
- employee safety and well-being
| 73 | 71 | well-being |
- accountability and responsible use of resources
- adaptability and responsiveness
- be resourceful
- being resourceful
- - emphasize the benefits of lta
- other resources
- sensitivity to diversity
- strategic use of technology
- the right resources
- stewardship of resources
- respect for resources
- resource
- confidentiality and responsible use of resources
- i use resources responsibly
- resourcefulness
| - accountability and responsible use of resources
- adaptability and responsiveness
- be resourceful
- being resourceful
- - emphasize the benefits of lta
- other resources
- sensitivity to diversity
- strategic use of technology
- the right resources
- stewardship of resources
- respect for resources
- resource management
- resource accounting
- resource
- confidentiality and responsible use of resources
- i use resources responsibly
- resourcefulness
- resources
- efficient use of resources
| 15 | 19 | resourcefulness |
- accountability and transparency
- affordability and accessibility
- protection of assets and information
- building a sustainable business
- client confidentiality and data protection
- climate change risk management
- collaboration for the common good
- committed
- communication channel
- community libraries
- company information
- compliance policy
- confidential information
- protection of confidential information and assets
- confidential information and data protection
- confidential information and insider trading
- confidential information and intellectual rights protection
- confidentialité des informations privilégiées
- professionalism and confidentiality
- respect for confidentiality
- protection of confidentiality
- confidentiality and information handling
- confidentiality and insider information
- confidentiality and non-competition
- confidentiality and privacy
- confidentiality and proprietary information
- confidentiality and propriety
- confidentiality and secrecy
- confidentiality and security
- conflict of interests, transfer of interests, and non-public information management
- continuous learning
- continuous professional development
- convenience
- 企业概况
- protection of corporate property and confidentiality
- costco auto program
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- cultural and environmental support
- customer, shareholder, and stakeholder focus
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- data protection and confidentiality
- developing innovative solutions
- development of a rewarding work environment
- discretion and confidentiality
- discriminação de indivíduos
- dream team
- dreaming big
- efficiency
- encouraging the charitable impulse at the local level
- engage responsible third parties
- ethical business practices
- ethical decision-making
- evidence-based solutions
- evidence-informed decision making
- fair distribution of resources
- fairness and confidentiality
- faithfulness
- follow the fundamental rules of the world
- foreign currency translation adjustment
- global cooperation
- - grants payable, net
- group and center structure
- handling reports with diligence and confidentiality
- hope and optimism
- human rights & labor standards
- human-centric
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- personal information
- protection of information and data security
- responsible information use
- inside information
- inside information protection
- insider information
- insider trading prohibition
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- respect for intellectual property and confidentiality
- 铁的决心 (iron determination)
- knowledge sharing
- maintain confidentiality
- maintaining confidentiality
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- material information
- commitment to meaningful social change
- misuse of company property, information, or opportunities for personal gain
- non-public information
- non-public material information
- openness and disclosure
- post-employment obligation of confidentiality
- preserve confidentiality
- preserving confidentiality
- protection of privacy and inside information
- processing of information
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protect facebook’s confidential information
- protecting confidential information
- protecting personal information
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- security and confidentiality
- self-awareness
- sensitive information
- serving with integrity
- strategic development
- technology-driven
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- transformation and development
- treatment of information and knowledge
- responsible use of hivos resources and information
- responsible use of information and resources
- accurate recordkeeping
- accurate record-keeping
- accurate record keeping
- trust and confidentiality
- respect for employee personal information
- records management
- record keeping
- protection of participants' confidentiality
- protection of assets and confidential information
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 30 august 2003
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 15 october 2003
- informed consent
- handling material, non-public information
- exercise discretion and confidentiality at appropriate times
- documentation and records
- documentation
- document all interactions
- copy of the prison doctor’s report
- confidentiality of live assessment materials
- confidentiality and safety
- confidentiality and responsible use of resources
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- competitor's confidential information
- anonymity and confidentiality
- integrity of records
- respect and confidentiality
- confidentiality and data privacy
- protection of company assets and confidentiality
- protecting confidential information and intellectual property
- confidentiality and trade secrets
- limited data sharing
- protecting privacy and intimacy
- protection of confidential information
- maintaining accurate records
- protecting confidentiality and privacy
- respect for confidentiality and privacy
- confidentiality and data protection
- intellectual property and confidentiality
- guaranteeing confidentiality
- keep accurate records
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- confidentiality and intellectual property protection
- data privacy and confidentiality
- confidentiality and protection of assets
- confidentiality and protection of company assets
- confidentiality
- privacy and confidentiality
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- protection of assets and confidentiality
| - accountability and transparency
- affordability and accessibility
- protection of assets and information
- building a sustainable business
- client confidentiality and data protection
- climate change risk management
- collaboration for the common good
- committed
- communication channel
- community libraries
- company information
- compliance policy
- confidential information
- protection of confidential information and assets
- confidential information and data protection
- confidential information and insider trading
- confidential information and intellectual rights protection
- confidentialité des informations privilégiées
- professionalism and confidentiality
- respect for confidentiality
- protection of confidentiality
- confidentiality and information handling
- confidentiality and insider information
- confidentiality and non-competition
- confidentiality and privacy
- confidentiality and proprietary information
- confidentiality and propriety
- confidentiality and secrecy
- confidentiality and security
- conflict of interests, transfer of interests, and non-public information management
- continuous learning
- continuous professional development
- convenience
- protection of corporate property and confidentiality
- costco auto program
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- cultural and environmental support
- customer, shareholder, and stakeholder focus
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- data protection and confidentiality
- developing innovative solutions
- discretion and confidentiality
- discriminação de indivíduos
- dream team
- dreaming big
- efficiency
- encouraging the charitable impulse at the local level
- ethical business practices
- ethical decision-making
- evidence-based solutions
- evidence-informed decision making
- fair distribution of resources
- fairness and confidentiality
- global cooperation
- group and center structure
- handling reports with diligence and confidentiality
- hope and optimism
- human rights & labor standards
- human-centric
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- personal information
- protection of information and data security
- responsible information use
- inside information
- inside information protection
- insider information
- insider trading prohibition
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- integrity, loyalty, fairness
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- respect for intellectual property and confidentiality
- 铁的决心 (iron determination)
- knowledge sharing
- maintain confidentiality
- maintaining confidentiality
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- material information
- commitment to meaningful social change
- non-public information
- non-public material information
- openness and disclosure
- post-employment obligation of confidentiality
- preserve confidentiality
- preserving confidentiality
- protection of privacy and inside information
- processing of information
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protect facebook’s confidential information
- protecting confidential information
- protecting personal information
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- protection of rights, confidential information, and privacy
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- security and confidentiality
- self-awareness
- sensitive information
- serving with integrity
- strategic development
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- transformation and development
- treatment of information and knowledge
- responsible use of hivos resources and information
- accurate recordkeeping
- accurate record-keeping
- accurate record keeping
- * confidential information
- waiver
- trust and confidentiality
- trade secrets
- respect for employee personal information
- records management
- record keeping
- protection of participants' confidentiality
- protection of assets and confidential information
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 30 august 2003
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 15 october 2003
- informed consent
- handling material, non-public information
- exercise discretion and confidentiality at appropriate times
- documentation and records
- documentation
- document all interactions
- discretion
- copy of the prison doctor’s report
- confidentiality of live assessment materials
- confidentiality and safety
- confidentiality and responsible use of resources
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- competitor's confidential information
- anonymity and confidentiality
- integrity of records
- respect and confidentiality
- confidentiality and data privacy
- protection of company assets and confidentiality
- protecting confidential information and intellectual property
- confidentiality and trade secrets
- limited data sharing
- protecting privacy and intimacy
- protection of confidential information
- maintaining accurate records
- protecting confidentiality and privacy
- respect for confidentiality and privacy
- confidentiality and data protection
- intellectual property and confidentiality
- guaranteeing confidentiality
- keep accurate records
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- confidentiality and intellectual property protection
- data privacy and confidentiality
- confidentiality and protection of assets
- confidentiality and protection of company assets
- confidentiality
- privacy and confidentiality
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- protection of assets and confidentiality
- confidentiality and protection
- proper use of nonpublic government information
- respect for confidential information
- books and records
- protect and respect private and proprietary information
| 165 | 164 | confidentiality |
- accountability for perpetrators
- achieving our mission responsibly is everyone’s responsibility
- assigning a liaison to owasp
- basic health services
- collaborative aptitude and willingness
- communication and behavior
- communication and checks
- communication channels
- communication of science for its inclusion in the public debate
- communication skills
- communication with the media
- communication with villagers
- community and disaster support
- community-centeredness
- computer and telecommunication systems
- creating value
- education and outreach
- entrepreneurship and economic development
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical standards
- high standards of conduct
- innovation and development
- 坚持政治引领 凝聚奋进力量
- knowledge dissemination
- labor standards and employee rights
- lawfulness and sincerity
- loyalty to mission
- mindfulness of power and privilege
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- open source principles
- openness to dialog
- oregon department of education, early learning division
- respect for people, communities, and cultures
- - other program income
- sc awards europe 2021
- solidarity, not charity alone
- speaking up
- staying current
- sustainable development principle
- commitment to the public good
- transparency and communication
- universalism
- we are one team
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- we listen and share with curiosity
- training, education, and communication
- strategic communication
- statements and publications
- respectful and civil communication
- reporting and information sharing
- quality discussion
- open and thoughtful communication
- open and informed debate
- making friends and verifying requests
- innovation in communication
- informing
- honest and open communications
- fostering dialogue
- financial disclosures and communications
- external communication
- expertise and media engagement
- effective communication
- direct communication
- dialogue and discourse
- dialogue
- constructive dialogue
- communications
- communication and discipline
- communicate expectations clearly
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- civil communication
- candid conversations
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- information management and social media management
- external communications
- communicating with the public
- co-operation and communication
- open communication and reporting
- public policy and communications
- open communication and collaboration
- implementation and communication
- open communication and harmonious work flow
- open, honest and clear communication
- communicating extensively with the public, disclosing corporate information proactively and fairly, and safeguarding information
- art of leadership and communication
- collaboration & communication
- communication and coordination
- open communication and harmonious work
- professional communication
- transparency and dialogue
- co-operation, communication
- open communication
- open dialogue and escalation
- communication channel
- responsible communication
- transparency and open communication
- teamwork and communication
- communication
- honest and open communication
- open and honest communication
- clear and honest communication
- communicate openly and transparently
- reporting and consultation
| - accountability for perpetrators
- achieving our mission responsibly is everyone’s responsibility
- assigning a liaison to owasp
- basic health services
- collaborative aptitude and willingness
- communication and behavior
- communication and checks
- communication channels
- communication of science for its inclusion in the public debate
- communication skills
- communication with the media
- communication with villagers
- community and disaster support
- community-centeredness
- computer and telecommunication systems
- creating value
- education and outreach
- entrepreneurship and economic development
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- ethical standards
- high standards of conduct
- innovation and development
- knowledge dissemination
- labor standards and employee rights
- lawfulness and sincerity
- loyalty to mission
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- open source principles
- openness to dialog
- oregon department of education, early learning division
- respect for people, communities, and cultures
- - other program income
- solidarity, not charity alone
- speaking up
- staying current
- sustainable development principle
- commitment to the public good
- transparency and communication
- universalism
- we are one team
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- we listen and share with curiosity
- training, education, and communication
- strategic communication
- statements and publications
- respectful and civil communication
- reporting and information sharing
- quality discussion
- positive communication
- open and thoughtful communication
- open and informed debate
- notes
- mensagem da diretoria
- media, communicating with
- making friends and verifying requests
- key-stroke discussion navigation
- innovation in communication
- informing
- inform
- honest and open communications
- group disclosure and media policy
- fostering dialogue
- financial disclosures and communications
- external communication
- expertise and media engagement
- enhanced access through open scheduling, extended hours, and new communication options
- efficient communication
- effective communication
- direct communication
- dialogue and understanding
- dialogue and discourse
- dialogue
- constructive dialogue
- constructive communication
- communications
- communication and discipline
- communicate expectations clearly
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- clear communication
- civil communication
- candid conversations
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- information management and social media management
- external communications
- communicating with the public
- co-operation and communication
- open communication and reporting
- public policy and communications
- open communication and collaboration
- implementation and communication
- open communication and harmonious work flow
- open, honest and clear communication
- communicating extensively with the public, disclosing corporate information proactively and fairly, and safeguarding information
- art of leadership and communication
- collaboration & communication
- communication and coordination
- open communication and harmonious work
- professional communication
- transparency and dialogue
- co-operation, communication
- open communication
- open dialogue and escalation
- communication channel
- responsible communication
- transparency and open communication
- teamwork and communication
- communication
- honest and open communication
- open and honest communication
- clear and honest communication
- communicate openly and transparently
- reporting and consultation
- enjoy your work and open communications
- extensive communication with society
- cooperation and communication
- email alerts
- communications with regulators
- communication with stakeholders
- communications and can-spam act
- follow verizon news
- increase communication and coordination with stakeholders
- digital communications
- advice and concerns
- openhearted communication
- communication and engagement
- practice of open and in-depth communication
- error communication
- communicate candidly and directly
| 103 | 128 | communication |
- accountability to others
- anti-torture
- bear witness
- community and collaboration
- conflict-free conduct
- contribution to society and the country
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- disclosure and recusal
- employee responsibility
- extensive network and market know-how
- forgiveness
- higher purpose of media
- honesty and openness
- integrity and truthfulness
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- learn early
- respect for others' work
- respect for people
- practical problem-solving
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- strengthening democracy
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense)
- truth & transparency
- we are transparent and we tell the truth
- witness statement of mr. b
- witness statement of mrs. a
- witness statement of mrs. c
- truth-telling
- truth and verification
- speaking truth
- truthful
- providing timely and truthful public disclosure
- candor and transparency
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- truth and integrity
- truth
- transparency and truthfulness
| - accountability to others
- anti-torture
- bear witness
- community and collaboration
- conflict-free conduct
- contribution to society and the country
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- disclosure and recusal
- employee responsibility
- forgiveness
- higher purpose of media
- honesty and openness
- integrity and truthfulness
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- learn early
- respect for others' work
- respect for people
- practical problem-solving
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility, and integrity
- strengthening democracy
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense)
- truth & transparency
- we are transparent and we tell the truth
- truth-telling
- truth and verification
- truth and responsibility
- speaking truth
- exploring identity through truth
- truthful
- providing timely and truthful public disclosure
- candor and transparency
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- truth and integrity
- truth
- transparency and truthfulness
- timely and truthful public disclosure
- truthfulness
- have only one truth for all audiences
- professionalism, truthfulness, loyalty, personal responsibility and integrity
| 37 | 39 | truthfulness |
- accountable governance
- collaborative coexistence
- compliance and governance
- conflict prevention
- eeo statement
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- excellence in governance and performance
- get it done
- global influence
- governance principles
- governing policies
- government engagement
- government neutrality
- high standards of governance
- investing in communities
- locations
- participatory governance
- partner up
- regenerative capacity
- support and accessibility
- the profile also mentions that the company adheres to three major development goals
- training and guidance
- transparency and governance
- transparency and openness
- transparency and openness in governance and output
- transparency in governance
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- waivers
- welcoming
- acm public policy
- this text appears to outline the terms of reference for two committees within mercy corps europe (mce)
- state responsibility for private practices
- respect for governance
- policy governance
- moderation tools
- importance of infrastructure and governance
- importance of effective institutions
- government officials
- government official
- governance structure
- governance bodies
- effective government
- effective governance
- democratic oversight
- dealings with governments
- copy of the national security and public order act 1998
- responsible governance
- commitment to party building and governance
- consequences of violations
- 廉洁治理 (integrity and governance)
- governance
- governance and assets
- governance and compliance
| - accountable governance
- collaborative coexistence
- compliance and governance
- conflict prevention
- eeo statement
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- excellence in governance and performance
- get it done
- global influence
- governance principles
- governing policies
- government neutrality
- high standards of governance
- investing in communities
- participatory governance
- partner up
- support and accessibility
- the profile also mentions that the company adheres to three major development goals
- training and guidance
- transparency and governance
- transparency and openness
- transparency and openness in governance and output
- transparency in governance
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- welcoming
- acm public policy
- this text appears to outline the terms of reference for two committees within mercy corps europe (mce)
- state responsibility for private practices
- role of the board of trustees
- respect for governance
- reply from chief prosecutor, dated 5 june 2003
- policy governance
- moderation tools
- judicial oversight
- internal control and processes (ic&p) department
- inadequate monitoring mechanisms
- importance of infrastructure and governance
- importance of effective institutions
- government officials
- government official
- governance structure
- governance bodies
- good governance and resources
- efficient management and governance
- effective government
- effective governance
- democratic oversight
- declaration on the police
- dealings with governments
- dealing with governments
- copy of the national security and public order act 1998
- at the ala annual conference on june 23-28, 1995, jeanne isacco and councilor carolyn daniel moved the adoption of cd#36.1. ronnie budge and susan m. flannery proposed an amendment to statement 6, which currently read
- responsible governance
- commitment to party building and governance
- consequences of violations
- 廉洁治理 (integrity and governance)
- governance
- governance and assets
- governance and compliance
- party building and governance
- appropriate relationships with governments
- board of directors
- transparent cpc governance
- governmentrelations
- governance ethics & compliance
- governance and accountability
- interact with governments and political entities responsibly
| 53 | 67 | governance |
- accountable leadership
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- belonging
- beyond all boundaries
- brave
- capital funding focus
- informed captains
- celebrating unique qualities and perspectives
- civic leadership
- collaboration and leadership
- cultural support
- respect for democratic principles
- employment relationship
- 企业与员工共同发展
- evaluation
- excellence and leadership in digital infrastructure
- - facilitated innovation workshops at leadership town halls
- i am a leader
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
- innovation and leadership
- innovation and technology leadership
- innovative leadership
- integrity and leadership
- intellectual property and confidentiality
- invest in leaders
- investment in leadership
- keep accurate records
- leadership
- leadership and compromise
- leadership and development
- leadership and innovation
- leadership and legacy
- leadership and risk-taking
- leadership and vision
- leadership by example
- leadership development
- leadership expectations
- leadership in service
- leadership responsibility
- leading
- leading by example
- 引领行业发展 (leading industry development)
- leading performance
- leading with exceptional ideas
- legal innovation
- linking
- commitment to mission
- net assets at beginning of year
- news & events
- peace and non-violence
- proactivity
- promoting access
- protection from harassment
- purpose
- realize the power of our people
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- site coordinators’ innovation fellowship
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- speculation and risk-taking
- stability and employment
- community and stakeholder engagement
- support and guidance
- support and resources
- survivor-centric approach
- talent development
- team 1st
- 团队精神
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- - the akshaya patra foundation, usa (po box
- the turnover rate, injury rate, and training rate for different categories will be calculated using the formulas provided in the note
- transparency and internal control
- trust in local leadership
- valuing youth leadership
- youth leadership
- - ceo
- supporting skilled, committed, and tenacious leaders
- socially responsible leadership
- service-oriented leadership
- physician leadership of collaborative care teams
- philanthropic leadership
- non-profit 501(c)3 leadership
- local leadership
- lean staff, simple procedures, and cooperative leadership
- leadership through ownership
- leadership spotlight
- leadership counts
- leadership commitment
- leadership and ethics in shaping communities
- innovative leadership development
- high-functioning board and leadership
- good leadership, compliance and the “four-eyes principle”
- exemplary leadership
- especially for managers
- employee code of conduct and managerial leadership model
- competent socially responsible leaders
- belief in individual leadership
- strategic leadership
- leadership and accountability
- innovation and leading industry development
- as people managers, we set the standard
- leadership and personal responsibility
- enterprise values
- role model leadership
- executive management role
- art of leadership and communication
- leadership and organization
- responsible leadership
- ethical leadership
- sustained excellence and leadership
| - accountable leadership
- accurate reporting and integrity in communications
- brave
- capital funding focus
- informed captains
- celebrating unique qualities and perspectives
- civic leadership
- collaboration and leadership
- cultural support
- respect for democratic principles
- employment relationship
- excellence and leadership in digital infrastructure
- - facilitated innovation workshops at leadership town halls
- i am a leader
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
- innovation and leadership
- innovation and technology leadership
- innovative leadership
- integrity and leadership
- intellectual property and confidentiality
- invest in leaders
- investment in leadership
- keep accurate records
- leadership
- leadership and compromise
- leadership and development
- leadership and innovation
- leadership and legacy
- leadership and risk-taking
- leadership and vision
- leadership by example
- leadership development
- leadership expectations
- leadership in service
- leadership responsibility
- leading
- leading by example
- leading performance
- leading with exceptional ideas
- legal innovation
- commitment to mission
- peace and non-violence
- proactivity
- promoting access
- protection from harassment
- purpose
- realize the power of our people
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- site coordinators’ innovation fellowship
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- speculation and risk-taking
- stability and employment
- community and stakeholder engagement
- support and guidance
- support and resources
- talent development
- team 1st
- 团队精神
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- - the akshaya patra foundation, usa (po box
- transparency and internal control
- trust in local leadership
- valuing youth leadership
- youth leadership
- • leadership
- - ceo
- visionary leadership
- supporting skilled, committed, and tenacious leaders
- socially responsible leadership
- service-oriented leadership
- project leader role and election
- progressive leadership
- prerequisites to success
- physician leadership of collaborative care teams
- philanthropic leadership
- peerspot leader
- non-profit 501(c)3 leadership
- local leadership
- live leadership
- lean staff, simple procedures, and cooperative leadership
- leadership through ownership
- leadership spotlight
- leadership counts
- leadership commitment
- leadership and ethics in shaping communities
- lead by example
- lead agency
- innovative leadership development
- high-functioning board and leadership
- good leadership, compliance and the “four-eyes principle”
- exemplary leadership
- especially for managers
- employee code of conduct and managerial leadership model
- critical roles of leadership and ethics
- competent socially responsible leaders
- belief in individual leadership
- strategic leadership
- leadership and accountability
- innovation and leading industry development
- as people managers, we set the standard
- leadership and personal responsibility
- enterprise values
- role model leadership
- executive management role
- art of leadership and communication
- leadership and organization
- responsible leadership
- ethical leadership
- sustained excellence and leadership
- set the standard as leaders
- service & leadership
- own it, live it, lead it
| 109 | 112 | leadership |
- accuracy and transparency
- act in the best interests of intel and avoid conflicts of interest
- actions for violations and measures to prevent recurrence
- affiliation
- anti-corruption and avoiding conflicts of interest
- anti-racism and anti-sexism
- avoid conflicts of interest
- avoidance of advocacy
- avoidance of appearance of impropriety
- avoidance of conflict of interest
- avoidance of conflicts of interest
- avoidance of payment for interviews
- avoiding conflict of interest
- avoiding conflicts of interest
- be on the offense always
- community and societal engagement
- compliance with standards
- conflict management
- conflict of interest
- conflict of interest and ethical issues
- conflict of interest avoidance
- conflict of interest prevention
- conflict of interests
- conflict of interests, transfer of interests, and non-public information management
- conflict resolution
- conflict with official duties
- conflicts of interest
- prevention of conflicts of interest
- conflicts of interest / competing interests
- cooperative approaches
- critical reflexivity
- empowerment and support
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- event 2: creative workshop
- fearless
- human-centric
- impartiality and avoiding conflicts of interest
- interpersonal conflicts
- loyality to the company and conflicts of interest
- loyalty and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- loyalty to the company and avoiding conflicts of interest
- loyalty to the company and conflict of interest prevention
- managing conflicts of interest
- peaceful settlement of conflicts based on principles and norms of international law
- prioritizing company interests & avoiding conflicts
- prohibition of conflicts of interest
- prompt internal reporting of violations of the code
- safeguarding and risk reduction
- step down considerately
- upholding conflict transformation principles
- various resources from the grayston centre, a uk-based organization focused on preventing violent conflict and building safer lives
- we avoid conflicts of interest
- world bank (2006) 'community-driven development in the context of conflict-affected countries
- world bank (2006) 'effective conflict analysis exercises
- acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- recusal
- preventing conflicts of interest
- personal investments, transactions, and outside business interests
- no conflict of interest
- impartiality and conflicts of interest
- disclosure and recusal
- conflito de interesse
- conflict avoidance
- confidentiality and non-competition
- i avoid conflicts of interest
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- conflict of interest awareness
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- conflict-free conduct
- conflict of interest management
- loyalty to the company and conflicts of interest
| - accuracy and transparency
- act in the best interests of intel and avoid conflicts of interest
- actions for violations and measures to prevent recurrence
- anti-corruption and avoiding conflicts of interest
- anti-racism and anti-sexism
- avoid conflicts of interest
- avoidance of appearance of impropriety
- avoidance of conflict of interest
- avoidance of conflicts of interest
- avoidance of payment for interviews
- avoiding conflict of interest
- avoiding conflicts of interest
- be on the offense always
- community and societal engagement
- compliance with standards
- conflict management
- conflict of interest
- conflict of interest and ethical issues
- conflict of interest avoidance
- conflict of interest prevention
- conflict of interests
- conflict of interests, transfer of interests, and non-public information management
- conflict resolution
- conflict with official duties
- conflicts of interest
- prevention of conflicts of interest
- conflicts of interest / competing interests
- cooperative approaches
- critical reflexivity
- empowerment and support
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- event 2: creative workshop
- fearless
- human-centric
- impartiality and avoiding conflicts of interest
- interpersonal conflicts
- loyality to the company and conflicts of interest
- loyalty and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- loyalty to the company and avoiding conflicts of interest
- loyalty to the company and conflict of interest prevention
- managing conflicts of interest
- peaceful settlement of conflicts based on principles and norms of international law
- prioritizing company interests & avoiding conflicts
- prohibition of conflicts of interest
- prompt internal reporting of violations of the code
- safeguarding and risk reduction
- upholding conflict transformation principles
- various resources from the grayston centre, a uk-based organization focused on preventing violent conflict and building safer lives
- we avoid conflicts of interest
- world bank (2006) 'community-driven development in the context of conflict-affected countries
- world bank (2006) 'effective conflict analysis exercises
- acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- unacceptable behavior
- restriction on solicitation
- recusal
- preventing conflicts of interest
- personal investments, transactions, and outside business interests
- outside board memberships
- no improper advantage
- no conflict of interest
- impartiality and conflicts of interest
- distinguishing personal convictions from professional duties
- disclosure and recusal
- conflito de interesse
- conflict avoidance
- confidentiality and non-competition
- i avoid conflicts of interest
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- conflict of interest awareness
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- conflict-free conduct
- conflict of interest management
- loyalty to the company and conflicts of interest
- separation of business and personal matters
- avoidance of actions creating the appearance of violating the law or ethical standards
- avoidance of outside employment or activities that conflict with official duties
- avoidance of financial conflicts of interest
- no conflicts of interest
- unauthorized commitments
- avoid putting yourself or scotiabank in a conflict of interest position
| 71 | 80 | avoid conflicts of interest |
- accurate financial reporting
- anonymous reporting
- collaboration with owasp
- compliance related values such as sanctions and export controls, anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering, and insider dealing and market abuse
- compliance with tax, subsidy and public contract rules
- confidential information and insider trading
- connecting with something larger than oneself
- debureaucratization of science
- delivering on our commitments
- diversity, equity & inclusion (dei)
- efficiency and compliance
- freedom advocacy
- importance of staying fresh and adaptable
- integration into mainstream programs
- personal investments, transactions, and outside business interests
- insider information, insider threat, and securities trading
- insider information
- inside information
- avoidance of insider trading
- trading in securities
- confidentiality and insider information
- compliance with insider trading policy
- insider trading prohibition
- do not trade on material non-public information
- compliance with insider information and market manipulation regulations
- do not engage in insider trading
- prevention of insider trading and preservation of market integrity
- prevention of insider trading
| - accurate financial reporting
- anonymous reporting
- collaboration with owasp
- compliance related values such as sanctions and export controls, anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering, and insider dealing and market abuse
- compliance with tax, subsidy and public contract rules
- confidential information and insider trading
- delivering on our commitments
- diversity, equity & inclusion (dei)
- efficiency and compliance
- freedom advocacy
- importance of staying fresh and adaptable
- integration into mainstream programs
- personal investments, transactions, and outside business interests
- insider information, insider threat, and securities trading
- insider information
- inside information
- avoidance of insider trading
- trading in securities
- confidentiality and insider information
- compliance with insider trading policy
- insider trading prohibition
- do not trade on material non-public information
- compliance with insider information and market manipulation regulations
- do not engage in insider trading
- prevention of insider trading and preservation of market integrity
- prevention of insider trading
- insider trading policy
- insider dealing and market abuse
- insider trading
- prohibition of insider trading
- never trade on inside information
| 28 | 31 | insider trading |
- accurate record-keeping
- actions for violations and measures to prevent recurrence
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- advocacy and influence
- anti-bribery
- anti-bribery & corruption
- anti-bribery and anti-corruption
- anti-bribery and compliance
- anti-bribery and corruption
- anti-bribery and fair dealing
- anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud
- anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud prevention
- anti-bribery/internal control and international trade
- anti-corruption
- commitment to anti-corruption
- anti-corruption & anti-bribery
- anti-corruption and anti-bribery
- anti-corruption and avoiding conflicts of interest
- anti-corruption and bribery
- anti-corruption and ethical business practices
- anti-corruption and fair competition
- anti-corruption and fair dealing
- anti-corruption and fair trading
- anti-corruption compliance
- anti-corruption policy
- anti-money laundering activities
- anti-spam
- anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering
- anticorruption
- breaking the cycle of poverty
- prevention of bribery
- bribery
- bribery and corruption
- prevention of bribery and corruption
- bribery, payments to government personnel
- business ethics and anti-corruption
- client first
- community input
- compliance related values such as sanctions and export controls, anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering, and insider dealing and market abuse
- compliance with applicable law and ethical requirements, anti-corruption measures
- 全面从严治党 建设清廉国企
- comprehensiveness
- constant care
- continuous leadership in business operations and social responsibility fulfillment
- corruption and bribery
- prevention of corruption and money laundering
- prevention of corruption and unethical practices
- customer-centered
- democratization of knowledge
- diligent work
- dismantling polluter power
- diversity inclusion principle
- diversity, inclusion, and equity
- doing real and permanent good
- effective public policy
- efficient
- empathy
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- equality and non-supremacy
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- commitment to ethics
- commitment to ethics and anti-corruption
- external communication
- fair profit and growth
- fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
- fighting corruption
- focusing on sustainable and environmentally-friendly operations
- give and take responsibility
- - government affairs
- group antitrust policy
- growth and development
- hard work, diligence, and thrift
- 和合创先 (harmonious innovation)
- high performing
- highest level of service
- human-centered design
- human-centric design
- humble in our approach
- i make ethical decisions when giving and receiving gifts, travel, and entertainment
- i prevent corruption and bribery
- innovation and risk-taking
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- innovation gene (创新基因)
- institutional capacity
- integrity and anti-corruption
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- 廉洁治理 (integrity and governance)
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- internal relations
- investing in leadership development
- irregular payments and money laundering
- irregular payments and money laundering prevention
- kia compliance
- learning from failure
- modernity
- no bribery or corruption
- ownership and accountability
- prevent bribery and corruption
- preventing bribery, corruption, and fraud
- prohibiting bribery and corruption
- prohibition of commercial bribery
- rejecting all forms of corruption
- rejecting corruption
- respect, honesty and integrity
- rule of law and respect
- safe & supportive
- 安全生产
- safety first
- show respect
- commitment to the code
- unleash opportunities
- visibility
- visibility and advocacy
- work ethics and anti-corruption
- zero tolerance for bribery and corruption
- zero tolerance for corruption
- zero tolerance for corruption & fraud
- zero tolerance for corruption and bribery
- zero tolerance for corruption, fraud and dishonesty
- zero tolerance for ethical violations
- zero tolerance to fraud and corruption
- zero-tolerance for bribery and corruption
- zero-tolerance for corruption
- zero-tolerance for corruption and fraud
- ethical business conduct
- unusual payments to a local elected representative
- system laudering prevention
- solicitation from intermediaries offering incentives in exchange for preferential treatment
- significant amount transferred by a customer in a sensitive sector
- sanctions & anti-money laundering
- reporting financial impropriety
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- prohibition of hard-core cartels
- offer of a debt waiver in exchange for a "50-50" split
- money laundering
- kickbacks
- integrity regarding gifts
- facilitation payments and kickbacks
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- discouragement of misuse
- corruption
- bribes offered by suppliers during a call for tenders or in exchange for tickets to sports events
- avoiding financial crimes
- anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism
- anti-fraud and corruption
- alcohol, criminal, and unethical activities
- anti-money laundering and sanction compliance
- countering corruption
- money laundering prevention
- zero tolerance
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- addressing misconduct
- prévention des abus de marché
- opposition to unlawful activities
- responding to financial crimes and anti-social elements
- prevention of irregular payments and money laundering
- having no relationships with antisocial forces and standing resolute against undue demands
- anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance
- anti-illicit trade
- bribes, kickbacks and other improper payments
- anti-money laundering
- prevention of financial crime
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- fair competition and anti-corruption practices
| - accurate record-keeping
- actions for violations and measures to prevent recurrence
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- advocacy and influence
- anti-bribery
- anti-bribery & corruption
- anti-bribery and anti-corruption
- anti-bribery and compliance
- anti-bribery and corruption
- anti-bribery and fair dealing
- anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud
- anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud prevention
- anti-bribery/internal control and international trade
- anti-corruption
- commitment to anti-corruption
- anti-corruption & anti-bribery
- anti-corruption and anti-bribery
- anti-corruption and avoiding conflicts of interest
- anti-corruption and bribery
- anti-corruption and ethical business practices
- anti-corruption and fair competition
- anti-corruption and fair dealing
- anti-corruption and fair trading
- anti-corruption compliance
- anti-corruption policy
- anti-money laundering activities
- anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering
- anticorruption
- prevention of bribery
- bribery
- bribery and corruption
- prevention of bribery and corruption
- bribery, payments to government personnel
- business ethics and anti-corruption
- client first
- community input
- compliance related values such as sanctions and export controls, anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering, and insider dealing and market abuse
- compliance with applicable law and ethical requirements, anti-corruption measures
- comprehensiveness
- constant care
- continuous leadership in business operations and social responsibility fulfillment
- corruption and bribery
- prevention of corruption and money laundering
- prevention of corruption and unethical practices
- customer-centered
- democratization of knowledge
- diligent work
- diversity inclusion principle
- diversity, inclusion, and equity
- doing real and permanent good
- efficient
- empathy
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- equality and non-supremacy
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- commitment to ethics
- commitment to ethics and anti-corruption
- external communication
- fair profit and growth
- fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
- fighting corruption
- focusing on sustainable and environmentally-friendly operations
- give and take responsibility
- group antitrust policy
- growth and development
- hard work, diligence, and thrift
- 和合创先 (harmonious innovation)
- high performing
- highest level of service
- human-centered design
- human-centric design
- humble in our approach
- i make ethical decisions when giving and receiving gifts, travel, and entertainment
- i prevent corruption and bribery
- innovation and risk-taking
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- innovation gene (创新基因)
- institutional capacity
- integrity and anti-corruption
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- 廉洁治理 (integrity and governance)
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- internal relations
- investing in leadership development
- irregular payments and money laundering
- irregular payments and money laundering prevention
- kia compliance
- learning from failure
- modernity
- no bribery or corruption
- ownership and accountability
- prevent bribery and corruption
- preventing bribery, corruption, and fraud
- prohibiting bribery and corruption
- prohibition of commercial bribery
- rejecting all forms of corruption
- rejecting corruption
- respect, honesty and integrity
- rule of law and respect
- safe & supportive
- 安全生产
- safety first
- show respect
- commitment to the code
- unleash opportunities
- visibility
- visibility and advocacy
- work ethics and anti-corruption
- zero tolerance for bribery and corruption
- zero tolerance for corruption
- zero tolerance for corruption & fraud
- zero tolerance for corruption and bribery
- zero tolerance for corruption, fraud and dishonesty
- zero tolerance for ethical violations
- zero tolerance to fraud and corruption
- zero-tolerance for bribery and corruption
- zero-tolerance for corruption
- zero-tolerance for corruption and fraud
- ethical business conduct
- unusual payments to a local elected representative
- transactions with u.s. government officials
- system laudering prevention
- solicitation from intermediaries offering incentives in exchange for preferential treatment
- significant amount transferred by a customer in a sensitive sector
- sanctions & anti-money laundering
- reporting financial impropriety
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- prohibition of hard-core cartels
- payment into the account of a foundation registered in a tax haven belonging to an intermediary working for a public sector counterpart
- offer of a debt waiver in exchange for a "50-50" split
- no money laundering
- money laundering
- kickbacks
- integrity regarding gifts
- improper advantage
- hard-core cartels
- facilitation payments and kickbacks
- facilitation (or “grease”) payments
- exposing abuses of power and betrayals of public trust
- exploitation
- discouragement of misuse
- corruption
- bribes offered by suppliers during a call for tenders or in exchange for tickets to sports events
- bribe
- beware of scam phone calls and emails impersonating mitsubishi heavy industries, ltd.'s executives
- avoiding financial crimes
- anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism
- anti-fraud and corruption
- alcohol, criminal, and unethical activities
- anti-money laundering and sanction compliance
- 廉洁合作
- countering corruption
- money laundering prevention
- zero tolerance
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- addressing misconduct
- prévention des abus de marché
- ongoing vigilance against misconduct
- opposition to unlawful activities
- responding to financial crimes and anti-social elements
- prevention of irregular payments and money laundering
- having no relationships with antisocial forces and standing resolute against undue demands
- anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance
- anti-illicit trade
- bribes, kickbacks and other improper payments
- anti-money laundering
- prevention of financial crime
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- fair competition and anti-corruption practices
- prohibition on sensitive payments
- disclosure of waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to appropriate authorities
- avoidance of using public office for private gain
- anti-corruption & fair dealing
- facilitation payments
- prohibition of bribery
- prevention of financial crimes
- unethical or illegal conduct
- zero tolerance for tax evasion
- money-laundering prevention
- prevent corruption and bribery
- prevention of corruption
- no bribery or illicit benefits
- have zero tolerance for unethical behavior
- never bribe or participate in kickbacks
- incorruptibility
- private gain from public office
| 165 | 187 | anti-bribery, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering |
- accurate recordkeeping
- - australia
- passion for business
- climate consciousness
- contribution to society
- countering corruption
- critical thinking
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- dedication to health and well-being
- dialogue and engagement
- diversity, inclusion and equity
- employee pride and achievement
- employment
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- equitable access to nutritious food for all
- equity and fairness
- ethical gift practices
- execution
- fair dealing and avoiding unfair advantage
- financial integrity and accurate records
- financial integrity and recordkeeping
- financial support
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- freedom and human rights culture
- 和合创先
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- lead with financial integrity
- commitment to mission
- peace, justice and tolerance
- respect for people
- privileges and immunities
- proper use of company resources
- protect our assets
- recordkeeping, reporting, and financial integrity
- remembrance
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- scientific progress
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- trust the team
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
- upholding the code
- values in action
- accurate financial reporting
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- practicing transparent financial reporting
- financial and tax reporting
- i am accurate and ethical with our finances
- ensure financial integrity and responsibility
- financial transparency
- ethical financial practices
- financial integrity
| - accurate recordkeeping
- passion for business
- contribution to society
- countering corruption
- critical thinking
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- dedication to health and well-being
- dialogue and engagement
- diversity, inclusion and equity
- employee pride and achievement
- employment
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- equity and fairness
- ethical gift practices
- fair dealing and avoiding unfair advantage
- financial integrity and accurate records
- financial integrity and recordkeeping
- financial support
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- freedom and human rights culture
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- lead with financial integrity
- commitment to mission
- peace, justice and tolerance
- respect for people
- privileges and immunities
- protect our assets
- recordkeeping, reporting, and financial integrity
- respect, honesty, and integrity
- scientific progress
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- trust the team
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
- upholding the code
- values in action
- accurate financial reporting
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- practicing transparent financial reporting
- income statement (unaudited, accrual basis, in $)
- financial and tax reporting
- i am accurate and ethical with our finances
- ethical handling of finances
- ensure financial integrity and responsibility
- financial transparency
- ethical financial practices
- financial integrity
- intégrité du marché financier
- proper accounting
| 52 | 49 | financial integrity |
- acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- protection of confidential information
- developer
- future developments
- global initiatives
- global interdependence
- harmony
- national pride
- passion and pride in our work
- pride and national identity
- national pride and patriotism
- pride
- employee pride and achievement
| - acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- protection of confidential information
- developer
- future developments
- global initiatives
- global interdependence
- harmony
- national pride
- passion and pride in our work
- pride and national identity
- national pride and patriotism
- pride
- employee pride and achievement
- regional pride
| 14 | 15 | pride |
- acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- be accurate
- conflict of interest awareness
- description"
- environmental conservation
- evidence-based advocacy
- humanitarian impact
- personally identifiable information
- serving the country's development and safeguarding people's well-being
- service to the country and people
- service to the country and the people
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- serving the country
- national service
- 服务国家战略 (serving national strategies)
- support to national goals
- national service and development
- cultural pride and national service
| - acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- be accurate
- conflict of interest awareness
- environmental conservation
- evidence-based advocacy
- humanitarian impact
- personally identifiable information
- serving the nation
- service to the country and people
- service to the country and the people
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- serving the country
- national service
- 服务国家战略 (serving national strategies)
- support to national goals
- national service and development
- cultural pride and national service
- service to the country
- service to the nation
| 18 | 19 | national service |
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- 成就他人 成就自己
- achievement
- additional guidelines
- breaking the limits of human achievement
- care and improvement of human life
- constructive feedback
- data and human stories
- data integrity and security
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and justice
- financial transparency
- commitment to helping people live better lives
- high-quality metadata
- indigenous peoples' rights
- jurisdiction and venue
- commitment to learning and improvement
- mhi achieves large yoy growth in order intake, revenue, and profit in strong third quarter, raises fy2023 order intake and revenue guidance
- 感动自己 感动他人 成就他人 成就自己 (move oneself, move others, achieve for others, achieve for oneself)
- quality customer service
- protection of reputation
- safety and sustainability
- upholding respect and value of the individual
- we are committed to advancing the sport of the purebred dog
- achieving
- achieve results
- successes achieved
- slashdot achievements
- credential attainment
- success
- going for greatness
- employee pride and achievement
| - acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- achievement
- breaking the limits of human achievement
- constructive feedback
- data and human stories
- data integrity and security
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and justice
- financial transparency
- commitment to helping people live better lives
- high-quality metadata
- indigenous peoples' rights
- commitment to learning and improvement
- mhi achieves large yoy growth in order intake, revenue, and profit in strong third quarter, raises fy2023 order intake and revenue guidance
- 感动自己 感动他人 成就他人 成就自己 (move oneself, move others, achieve for others, achieve for oneself)
- quality customer service
- protection of reputation
- safety and sustainability
- upholding respect and value of the individual
- we are committed to advancing the sport of the purebred dog
- achieving
- achieve results
- - attainment and provision of examples of work
- successes achieved
- slashdot achievements
- credential attainment
- success
- going for greatness
- go for greatness
- employee pride and achievement
- 成就他人成就自己 (achieving for others and oneself)
| 33 | 32 | achievements |
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- communication and coordination
- human rights due diligence
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- it seems like you've shared a mission statement and strategic vision for the ewing marion kauffman foundation, which aims to make greater kansas city a national model for equitable economic mobility by 2035. the foundation focuses on three strategic prior
- justice and protection
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- scale and capacity
- - total net assets
- victim-centered
- outside employment
- other employment / professional activities
- job title
- employment relationship
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- careers
- employment
- stability and employment
- promoting employment and urbanization
- employment and stability
- job creation
- terms and conditions of employment
| - acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- communication and coordination
- human rights due diligence
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- it seems like you've shared a mission statement and strategic vision for the ewing marion kauffman foundation, which aims to make greater kansas city a national model for equitable economic mobility by 2035. the foundation focuses on three strategic prior
- justice and protection
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- scale and capacity
- victim-centered
- recruitment & employment
- outside employment
- other employment / professional activities
- job title
- employment relationship
- employment practices
- employment costs
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- careers
- employment
- stability and employment
- promoting employment and urbanization
- employment and stability
- job creation
- terms and conditions of employment
- employment and labor
| 22 | 25 | employment |
- acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- 业务领域 (business areas)
- care and stewardship of our planet
- defining application security
- do what honor dictates
- ethical use of technology
- intellectually rigorous
- intentionality
- product quality and safety
- product safety
- - product safety
- steely resolve
- provide quality products and services
- products
- high-quality products and services
- striving for excellence in products & services
- innovation and product quality
| - acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- 业务领域 (business areas)
- defining application security
- do what honor dictates
- product quality and safety
- product safety
- - product safety
- steely resolve
- provide quality products and services
- products
- product first, mission focused
- high-quality products and services
- striving for excellence in products & services
- innovation and product quality
- best product
- product specialization
- produce high quality vehicles
| 17 | 17 | product-focus |
- acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- availability
- availability and sharing of knowledge
- open availability of software
- source code availability
- accessibility and convenience
- our most important goal is to make excellent maps geo-data available as widely as possible for free
- be available
- convenience
| - acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- availability
- availability and sharing of knowledge
- open availability of software
- source code availability
- accessibility and convenience
- our most important goal is to make excellent maps geo-data available as widely as possible for free
- enhanced access through open scheduling, extended hours, and new communication options
- ease of use
- be available
- convenience
- usability
| 9 | 12 | availability |
- achieve excellence
- digital transformation
- don’t #@!% the customer
- free services
- general principles
- ground-truthed data
- reply from chief prosecutor, dated 17 september 2003
- taking care of each other
- the core values presented within the text are clearly structured under three categories reflecting different aspects of ethical behavior and responsibility
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- unity in diversity
- teamwork and unity
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- harmony, unity, and shared success
| - achieve excellence
- digital transformation
- don’t #@!% the customer
- general principles
- ground-truthed data
- taking care of each other
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- unity in diversity
- unity beyond boundaries
- teamwork and unity
- 和衷共济 (unity and cooperation)
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- harmony, unity, and shared success
- united
- 团结 (unity)
- unity and respect
- 奋力拼搏、团结协作 (striving with utmost effort, united cooperation)
- 团结 (tuánjié): unity
- unity, dedication, integrity and progress
- unity
| 16 | 22 | unity |
- achieve excellence
- compassion and respect for others
- five-year improvement plan
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- know your learners
- knowing each other for many years, worthy of trust
- knowledge accumulation
- knowledge and competence
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- knowledge and understanding
- knowledge application
- knowledge dissemination
- knowledge transfer
- monitoring system
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- 精神传承 (spiritual heritage)
| - achieve excellence
- compassion and respect for others
- five-year improvement plan
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- know your learners
- knowing each other for many years, worthy of trust
- knowledge accumulation
- knowledge and competence
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- knowledge and understanding
- knowledge dissemination
- knowledge transfer
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- 精神传承 (spiritual heritage)
- knowledge and skills
| 17 | 16 | knowledgeable |
- achieve excellence
- achieve results
- commitment to achieving results
- act intentionally
- additional guidelines
- assurance method
- constructive feedback
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- commitment to delivering the best solutions
- do what we promise
- financial transparency
- public health link
- commitment to helping people live better lives
- high-quality metadata
- human development
- impact and results
- innovative models
- jurisdiction and venue
- commitment to learning and improvement
- non-discrimination and equal treatment
- objetivos
- passion and problem-solving
- principle 4: establish a results framework
- protection of reputation
- results and accountability
- safety and sustainability
- sanctions & anti-money laundering
- commitment to solutions
- sunshine
- there is a slight difference in the framing of equitable partnerships by asylum access staff and local partners
- timing
- wakaritenga / legitimacy
- passion to win
- passion for winning
- work environment
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- results and efficiency
- productivity and responsibility
- driven
- 业绩导向 (performance-oriented)
- deliver results responsibly
| - achieve excellence
- achieve results
- commitment to achieving results
- act intentionally
- constructive feedback
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- commitment to delivering the best solutions
- do what we promise
- financial transparency
- public health link
- commitment to helping people live better lives
- high-quality metadata
- human development
- impact and results
- innovative models
- commitment to learning and improvement
- non-discrimination and equal treatment
- passion and problem-solving
- principle 4: establish a results framework
- protection of reputation
- results and accountability
- safety and sustainability
- sanctions & anti-money laundering
- commitment to solutions
- sunshine
- passion to win
- passion for winning
- work environment
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- results-focused
- results orientation
- results and efficiency
- result-oriented
- productivity and responsibility
- positive impact and results
- outcome-focused approach
- outcome-driven
- expectations & results case study
- driven
- results
- 业绩导向 (performance-oriented)
- deliver results responsibly
- 业绩导向 (performance orientation)
| 42 | 44 | result driven |
- achieving
- ad issues
- respect for artistic heritage
- be available
- be collaborative
- be honest and fair
- believing in collaboration
- brand building
- bridging cultures, beliefs, and generations
- business practices
- protection of business secrets and intellectual property
- business_fields
- caring and warmth
- civil discourse
- coalition building
- code of conduct for law enforcement officials
- collaborate responsibly with third parties
- collaborating with other news organizations
- collaboration
- 协同 (collaboration)
- • collaboration
- professionalism and collaboration
- collaboration & communication
- collaboration across boundaries
- collaboration and community
- collaboration and coordination
- collaboration and dedication
- collaboration and leadership
- collaboration and learning
- collaboration and mutual respect
- collaboration and partnership
- collaboration and solidarity
- collaboration and support
- collaboration and synergy
- collaboration and teamwork
- collaboration and trust
- collaboration with partners
- collaborative aptitude
- collaborative efforts
- collaborative innovation
- collaborative learning
- collaborative mindset
- personal collecting of art
- collegiality
- commit to shared success
- community collaboration
- competing and collaborating
- responsibility and compliance
- compliance with law
- connecting the public to public schools
- connection
- connection and collaboration
- credential attainment
- cross-sectoral collaboration
- 文化生活
- cultural sensitivity
- custodianship (amana)
- 敬业合规 (dedication and compliance)
- dedication to customers' success
- delivering long-term success and sustainability
- democracy and international cooperation
- democratic accountability
- dignity and respect for beneficiaries
- diligence and spirit of collaboration
- direct access
- disability justice
- don’t #@!% the customer
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- education and enablement
- education and outreach
- effective government
- employees
- encouraging teamwork and collaboration
- commitment to environmental protection
- ethics hotline
- fair and honest competition
- fair dealing
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- family and community strengthening
- feminism
- global collaboration
- global coordination
- global influence
- global procurement services (toronto) email
- globalization
- 走市场不走官场 走法律不走权力
- government accountability
- health insurance
- healthy relationships
- honest and ethical conduct
- protection of human dignity
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- inclusivity & collaboration
- inclusivity and collaboration
- personal information protection policy
- information security
- innovation and co-creation
- innovative co-creation
- interdependence
- interdisciplinary approach
- interdisciplinary approaches
- interdisciplinary collaboration
- interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable partnership
- interdisciplinary dialogue
- interdisciplinary research
- interdisciplinary scope
- public interest
- interoperability and innovation
- responsible investment
- commitment to key causes
- knowledge and expertise
- lean, autonomous, and collaborative operating model
- legal and customer requirements
- our management model ensures our cohesion
- media coverage
- membership committee
- monitoring system
- neutrality and independence
- number of complaints received about products and services in 2019
- one big team
- open & collaborative
- open communication and collaboration
- openness and win-win
- organizational structure
- 总要求 (overall requirement)
- ownership and collaboration
- partnership and collaboration
- peace pursuit
- people and diversity management
- performance
- physician leadership of collaborative care teams
- responsible political engagement
- 责任实践 (responsible practice)
- preparedness for future challenges
- proactively connecting and collaborating
- promoting openness and collaboration
- purpose and ethos
- 我们的品质 (our quality)
- reciprocity
- recognition
- recognition and development of human resources
- recognize collaboration is key
- recognize collaboration is key to accomplishing our mission
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- relationships (organizational and personal business)
- research and innovation
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- responsive planning
- responsiveness in emergencies
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- safety and well-being
- security
- security cooperation
- selfless service
- shared responsibility
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- stability and employment
- strategic selectivity
- support and partnership
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- sustainable
- 系统观念 (systematic concept)
- technical assistance
- the core values described in the text for the marubeni group are
- the delta brand
- the environment
- the turnover rate, injury rate, and training rate for different categories will be calculated using the formulas provided in the note
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- transparency and collaboration
- usefulness
- protection of users' rights
- value
- value co-creation with customers
- victims’ and survivors’ experiences
- we are collaborative
- we value and respect others
- win-win
- 合作共赢 (win-win cooperation)
- win-win cooperation
- win-win relationships
- standards for collaboration and data-sharing
- partnerships and collaboration
- networking
- join forces
- interoperable
- industry collaboration
- improving classroom climate and relationships
- i engage constructively
- fostering dialogue
- expertise and collaboration
- engage and collaborate within a community of practice
- dialogue
- constructive discussion
- constructive dialogue
- collaborative approach
- collaboration with owasp
- collaboration for the common good
- collaboration and scholarship
- collaboration and participation
- collaboration and networking
- collaboration and connection
- collaboration and collective knowledge
- collaboration and collective impact
- collaboration and advocacy
- co-creation
- build together
- collaboration and interdependence
- collaboration and interdisciplinary approach
- collaborative aptitude and willingness
- collaborative
- team work and collaboration
- collaboration with business partners
- collaboration and partnerships
- synergy through mutual communication and cooperation
- teamwork and collaboration
- collaboration and diversity
- collaboration and respect
- collaboration and integration
- fair competition & collaboration
- communication and coordination
- coordination
- collaborative coexistence
- synergy and collaboration
- collaboration and growth
- fair collaboration
- community and collaboration
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- collaborative spirit
- working together
- collaborative community
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- work collaboratively
- collaboration, competition, and integrity
- fair and cooperative collaboration
| - achieving
- respect for artistic heritage
- be available
- be collaborative
- be honest and fair
- believing in collaboration
- brand building
- bridging cultures, beliefs, and generations
- business practices
- protection of business secrets and intellectual property
- caring and warmth
- civil discourse
- coalition building
- code of conduct for law enforcement officials
- collaborating with other news organizations
- collaboration
- 协同 (collaboration)
- • collaboration
- professionalism and collaboration
- collaboration & communication
- collaboration across boundaries
- collaboration and community
- collaboration and coordination
- collaboration and dedication
- collaboration and leadership
- collaboration and learning
- collaboration and mutual respect
- collaboration and partnership
- collaboration and solidarity
- collaboration and support
- collaboration and synergy
- collaboration and teamwork
- collaboration and trust
- collaboration with partners
- collaborative aptitude
- collaborative efforts
- collaborative innovation
- collaborative learning
- collaborative mindset
- personal collecting of art
- collegiality
- commit to shared success
- community collaboration
- competing and collaborating
- responsibility and compliance
- compliance with law
- connecting the public to public schools
- connection
- connection and collaboration
- credential attainment
- cross-sectoral collaboration
- cultural sensitivity
- custodianship (amana)
- 敬业合规 (dedication and compliance)
- dedication to customers' success
- delivering long-term success and sustainability
- democracy and international cooperation
- democratic accountability
- dignity and respect for beneficiaries
- diligence and spirit of collaboration
- direct access
- don’t #@!% the customer
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- education and enablement
- education and outreach
- effective government
- employees
- encouraging teamwork and collaboration
- commitment to environmental protection
- ethics hotline
- fair and honest competition
- fair dealing
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- family and community strengthening
- feminism
- global collaboration
- global coordination
- global influence
- globalization
- government accountability
- health insurance
- healthy relationships
- honest and ethical conduct
- protection of human dignity
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- inclusivity & collaboration
- inclusivity and collaboration
- personal information protection policy
- information security
- innovation and co-creation
- innovative co-creation
- interdependence
- interdisciplinary collaboration
- interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable partnership
- interdisciplinary dialogue
- interdisciplinary research
- public interest
- interoperability and innovation
- responsible investment
- commitment to key causes
- knowledge and expertise
- lean, autonomous, and collaborative operating model
- legal and customer requirements
- membership committee
- neutrality and independence
- number of complaints received about products and services in 2019
- one big team
- open & collaborative
- open communication and collaboration
- openness and win-win
- organizational structure
- ownership and collaboration
- partnership and collaboration
- peace pursuit
- people and diversity management
- performance
- physician leadership of collaborative care teams
- responsible political engagement
- 责任实践 (responsible practice)
- preparedness for future challenges
- proactively connecting and collaborating
- promoting openness and collaboration
- purpose and ethos
- 我们的品质 (our quality)
- recognition
- recognize collaboration is key
- recognize collaboration is key to accomplishing our mission
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- research and innovation
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- responsive planning
- responsiveness in emergencies
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- safety and well-being
- security
- security cooperation
- selfless service
- shared responsibility
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- stability and employment
- strategic selectivity
- support and partnership
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- sustainable
- 系统观念 (systematic concept)
- the delta brand
- the environment
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- transparency and collaboration
- protection of users' rights
- value
- value co-creation with customers
- victims’ and survivors’ experiences
- we are collaborative
- we value and respect others
- 合作共赢 (win-win cooperation)
- win-win cooperation
- win-win relationships
- we work together (openness)
- virtual site coordination
- standards for collaboration and data-sharing
- partnerships and collaboration
- networking
- join forces
- interoperable
- interaction
- industry collaboration
- improving classroom climate and relationships
- i engage constructively
- good collaboration
- fostering dialogue
- expertise and collaboration
- engage and collaborate within a community of practice
- dialogue
- constructive discussion
- constructive dialogue
- constructive communication
- collaborative approach
- collaboration with owasp
- collaboration for the common good
- collaboration and scholarship
- collaboration and participation
- collaboration and networking
- collaboration and connection
- collaboration and collective knowledge
- collaboration and collective impact
- collaboration and advocacy
- co-creation
- build together
- 协同
- collaboration and interdependence
- collaboration and interdisciplinary approach
- collaborative aptitude and willingness
- collaborative
- team work and collaboration
- collaboration with business partners
- collaboration and partnerships
- synergy through mutual communication and cooperation
- teamwork and collaboration
- collaboration and diversity
- collaboration and respect
- collaboration and integration
- fair competition & collaboration
- communication and coordination
- coordination
- collaborative coexistence
- synergy and collaboration
- collaboration and growth
- fair collaboration
- community and collaboration
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- collaborative spirit
- working together
- collaborative community
- fairness and respect in collaboration
- work collaboratively
- collaboration, competition, and integrity
- fair and cooperative collaboration
- get the right people in the room (and the best answers will be found)
- cooperation and collaboration
- create together
- collaboration & growth
| 235 | 223 | collaboration |
- acknowledgement of the ethics covenant
- advancement with the times
- advocacy and influence
- applicability
- be faithful
- 进地方门 做地方人 说地方话 办地方事 尽地方责
- be open-minded
- be pleasant and straightforward
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- believing in a shared destiny
- brand and mission fit
- bright futures
- build trust by acting with integrity
- civic participation and democracy
- collaboration and growth
- colleague conduct
- constructive discussion
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- corporate citizenship and compliance
- corporate security and crisis management
- creativity
- employment
- equitable access to nutritious food for all
- equitable business operations
- ethical action
- ethical conduct
- ethical practices and fairness
- fairness and ethical conduct
- growth and development
- respect for hierarchy
- honesty and moral conduct
- improve production efficiency
- initiative
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- lawful surveillance
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- moderation tools
- no conflict of interest
- open communication and creativity
- promoting safe and responsible use
- respecting others
- speed & quality
- stewardship of donor intentions
- supporting our team members
- respect for talent
- workplace conduct
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- professional ethics and integrity
- potential consequences of ethical misconduct
- personal and professional conduct
- paid posts
- no payment for news
- management of codes of ethical conduct
- integrity of conduct
- ethical use of imagery
- ethical standards and conduct
- ethical quotations
- ethical principles
- ethical practice
- ethical obligation
- ethical misconduct
- ethical journalism
- ethical gift practices
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical business principles
- ethical behaviour
- ethical and professional practice
- ethical & responsible
- ethical
- engie ethics code of conduct
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- conduct
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- commitment to high ethical standards
- avoidance of payment for interviews
- i know our code and act ethically
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- ethical and responsible behaviour
- 廉洁从业
- ethical responsibility
- promoting fair and ethical conduct
- ethics in all activities and relationships
- fair and ethical business practices
- ethical compliance
- ethical business practices and integrity
- ethical business practice
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- ethical and lawful conduct
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical employment practices
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- ethical relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- ethical employee evaluation
- ethical application
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- professional conduct
- compliance and ethical conduct
- commitment to ethical business practices
- preventing unethical conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- fair and ethical dealing
- integrity and ethical behavior
- ethical deployment
- honesty and ethical conduct
- conducting equitable & ethical business
- legal and ethical conduct
- honest and ethical conduct
- responsible use of social media
- fair business practices and ethics
- ethical conduct and responsibility
- respect for legality and ethics
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- ethical behavior
- integrity and ethical conduct
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- commitment to ethics and anti-corruption
- professionalism and ethical conduct
- ethical practices
- ethical business conduct
- high legal, ethical, and moral standards
- commitment to ethics
- 职工誓言 (employees' oath)
- ethical business practices
- ethical leadership
| - acknowledgement of the ethics covenant
- advancement with the times
- advocacy and influence
- be faithful
- be open-minded
- be pleasant and straightforward
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- believing in a shared destiny
- bright futures
- build trust by acting with integrity
- civic participation and democracy
- collaboration and growth
- colleague conduct
- constructive discussion
- continuous improvement and compliance monitoring
- corporate citizenship and compliance
- corporate security and crisis management
- creativity
- employment
- ethical action
- ethical conduct
- ethical practices and fairness
- fairness and ethical conduct
- growth and development
- respect for hierarchy
- honesty and moral conduct
- improve production efficiency
- initiative
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- moderation tools
- no conflict of interest
- open communication and creativity
- promoting safe and responsible use
- respecting others
- speed & quality
- stewardship of donor intentions
- supporting our team members
- respect for talent
- workplace conduct
- this text appears to be the "our conduct" section of a website, specifically from hsbc group. it outlines their approach to conduct and ethics in business, focusing on five key outcomes
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- purpose-led conduct approach
- professional ethics and integrity
- potential consequences of ethical misconduct
- personal and professional conduct
- paid posts
- non-tolerance of negative behavior
- no payment for news
- management of codes of ethical conduct
- integrity of conduct
- honest and ethical business conduct
- ethical use of imagery
- ethical standards and conduct
- ethical quotations
- ethical principles
- ethical practice
- ethical obligation
- ethical misconduct
- ethical journalism
- ethical gift practices
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical business principles
- ethical behaviour
- ethical and professional practice
- ethical & responsible
- ethical
- engie ethics code of conduct
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- distinguishing personal convictions from professional duties
- critical roles of leadership and ethics
- conduct
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- commitment to high ethical standards
- avoidance of payment for interviews
- i know our code and act ethically
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- ethical and responsible behaviour
- 廉洁从业
- ethical responsibility
- promoting fair and ethical conduct
- ethics in all activities and relationships
- fair and ethical business practices
- ethical compliance
- ethical business practices and integrity
- ethical business practice
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- ethical and lawful conduct
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical employment practices
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- ethical relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- ethical employee evaluation
- ethical application
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- professional conduct
- compliance and ethical conduct
- commitment to ethical business practices
- preventing unethical conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- fair and ethical dealing
- integrity and ethical behavior
- ethical deployment
- honesty and ethical conduct
- conducting equitable & ethical business
- legal and ethical conduct
- honest and ethical conduct
- responsible use of social media
- fair business practices and ethics
- ethical conduct and responsibility
- respect for legality and ethics
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- ethical behavior
- integrity and ethical conduct
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- commitment to ethics and anti-corruption
- professionalism and ethical conduct
- ethical practices
- ethical business conduct
- high legal, ethical, and moral standards
- commitment to ethics
- 职工誓言 (employees' oath)
- ethical business practices
- ethical leadership
- how we do business
- exemplary conduct
- avoidance of actions creating the appearance of violating the law or ethical standards
- refraining from unfair practices
- instructions in contravention of the code of ethics
- behavior standards
- prevention of nepotism
- ethical personal conduct
- ethical culture promotion
- professional conduct and ethics
- basic ethics for employees
- business conduct
- commitment to ethical behavior
- ethical integrity and conduct
| 125 | 139 | ethical conduct |
- acm public policy
- acm's mission, vision, values, goals
- commitment to andrew carnegie's vision
- responsible asset management
- assume good faith
- care and stewardship of our planet
- charitable and political activities
- charitable purpose
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- consistent and satisfactory profits
- curiosity & focus
- elder care
- protection of environment and eco-system
- ethics office
- facilitation payments and kickbacks
- health, safety and environment
- inclusivity and respect
- integrity and ethics
- international perspective
- responsible investment
- jurisdiction and venue
- long-term commitment
- long-term investment in science
- long-term resolve
- long-term support
- long-term value
- long-term vision
- long-term vision and staying power
- long-term, systemic solutions
- 新焦煤是一家
- openness
- opposition to the death penalty
- partnership and empowerment
- peace and non-violence
- preparedness for future challenges
- recognition and development of human resources
- responsibilities / abuse of authority
- science and research
- sharing
- speaking with a trustworthy voice
- stakeholder engagement and protection
- suggestions for faq additions
- team "smbc group
- training and awareness
- wakaritenga / legitimacy
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- shared partnership vision and values
- overall goal
- guidance by mission, vision, and values
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- 企业愿景 (corporate vision)
- 我们的经营理念 (our business philosophy)
- integrity & ethics vision and strategy
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
| - acm public policy
- acm's mission, vision, values, goals
- responsible asset management
- assume good faith
- charitable and political activities
- charitable purpose
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- consistent and satisfactory profits
- curiosity & focus
- elder care
- protection of environment and eco-system
- ethics office
- facilitation payments and kickbacks
- health, safety and environment
- inclusivity and respect
- integrity and ethics
- international perspective
- responsible investment
- long-term commitment
- long-term investment in science
- long-term resolve
- long-term support
- long-term value
- long-term vision and staying power
- long-term, systemic solutions
- openness
- opposition to the death penalty
- partnership and empowerment
- peace and non-violence
- preparedness for future challenges
- science and research
- sharing
- speaking with a trustworthy voice
- stakeholder engagement and protection
- team "smbc group
- training and awareness
- we have a story (vision)
- visionary leadership
- vision and deeds
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- shared partnership vision and values
- overall goal
- missionstatement
- guidance by mission, vision, and values
- future plans
- decision-making guided by mission, vision, and values
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- 企业愿景 (corporate vision)
- 我们的经营理念 (our business philosophy)
- integrity & ethics vision and strategy
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
- operation tenet
- enterprise motto
- enterprise vision
- mission and values
- who we are
- direction
- motto
- strategic values
- objectives
- 使命 (mission)
- mission
- 总目标 (overall goal)
- 总路径 (overall path)
| 55 | 65 | mission, vision, strategy |
- act as one team
- beneficiary-focused
- community consultation
- respect and cooperation
- respect for cultural diversity
- economic integration
- ethics
- responsibility for reporting
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- responsible leadership
- license must not restrict other software
- open, honest and clear communication
- prohibition against retaliation
- projects are king
- promotion of research and development
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- responsible resource management
- serving the country
- social commitment
- steely resolve
- teamwork and collaboration
- value creation oriented
- participatory design
- number of dwellings
- member-centric
- invest in our communities
- get support from others in the community
- focused
- focus on community
- community-oriented
- community-led and people-centered approach
- community-focused
- community-focus
- community-driven safety
- community-driven moderation
- community-driven development
- community-driven approach
- community-driven
- community-centric
- community-centeredness
- community-centered
- community service
- community collaboration
- building relationships and positive school climate
- investing in communities
- communicating with the public
- community focus
- concern for community
- unite around our customers
| - act as one team
- beneficiary-focused
- community consultation
- respect and cooperation
- respect for cultural diversity
- ethics
- responsibility for reporting
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- responsible leadership
- license must not restrict other software
- open, honest and clear communication
- prohibition against retaliation
- projects are king
- promotion of research and development
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- responsible resource management
- serving the country
- social commitment
- steely resolve
- teamwork and collaboration
- value creation oriented
- prioritizing remote and underserved areas
- participatory design
- number of dwellings
- member-centric
- invest in our communities
- get support from others in the community
- focused
- focus on community
- community-oriented
- community-led and people-centered approach
- community-focused
- community-focus
- community-driven safety
- community-driven moderation
- community-driven development
- community-driven approach
- community-driven
- community-centric
- community-centeredness
- community-centered
- community service
- community collaboration
- building relationships and positive school climate
- investing in communities
- communicating with the public
- community focus
- concern for community
- unite around our customers
- be part of the solution
- connection with local communities
| 50 | 52 | community focused |
- act as owners
- audit oversight
- balance and false balance
- benefiting the country and people
- business practices
- catalyzing change
- centering victims' and survivors' experiences
- collaboration and teamwork
- collaborative aptitude
- our colleagues
- colleagues
- community transformation
- confidentiality of live assessment materials
- curiosity and respect
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- encouraging teamwork and collaboration
- entrepreneurial mindset
- fairness, dignity, and respect
- friendliness
- government accountability
- ground-truthed data
- group synergy
- high standards of integrity and business ethics
- housing first
- ilo's role
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- mutual growth
- mutual growth and prosperity
- mutual prosperity
- mutual respect
- mutual respect & teamwork
- mutual support
- non-harassment
- one big team
- protection and proper use of corporate assets
- proprietary design
- reporting of misconduct
- solidarity and compassion
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- sri education (2016)
- stand together
- success
- teamwork and harmonious workplace
- the outline of the revised whistleblower protection act can be found on the marubeni group website for reference
- win as a team
- win together
- act as one team
- togetherness
- together with our employees
- theme 1: collaboration and teamwork
- teamwork and mutual respect
- talent and teamwork
- synergy
- supporting each other
- support for colleagues
- play, as a team
- pessoa colaboradora
- go further together
- community and teamwork
- collegiality
- collective passion
- collective effort
- build together
- teamwork and trust
- supporting our team members
- teamwork and unity
- talent development and teamwork
- we are one team
- commit to shared success
- teamwork, entrepreneurship & innovation
- team 1st
- team work and collaboration
- strive for the best as a team
- winning together
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- teamwork and collaboration
- high-performing teams
- we are customer 1st, team 1st
- follow the fundamental rules of the world and strive for the best as a team
- team
- promote teamwork & trust
- synergy and collaboration
- dream team
- trust the team
- deliver together
- collaborative spirit
- warmth and camaraderie
- professional growth and teamwork
- practice teamwork
- we win as a team
- teamwork and respect
- stronger together
- team "smbc group
- teamwork and communication
- working together
- teamwork
- cohesiveness
- cooperation and team spirit
- supportive teamwork
- professionalism and teamwork
- work collaboratively
- teamwork and synergy
| - act as owners
- balance and false balance
- benefiting the country and people
- business practices
- catalyzing change
- centering victims' and survivors' experiences
- collaboration and teamwork
- collaborative aptitude
- our colleagues
- colleagues
- community transformation
- confidentiality of live assessment materials
- curiosity and respect
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- encouraging teamwork and collaboration
- entrepreneurial mindset
- fairness, dignity, and respect
- friendliness
- government accountability
- ground-truthed data
- group synergy
- high standards of integrity and business ethics
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- mutual growth
- mutual growth and prosperity
- mutual prosperity
- mutual respect
- mutual respect & teamwork
- mutual support
- non-harassment
- one big team
- protection and proper use of corporate assets
- proprietary design
- reporting of misconduct
- solidarity and compassion
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- sri education (2016)
- stand together
- success
- teamwork and harmonious workplace
- the outline of the revised whistleblower protection act can be found on the marubeni group website for reference
- win as a team
- win together
- act as one team
- work with us
- work well together
- we are in this mission together
- togetherness
- together with our employees
- theme 1: collaboration and teamwork
- teamwork and mutual respect
- talent and teamwork
- synergy
- supporting each other
- support for colleagues
- play, as a team
- pessoa colaboradora
- go further together
- community and teamwork
- collegiality
- collective passion
- collective effort
- build together
- teamwork and trust
- supporting our team members
- teamwork and unity
- talent development and teamwork
- we are one team
- commit to shared success
- teamwork, entrepreneurship & innovation
- team 1st
- team work and collaboration
- strive for the best as a team
- winning together
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- teamwork and collaboration
- high-performing teams
- we are customer 1st, team 1st
- cohesion
- follow the fundamental rules of the world and strive for the best as a team
- building an excellent team with concerted efforts
- team
- promote teamwork & trust
- synergy and collaboration
- dream team
- trust the team
- deliver together
- corporate behaviors (teams)
- collaborative spirit
- warmth and camaraderie
- professional growth and teamwork
- practice teamwork
- we win as a team
- teamwork and respect
- stronger together
- team "smbc group
- teamwork and communication
- working together
- teamwork
- cohesiveness
- cooperation and team spirit
- supportive teamwork
- professionalism and teamwork
- work collaboratively
- teamwork and synergy
- we are one / team work
- being one team
- 奋力拼搏、团结协作 (striving with utmost effort, united cooperation)
- we are one / team work!
- help each other – whether in serving clients or in navigating careers at the firm
- get the right people in the room (and the best answers will be found)
- disagree then commit
- create together
- we are a team
- cohesive management
- cohesion through management
- we commit to shared success
- one team
- organizational cohesion and respect
| 104 | 121 | teamwork |
- act in the best interests of intel and avoid conflicts of interest
- passion for chemistry and the global chemistry enterprise
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工 (develop the enterprise, contribute to society, benefit employees)
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- job title
- join forces
- loyalty to the company and avoiding conflicts of interest
- 质量是企业的生命
- company asset
- company
- company information
- responsibility to the company
- customer-driven corporate culture
- commitment with the organization
- loyalty to the company
- prioritizing company interests & avoiding conflicts
- company creed
- one company
| - act in the best interests of intel and avoid conflicts of interest
- passion for chemistry and the global chemistry enterprise
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工 (develop the enterprise, contribute to society, benefit employees)
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- job title
- join forces
- loyalty to the company and avoiding conflicts of interest
- 质量是企业的生命
- company commitment
- company asset
- company
- company information
- responsibility to the company
- customer-driven corporate culture
- commitment with the organization
- loyalty to the company
- prioritizing company interests & avoiding conflicts
- company creed
- one company
- our business
- group companies
| 18 | 21 | company |
- act responsibly
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- anti-illicit trade
- respect for artistic heritage
- be open and inclusive
- business continuity and crisis management
- other business partners
- business relationships
- care for each other, partners, and communities
- catalyzing change
- clear attribution
- clear expectations
- collaboration and partnership
- collaboration with partners
- personal collecting of art
- community engagement and partnerships
- compliance and ethics questions
- compliance and reporting
- comprehensive development through innovation
- confidence of our shareholders and business partners
- connecting the public to public schools
- connection
- consideration
- contacts
- corporate asset protection and management
- creativity and learning
- custodianship (amana)
- customer partnership
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- dedication to customers' success
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- digital partnerships
- diversity
- diversity and activity
- effective partnerships
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- engage donors to facilitate equitable partnerships
- engagement and interaction
- engagement with partners
- entrepreneurial mindset
- establishment of a healthy work environment
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- external communications
- fair and honest competition
- fair competition and partnership
- fair competition and partnerships
- fair use
- fairness and sustainability
- fairness in business relationships
- family and community strengthening
- forgiveness and mercy
- fostering innovation and challenge
- full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure
- global affiliations
- global days of service
- global partnerships
- global trade
- governance bodies
- health, safety, and environmental protection
- health, safety, security, and environment (hsse)
- healthy human relations
- human rights and dignity
- human-centric partnership
- human-robot partnerships
- humility and partnership
- ilo's role
- impact-oriented
- innovation & partnerships
- innovation and risk-taking
- institutionalize and incentivize equitable partnerships
- 诚实守信 (integrity)
- intentional partnerships
- investor relations
- investors
- issued by
- it appears that you have provided a corporate code of business conduct and ethics policy for d.r. horton, inc. the document includes information on resources available to employees for guidance regarding compliance questions or concerns, as well as contac
- it seems like you've provided a detailed description of nutrition international's partnership framework cycle. this cycle consists of four phases
- know your counterparty
- knowable magazine
- knowledge
- listening and partnership
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- maximize future impact
- measurability
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- openness and win-win
- organizational structure
- ownership and responsibility
- partnership
- partnership and collaboration
- partnership and dialogue
- partnership and humility
- partnership and innovation
- partnership between individuals and their community
- partnership development
- partnership management
- partnership model
- partnerships
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- prioritizing the human element in human-robot partnerships
- productivity and responsibility
- progressive discipline
- respect and protection of human rights
- prudence principle
- reciprocity
- recognition and influence
- recognition of informal partnerships between individuals and their communities
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- research and innovation
- resource equitable partnerships
- seriousness
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- shared responsibility
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- social dialogue and partnerships
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- social value
- sponsorships
- strengthening partnerships
- strictness
- support for veterans
- sustainable practices
- system management
- - telephone
- telephone
- testing
- the author requests the following remedies
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- the document provided lists performance indicators for a company in the electric power industry, specifically state grid corporation of china (sgcc). these indicators are categorized under three main areas
- the document you've shared outlines three policies for apopo members
- the drive
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- third party
- transparency and dialogue
- trusted partnership
- trustworthy relationships with suppliers and business partners
- universal significance
- value of grantees and partnerships
- voicing opinions and concerns
- we are partners
- we obey the law
- win-win partnership and fair trade
- workers' rights and interests, health, safety and anti-discrimination
- - partner with us dept. of education to launch a competition
- working in partnership
- together with our partners
- sustainable partnerships
- support and partnership
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- suppliers & business partners
- shared partnership vision and values
- relationships with institutions
- play to strengths, partner for other needs
- partnerships and collaboration
- partnership with vital voices
- partnership with families
- partnership transition
- partnership identification
- partnership and transparency
- partnership and empowerment
- partnership and community development
- partnership and coalition
- partner with different sectors
- partner up
- networking
- mutuality
- join forces
- internal relations
- industry collaboration
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
- cooperation and coordination with other organizations
- community partnerships
- collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- collaborative partnerships
- collaborative partnership
- collaborative approach
- collaboration and networking
- coalition building
- building powerful partnerships
- assigning a liaison to owasp
- alliance
- mutual benefit
- relationships
- mutual benefit and win-win
- collaboration with business partners
- collaboration and partnerships
- win-win for all
- win-win relationships
- honoring commitments to partners
- responsible partnership
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- building strong relationships
| - act responsibly
- advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship
- anti-illicit trade
- respect for artistic heritage
- be open and inclusive
- business continuity and crisis management
- other business partners
- business relationships
- care for each other, partners, and communities
- catalyzing change
- clear expectations
- collaboration and partnership
- collaboration with partners
- personal collecting of art
- community engagement and partnerships
- compliance and ethics questions
- compliance and reporting
- comprehensive development through innovation
- confidence of our shareholders and business partners
- connecting the public to public schools
- connection
- consideration
- contacts
- corporate asset protection and management
- creativity and learning
- custodianship (amana)
- customer partnership
- debt forgiveness, employment offers, grants of rights and privileges
- dedication to customers' success
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- digital partnerships
- diversity
- diversity and activity
- effective partnerships
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- engagement and interaction
- engagement with partners
- entrepreneurial mindset
- establishment of a healthy work environment
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- external communications
- fair and honest competition
- fair competition and partnership
- fairness and sustainability
- fairness in business relationships
- family and community strengthening
- forgiveness and mercy
- fostering innovation and challenge
- full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure
- global affiliations
- global days of service
- global partnerships
- global trade
- governance bodies
- health, safety, and environmental protection
- health, safety, security, and environment (hsse)
- human rights and dignity
- human-centric partnership
- human-robot partnerships
- humility and partnership
- impact-oriented
- innovation & partnerships
- innovation and risk-taking
- institutionalize and incentivize equitable partnerships
- 诚实守信 (integrity)
- intentional partnerships
- it appears that you have provided a corporate code of business conduct and ethics policy for d.r. horton, inc. the document includes information on resources available to employees for guidance regarding compliance questions or concerns, as well as contac
- it seems like you've provided a detailed description of nutrition international's partnership framework cycle. this cycle consists of four phases
- knowable magazine
- knowledge
- listening and partnership
- loyalty, fairness and transparency with partners
- maximize future impact
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- openness and win-win
- organizational structure
- ownership and responsibility
- partnership
- partnership and collaboration
- partnership and dialogue
- partnership and humility
- partnership and innovation
- partnership between individuals and their community
- partnership development
- partnership management
- partnership model
- partnerships
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- prioritizing the human element in human-robot partnerships
- productivity and responsibility
- respect and protection of human rights
- prudence principle
- recognition and influence
- recognition of informal partnerships between individuals and their communities
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- research and innovation
- resource equitable partnerships
- shared commitment to the eastern partnership based on common values, mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation, and mutual accountability
- shared responsibility
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- social dialogue and partnerships
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- strengthening partnerships
- sustainable practices
- system management
- - telephone
- telephone
- testing
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- the document you've shared outlines three policies for apopo members
- the drive
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- transparency and dialogue
- trusted partnership
- trustworthy relationships with suppliers and business partners
- universal significance
- value of grantees and partnerships
- voicing opinions and concerns
- we are partners
- we obey the law
- win-win partnership and fair trade
- - partner with us dept. of education to launch a competition
- working in partnership
- together with our partners
- sustainable partnerships
- support and partnership
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- suppliers & business partners
- shared partnership vision and values
- shared facilities
- relationships with institutions
- relationship-building
- relationship building
- related parties
- play to strengths, partner for other needs
- partnerships and collaboration
- partnership with vital voices
- partnership with families
- partnership transition
- partnership identification
- partnership and transparency
- partnership and empowerment
- partnership and community development
- partnership and coalition
- partnering with institutions
- partner with different sectors
- partner up
- networking
- network building
- mutuality
- join forces
- internal relations
- interaction
- industry collaboration
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
- cooperation and coordination with other organizations
- community partnerships
- collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- collaborative partnerships
- collaborative partnership
- collaborative approach
- collaboration and networking
- coalition building
- business opportunity and shared value
- building powerful partnerships
- be a good partner & advocate
- associations
- assigning a liaison to owasp
- alliance
- mutual benefit
- relationships
- mutual benefit and win-win
- collaboration with business partners
- collaboration and partnerships
- win-win for all
- win-win relationships
- honoring commitments to partners
- responsible partnership
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- building strong relationships
- constructive relationships
- 合作共赢 (cooperation and mutual benefit)
- human-centric partnerships
- support and aid for business partners
| 193 | 185 | partnership |
- act responsibly and with integrity
- compassion
- consumer-centricity
- culture of integrity
- speed and efficiency
- respond fast while looking ahead
- move fast & be technically fearless
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- speed and quality
- speed
- speed & quality
- speed and agility
| - act responsibly and with integrity
- compassion
- consumer-centricity
- culture of integrity
- timetable
- speed and efficiency
- respond fast while looking ahead
- rapid response
- pace
- offering relevant and timely service
- move fast & be technically fearless
- tell the truth. tell it fast
- speed and quality
- speed
- speed & quality
- speed and agility
- timeliness
| 12 | 17 | speed |
- act with humility
- ambition & humility
- care for the environment
- cultural humility
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- gsk's headquarters is located at 980 great west road, brentford, middlesex tw8 9gs, united kingdom. for more information, visit or contact them through their registered number
- humility
- humility and a spirit of service
- humility and partnership
- humility and reflection
- humility and respect
- humility and service
- humility and spirit of service
- respect and humility toward others
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- learning, adaptation, and humility
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- marketing goals
- preventing conflicts of interest
- promoting employment and urbanization
- protection and proper use of company assets
- respect & humility
- respecting diversity
- self-discipline and humility
- support and development
- support for veterans
- supporting each other
- supporting skilled, committed, and tenacious leaders
- sustainability
- professionalism and teamwork
- the world bank group promotes evaluation capacity development at three levels
- selflessness and humility
- respect and humility towards others
- partnership and humility
- humility and respect for others
- humility and learning
- humble in our approach
- humble authority
- begin with humility
- be human
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- think big. be humble
- humility and service attitude
- courtesy and humility
| - act with humility
- ambition & humility
- care for the environment
- cultural humility
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- gsk's headquarters is located at 980 great west road, brentford, middlesex tw8 9gs, united kingdom. for more information, visit or contact them through their registered number
- humility
- humility and a spirit of service
- humility and partnership
- humility and reflection
- humility and respect
- humility and service
- humility and spirit of service
- respect and humility toward others
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- learning, adaptation, and humility
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- preventing conflicts of interest
- promoting employment and urbanization
- protection and proper use of company assets
- respect & humility
- respecting diversity
- self-discipline and humility
- support and development
- supporting each other
- supporting skilled, committed, and tenacious leaders
- sustainability
- professionalism and teamwork
- the world bank group promotes evaluation capacity development at three levels
- selflessness and humility
- respect and humility towards others
- partnership and humility
- humility and respect for others
- humility and learning
- humble service
- humble in our approach
- humble authority
- begin with humility
- be human
- humbleness and service attitude
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- think big. be humble
- humility and service attitude
- courtesy and humility
- humbleness
| 45 | 46 | humility |
- act with integrity and persistence
- alcohol, criminal, and unethical activities
- collaboration and collective impact
- economic, environmental and social performance
- entrepreneurship and commitment
- financial resilience
- inclusiveness and leaving no one behind
- responsible leadership
- non-governmental, non-denominational, and apolitical
- opposition to unlawful activities
- taking care of our people
- sharing and caring
- i care
- culture of caring and wellness
- care
- serving the public, caring about people's livelihood
- care and concern
- solving with care
- caring and warmth
- taking care of each other
- caring
- we care deeply
- solve with care
- build a more caring, sustainable world
| - act with integrity and persistence
- alcohol, criminal, and unethical activities
- collaboration and collective impact
- economic, environmental and social performance
- entrepreneurship and commitment
- financial resilience
- inclusiveness and leaving no one behind
- responsible leadership
- non-governmental, non-denominational, and apolitical
- opposition to unlawful activities
- taking care of our people
- sharing and caring
- nurturing
- i care
- culture of caring and wellness
- care
- serving the public, caring about people's livelihood
- care and concern
- solving with care
- caring and warmth
- taking care of each other
- caring
- we care deeply
- solve with care
- build a more caring, sustainable world
- warmth and friendliness
- care of each other
| 24 | 27 | caring |
- act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- affordability and accessibility
- asset and reputation protection
- asset protection
- asset stewardship
- protection of assets
- protection of assets and confidentiality
- protection of assets and reputation
- protection of association's assets and tools
- - beginning net assets
- business entertainment and gifts
- change in net assets before foreign currency adjustment
- - changes in liquid assets
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- client focus
- collaborative coexistence
- protection of company assets
- company assets
- protection of company assets and confidentiality
- protection of company assets and employees
- protection of company assets and reputation
- confidentiality and protection of assets
- confidentiality and protection of company assets
- corporate culture development
- - current year change in net assets
- dedication and respect
- - deposits and other assets
- depreciation
- diversity, inclusiveness, and an engaging environment
- emotion as a professional asset
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- focused on ethereum’s underlying technology and use-cases
- global awareness
- government officials
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- increase (decrease) in net assets
- incurred assets
- protection of intellectual assets
- - liquid assets at the end of the financial year
- - liquid assets at the start of the financial year
- net assets
- - net assets per share attributable to the equity holder of the company (rmb)
- net assets, beginning of year
- office of foreign assets control (ofac) compliance program
- physical assets and information
- preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets
- protection and proper use of assets
- proper use of company assets
- protect corporate assets
- protecting apple's assets
- protecting assets and property
- protecting company assets
- protecting firm assets
- protecting google's assets
- protecting nike’s assets
- protecting our assets
- protecting our assets and data
- protecting our assets and reputation
- protecting the company’s resources and assets
- protection of resources and assets
- - return on net assets, fully diluted
- - right-of-use lease assets
- robust procedures to safeguard people and assets
- safeguard facebook’s assets
- safeguarding assets and intellectual property (ip)
- commitment to social responsibility
- responsible stewardship of corporate assets
- stewardship of resources
- strategic communication
- total liabilities and net assets
- use and protection of assets
- personal use of company resources
- user ownership of created assets
- we protect fannie mae’s corporate assets
- weighted average return on net assets
- - who (2004). meeting the mdg drinking water & sanitation target
- - total assets
- resource protection
- protection of the organization
- protection of the association's assets and tools
- protection of confidential information and assets
- protection of assets and confidential information
- protection of actionaid's assets, resources and information
- protection of acted's resources and assets
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- company assets policy
- company asset
- safeguarding
- protection of corporate property and confidentiality
- protection of assets and information
- protection of assets and property
- protection of public property and resources
- company assets and reputation
- safeguarding assets
- protecting company assets and ensuring their proper use
- corporate asset protection and management
- protecting information and assets
- protection of privacy and company assets
- proper use of assets
- protection and proper use of corporate assets
- protecting company assets and reputation
- protecting assets and reputation
- responsible use of assets
- protection and proper use of company assets
- protect what is ours
- protecting assets
- protect google’s assets
- protecting company resources
- protect our assets
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- protection of company resources
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- responsible asset management
- protection
- protection of company assets and information
- conservation of property
- preservation of company assets
- governance and assets
| - act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- affordability and accessibility
- asset and reputation protection
- asset protection
- asset stewardship
- protection of assets
- protection of assets and confidentiality
- protection of assets and reputation
- protection of association's assets and tools
- - beginning net assets
- business entertainment and gifts
- - changes in liquid assets
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- client focus
- collaborative coexistence
- protection of company assets
- company assets
- protection of company assets and confidentiality
- protection of company assets and employees
- protection of company assets and reputation
- confidentiality and protection of assets
- confidentiality and protection of company assets
- corporate culture development
- dedication and respect
- diversity, inclusiveness, and an engaging environment
- emotion as a professional asset
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- focused on ethereum’s underlying technology and use-cases
- global awareness
- government officials
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- increase (decrease) in net assets
- incurred assets
- protection of intellectual assets
- - liquid assets at the end of the financial year
- - liquid assets at the start of the financial year
- - net assets per share attributable to the equity holder of the company (rmb)
- office of foreign assets control (ofac) compliance program
- physical assets and information
- preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets
- protection and proper use of assets
- proper use of company assets
- protect corporate assets
- protecting apple's assets
- protecting assets and property
- protecting company assets
- protecting firm assets
- protecting google's assets
- protecting nike’s assets
- protecting our assets
- protecting our assets and data
- protecting our assets and reputation
- protecting the company’s resources and assets
- protection of resources and assets
- - return on net assets, fully diluted
- robust procedures to safeguard people and assets
- safeguard facebook’s assets
- safeguarding assets and intellectual property (ip)
- commitment to social responsibility
- responsible stewardship of corporate assets
- stewardship of resources
- strategic communication
- use and protection of assets
- user ownership of created assets
- we protect fannie mae’s corporate assets
- - who (2004). meeting the mdg drinking water & sanitation target
- + total assets
- - total assets
- resource protection
- protection of the organization
- protection of the association's assets and tools
- protection of confidential information and assets
- protection of assets and confidential information
- protection of actionaid's assets, resources and information
- protection of acted's resources and assets
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- company resources
- company assets policy
- company asset
- safeguarding
- protection of corporate property and confidentiality
- protection of assets and information
- protection of assets and property
- protection of public property and resources
- company assets and reputation
- safeguarding assets
- protecting company assets and ensuring their proper use
- corporate asset protection and management
- protecting information and assets
- protection of privacy and company assets
- proper use of assets
- protection and proper use of corporate assets
- protecting company assets and reputation
- protecting assets and reputation
- responsible use of assets
- protection and proper use of company assets
- protect what is ours
- protecting assets
- responsibility to safeguard company assets
- protect google’s assets
- protecting company resources
- protect our assets
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- protection of company resources
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- responsible asset management
- protection
- protection of company assets and information
- conservation of property
- preservation of company assets
- governance and assets
- safeguarding aig resources
- company property management
- respect for company resources
- safeguarding our resources
- protecting assets and data
- protecting mufg's assets and property
- protection of firm assets
- protect our assets and reputation
- preserve company assets
- protecting mufg’s assets and property
| 118 | 121 | protection of assets |
- acting as owners
- avoiding improper gifts
- conscientious performance of duties
- diligence
- diligence and dedication
- diligence and efficiency
- diligence and spirit of collaboration
- enhancing quality of life
- green development
- professionalism, diligence, and correctness
- teamwork
- the provided text outlines the compliance policies of the sc group, a multinational company headquartered in japan. it covers two main areas
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- disciplined approach
- hard work, diligence, and thrift
- 操作零失误
- handling reports with diligence and confidentiality
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- diligent work
- adherence and discipline
- transparency and diligence in reporting
| - acting as owners
- avoiding improper gifts
- conscientious performance of duties
- diligence
- diligence and dedication
- diligence and efficiency
- diligence and spirit of collaboration
- enhancing quality of life
- green development
- professionalism, diligence, and correctness
- teamwork
- the provided text outlines the compliance policies of the sc group, a multinational company headquartered in japan. it covers two main areas
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- disciplined approach
- hard work, diligence, and thrift
- 操作零失误
- handling reports with diligence and confidentiality
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- discipline
- diligent work
- adherence and discipline
- transparency and diligence in reporting
- honest effort in the performance of duties
- 敬业精业 (diligent and industrious)
| 22 | 25 | diligence |
- acting honestly, fairly, and in good faith
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- faith and charity
- humanity
- professional integrity
- ngaˉkau maˉhaki (respect)
- respect, equity and diversity
- respect, fairness, and good faith
- technology integration
- assuming good intentions
- assuming good intent
- assume good faith
- good faith and compliance
| - acting honestly, fairly, and in good faith
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- faith and charity
- humanity
- professional integrity
- ngaˉkau maˉhaki (respect)
- respect, equity and diversity
- respect, fairness, and good faith
- technology integration
- assuming good intentions
- assuming good intent
- assuming good faith
- assume good intent on the part of other mappers
- assume good intent
- assume good faith
- good faith and compliance
- good faith
| 13 | 17 | good faith |
- acting responsibly
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity relations
- anzen
- building a diverse team
- candor and trust
- - ceo
- climate adaptation
- collaborative partnerships
- combating misinformation
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- communication and discipline
- community engagement and development
- compassion and memorialization
- compliance with laws and guidelines
- constructive criticism
- continuously improve
- contribution to a safe and healthy working environment
- creating shared value
- cultivating a healthy & empowering work environment
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- documentation
- effective communication
- embracing evolution
- employee health and safety
- empowered communities
- ending wildlife exploitation
- environmental, health & safety
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
- equity of access vs. safety
- establishing and enforcing standards
- ethical business principles
- evidence-based practice
- fair competition & collaboration
- fair labor practices
- feedback
- foster a safe and healthy workplace
- governance and assets
- group safety, health and environment (she) policy and the she way
- health and safety
- health and safety protection
- health, safety and environment (hse) department
- health, safety and security
- health, safety, security, & environment (hsse)
- importance of application security
- inclusive and healthy work environment
- inclusive, healthy work environment
- integrity and disclosures
- investing in new ideas and research
- leadership and personal responsibility
- commitment to life
- maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
- maintaining a safe, healthy and comfortable work environment and respecting individuality and diversity
- occupational health and safety
- occupational safety and health
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- promotion of safe and healthy work environments
- purposeful innovation
- right to clean environment
- safe and healthy work environment
- safe and welcoming environment
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- safety & environment management
- safety & health
- safety and health
- safety and respect in the workplace
- safety, health and environment
- safety, health, & environment (she)
- safety, health, and environment (she)
- safety, health, and the environment
- commitment to society
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- workers representation in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees
- workers' rights, health, safety and anti-discrimination
- workplace health and safety
- workplace health, safety and security
- workplace safety
- workplace safety and workers' health
- • safety
- types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- environmental health & safety policy
- drug-free work environment
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- 安全生产
- safe work environment
- operational safety
- employee safety
- safe and healthy work conditions
- safety
- environment and safety
- promotion of a safe and secure work environment
- safe working environment
- promote a safe hp
| - acting responsibly
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity relations
- anzen
- building a diverse team
- candor and trust
- - ceo
- climate adaptation
- collaborative partnerships
- combating misinformation
- committing to a safe, injury-free workplace
- communication and discipline
- community engagement and development
- compassion and memorialization
- compliance with laws and guidelines
- constructive criticism
- continuously improve
- contribution to a safe and healthy working environment
- creating shared value
- cultivating a healthy & empowering work environment
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- documentation
- effective communication
- embracing evolution
- employee health and safety
- empowered communities
- ending wildlife exploitation
- environmental, health & safety
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
- equity of access vs. safety
- establishing and enforcing standards
- ethical business principles
- evidence-based practice
- fair competition & collaboration
- fair labor practices
- feedback
- foster a safe and healthy workplace
- governance and assets
- health and safety
- health and safety protection
- health, safety and environment (hse) department
- health, safety and security
- health, safety, security, & environment (hsse)
- importance of application security
- inclusive, healthy work environment
- integrity and disclosures
- investing in new ideas and research
- leadership and personal responsibility
- commitment to life
- maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
- maintaining a safe, healthy and comfortable work environment and respecting individuality and diversity
- occupational health and safety
- occupational safety and health
- professional, market-oriented, and compliant
- promotion of safe and healthy work environments
- purposeful innovation
- right to clean environment
- safe and healthy work environment
- safe and welcoming environment
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- safety & environment management
- safety & health
- safety and health
- safety and respect in the workplace
- safety, health and environment
- safety, health, & environment (she)
- safety, health, and environment (she)
- safety, health, and the environment
- commitment to society
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- workers representation in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees
- workers' rights, health, safety and anti-discrimination
- workplace health and safety
- workplace health, safety and security
- workplace safety
- workplace safety and workers' health
- • safety
- workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation
- types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- environmental health & safety policy
- drug-free work environment
- attentiveness to the safety & security of oneself & others
- 坚守安全底线
- 安全生产
- safe work environment
- operational safety
- employee safety
- safe and healthy work conditions
- safety
- environment and safety
- promotion of a safe and secure work environment
- safe working environment
- promote a safe hp
- employee safety and well-being
| 94 | 95 | occupational health and safety |
- acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other
- authentic writing purpose
- belief in values and in people's capacity of development
- careers
- client-centricity
- - college/career readiness camp
- culture (文化)
- customer obsessed
- protection of data and privacy
- democratic accountability
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- don't #@!% the customer
- economic growth
- education and talent growth
- education and technical advancement
- embracing diversity
- employee care
- employee development and welfare
- ensuring equitable health for all
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- ethics office
- ethicsline
- fair business
- fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
- financial transparency
- funding through donations and grants
- global growth
- - grad score/dream machine
- green and low-carbon
- commitment to growth and transformation
- harmonious coexistence and shared growth
- hazardous materials management
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- healthcare compliance
- holistic growth
- honoring commitments to partners
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- professionalism in conduct
- indigenous peoples' rights
- innovative models
- leadership through ownership
- legal aid
- market dominance
- monitoring and documentation
- mutual growth
- mutual growth and prosperity
- mutual respect and openness
- - net cash flows from operating activities
- neuroscience-driven ai
- no warranty
- - ntt group activities around the world
- people / human development
- people-centered development
- people/human development
- predictability
- psychiatric report by dr. k, dated 15 april 2003
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- research ethics & integrity
- respecting human rights
- respect and responsibility
- retaliation is strictly prohibited
- scientific excellence
- search for knowledge
- shared commitment
- respect for shareholders and investors
- standards of work conduct
- teamwork and unity
- témoignage (speaking out)
- the ethics & compliance hotline is available 24/7 for reporting concerns anonymously if necessary. reports should provide detailed information to facilitate investigation, and reporters may choose to use their names for follow-up purposes. the ethics & co
- protection of the public
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润
- transformation through education, work, and income
- video materials
- sustainability and growth
- striving for relevance
- mhi achieves large yoy growth in order intake, revenue, and profit in strong third quarter, raises fy2023 order intake and revenue guidance
- learning and growth
- growth and scale
- growth and impact
- financial sustainability and growth
- cultivating a culture of success
- continual growth
- growth and development
- fair competition and shared growth
- fair profit and growth
- expansion and growth
- growth and prosperity
- profitable growth
- collaboration and growth
- growth and innovation
| - acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other
- authentic writing purpose
- careers
- client-centricity
- culture (文化)
- customer obsessed
- protection of data and privacy
- democratic accountability
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- education and talent growth
- education and technical advancement
- embracing diversity
- employee care
- employee development and welfare
- ensuring equitable health for all
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- ethics office
- ethicsline
- fair business
- fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
- financial transparency
- funding through donations and grants
- global growth
- green and low-carbon
- commitment to growth and transformation
- harmonious coexistence and shared growth
- hazardous materials management
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- holistic growth
- honoring commitments to partners
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- professionalism in conduct
- indigenous peoples' rights
- innovative models
- leadership through ownership
- market dominance
- monitoring and documentation
- mutual growth
- mutual growth and prosperity
- mutual respect and openness
- - net cash flows from operating activities
- neuroscience-driven ai
- - ntt group activities around the world
- people-centered development
- people/human development
- predictability
- psychiatric report by dr. k, dated 15 april 2003
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- research ethics & integrity
- respecting human rights
- respect and responsibility
- retaliation is strictly prohibited
- scientific excellence
- search for knowledge
- shared commitment
- respect for shareholders and investors
- standards of work conduct
- teamwork and unity
- témoignage (speaking out)
- the ethics & compliance hotline is available 24/7 for reporting concerns anonymously if necessary. reports should provide detailed information to facilitate investigation, and reporters may choose to use their names for follow-up purposes. the ethics & co
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- transformation through education, work, and income
- "going to scale
- sustainability and growth
- striving for relevance
- mhi achieves large yoy growth in order intake, revenue, and profit in strong third quarter, raises fy2023 order intake and revenue guidance
- learning and growth
- growth and scale
- growth and productivity
- growth and impact
- future growth and demand
- financial sustainability and growth
- cultivating a culture of success
- continual growth
- ambition and scale
- 協働・成長
- growth and development
- fair competition and shared growth
- fair profit and growth
- expansion and growth
- growth and prosperity
- profitable growth
- growth
- collaboration and growth
- growth and innovation
- drive responsible growth
- 市场导向、精益运营、价值增长 (market-oriented, lean operations, value growth)
- dedication to growth and development
- growth & development
- growth and expansion
- performance-oriented growth
- grow every day
- collaboration & growth
| 95 | 97 | growth |
- acting with empathy and integrity
- compassion and empathy
- copy of the national security and public order act 1998
- cultural heritage
- developing empathy, compassion, and self-confidence
- respect and empathy
- empathy and kindness
- empathy and understanding
- empathy and value connection
- empathy-driven decision making
- entrepreneurship and commitment
- forward-thinking
- gender equity
- healing and community resilience
- health, safety & security
- respect for individuals
- kindness and empathy
- longevity gene
- maximizing impact
- mrj museum closure announcement
- non-discrimination and non-harassment
- play fair
- protection of privacy and company assets
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- 我们的情怀 (our sentiments)
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- social and inclusion
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- speaking up
- support and promotion
- support for research
- system identity and access codes
- 重情诚信 (valuing emotions and integrity)
- visionary thinking and empathy for others
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
- empathy and patience
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- empathy and compassion
- emotional connection
- empathy
| - acting with empathy and integrity
- compassion and empathy
- copy of the national security and public order act 1998
- cultural heritage
- developing empathy, compassion, and self-confidence
- respect and empathy
- empathy and kindness
- empathy and understanding
- empathy and value connection
- empathy-driven decision making
- entrepreneurship and commitment
- forward-thinking
- gender equity
- healing and community resilience
- health, safety & security
- respect for individuals
- kindness and empathy
- longevity gene
- maximizing impact
- non-discrimination and non-harassment
- play fair
- protection of privacy and company assets
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- 我们的情怀 (our sentiments)
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- social and inclusion
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- speaking up
- support and promotion
- support for research
- system identity and access codes
- 重情诚信 (valuing emotions and integrity)
- visionary thinking and empathy for others
- sensitivity
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
- empathy and patience
- empathy and ethical brotherhood
- empathy and compassion
- emotional connection
- bringing emotion to work
- empathy
- empathetic
| 42 | 44 | empathy |
- action
- activism
- collective action
- responsible communication
- political activism
- political activities
- political activities, contributions, and participation
- political neutrality
- political pluralism
- political responsibility and commitment
- politics and political parties
- proven and cost-effective solutions
- socioeconomic stability and mobility
- the eclipse foundation logo is made up of two colors
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- active
- diversity and activity
- advocacy and activism
| - action
- activism
- responsible communication
- political activism
- political activities
- political activities, contributions, and participation
- political neutrality
- political responsibility and commitment
- politics and political parties
- proven and cost-effective solutions
- socioeconomic stability and mobility
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- active
- pressuring authorities
- grassroots activism
- diversity and activity
- advocacy and activism
| 18 | 17 | activism |
- responsible action
- activities and initiatives
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- advocacy for freedom
- commitment to anti-corruption
- anti-trust and fair competition
- antitrust and competition
- collaboration and partnerships
- community engagement and outreach
- competence and prestige
- competing and collaborating
- competing fairly
- competition
- competition & anti-trust
- competition and antitrust
- competitive intelligence
- competitiveness and profitability
- comprehensive assessment
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- 企业宗旨 (corporate purpose)
- create a secure work environment
- customer-oriented service
- disability rights promotion
- diversity
- economic justice
- education and technical advancement
- environmental stewardship
- establish shared ethical standards
- ethical computing and technology for positive impact
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- faces of walden
- fair and honest competition and market conduct
- fair competition and partnership
- fair competition and partnerships
- feminism
- financial accountability
- financial inclusion
- fostering dialogue
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- giving back
- global competitiveness
- guaranteeing confidentiality
- impartiality and fairness
- innovation and competition
- 创新发展
- internationalization
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- support for success
- commitment to the environment
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- market discipline
- fair competition and antitrust
- fair business, advertising, and competition
- entrepreneurial principles
- competitors, public officials, and business
- transparency and fair competition
- ambitious & competitive
- 构建产业结构合理、质量效益领先、军工核心突出、国际竞争力强的世界一流船舶集团 (building a world-class shipbuilding group with a rational industrial structure, leading quality and efficiency, prominent military core, and strong international competitiveness)
- fair competition and shared growth
- fair competition and business transactions
- fair competition and treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- anti-corruption and fair competition
- fair and honest competition
- passion to win
- market dominance
- winning spirit
- competitiveness
- fair competition & collaboration
- fair trade and competition
- compete vigorously and fairly
- respect for market competition
- business relationships and fair competition
- competitive
- responsible dealing with competitors
- fair competition and transparency
- fair and free competition
- collaboration, competition, and integrity
- fair competition
| - responsible action
- activities and initiatives
- adherence to internal rules and policies
- advocacy for freedom
- commitment to anti-corruption
- anti-trust and fair competition
- antitrust and competition
- collaboration and partnerships
- community engagement and outreach
- competence and prestige
- competing and collaborating
- competing fairly
- competition
- competition & anti-trust
- competition and antitrust
- competitive intelligence
- competitiveness and profitability
- comprehensive assessment
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- 企业宗旨 (corporate purpose)
- create a secure work environment
- customer-oriented service
- diversity
- economic justice
- education and technical advancement
- environmental stewardship
- establish shared ethical standards
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- fair and honest competition and market conduct
- fair competition and partnership
- feminism
- fostering dialogue
- gender equality and respect for diverse identities
- giving back
- global competitiveness
- guaranteeing confidentiality
- impartiality and fairness
- innovation and competition
- 创新发展
- internationalization
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- support for success
- commitment to the environment
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- protect our brand and gain a competitive advantage
- open and fair competition
- market discipline
- fair competition and antitrust
- fair business, advertising, and competition
- entrepreneurial principles
- competitors, public officials, and business
- transparency and fair competition
- ambitious & competitive
- 构建产业结构合理、质量效益领先、军工核心突出、国际竞争力强的世界一流船舶集团 (building a world-class shipbuilding group with a rational industrial structure, leading quality and efficiency, prominent military core, and strong international competitiveness)
- fair competition and shared growth
- fair competition and business transactions
- fair competition and treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- anti-corruption and fair competition
- fair and honest competition
- passion to win
- market dominance
- winning spirit
- competitiveness
- fair competition & collaboration
- fair trade and competition
- compete vigorously and fairly
- respect for market competition
- business relationships and fair competition
- competitive
- responsible dealing with competitors
- fair competition and transparency
- fair and free competition
- collaboration, competition, and integrity
- fair competition
- building a firm foundation in the market
- play to win
- we play to win
- market competitiveness
- promotion of competition
- competing fairly and honestly
- keep only our highly effective people
- compete fairly
| 78 | 82 | competitiveness |
- responsible action and knowledge sharing
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- climate resilience
- committing to do good
- humble authority
- support and accessibility
- importance of effective institutions
- effective governance
- high standards of governance
| - responsible action and knowledge sharing
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- committing to do good
- humble authority
- support and accessibility
- tolerance and good governance
- importance of effective institutions
- good governance and resources
- effective governance
- high standards of governance
- good governance
| 9 | 11 | good governance |
- action-oriented
- belief in individual leadership
- gartner peer insights customer first 2023
- - income from media productions
- lean staff, simple procedures, and cooperative leadership
- proactive & innovative
- strong corporate values
- active
- action
- act with intention
- act intentionally
- values in action
- solutions-oriented approach
- incentivizing action
- improving action
- get started
- driven
- taking action
- assume responsibility and take action
- 感动自己 感动他人 成就他人 成就自己 (move oneself, move others, achieve for others, achieve for oneself)
- making it happen
- take action
- get it done
- make it happen
- be on the offense always
| - action-oriented
- belief in individual leadership
- gartner peer insights customer first 2023
- - income from media productions
- lean staff, simple procedures, and cooperative leadership
- proactive & innovative
- active
- action
- act with intention
- act intentionally
- values in action
- urgency and action
- solutions-oriented approach
- put words into action
- orientation toward action and direct service
- incentivizing action
- improving action
- get started
- driven
- develop an action plan
- bold action
- taking action
- assume responsibility and take action
- 感动自己 感动他人 成就他人 成就自己 (move oneself, move others, achieve for others, achieve for oneself)
- making it happen
- take action
- get it done
- make it happen
- be on the offense always
- make it real
| 25 | 30 | action-oriented |
- active
- compromise
- impartiality and balance
- medicine and healthcare
- mindfulness of power and privilege
- philanthropy as a foundation for living
- respect, fairness and integrity
- balanced presentation
- balance and false balance
| - active
- impartiality and balance
- medicine and healthcare
- philanthropy as a foundation for living
- respect, fairness and integrity
- build with heart and balance
- balanced presentation
- balanced commercial involvement
- balance and false balance
- balance
| 9 | 10 | balance |
- active citizenship
- advancement of chemical science
- avoiding duplication of effort
- business integrity and transparency
- informed citizenry
- citizenship obligations
- community engagement and corporate citizenship
- conciseness
- constructive dialogue
- control over technology
- cooperation and team spirit
- corporate citizenship
- responsible corporate citizenship
- courage and civic attitude
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- don't #@!% the customer
- empowering citizens
- empowerment and capacity-building
- engaged global citizens
- fragile contexts
- giving back to communities
- global citizenship
- responsible global citizenship
- global citizenship & social responsibility
- global citizenship and respect for diversity
- globally engaged citizens
- good citizenship
- good corporate citizenship
- governance and compliance
- high expectations
- human rights and fair working conditions
- inclusive access
- innovation and transformation
- integrity of the author’s source code
- knowledge sharing and community
- lawfulness and sincerity
- loyalty and responsibility
- mutual respect and non-discrimination
- open science
- responsible partnerships
- people-to-people contacts
- passion to perform
- philanthropy and legacy
- private absorption of losses
- responsible procurement
- protection from harassment
- purpose
- real-time protection
- relentless optimism
- stakeholder value promotion
- sustainability and human rights
- tel
- themes of sustainability
- transparency and access
- we win as a team
- responsible citizenship
- informed citizenship
- emphasis on philanthropy as a form of citizen responsibility
- civic engagement and democracy
- civic engagement
- civic duty
- civic attitude
- citizenship
- dedication and citizenship
- corporate citizenship and compliance
| - active citizenship
- advancement of chemical science
- avoiding duplication of effort
- business integrity and transparency
- informed citizenry
- citizenship obligations
- community engagement and corporate citizenship
- conciseness
- constructive dialogue
- cooperation and team spirit
- responsible corporate citizenship
- courage and civic attitude
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- empowering citizens
- empowerment and capacity-building
- engaged global citizens
- giving back to communities
- responsible global citizenship
- global citizenship & social responsibility
- global citizenship and respect for diversity
- globally engaged citizens
- good citizenship
- good corporate citizenship
- governance and compliance
- human rights and fair working conditions
- inclusive access
- innovation and transformation
- integrity of the author’s source code
- knowledge sharing and community
- lawfulness and sincerity
- loyalty and responsibility
- mutual respect and non-discrimination
- open science
- responsible partnerships
- passion to perform
- philanthropy and legacy
- protection from harassment
- purpose
- relentless optimism
- stakeholder value promotion
- sustainability and human rights
- themes of sustainability
- transparency and access
- we win as a team
- responsible citizenship
- informed citizenship
- emphasis on philanthropy as a form of citizen responsibility
- civic engagement and democracy
- civic engagement
- civic duty
- civic attitude
- citizenship
- dedication and citizenship
- corporate citizenship and compliance
| 65 | 54 | citizenship |
- active contribution to global environment and society
- anonymity and pseudonyms
- autonomy
- protection of biodiversity
- building a great place to work
- client centricity
- climate justice
- co-creation
- commercial success
- comprehensive energy solutions
- conservation and environment
- - corporate responsibility
- courtesy and humility
- credible
- customer focus and industry development
- decisions
- demonstrating impact and designing accountability systems
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- ecological sustainability
- enabling environment for civil society
- environment and equality
- ethical and lawful conduct
- evaluating outcomes
- evidence-based practice
- green and low-carbon
- 和諧的環境 (harmonious environment)
- respect for human rights and the environment
- ideas and intellectual property
- impact and transformation
- impact-first investing
- importance of application security
- improving the environment
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- making ethical decisions
- open and honest communication
- open and welcoming environment
- planetary boundaries
- positive environment
- preserving the environment
- protecting our planet
- protecting the planet
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- respect our planet and communities
- right to clean environment
- safe and welcoming environment
- safety & environment management
- responsibility to society and the environment
- respect for sound theory and fresh ideas
- system strengthening
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- respect for the environment
- respect for the planet and communities
- responsibility towards society and environment
- public trust and loyalty
- we care for the planet
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- the environment
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- harmony with nature
- environmental awareness and action
- environment & sustainability
- ecology
- connection to nature
- climate action
- caring for people and planet
- environmental awareness
- health, safety, security, and environment (hsse)
- safety, health, and environment (she)
- consideration for the environment
- safety, health and environment
- care for the environment
- people and the environment
- environment
- harmonious coexistence of people, steel, and environment
| - active contribution to global environment and society
- anonymity and pseudonyms
- autonomy
- protection of biodiversity
- building a great place to work
- client centricity
- co-creation
- commercial success
- comprehensive energy solutions
- conservation and environment
- - corporate responsibility
- courtesy and humility
- credible
- customer focus and industry development
- decisions
- demonstrating impact and designing accountability systems
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- ecological sustainability
- environment and equality
- ethical and lawful conduct
- evidence-based practice
- green and low-carbon
- 和諧的環境 (harmonious environment)
- respect for human rights and the environment
- ideas and intellectual property
- impact and transformation
- impact-first investing
- importance of application security
- improving the environment
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- making ethical decisions
- open and honest communication
- open and welcoming environment
- planetary boundaries
- positive environment
- preserving the environment
- protecting our planet
- protecting the planet
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- respect our planet and communities
- right to clean environment
- safe and welcoming environment
- safety & environment management
- responsibility to society and the environment
- respect for sound theory and fresh ideas
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- respect for the environment
- respect for the planet and communities
- responsibility towards society and environment
- public trust and loyalty
- we care for the planet
- well-being of people, wildlife, and environment
- the environment
- recycling performance
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- nature
- harmony with nature
- environmental awareness and action
- environment & sustainability
- ecology
- connection to nature
- climate action
- caring for people and planet
- environmental awareness
- health, safety, security, and environment (hsse)
- safety, health, and environment (she)
- consideration for the environment
- safety, health and environment
- care for the environment
- people and the environment
- environment
- harmonious coexistence of people, steel, and environment
- qinglonghu wetland
- health, safety, and environment
- ecological responsibility
| 75 | 76 | environment |
- active engagement
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- respect for people
- genuine
- excellence in journalism
- authentic writing purpose
- authenticity
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
| - active engagement
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- respect for people
- giving an authentic purpose for writing
- genuine
- excellence in journalism
- authentic writing purpose
- authenticity
- authenticity, accuracy, and integrity
- live true
- present and authentic
| 8 | 11 | authenticity |
- active engagement & contribution to society
- anti-fraud controls
- fearless
- independence and objectivity
- - partner with us dept. of education to launch a competition
- resource mobilization
- we value and respect others
- acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- accurate representation
- independent verification
- independent journalism
- editorial integrity
- combating misinformation
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- facing facts
| - active engagement & contribution to society
- anti-fraud controls
- fearless
- independence and objectivity
- - partner with us dept. of education to launch a competition
- resource mobilization
- we value and respect others
- acknowledge the negatives
- acf ensures by all means possible, avoidance of research bias due to conflict of interest with other stakeholders and that research is not profit-driven
- accurate representation
- objectivity and nonpartisanship
- independent verification
- independent journalism
- editorial integrity
- editorial discretion
- combating misinformation
- avoidance of research bias and non-profit-driven
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- objectivity in selecting and treating suppliers
- facing facts
- objectivity
- have only one truth for all audiences
- judgment
| 15 | 23 | objectivity |
- active engagement in ethical initiatives
- entrepreneurial principles
- ethical decision-making model
- fair competition and shared growth
- fiduciary responsibility and loyalty
- recognition
- 责任
- social responsibility and public good
- training and capacity building
- loyalty to mission
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- commitment to mission
- here for the mission
| - active engagement in ethical initiatives
- entrepreneurial principles
- ethical decision-making model
- fair competition and shared growth
- fiduciary responsibility and loyalty
- recognition
- 责任
- social responsibility and public good
- training and capacity building
- loyalty to mission
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- commitment to mission
- product first, mission focused
- mission-driven
- here for the mission
- we are mission driven
- mission first people always
- mission driven
- 使命 (mission)
- mission
| 13 | 20 | mission-driven |
- active engagement with real challenges
- public awareness and education
- be faithful
- civic engagement
- community-led development
- documentation and monitoring
- global engagement
- - grad score/dream machine
- i engage constructively
- improvement of employee engagement
- inclusive and equitable approach
- loyalty and responsibility
- 使命:人民保险,服务人民
- - net profit for the year ended 31 december 2007
- on-boarding documents
- passion to perform
- quality and safety through evidence-based medicine, performance measurement and improvement, and patient engagement
- sexual exploitation or sexual abuse
- statement of activities (income statement)
- striving for relevance
- thus, there are no visible core values or ethical outlines in the provided text. the title "dell technologies code of conduct
- active engagement & contribution to society
- active engagement
- engaging content
- engagement and dialogue
- engage
- dialogue and engagement
- audience engagement
- diversity, inclusiveness, and an engaging environment
- employee engagement
- engagement and interaction
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
| - active engagement with real challenges
- public awareness and education
- be faithful
- civic engagement
- community-led development
- global engagement
- i engage constructively
- improvement of employee engagement
- inclusive and equitable approach
- loyalty and responsibility
- 使命:人民保险,服务人民
- - net profit for the year ended 31 december 2007
- passion to perform
- sexual exploitation or sexual abuse
- striving for relevance
- thus, there are no visible core values or ethical outlines in the provided text. the title "dell technologies code of conduct
- active engagement & contribution to society
- active engagement
- online engagement
- engaging the public
- engaging content
- engagement and dialogue
- engagement and commitment
- engagement
- engage
- dialogue and engagement
- audience engagement
- diversity, inclusiveness, and an engaging environment
- employee engagement
- engagement and interaction
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
- employee engagement and training
- engaging thoughtfully
- communication and engagement
- being present
- constructive engagement
- involvement
| 33 | 38 | engagement |
- other activities
- - arnold foundation decision-tool
- other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- collaboration and responsible innovation
- commitment with the organization
- emotional connection
- emotional intelligence
- employment relationship
- honour our commitments to the communities in which we operate
- integrity and dignity
- integrity and ethical business practices
- 绩效理念 (performance concept)
- promoting access
- reporting conduct violations
- respect and responsibility
- respect for shareholders and investors
- shareholder value and engagement
- support and appreciation
- transparency and public involvement
- - who (2004). meeting the mdg drinking water & sanitation target
- - program management and general
- group and center structure
- global quality organization
- department
- leadership and organization
- organizational structure
- operational context
| - - arnold foundation decision-tool
- other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- collaboration and responsible innovation
- commitment with the organization
- emotional connection
- emotional intelligence
- employment relationship
- honour our commitments to the communities in which we operate
- integrity and dignity
- integrity and ethical business practices
- 绩效理念 (performance concept)
- promoting access
- reporting conduct violations
- respect and responsibility
- respect for shareholders and investors
- shareholder value and engagement
- support and appreciation
- transparency and public involvement
- - who (2004). meeting the mdg drinking water & sanitation target
- - program management and general
- procurement organization
- group and center structure
- global quality organization
- department
- leadership and organization
- organizational structure
- operational context
- organization
| 27 | 28 | organization |
- other activities
- collaboration and learning
- collaborative learning
- learning & accountability
- mutual learning and accountability
- support and partnership
- supporting the next generation
- teamwork and trust
- acm learning center
- transformation through learning
- shared learning
- responsibility and learning
- quality learning
- professional learning
- positive learning environment
- organizational learning
- openness, transparency, and learning
- listening and learning
- learning-focused
- learning orientation
- learning is the source of human progress
- learning community
- learning and trust
- learning and openness
- learning and innovation
- learning and impact
- learner-centricity
- learn early
- know your learners
- interdisciplinary learning
- innovative learning
- innovation and learning
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- humility and learning
- how to build and maintain trust: learning from the japanese..
- hands-on learning
- foster innovation and learning
- experiential learning
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- education and learning
- deepening knowledge and understanding
- creativity and learning
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- passion for learning
- learning
| - collaboration and learning
- collaborative learning
- learning & accountability
- mutual learning and accountability
- support and partnership
- supporting the next generation
- teamwork and trust
- acm learning center
- transformation through learning
- shared learning
- responsibility and learning
- quality learning
- professional learning
- positive learning environment
- organizational learning
- openness, transparency, and learning
- notes
- listening and learning
- learning-focused
- learning orientation
- learning is the source of human progress
- learning community
- learning and trust
- learning and openness
- learning and innovation
- learning and impact
- learners at the center
- learner-centricity
- learner-centered approach
- learn early
- know your learners
- interdisciplinary learning
- innovative learning
- innovation and learning
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- humility and learning
- how to build and maintain trust: learning from the japanese..
- hands-on learning
- foster innovation and learning
- experiential learning
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- education and learning
- deepening knowledge and understanding
- creativity and learning
- advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding
- 学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- passion for learning
- learning
- mutual learning
- we listen and learn
| 45 | 51 | learning |
- activities and initiatives
- anti-trust and fair competition
- competition & anti-trust
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- group antitrust policy
- fair competition and antitrust
- competition law compliance
- competition and cartel laws
- antitrust laws
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- antitrust and fair competition
- compliance with antitrust laws
- compliance with competition and antitrust laws
- competition and antitrust
- refraining from any agreement or unfair practices
- antitrust and competition
- respect for market competition
- business relationships and fair competition
- fair competition and anti-trust
- fair competition and antitrust compliance
- price fixing
- fair competition and anti-corruption practices
| - activities and initiatives
- anti-trust and fair competition
- competition & anti-trust
- modern slavery and human trafficking
- group antitrust policy
- fair competition and antitrust
- competition law compliance
- competition and cartel laws
- antitrust laws
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- antitrust and fair competition
- compliance with antitrust laws
- compliance with competition and antitrust laws
- competition and antitrust
- refraining from any agreement or unfair practices
- antitrust and competition
- respect for market competition
- business relationships and fair competition
- fair competition and anti-trust
- fair competition and antitrust compliance
- price fixing
- fair competition and anti-corruption practices
- promoting fair and free competition and ensuring appropriate transactions
- market conduct risk
- meetings involving competitors
| 22 | 25 | antitrust |
- ad issues
- collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- commitment to compliance
- compliance and ethical conduct
- compliance and ethical decision-making
- compliance and ethical standards
- compliance with competition and antitrust laws
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- conflict of interest and ethical issues
- employee evaluation based on ethics compliance
- ensure financial integrity and responsibility
- ethical and legal compliance
- ethical and professional practice
- ethical and responsible behavior
- ethical application
- ethical behavior
- ethical behaviour
- ethical business practice
- ethical business practices and compliance
- ethical compliance
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical consumerism
- ethical data use
- ethical deployment
- ethical employee evaluation
- ethical financial practices
- ethical integrity
- ethical integrity in operations
- ethical investment
- ethical journalism
- ethical leadership
- ethical management
- ethical misconduct
- ethical obligation
- ethical obligations beyond legal duties
- ethical peer review
- ethical practice
- ethical practices
- ethical standards and responsible behavior
- ethical treatment of animals
- ethical use
- ethical use of anonymous sources
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- ethics & business integrity (e&bi) department
- ethics & compliance committee
- ethics & integrity
- commitment to ethics and anti-corruption
- commitment to ethics and compliance
- ethics and integrity
- ethics at all times
- ethics helpline
- ethics in all activities and relationships
- ethics in business
- ethics training and education
- foreign assistance structures must uphold diplomacy and development as distinct and equal disciplines
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- honest and ethical practices
- honesty and ethical conduct
- honesty and ethics
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- integrity & ethics
- integrity & ethics vision and strategy
- integrity and business ethics
- integrity and dedication
- integrity and ethical behavior
- integrity and ethical conduct
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- local ethics officer (leo)
- long-term impact
- medical ethics
- non-profit ethos
- - open & honest ethics line
- patience and persistence
- quality content
- speed and efficiency
- substance abuse
- support for people with disabilities
- sustainability and systemic change
- technological advancement
- the power to become indispensable to our customers
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- upholding the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity
- active engagement in ethical initiatives
- acknowledgement of the ethics covenant
- acf research is ethically justified and scientifically valid
- - ethics office
- workplace conduct
- upholding principles
- their ethics guide, available in 24 languages, outlines the group's values, rules of conduct, and actions. the guide includes an annex
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- standards of work conduct
- spiritual and ethical principles
- setting high standards for business practice
- respect for fundamental ethical principles
- research ethics & integrity
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- professionalism and ethics
- professional ethics and integrity
- principles of medical ethics
- potential consequences of ethical misconduct
- normative and ethical values
- legal and medical ethics
- leadership and ethics in shaping communities
- lawful, responsible, and ethical behavior
- installation of illegal computer software
- honesty and morality
- highest ethical standards
- high standards of personal and professional conduct
- fresenius se & co. kgaa compliance management system (cms) is designed to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards across all business units. the cms consists of three main elements
- ethicsline
- ethics office
- ethics hotline
- ethics and transparency
- ethical use of others' material
- ethical quotations
- ethical principles
- ethical oversight
- ethical fundraising
- ethical decision-making model
- ethical business principles
- ethical action
- ethical
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- consideration of ethical principles, patient needs, and laws
- compliance and ethics questions
- commitment to high ethical standards
- adherence to moral and ethical principles
- adherence to code of ethics
- i know our code and act ethically
- ethical and responsible behaviour
- お客さま志向・倫理観
- commitment to high standards of business conduct
- ethical responsibility
- ethics and respect
- integrity and ethical responsibility
- promoting fair and ethical conduct
- we raise compliance and ethics concerns
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- fair and ethical business practices
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical business practices and integrity
- lawful and ethical behavior
- ethical and lawful conduct
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- general principles
- respect for legality, human rights and ethical values
- ethics and compliance
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- compliance and ethics
- ethics and responsibility
- integrity and ethics
- 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- commitment to ethical business practices
- preventing unethical conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- honesty and moral conduct
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- strong commitment to ethics and responsibility
- data privacy, ethics, and artificial intelligence
- conducting equitable & ethical business
- honest and ethical conduct
- responsible ai use
- respect for legality and ethics
- zero tolerance for ethical violations
- ethics
- ethical culture
- ethical behavior and integrity
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- avoidance of appearance of impropriety
- business integrity
- ethical practices and fairness
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- the core values highlighted in the text specific to swiss re's code of conduct are
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- ethics & business integrity
- compliance with universal ethics standards
- ethical business conduct
- establish shared ethical standards
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- continuous education on ethics and compliance
- high legal, ethical, and moral standards
- commitment to ethics
- the core values expressed in the text from lennar's code of business ethics and conduct include
- management of human rights and ethics
- integrity and ethical business practices
- observe ethical standards
- ethical business practices
| - collaborative partnerships based on mutual respect
- commitment to compliance
- compliance and ethical conduct
- compliance and ethical decision-making
- compliance and ethical standards
- compliance with competition and antitrust laws
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- conflict of interest and ethical issues
- ensure financial integrity and responsibility
- ethical and legal compliance
- ethical and professional practice
- ethical and responsible behavior
- ethical application
- ethical behavior
- ethical behaviour
- ethical business practice
- ethical business practices and compliance
- ethical compliance
- ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical deployment
- ethical employee evaluation
- ethical financial practices
- ethical integrity
- ethical integrity in operations
- ethical investment
- ethical journalism
- ethical leadership
- ethical management
- ethical misconduct
- ethical obligation
- ethical obligations beyond legal duties
- ethical peer review
- ethical practice
- ethical practices
- ethical standards and responsible behavior
- ethical treatment of animals
- ethical use
- ethicality, fairness, honesty, correctness, and good faith
- ethics & business integrity (e&bi) department
- ethics & compliance committee
- ethics & integrity
- commitment to ethics and anti-corruption
- commitment to ethics and compliance
- ethics and integrity
- ethics at all times
- ethics helpline
- ethics in all activities and relationships
- ethics in business
- ethics training and education
- honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing
- honest and ethical practices
- honesty and ethical conduct
- honesty and ethics
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- integrity & ethics
- integrity & ethics vision and strategy
- integrity and business ethics
- integrity and dedication
- integrity and ethical behavior
- integrity and ethical conduct
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- integrity, honesty and ethical conduct
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- local ethics officer (leo)
- medical ethics
- non-profit ethos
- - open & honest ethics line
- patience and persistence
- quality content
- speed and efficiency
- support for people with disabilities
- sustainability and systemic change
- technological advancement
- the power to become indispensable to our customers
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- upholding the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity
- active engagement in ethical initiatives
- acknowledgement of the ethics covenant
- acf research is ethically justified and scientifically valid
- * compliance and ethics questions
- - ethics office
- workplace conduct
- upholding principles
- this text appears to be the "our conduct" section of a website, specifically from hsbc group. it outlines their approach to conduct and ethics in business, focusing on five key outcomes
- their ethics guide, available in 24 languages, outlines the group's values, rules of conduct, and actions. the guide includes an annex
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- standards of work conduct
- spiritual and ethical principles
- setting high standards for business practice
- respect for fundamental ethical principles
- research ethics & integrity
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- professionalism and ethics
- professional ethics and integrity
- principles of medical ethics
- potential consequences of ethical misconduct
- normative and ethical values
- moral responsibility
- moral force
- legal and medical ethics
- leadership and ethics in shaping communities
- lawful, responsible, and ethical behavior
- installation of illegal computer software
- honesty and morality
- honest and ethical business conduct
- highest ethical standards
- high standards of personal and professional conduct
- good practices and ethical standards of contracts negotiation
- fresenius se & co. kgaa compliance management system (cms) is designed to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards across all business units. the cms consists of three main elements
- ethicsline
- ethics office
- ethics hotline
- ethics and transparency
- ethical use of others' material
- ethical quotations
- ethical principles
- ethical oversight
- ethical fundraising
- ethical decision-making model
- ethical business principles
- ethical action
- ethical
- enforcement of the code of ethics
- consideration of ethical principles, patient needs, and laws
- compliance and ethics questions
- commitment to high ethical standards
- adherence to moral and ethical principles
- adherence to code of ethics
- i know our code and act ethically
- ethical and responsible behaviour
- お客さま志向・倫理観
- commitment to high standards of business conduct
- ethical responsibility
- ethics and respect
- integrity and ethical responsibility
- promoting fair and ethical conduct
- we raise compliance and ethics concerns
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- fair and ethical business practices
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical business practices and integrity
- lawful and ethical behavior
- ethical and lawful conduct
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- general principles
- respect for legality, human rights and ethical values
- ethics and compliance
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- compliance and ethics
- ethics and responsibility
- integrity and ethics
- 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- commitment to ethical business practices
- preventing unethical conduct
- lawful and ethical conduct
- honesty and moral conduct
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- strong commitment to ethics and responsibility
- data privacy, ethics, and artificial intelligence
- strengthening governance strategies by practicing ethics and integrity
- conducting equitable & ethical business
- honest and ethical conduct
- responsible ai use
- respect for legality and ethics
- zero tolerance for ethical violations
- ethics
- ethical culture
- ethical behavior and integrity
- fair dealing and ethical treatment in relationships
- avoidance of appearance of impropriety
- business integrity
- ethical practices and fairness
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- the core values highlighted in the text specific to swiss re's code of conduct are
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- ethics & business integrity
- compliance with universal ethics standards
- ethical business conduct
- establish shared ethical standards
- respect for legality, human rights, and ethical values
- continuous education on ethics and compliance
- high legal, ethical, and moral standards
- commitment to ethics
- the core values expressed in the text from lennar's code of business ethics and conduct include
- management of human rights and ethics
- integrity and ethical business practices
- observe ethical standards
- ethical business practices
- how we do business
- contextual ethics
- respect for the law and ethical principles
- instructions in contravention of the code of ethics
- country-specific codes of ethics
- behavior standards
- principles
- ethical personal conduct
- promotion of ethical standards
- ethical culture promotion
- governance ethics & compliance
- professional conduct and ethics
- ethical use of data and ai
- have zero tolerance for unethical behavior
- basic ethics
- basic ethics for employees
- business conduct
- commitment to ethical behavior
- ethical integrity and conduct
| 191 | 209 | ethics |
- adapt lesson delivery as needed
- learning, adaptation, and humility
- openness, transparency, and learning
- support for the economically disadvantaged
- supporting each other
- sustainability
- staying current
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- lifelong learning
- learning orientation
- learning from mistakes
- keeping up-to-date
- iterative learning
- continuing professional development
- commitment to learning and improvement
- continuity
- continuous learning
| - adapt lesson delivery as needed
- learning, adaptation, and humility
- openness, transparency, and learning
- supporting each other
- sustainability
- staying current
- notes
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- listen and learn continuously
- lifelong learning
- learning orientation
- learning from mistakes
- keeping up-to-date
- iterative learning
- continuing professional development
- commitment to learning and improvement
- continuity
- continual assessment
- continuous learning
- continuous assessment
- self-improvement
- self development
| 17 | 22 | continuous learning |
- adaptability
- addressing disparities
- addressing the overlooked
- adherence to code of ethics
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity
- anti-speciesism
- begin with humility
- belief in equality
- build together
- - closing balance
- compliance and lawfulness
- compliance with laws and policies
- decolonization and anti-racism
- educational equity
- engagement and interaction
- equal access
- equal opportunity
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- respect and equality
- equality and fairness in the workplace
- equality and removal of barriers to equality
- equitable opportunity
- equity
- equity & joy
- equity & justice
- equity and belonging
- equity in education
- equity principle
- equity, accessibility, and trust
- external communications
- fairness, equality, and global stewardship
- fairness, equity, and justice
- family of leaders
- humility and service attitude
- inclusive development
- inclusivity and empowerment
- inclusivity and equity
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- institutionalize and incentivize equitable partnerships
- justice and equality
- know the rules about importing and exporting
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- non-discrimination and equal participation
- 以人为本
- performance evaluation
- racial equity & social justice
- racial justice and equity
- reciprocity and equality
- reliability and responsiveness
- serving others
- shared ownership & voice
- social justice and equity
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- stakeholder rights protection
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- the document provided lists performance indicators for a company in the electric power industry, specifically state grid corporation of china (sgcc). these indicators are categorized under three main areas
- the drive
- the joy of selling
- thoughtful planning
- upholding equality
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- win-win partnership and fair trade
- social equality
- respect and equity
- inclusivity and equality
- inclusive and equitable approach
- fairness and equity
- equity and equality
- equitable and respectful treatment
- equality in protection
- equality and non-supremacy
- equality and non-discrimination
- equality and inclusivity
- equality and equity
- equal rights
- ensuring equitable health for all
- equal opportunities and diversity
- upholding the equality of every human being
- diversity and equal opportunity
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- fair and equitable treatment
- diversity and equal opportunities
- equal opportunities and respect
- stand for equality
- equality
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- diversity and equality
- equitable treatment
- equal opportunities
- fairness and equality
- valuing diversity and equal opportunity
- equal employment opportunities and diversity
- environment and equality
- equality and inclusion
| - adaptability
- addressing disparities
- addressing the overlooked
- adherence to code of ethics
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity
- anti-speciesism
- begin with humility
- belief in equality
- build together
- compliance and lawfulness
- compliance with laws and policies
- educational equity
- engagement and interaction
- equal access
- equal opportunity
- equal opportunity and a fair workplace
- respect and equality
- equality and fairness in the workplace
- equality and removal of barriers to equality
- equitable opportunity
- equity
- equity & joy
- equity & justice
- equity and belonging
- equity in education
- equity principle
- equity, accessibility, and trust
- external communications
- fairness, equality, and global stewardship
- fairness, equity, and justice
- humility and service attitude
- inclusive development
- inclusivity and empowerment
- inclusivity and equity
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- institutionalize and incentivize equitable partnerships
- justice and equality
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- non-discrimination and equal participation
- 以人为本
- performance evaluation
- racial equity & social justice
- racial justice and equity
- reciprocity and equality
- reliability and responsiveness
- serving others
- shared ownership & voice
- social justice and equity
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- stakeholder rights protection
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- the drive
- upholding equality
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- win-win partnership and fair trade
- we treat everybody equally
- social equality
- respect and equity
- promote equal access to science
- inclusivity and equality
- inclusive and equitable approach
- fairness and equity
- equity and equality
- equitable and respectful treatment
- equality in protection
- equality and non-supremacy
- equality and non-discrimination
- equality and inclusivity
- equality and equity
- equal rights
- ensuring equitable health for all
- equal opportunities and diversity
- upholding the equality of every human being
- diversity and equal opportunity
- equal opportunity and respectful workplace
- fair and equitable treatment
- diversity and equal opportunities
- equal opportunities and respect
- stand for equality
- equality
- treat everyone fairly, equitably and professionally
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- diversity and equality
- equitable treatment
- equal opportunities
- fairness and equality
- valuing diversity and equal opportunity
- equal employment opportunities and diversity
- environment and equality
- equality and inclusion
- value diversity and equal opportunity
| 94 | 91 | equality |
- adaptability
- creating a safe and positive work environment
- drug-free work environment
- - enterprise privacy
- joyful work environment
- positive work environment
- positive working environment
- promotion of a safe and secure work environment
- respect for resources and sustainability
- rewarding work environment
- safe work environment
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- support and appreciation
- respectful work environment
- working environment
- progressive work culture
- work environment
| - adaptability
- creating a safe and positive work environment
- drug-free work environment
- - enterprise privacy
- joyful work environment
- positive work environment
- positive working environment
- promotion of a safe and secure work environment
- respect for resources and sustainability
- safe work environment
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- support and appreciation
- respectful work environment
- working environment
- interactive and dynamic organizational setting
- progressive work culture
- work environment
- workenvironment
| 17 | 18 | dynamic work environment |
- adaptability
- cultural competency
- cultural creation
- cultural diversity
- cultural enrichment
- cultural fusion
- cultural integrity
- cultural preservation
- cultural pride and national service
- cultural promotion
- cultural sensitivity and awareness
- culture and community at rand
- culture of caring and wellness
- culture of success
- respect for cultures and international trade order
- respect for cultures, customs, and traditions
- customer-driven corporate culture
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- emphasis on culture
- ethical culture
- fulfill our responsibilities
- guiding culture
- innovation culture
- institutional culture
- open workplace culture
- promoting a culture of speaking up
- promozione della cultura e della ricerca scientifica
- rich culture
- service provider culture
- superiority
- technological innovation
- transition from scientific to cultural management
- work culture
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- values-based leadership, people, and culture
- respect for people, communities, and cultures
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- respect for local culture and customs
- respect for cultures, customs and traditions
- respect for cultural differences
- cultural responsiveness
- cultural philosophy
- cultural competence
- culture
- transformation through cultural management
- synergy through corporate culture development
- 企业文化
- corporate culture
- culture (文化)
- corporate culture development
- integration of culture into business practices
- cultural sensitivity
| - adaptability
- cultural competency
- cultural diversity
- cultural enrichment
- cultural fusion
- cultural integrity
- cultural preservation
- cultural pride and national service
- cultural promotion
- cultural sensitivity and awareness
- culture and community at rand
- culture of caring and wellness
- respect for cultures and international trade order
- respect for cultures, customs, and traditions
- customer-driven corporate culture
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- emphasis on culture
- ethical culture
- fulfill our responsibilities
- guiding culture
- innovation culture
- institutional culture
- open workplace culture
- promoting a culture of speaking up
- rich culture
- service provider culture
- technological innovation
- acf research is culturally-sensitive in its research undertakings
- values-based leadership, people, and culture
- respect for people, communities, and cultures
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- respect for local culture and customs
- respect for cultures, customs and traditions
- respect for cultural differences
- cultural responsiveness
- cultural philosophy
- cultural competence
- culture
- transformation through cultural management
- synergy through corporate culture development
- 企业文化
- corporate culture
- culture (文化)
- corporate culture development
- integration of culture into business practices
- cultural sensitivity
- respect for culture
- the text you provided, "荣盛文化-浙江荣盛控股集团", translates to "rongsheng culture
| 52 | 48 | culture |
- addressing misconduct
- advocacy and awareness
- age
- alcohol and drugs
- assuming good intent
- 业务领域 (business areas)
- care for the environment
- commemoration
- competence
- confidentiality and safety
- conflict avoidance
- conflict of interest management
- consideration
- consideration of individual needs
- constructive participation
- cultural support
- curiosity & respect
- defining application security
- discouraging misuse of microbiology
- do what honor dictates
- emphasis on the craft of grantmaking
- empowerment through access to water and sanitation
- environmental care
- especially for managers
- ethical use of technology
- free market
- global leadership and expansion
- gsk's headquarters is located at 980 great west road, brentford, middlesex tw8 9gs, united kingdom. for more information, visit or contact them through their registered number
- health and justice for all
- leadership spotlight
- local focus
- multivocality
- play to strengths, partner for other needs
- preventing conflicts of interest
- promote a safe hp
- quality of service
- quality service and relationships
- respecting diversity
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- shared partnership vision and values
- social justice
- transparency and accuracy
- universal postal services
- wisdom and hard work
- service-oriented leadership
- highest level of service
- exemplary service
- 使命:人民保险,服务人民
- client service
- service provider culture
- service to the customer
- provision of quality, customer-centred service
- serve athletes
| - addressing misconduct
- advocacy and awareness
- age
- assuming good intent
- 业务领域 (business areas)
- care for the environment
- competence
- confidentiality and safety
- conflict avoidance
- conflict of interest management
- consideration
- consideration of individual needs
- constructive participation
- cultural support
- curiosity & respect
- defining application security
- do what honor dictates
- emphasis on the craft of grantmaking
- empowerment through access to water and sanitation
- environmental care
- especially for managers
- global leadership and expansion
- gsk's headquarters is located at 980 great west road, brentford, middlesex tw8 9gs, united kingdom. for more information, visit or contact them through their registered number
- health and justice for all
- leadership spotlight
- local focus
- multivocality
- play to strengths, partner for other needs
- preventing conflicts of interest
- promote a safe hp
- quality of service
- quality service and relationships
- respecting diversity
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- shared partnership vision and values
- social justice
- transparency and accuracy
- wisdom and hard work
- service-oriented leadership
- i-serve
- highest level of service
- exemplary service
- 使命:人民保险,服务人民
- client service
- service provider culture
- service to the customer
- service
- provision of quality, customer-centred service
- serve athletes
- service-oriented
- relentless passion for the highest standard of service
- best service
| 53 | 52 | service-focus |
- adherence to commitments
- authentic writing purpose
- responsibility and compliance
- data privacy and security
- data security and privacy
- demonstrate respect for people
- direct
- do not engage in insider trading
- firewall
- inspiring passionate commitment
- integrity in personal art collecting
- international security and stability
- pragmatism
- precaution
- privacy and data security
- privacy and security protection
- privacy or security violations
- safety & security as paramount
- safety and security
- safety, health, and environment
- security and integrity
- security and privacy
- security and privacy protection
- the joy of buying
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- vox pops
- system and information security
- supporting owasp
- security cooperation
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- security and safety
- regional and international security and stability
- regional and international security
- incorporating application security into software acquisition
- health, safety and security
- health, safety & security
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- corporate security and crisis management
- copy of the national security and public order act 1998
- confidentiality and security
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- health, safety, and security
- health, safety, security, and environment (hsse)
- security and confidentiality
- comprehensive security features
- security and resilience
- security
- safety & security
- privacy and security
| - adherence to commitments
- authentic writing purpose
- responsibility and compliance
- data privacy and security
- data security and privacy
- demonstrate respect for people
- do not engage in insider trading
- firewall
- inspiring passionate commitment
- integrity in personal art collecting
- international security and stability
- pragmatism
- privacy and data security
- privacy and security protection
- privacy or security violations
- safety & security as paramount
- safety and security
- safety, health, and environment
- security and integrity
- security and privacy
- security and privacy protection
- value co-creation with customers
- value community expertise
- work authorization/security clearance
- universal access to security
- system and information security
- supporting owasp
- security services
- security cooperation
- security and safety (internal) mechanism
- security and safety
- saferworld (2004) 'chapter 2
- regional and international security and stability
- regional and international security
- incorporating application security into software acquisition
- health, safety and security
- health, safety & security
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- corporate security and crisis management
- copy of the national security and public order act 1998
- cooperative security
- confidentiality and security
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- health, safety, and security
- health, safety, security, and environment (hsse)
- security and confidentiality
- comprehensive security features
- security and trust
- safe power supply
- digital transformation and security
- security and resilience
- security
- safety & security
- privacy and security
- security and protection
- resilience and security
- autonomous cyber defense
- health, safety, security, and environment
- safeguard the payment platform
| 51 | 60 | security |
- adherence to local norms
- ecology
- empathy and compassion
- financial accountability
- responsibility
- strengthening the army
- 构建产业结构合理、质量效益领先、军工核心突出、国际竞争力强的世界一流船舶集团 (building a world-class shipbuilding group with a rational industrial structure, leading quality and efficiency, prominent military core, and strong international competitiveness)
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense construction)
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense)
- military and civilian integration
| - ecology
- empathy and compassion
- responsibility
- strengthening the army
- 构建产业结构合理、质量效益领先、军工核心突出、国际竞争力强的世界一流船舶集团 (building a world-class shipbuilding group with a rational industrial structure, leading quality and efficiency, prominent military core, and strong international competitiveness)
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense construction)
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense)
- military and civilian integration
- military-civilian integration
- military prowess
| 10 | 10 | military |
- adherence to moral and ethical principles
- awareness of climate change
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- collaborative community
- custom feed setup
- duty to report
- empowerment and capacity-building
- professional ethics and integrity
- experiential learning
- global perspective
- high expectations
- kickbacks
- legal recognition
- legal support
- location
- operational safety
- promoting public service messages
- purpose
- real-time protection
- relentless optimism
- resident involvement
- social responsibility and care
- strength and reliability
- support others in the community
- - ntt group activities around the world
- international understanding
- international perspective
- international membership
- international engagement
- globally engaged citizens
- globalization and realism in policy
- global understanding
- global scope
- global representation
- global network
- global movement
- global mindset
- global interdependence
- global initiatives
- global collaboration
- global awareness
- global affiliations
- global action and inclusivity
- engaging with the world
- engaged global citizens
- globalization
- global connectivity
- global expansion
- internationalization
- global outlook
- global presence
- competence and diversity, global reach, and tradition
- global outreach
- global engagement
- global reach
- global good practice
- global leadership and expansion
| - adherence to moral and ethical principles
- awareness of climate change
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- collaborative community
- duty to report
- empowerment and capacity-building
- professional ethics and integrity
- experiential learning
- global perspective
- kickbacks
- legal support
- operational safety
- promoting public service messages
- purpose
- relentless optimism
- resident involvement
- social responsibility and care
- strength and reliability
- support others in the community
- - ntt group activities around the world
- international understanding
- international perspective
- international membership
- international engagement
- globally engaged citizens
- globalization and realism in policy
- global understanding
- global scope
- global representation
- global network
- global movement
- global mindset
- global interdependence
- global initiatives
- global collaboration
- global awareness
- global affiliations
- global action and inclusivity
- engaging with the world
- engaged global citizens
- disseminazione internazionale
- globalization
- global connectivity
- global expansion
- internationalization
- global outlook
- global presence
- competence and diversity, global reach, and tradition
- international and domestic reach
- global outreach
- global engagement
- global reach
- global good practice
- global leadership and expansion
- engaging externally
| 57 | 55 | global engagement |
- administration of code
- "beyond health care
- breaking news
- brilliant career
- candidatures
- clear and honest communication
- collaborative approach
- communications
- community engagement and social responsibility
- community-driven approach
- competent socially responsible leaders
- compliance & reporting violations
- compliance and legal adherence
- consideration for the environment
- 企业文化 (corporate culture)
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- corporate social responsibility
- corporate social responsibility (csr)
- country-driven
- direct readers to submit site to slashdot
- employee rights and social responsibility
- empowerment and capacity-building
- environmental and social responsibility
- commitment to environmental and social responsibility
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- equity and equality
- ethical decision-making model
- fairness and dignity
- global responsibility
- improving quality of life
- inclusivity and respect
- international women's day
- investing in the future
- investing in the greater good
- investing with impact
- investment in future generations
- investment in infrastructure
- investment in resources
- - investment income
- knowledge and expertise
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- negotiations
- open science
- open-source projects
- responsible partnerships
- party building and social responsibility
- philanthropy and legacy
- proactive reporting
- realize the power of our people
- respect our differences
- scale & a neighborhood-based approach
- sharing and caring
- social and environmental responsibility
- social responsibility
- socioeconomic stability and mobility
- solidarity and international cooperation
- 利益相关方参与
- 坚守精神
- sustainable development goal 6
- respect and trust
- responsible use of social media
- wealth creation and social responsibility
- - madiath, j., & jayapadma, r.v. (2002). a common cause-ng0s and civil society strengthening india's villages the sustainable way
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- the metlife foundation is dedicated to driving inclusive mobility for underserved and underrepresented communities around the world through collaborations with nonprofit organizations and investments aligned with three strategic focus areas
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- socially responsible leadership
- social media responsibility
- social inclusion and assistance
- social conscience
- lyondellbasell is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably. the company's approach to sustainability is guided by its three pillars
- empowerment and social responsibility
- economic and social development
- 社会责任
- community and social responsibility
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- sustainable and responsible practices
- social responsibility and public mission
- 社会责任百分百 契约精神百分百 法律意识百分百 (100% social responsibility, 100% contract spirit, 100% legal awareness)
- benefiting local places as a responsible company
- responsible investment
- social responsibility and care
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- global citizenship & social responsibility
- sustainability and social responsibility
- social responsibility and sustainability
- social responsibility commitment
- human rights and social responsibility
- responsibility towards society
- responsibility to society and the environment
- commitment to social responsibility
- social responsibility and public good
- 社会责任 (social responsibility)
| - administration of code
- "beyond health care
- breaking news
- clear and honest communication
- collaborative approach
- communications
- community engagement and social responsibility
- community-driven approach
- competent socially responsible leaders
- compliance & reporting violations
- compliance and legal adherence
- consideration for the environment
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- corporate social responsibility
- corporate social responsibility (csr)
- employee rights and social responsibility
- empowerment and capacity-building
- environmental and social responsibility
- commitment to environmental and social responsibility
- environmental protection and footprint reduction
- environmental responsibility and social contribution
- equity and equality
- ethical decision-making model
- fairness and dignity
- global responsibility
- improving quality of life
- inclusivity and respect
- international women's day
- investing in the future
- investing in the greater good
- investment in infrastructure
- investment in resources
- - investment income
- knowledge and expertise
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- open science
- open-source projects
- responsible partnerships
- party building and social responsibility
- philanthropy and legacy
- proactive reporting
- realize the power of our people
- respect our differences
- scale & a neighborhood-based approach
- sharing and caring
- social and environmental responsibility
- social responsibility
- socioeconomic stability and mobility
- solidarity and international cooperation
- 利益相关方参与
- sustainable development goal 6
- respect and trust
- responsible use of social media
- wealth creation and social responsibility
- - madiath, j., & jayapadma, r.v. (2002). a common cause-ng0s and civil society strengthening india's villages the sustainable way
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- the metlife foundation is dedicated to driving inclusive mobility for underserved and underrepresented communities around the world through collaborations with nonprofit organizations and investments aligned with three strategic focus areas
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- socially responsible leadership
- social media responsibility
- social inclusion and assistance
- social conscience
- lyondellbasell is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably. the company's approach to sustainability is guided by its three pillars
- identify the poorest households for targeting purposes
- empowerment and social responsibility
- economic and social development
- 社会责任
- community and social responsibility
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- sustainable and responsible practices
- social responsibility and public mission
- 社会责任百分百 契约精神百分百 法律意识百分百 (100% social responsibility, 100% contract spirit, 100% legal awareness)
- benefiting local places as a responsible company
- responsible investment
- social responsibility and care
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- global citizenship & social responsibility
- sustainability and social responsibility
- social responsibility and sustainability
- social responsibility commitment
- human rights and social responsibility
- responsibility towards society
- responsibility to society and the environment
- commitment to social responsibility
- social responsibility and public good
- 社会责任 (social responsibility)
- responsibility of every one of us
- comprehensively implement social responsibility
- social care
| 94 | 89 | social responsibility |
- advancement of human welfare
- be human
- be human. put people before all else
- belief in human potential
- belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of human life
- civil discourse, human dignity, and individual expression
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- 企业愿景 (corporate vision)
- creating future living space for human
- curiosity and respect for humans and animals
- data-driven approach and human stories
- diverse scientific coverage
- enhancement of human resources
- foreign assistance must be transparent and accountable to american taxpayers, as well as local citizens in developing countries
- health prioritization
- healthy human relations
- respect for human and labor rights
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- respect for human and labour rights
- commitment to human and social development
- human and social development
- human capital development
- respect for human dignity
- human dignity
- human ingenuity
- human needs
- 人力资源 (human resources)
- - human resources
- human touch
- human-animal bond
- human-centered and community-led approach
- human-centered and participatory design
- human-centered approach
- human-centered augmentation
- humanist values
- respect for humanity
- respect for humanity and the natural world
- humanity in insurance, splendor in life
- humanity-driven performance
- humans
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- inviolability of human dignity
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- keeping human demands within planetary limits
- listening and learning
- long-term commitment to fields of work and organizations
- opposition to modern slavery and human trafficking
- principle of humanity
- protecting assets and reputation
- recognition of human trafficking
- respect towards fellow human beings and the environment
- respecting human autonomy
- respecting human dignity
- 安全为天、生命至上
- serving constituencies
- shared humanity
- simplicity and human touch
- upholding human responsibility
- upholding the equality of every human being
- responsible use
- we are performance driven, through the lens of humanity
- upholding humanitarian principles in un mission mandates
- ubuntu
- service to humanity
- respect life
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- promoting humanity
- illuminating humanity
- humanitarian concerns
- humanistic outlook
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- respect for life, people and the environment
- humanity and splendor
- we believe in humanist values
- humanity
- respect human rights
| - advancement of human welfare
- be human
- be human. put people before all else
- belief in human potential
- belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of human life
- civil discourse, human dignity, and individual expression
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- 企业愿景 (corporate vision)
- creating future living space for human
- curiosity and respect for humans and animals
- data-driven approach and human stories
- diverse scientific coverage
- enhancement of human resources
- health prioritization
- respect for human and labor rights
- respect for human and labor rights, and environmental protection
- respect for human and labour rights
- human and social development
- respect for human dignity
- human dignity
- human ingenuity
- - human resources
- human touch
- human-animal bond
- human-centered and community-led approach
- human-centered and participatory design
- human-centered approach
- humanist values
- respect for humanity
- respect for humanity and the natural world
- humanity in insurance, splendor in life
- humanity-driven performance
- humans
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- inviolability of human dignity
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- keeping human demands within planetary limits
- listening and learning
- long-term commitment to fields of work and organizations
- opposition to modern slavery and human trafficking
- principle of humanity
- protecting assets and reputation
- recognition of human trafficking
- respect towards fellow human beings and the environment
- respecting human autonomy
- respecting human dignity
- 安全为天、生命至上
- serving constituencies
- shared humanity
- simplicity and human touch
- upholding human responsibility
- upholding the equality of every human being
- responsible use
- we are performance driven, through the lens of humanity
- upholding humanitarian principles in un mission mandates
- ubuntu
- service to humanity
- rights-based approach
- respect life
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- promoting humanity
- illuminating humanity
- humanitarian concerns
- brotherly love
- humanistic outlook
- respect, inclusiveness, humanity, and humility
- respect for life, people and the environment
- humanity and splendor
- we believe in humanist values
- humanity
- respect human rights
- respect for human life
- best nature
| 76 | 73 | humanity |
- advancement of human welfare
- celebrating marketplace role models
- code of conduct
- community engagement and social welfare
- conscious leadership
- employee development and welfare
- employee welfare and development
- ethics
- health, safety, and welfare
- inclusive development
- responsible leadership and employee welfare
- philanthropy and public welfare
- pluralistic extension systems
- safety and welfare
- transparency and access
- welfare
- public welfare
- welfare and charity
- safety, health, and welfare
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- human well-being
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- health, safety and welfare
- social welfare
- providing employee welfare
- employee welfare
- human rights and worker welfare
| - advancement of human welfare
- code of conduct
- community engagement and social welfare
- employee development and welfare
- employee welfare and development
- ethics
- health, safety, and welfare
- inclusive development
- responsible leadership and employee welfare
- philanthropy and public welfare
- safety and welfare
- transparency and access
- welfare
- public welfare
- welfare and charity
- safety, health, and welfare
- protection of life, safety, and welfare of the public
- human well-being
- commitment to safety, health and welfare
- health, safety and welfare
- social welfare
- providing employee welfare
- employee welfare
- human rights and worker welfare
| 27 | 24 | welfare |
- advocacy and legal change
- complexity and adaptability
- consumer information
- corporate responsibility and inclusivity
- corporate social responsibility and sustainability
- csr reporting
- duty to report
- economic viability
- experiential learning
- fair competition and antitrust compliance
- for further information on the organization's efforts, please see their csr webpage and the following resources
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- legal support for private action
- lyondellbasell is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably. the company's approach to sustainability is guided by its three pillars
- purpose
- the report's functional role and values were defined as an important instrument to disclose duty performance information in line with relevant requirements, improve corporate social responsibility work, and provide feedback for improvement. the report was
- the management approach is evaluated through an independent third-party verification process based on the aa1000 as(2008) for a type 1, moderate level of assurance. the report also complies with the core option level of gri standards. the company's csr re
- the asr also includes a disclosure supplement that provides additional information on specific sustainability issues material to raízen's operations. the supplement is prepared in accordance with the gri standards
- property of iucn
- commitment to the public good
- responsible business conduct
- responsible corporate citizenship
- profitability with a conscience
- 担当 (responsibility)
- responsible corporate behavior
- socially responsible corporate governance
- continuous leadership in business operations and social responsibility fulfillment
- respected global corporate citizen
- good corporate citizenship
- responsible business practices
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- ethical practices and corporate citizenship
- environmental protection and corporate social responsibility
- responsible ai development
- corporate social responsibility
- corporate social responsibility (csr)
- responsibility
| - advocacy and legal change
- complexity and adaptability
- consumer information
- corporate responsibility and inclusivity
- corporate social responsibility and sustainability
- csr reporting
- duty to report
- economic viability
- experiential learning
- fair competition and antitrust compliance
- for further information on the organization's efforts, please see their csr webpage and the following resources
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- legal support for private action
- lyondellbasell is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably. the company's approach to sustainability is guided by its three pillars
- purpose
- the report's functional role and values were defined as an important instrument to disclose duty performance information in line with relevant requirements, improve corporate social responsibility work, and provide feedback for improvement. the report was
- the management approach is evaluated through an independent third-party verification process based on the aa1000 as(2008) for a type 1, moderate level of assurance. the report also complies with the core option level of gri standards. the company's csr re
- the asr also includes a disclosure supplement that provides additional information on specific sustainability issues material to raízen's operations. the supplement is prepared in accordance with the gri standards
- property of iucn
- oecd guidelines for multinational enterprises
- medium-term csr plan
- commitment to the public good
- responsible business conduct
- responsible corporate citizenship
- profitability with a conscience
- 担当 (responsibility)
- responsible corporate behavior
- socially responsible corporate governance
- continuous leadership in business operations and social responsibility fulfillment
- respected global corporate citizen
- good corporate citizenship
- responsible business practices
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
- the core values highlighted in compal electronics, inc.'s supplier code of conduct reflect a robust commitment to ethical business practices, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and respectful treatment of all workers within the supply ch
- ethical practices and corporate citizenship
- environmental protection and corporate social responsibility
- responsible ai development
- corporate social responsibility
- corporate social responsibility (csr)
- responsibility
- our commitments as corporate citizens
- responsible business
- responsibilities to society and the country
| 37 | 43 | corporate social responsibility |
- advocacy and legal intervention
- belief in values and in people's capacity of development
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- care and improvement of human life
- collaboration and participation
- comprehensive energy solutions
- respect for cultural diversity
- description"
- development
- development of society
- economic and social development
- economic development
- economic development and cooperation
- economic mobility
- education and professional development
- ethicsline
- fair competition and business transactions
- flexibility for developing countries
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- fostering trust and confidence
- harmonious development
- harmonious development and shared prosperity
- hazardous materials management
- historical legacy
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- innovative development
- legacy and dreams
- mutuality
- national development
- nutrition and income
- protection of participants' confidentiality
- people / human development
- people-centered development
- people/human development
- protecting assets and reputation
- providing notice and comment period
- purposeful impact
- relationships with institutions
- serving the country's development and safeguarding people's well-being
- social conscience
- social development
- solidarity and equity
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- state ownership
- steady
- strong commitment to ethics and responsibility
- the core values of a.p. moller
- training and awareness
- transparency and public involvement
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- training and development
- support and development
- promoting human development
- prevention and investment in schools and neighborhoods
- learning and development
- human development
- human and social development
- future developments
- five-year improvement plan
- diplomacy and development as distinct and equal disciplines
- development dimension
- development and progress
- developer
- growth and development
- innovation and development
- community engagement and development
- employee dignity and development
- transformation and development
- social participation and development
- 高质量发展 (high-quality development)
- high-quality development
- leadership and development
- comprehensive development through innovation
| - advocacy and legal intervention
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- collaboration and participation
- comprehensive energy solutions
- respect for cultural diversity
- development
- development of society
- economic and social development
- economic development
- economic development and cooperation
- economic mobility
- education and professional development
- ethicsline
- fair competition and business transactions
- flexibility for developing countries
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- fostering trust and confidence
- harmonious development
- harmonious development and shared prosperity
- hazardous materials management
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- innovative development
- legacy and dreams
- mutuality
- nutrition and income
- protection of participants' confidentiality
- people-centered development
- people/human development
- protecting assets and reputation
- purposeful impact
- relationships with institutions
- social conscience
- solidarity and equity
- customer and stakeholder commitment
- steady
- strong commitment to ethics and responsibility
- training and awareness
- transparency and public involvement
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- upskilling, downskilling, or multi-skilling
- training and development
- support and development
- promoting human development
- prevention and investment in schools and neighborhoods
- nurturing and development
- learning and development
- human development
- human and social development
- home improvement
- future developments
- five-year improvement plan
- evolution
- diplomacy and development as distinct and equal disciplines
- development dimension
- development and progress
- developer
- broader development agenda
- growth and development
- development promotion
- innovation and development
- community engagement and development
- employee dignity and development
- transformation and development
- social participation and development
- 高质量发展 (high-quality development)
- high-quality development
- leadership and development
- comprehensive development through innovation
- coordinated development
- dedication to growth and development
- growth & development
- serving national interests and development strategies
- development strategy
| 73 | 73 | development |
- advocacy for children
- being there for children
- center for improvement of child & family services
- child advocacy and protection
- child and adolescent rights
- child centered
- child participation
- child protection
- child protection policy
- child protection systems
- child rights
- child safety
- child safety and protection
- child welfare
- child-centered
- child-centered approach
- child-centeredness
- child-centricity
- childhood
- protection of children
- children first
- - children's hospitals adaptation
- children's institute
- children's privacy
- respect for children's privacy
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- - deferred excise tax liability
- empowering children, teenagers, and young people
- empowerment of children and young people
- equal opportunity for all children to thrive
- expertise and collaboration
- forced labor and child labor
- respect for human rights and inclusivity
- inclusive growth
- learning is the source of human progress
- mutual benefit
- no use of child labor
- people-centric
- respect for personal integrity
- respect for poets' rights
- profitability with a conscience
- profitability with responsibility
- prohibition of forced and child labor
- promoting positive outcomes for children
- promoting the welfare of children
- put children first
- risk-conscious behavior
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三 (safety first, reputation second, efficiency third)
- selecting and treating suppliers fairly
- shareholder engagement and value creation
- subcontractors and supply chain management
- subject
- support for children and youth
- supporting women and children
- sustainability and environmental protection
- protection of the organization
- total liabilities
- transparency and exposé
- trasferimento della conoscenza
- trust and openness
- unacceptability of child abuse
- 和衷共济
- protection of vulnerable groups
- war child representative
- win-win for all
- sexual exploitation or sexual abuse
- responsibility for care and protection
- protection of vulnerable populations
- protection of vulnerable individuals
- protection of the vulnerable
- protection of patients' interests
- protection of minors
- protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
- protection from exploitation and abuse
- protection against exploitation and abuse
- protecting the vulnerable
- protecting and empowering people
- prohibition of sexual relationships with beneficiaries and minors
- prevention of underage gaming
- prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- prevention of exploitation and abuse
- preventing exploitation and abuse
- policy against sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- comprehensive safeguarding
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- benefiting vulnerable populations
- beneficiary protection
| - advocacy for children
- being there for children
- center for improvement of child & family services
- child advocacy and protection
- child and adolescent rights
- child centered
- child participation
- child protection
- child protection policy
- child protection systems
- child rights
- child safety
- child safety and protection
- child welfare
- child-centered
- child-centered approach
- child-centeredness
- child-centricity
- childhood
- protection of children
- children first
- - children's hospitals adaptation
- children's institute
- children's privacy
- respect for children's privacy
- compliance with laws and ethical behavior
- empowering children, teenagers, and young people
- empowerment of children and young people
- equal opportunity for all children to thrive
- expertise and collaboration
- forced labor and child labor
- respect for human rights and inclusivity
- inclusive growth
- learning is the source of human progress
- mutual benefit
- no use of child labor
- people-centric
- respect for personal integrity
- respect for poets' rights
- profitability with a conscience
- profitability with responsibility
- prohibition of forced and child labor
- promoting positive outcomes for children
- promoting the welfare of children
- put children first
- risk-conscious behavior
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三 (safety first, reputation second, efficiency third)
- selecting and treating suppliers fairly
- shareholder engagement and value creation
- subcontractors and supply chain management
- support for children and youth
- supporting women and children
- sustainability and environmental protection
- protection of the organization
- total liabilities
- transparency and exposé
- trasferimento della conoscenza
- trust and openness
- unacceptability of child abuse
- protection of vulnerable groups
- war child representative
- win-win for all
- abolition of child labor
- we protect vulnerable groups
- sexual exploitation or sexual abuse
- safeguarding and protecting learners
- responsibility for care and protection
- protection of vulnerable populations
- protection of vulnerable individuals
- protection of the vulnerable
- protection of patients' interests
- protection of minors
- protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
- protection from exploitation and abuse
- protection against exploitation and abuse
- protecting the vulnerable
- protecting and empowering people
- prohibition of sexual relationships with beneficiaries and minors
- prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse
- prevention of underage gaming
- prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- prevention of exploitation and abuse
- preventing exploitation and abuse
- policy against sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment
- in summary, the cesvi staff code of conduct reflects their commitment to operating ethically, respecting the dignity of beneficiaries, protecting vulnerable populations, and maintaining a safe and accountable work environment. it provides clear guideline
- comprehensive safeguarding
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- benefiting vulnerable populations
- beneficiary protection
- protection of children's rights
- child labor
| 89 | 92 | child protection and welfare |
- affordable housing
- anti-illicit trade
- contribution to the development of the international community
- data privacy and confidentiality
- deliver results responsibly
- ending occupation and apartheid
- energy bases
- equity and intersectionality
- respect for grantees
- hiring third parties
- honor and integrity
- honor donor intent
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- honorable and operate with integrity
- honoring legacy
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- trusted evidence
- honor
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- do what honor dictates
| - affordable housing
- anti-illicit trade
- contribution to the development of the international community
- data privacy and confidentiality
- deliver results responsibly
- ending occupation and apartheid
- equity and intersectionality
- respect for grantees
- honor and integrity
- honor donor intent
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- honorable and operate with integrity
- honoring legacy
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- be noble
- honor
- character is our strength
- being honorable and operating with integrity
- do what honor dictates
- nobility
- noble personality
- 善勇 (brave and virtuous)
- 荣誉 (honor)
- noble character
| 21 | 24 | honorable |
- aggressively optimistic
- bring optimism and excitement
- measurement matters
- optimism & determination
- optimism without naivety
- positive workplace
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- supporto agli autori
- optimism and commitment
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- positive
- relentless optimism
- positive environment
| - bring optimism and excitement
- measurement matters
- optimism & determination
- optimism without naivety
- positive workplace
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- supporto agli autori
- positive behavior
- positive attitude
- optimism and commitment
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- positive
- relentless optimism
- positive environment
- optimism
| 13 | 15 | positivity |
- agile
- agility
- agility & adaptability
- agility and challenge
- allyship
- community focus
- compassion
- complaint and whistleblower management
- dedication to improving policymaking
- 员工行为准则 (employee code of conduct)
- grantee or business entity qualifications
- open company, no bullshit
- scientific evidence
- sincerely service
- the core values described in the text are
- flexibility and nimbleness
- agility and responsiveness
- agility and innovation
- anticipation of change
- agile innovation
- challenge and agility
- anticipation
- speed and agility
| - agile
- agility
- agility & adaptability
- agility and challenge
- allyship
- community focus
- compassion
- complaint and whistleblower management
- dedication to improving policymaking
- 员工行为准则 (employee code of conduct)
- scientific evidence
- sincerely service
- the core values described in the text are
- • agility
- flexibility and nimbleness
- agility and responsiveness
- agility and innovation
- anticipation of change
- agile innovation
- challenge and agility
- anticipation
- speed and agility
- enterprising dynamism
| 23 | 23 | agility |
- agility and challenge
- innovation and challenge
- active engagement with real challenges
- acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other
- never fear challenges
- fostering innovation and challenge
- challenges faced
- challenge and innovation
- challenge and agility
- challenge
| - agility and challenge
- innovation and challenge
- active engagement with real challenges
- acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other
- never fear challenges
- fostering innovation and challenge
- challenges faced
- 挑戦・創造
- challenge and innovation
- challenge and agility
- challenge
- pioneering spirit to overcome challenges
- challenge and creation
- challenge & creation
| 10 | 14 | challenging |
- agility and innovation
- 创新进取 (innovation and initiative)
- proactive innovation
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- local drive and initiative
- initiative and creativity
- activities and initiatives
- initiative
| - agility and innovation
- 创新进取 (innovation and initiative)
- proactive innovation
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- local drive and initiative
- initiative and creativity
- activities and initiatives
- initiative
| 9 | 9 | initiatives |
- aim high
- automation
- collective impact
- educational impact
- expansion and growth
- focus on impact
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- impact
- impact and results
- impact of daily choices
- impact of trauma and healing practices
- impact tracking
- impact with excellence
- impact-driven
- impactful
- impactful change
- innovation that matters
- innovation that matters—for our company and for the world
- meeting people where they are
- passion for patients
- patriotism and loyalty
- principle 1: commitment to impact
- principle 6: monitor progress toward impact
- risk awareness
- safety and privacy
- slashdot achievements
- stakeholder inclusion
- state responsibility for private practices
- sustainable change
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- systematic understanding for a better world
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- the core values described in the text are encapsulated by the phrase
- protection of the public
- transparency and customization
- truth
- thinking big
- targeted impact
- strive for impact
- principle 3: prioritize investments with clear pathways to impact
- passion for impact
- measuring impact
- maximizing impact
- make a positive impact
- legacy and impact
- learning and impact
- impact-oriented
- impact-first investing
- impact sourcing
- impact reporting
- impact measurement
- impact and transformation
- growth and impact
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- focus on measurable impact
- focus on greatest need and impact
- demonstrating impact and designing accountability systems
- data-driven impact
- commitment to measuring impact
- commitment to impact
- celebrating impact
- amplifying ideas, influence, and impact
- purposeful impact
| - aim high
- automation
- educational impact
- expansion and growth
- focus on impact
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- impact
- impact and results
- impact of daily choices
- impact tracking
- impact with excellence
- impact-driven
- impactful
- impactful change
- innovation that matters
- innovation that matters—for our company and for the world
- passion for patients
- patriotism and loyalty
- principle 1: commitment to impact
- risk awareness
- safety and privacy
- slashdot achievements
- stakeholder inclusion
- state responsibility for private practices
- sustainable change
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- the core values described in the text are encapsulated by the phrase
- transparency and customization
- truth
- "going to scale
- thinking big
- targeted impact
- strive for impact
- scalability and impact
- principle 3: prioritize investments with clear pathways to impact
- power of stories
- positive impact and results
- passion for impact
- measuring impact
- maximizing impact
- making an extraordinary impact
- make a positive impact
- legacy and impact
- learning and impact
- impact-oriented
- impact-first investing
- impact sourcing
- impact reporting
- impact measurement
- impact and transformation
- growth and impact
- focusing on greatest need and impact
- focus on measurable impact
- focus on greatest need and impact
- demonstrating impact and designing accountability systems
- data-driven impact
- commitment to measuring impact
- commitment to impact
- celebrating impact
- big thinking
- amplifying ideas, influence, and impact
- purposeful impact
| 63 | 63 | impact |
- respect for all people
- as people managers, we set the standard
- assédio moral
- be human. put people before all else
- belief in people
- belief in the ability of people to help themselves
- belief in values and in people's capacity of development
- best people
- caring for people and planet
- caring for people's livelihood
- championing a people-centered approach
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- community-driven safety
- community-led and people-centered approach
- compliance and legal adherence
- contact people
- corrective action process
- customer focus and innovation
- dedication and citizenship
- defending the power of people
- dignity and worth of people
- diversity and people-centredness
- economic, environmental and social performance
- education for peace
- empowering people living in poverty
- environment and safety
- focus on tipping-point moments
- fostering trust and confidence
- harmonious coexistence of people, steel, and environment
- health and justice for all
- health and protection
- help people with the greatest need
- human-centric partnership
- human-robot partnerships
- improving and extending people's lives
- improving prosperity for all people and cultures
- indigenous peoples
- respect for indigenous peoples
- investment in people and communities
- respect for life, people and the environment
- respect for life, people, and the environment
- make it happen
- meeting people's expectations and earning their trust
- mobility and people-to-people contacts
- national pride and patriotism
- people
- our people
- people / human development
- people & labor
- respect for people and the environment
- people are our priority
- people on the center with a vision of collective improvement
- people power
- people trafficking
- people-centered approach
- people-centered development
- 以人为本 (people-centric)
- people-centric values
- people-focused philanthropy
- people-oriented
- people-oriented (以人为本)
- people-oriented principle
- people-to-people contacts and mobility
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- respect for people's rights and dignity
- respect for people’s rights and dignity
- people/human development
- potential of young people
- - program management and general
- protect people and the environment
- protecting and empowering people
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- put people first
- putting people first
- rand's people at a glance
- recognition of the importance of people and relationships
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- responsible resource management
- respecting people
- rights and sovereignty of indigenous peoples
- serve people
- service to the country and people
- serving the public, caring about people’s livelihood
- serving the underprivileged
- societal attitudes
- public statements by employees
- taking care of our people
- the author respectfully requests that the human rights committee find that the state has violated articles 7 and 10, in conjunction with article 2(3) of the iccpr, and recommend the remedies requested above
- union between people
- unleash the power of our people
- value our people
- values-based leadership, people, and culture
- valuing younger people
- we champion people
- we put people first
- we respect people
- we treat people how they want to be treated
- we value people
- respect for young people's perspectives
- people-centric
- patient-centric
- member-centric
- human-centric
- human-centered approach
- diversity and people-centeredness
- people-centered
- human-centric design
- people first
- human-centered performance
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- people over process
- 以人为本 (people-oriented)
- people-oriented management
- positive work environment
- human-centered design
| - respect for all people
- as people managers, we set the standard
- be human. put people before all else
- belief in people
- belief in the ability of people to help themselves
- best people
- caring for people and planet
- caring for people's livelihood
- championing a people-centered approach
- our commitment to climate action is based on the science, our values and our desire to create a better everyday life for the many people. we have set ambitious climate goals that align with the paris agreement and aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 70%
- community-driven safety
- community-led and people-centered approach
- compliance and legal adherence
- contact people
- corrective action process
- customer focus and innovation
- dedication and citizenship
- dignity and worth of people
- diversity and people-centredness
- economic, environmental and social performance
- education for peace
- empowering people living in poverty
- environment and safety
- fostering trust and confidence
- harmonious coexistence of people, steel, and environment
- health and justice for all
- health and protection
- help people with the greatest need
- human-centric partnership
- human-robot partnerships
- improving and extending people's lives
- improving prosperity for all people and cultures
- respect for indigenous peoples
- investment in people and communities
- respect for life, people and the environment
- respect for life, people, and the environment
- make it happen
- meeting people's expectations and earning their trust
- national pride and patriotism
- people
- our people
- people & labor
- respect for people and the environment
- people are our priority
- people on the center with a vision of collective improvement
- people power
- people trafficking
- people-centered approach
- people-centered development
- 以人为本 (people-centric)
- people-centric values
- people-focused philanthropy
- people-oriented
- people-oriented (以人为本)
- people-oriented principle
- respect for people, communities and cultures
- respect for people's rights and dignity
- respect for people’s rights and dignity
- people/human development
- potential of young people
- - program management and general
- protect people and the environment
- protecting and empowering people
- protecting deutsche bank’s assets
- put people first
- putting people first
- recognition of the importance of people and relationships
- regulatory compliance and transparency
- responsible resource management
- respecting people
- rights and sovereignty of indigenous peoples
- serve people
- service to the country and people
- serving the public, caring about people’s livelihood
- societal attitudes
- taking care of our people
- the author respectfully requests that the human rights committee find that the state has violated articles 7 and 10, in conjunction with article 2(3) of the iccpr, and recommend the remedies requested above
- union between people
- unleash the power of our people
- value our people
- values-based leadership, people, and culture
- valuing younger people
- we champion people
- we put people first
- we respect people
- we treat people how they want to be treated
- we value people
- respect for young people's perspectives
- people-centric
- patient-centric
- patient-centeredness
- member-centric
- human-centric
- human-centered approach
- diversity and people-centeredness
- people-centered
- human-centric design
- people first
- human-centered performance
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- people over process
- 以人为本 (people-oriented)
- people-oriented management
- positive work environment
- human-centered design
- patient-centered
- human-centric partnerships
- always strive to build a homelike atmosphere at work that is warm and friendly
| 115 | 108 | people-oriented |
- alliance
- appreciation
- appreciation by god
- armed violence reduction
- bribes, kickbacks and other improper payments
- respect and confidentiality
- cultural appreciation
- ensuring the safety of people and property
- environmental awareness
- gratitude and appreciation
- little amal
- live as a servant leader
- mutual respect and appreciation
- nonpartisanship
- recognition and appreciation
- service to the customer
- support and appreciation
- the greater good
- trust and appreciation
- zakocs & edwards (2006)
- acknowledgment and amplification
- acknowledgment
- appreciating our code and values
| - alliance
- appreciation
- armed violence reduction
- bribes, kickbacks and other improper payments
- respect and confidentiality
- cultural appreciation
- ensuring the safety of people and property
- environmental awareness
- gratitude and appreciation
- live as a servant leader
- mutual respect and appreciation
- nonpartisanship
- recognition and appreciation
- service to the customer
- support and appreciation
- trust and appreciation
- acknowledgment and amplification
- acknowledgment
- appreciating our code and values
| 23 | 19 | appreciation |
- alternative business models
- protection of banking values
- driven
- earning trust
- educational resources
- employee cooperation and respect
- protection of environment and eco-system
- financial and material resources
- foster-fishman et al. (2001)
- hearing and valuing voices
- respect and inclusion
- innovation and expertise
- 使命:人民保险,服务人民
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- organizational learning and change
- partnership and coalition
- protecting company assets and reputation
- 我们的品质 (our quality)
- the hi network consists of an international federation based in lyon, france, and eight national associations
- value community expertise
- subject matter experts
- professional knowledge and skills
- knowledge and expertise
- expertise and media engagement
- expertise and collaboration
- diversity and expertise
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- technical competence
- expertise in rmb and china market
- technological expertise
- heritage and expertise
- research and expertise
- expertise
| - alternative business models
- driven
- earning trust
- educational resources
- employee cooperation and respect
- protection of environment and eco-system
- financial and material resources
- hearing and valuing voices
- respect and inclusion
- innovation and expertise
- 使命:人民保险,服务人民
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- partnership and coalition
- protecting company assets and reputation
- 我们的品质 (our quality)
- the hi network consists of an international federation based in lyon, france, and eight national associations
- value community expertise
- subject matter experts
- proven expertise
- professional knowledge and skills
- knowledge and expertise
- expertise and strategic work
- expertise and media engagement
- expertise and knowledge
- expertise and experience
- expertise and collaboration
- diversity and expertise
- diverse expertise
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- 专业
- technical competence
- expertise in rmb and china market
- technological expertise
- heritage and expertise
- research and expertise
- expertise
- expertise and specialization
- integrated expertise
| 33 | 38 | expertise |
- ambition
- bytecast series
- compliance with this code
- consequences
- contact information for noble research institute, llc
- elevating frontline voices
- following the law
- human rights and respect for people
- material non-public information
- recognition and empowerment
- sustainable governance
- we listen and share with curiosity
- inquisitiveness
- explore
- experimental disposition
- respect for sound theory and fresh ideas
- curiosity and respect
- curiosity & focus
- curiosity & respect
- curiosity and respect for humans and animals
- curiosity and lifelong learning
- dreams & curiosity
| - ambition
- compliance with this code
- consequences
- contact information for noble research institute, llc
- elevating frontline voices
- human rights and respect for people
- recognition and empowerment
- sustainable governance
- wonder
- we listen and share with curiosity
- question
- inquisitiveness
- explore
- experimental disposition
- discovery
- demonstrate curiosity
- respect for sound theory and fresh ideas
- curiosity and respect
- curiosity & focus
- curiosity & respect
- curiosity and respect for humans and animals
- curiosity and lifelong learning
- dreams & curiosity
- curiosity and respect for the natural world
- curious
- exploration
- ask questions and speak up
- curiosity
| 22 | 28 | curiosity |
- ambition
- live our purpose, guiding behaviors, and values
- soundness
- protection of dog health and well-being
- kind and respectful treatment of animals
- human-animal bond
- ethical treatment of animals
- ending wildlife exploitation
- dog owners' advocacy
- anti-speciesism
- animal rights
- advancement of the purebred dog sport
| - ambition
- live our purpose, guiding behaviors, and values
- soundness
- protection of dog health and well-being
- kind and respectful treatment of animals
- human-animal bond
- ethical treatment of animals
- ending wildlife exploitation
- dog owners' advocacy
- anti-speciesism
- animal sentience
- animal rights
- advancement of the purebred dog sport
| 12 | 13 | animal rights |
- ambition and drive
- anticipation of risks and mitigation
- be trustworthy and transparent
- capable
- clear attribution
- collaboration and trust
- compliance and ethics
- compliance with insider trading policy
- control over technology
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- customer satisfaction
- direct access
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- entrepreneurship, efficiency, trustworthiness, frugality
- equity, accessibility, and trust
- fair labor rights
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- grace
- health equity
- honesty and trust
- honesty and trustworthiness
- human rights and fair working conditions
- i am trusted with data
- impartiality and trust
- integrity and trust
- integrity and trust ("shin-you")
- 重情诚信 (integrity and trustworthiness)
- integrity and trustworthiness
- 诚行天下 信立伟业
- 诚行天下 信立伟业 (integrity and trustworthiness in business)
- learning and trust
- maintaining accountability and trust
- measuring impact
- nonpartisanship
- open reporting
- partnerships and innovation
- power shifting
- powering entrepreneurs
- product quality & safety
- promoting human development
- quality and trust
- quality that earns the trust of society
- scientific advancement
- responsibility and stewardship
- supplier integrity
- tact and discretion
- telephone
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- transparency and trust
- 我们的信任 (our trust)
- trust and appreciation
- trust and confidence
- trust and integrity
- trust and transparency
- trust in local leadership
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- value
- we are honest and trustworthy
- trusted partnership
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- trust but verify
- trust and confidentiality
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- speaking with a trustworthy voice
- making friends and verifying requests
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- how to build and maintain trust: learning from the japanese..
- hope and trust in god
- fostering trust and respect
- fostering trust and confidence
- candor and trust
- building trust
- build trust by acting with integrity
- public trust
- teamwork and trust
- meeting people's expectations and earning their trust
- knowing each other for many years, worthy of trust
- fairness and trust in business relationships
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of customers
- trust and openness
- earning trust
- trust from stakeholders
- promote teamwork & trust
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- customer trust
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of our customers
- building trustworthy robots
- trust the team
- public trust and loyalty
- mutual trust
- openness and trust
- respect and trust
- respect and trust in the workplace
- earning our customers' satisfaction and trust
- earn the trust of customers
- enable trust
| - ambition and drive
- anticipation of risks and mitigation
- be trustworthy and transparent
- capable
- collaboration and trust
- compliance and ethics
- compliance with insider trading policy
- cultural heritage and ethical living
- customer satisfaction
- direct access
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- entrepreneurship, efficiency, trustworthiness, frugality
- equity, accessibility, and trust
- fair labor rights
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- "from neurons to neighborhoods
- grace
- health equity
- honesty and trust
- honesty and trustworthiness
- human rights and fair working conditions
- i am trusted with data
- impartiality and trust
- integrity and trust
- integrity and trust ("shin-you")
- 重情诚信 (integrity and trustworthiness)
- integrity and trustworthiness
- 诚行天下 信立伟业 (integrity and trustworthiness in business)
- learning and trust
- maintaining accountability and trust
- measuring impact
- nonpartisanship
- open reporting
- partnerships and innovation
- powering entrepreneurs
- product quality & safety
- promoting human development
- quality and trust
- quality that earns the trust of society
- scientific advancement
- responsibility and stewardship
- telephone
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- transparency and trust
- 我们的信任 (our trust)
- trust and appreciation
- trust and confidence
- trust and integrity
- trust and transparency
- trust in local leadership
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- value
- we are honest and trustworthy
- trusted partnership
- trust, transparency, and accountability
- trust-building
- trust in nonprofits
- trust but verify
- trust and stewardship
- trust and respect
- trust and hope
- trust and confidentiality
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- speaking with a trustworthy voice
- neutrality and trust
- matatika (trustworthy)
- making friends and verifying requests
- integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability
- how to build and maintain trust: learning from the japanese..
- hope and trust in god
- fostering trust and respect
- fostering trust and confidence
- candor and trust
- building trust
- build trust by acting with integrity
- public trust
- teamwork and trust
- meeting people's expectations and earning their trust
- knowing each other for many years, worthy of trust
- fairness and trust in business relationships
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of customers
- trust and openness
- security and trust
- earning trust
- trust from stakeholders
- trust and reliability
- promote teamwork & trust
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- customer trust
- provision of services that respond to the trust and confidence of our customers
- building trustworthy robots
- trust the team
- public trust and loyalty
- mutual trust
- openness and trust
- respect and trust
- respect and trust in the workplace
- earning our customers' satisfaction and trust
- earn the trust of customers
- enable trust
- earning the trust of our ohana
- unusually high trust
- trust and personal responsibility
- 一分信任 十分责任 百分努力 千分付出 万分担当 (one part trust, ten parts responsibility, hundred parts effort, thousand parts dedication, ten thousand parts commitment)
- trust in the marketplace
- role models
- lack of trust
- we are open, we respect, we trust
- trust and sincerity
- worthy of trust
- trust and responsibility
- trustworthiness
- trust and personal responsibility in all relationships
- trust
| 97 | 114 | trust |
- amplifying ideas, influence, and impact
- challenging dogma with evidence
- comprehensive corporate governance
- conflict transformation
- conscientiousness
- fairness and dignity
- following sources
- incentivizing action
- we act with integrity
- high-functioning board and leadership
- governance structure
- board of directors support
- compliance by board of directors
- socially responsible corporate governance
- holistic corporate compliance
- corporate governance
- corporate governance and compliance
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- corporate governance excellence
| - amplifying ideas, influence, and impact
- challenging dogma with evidence
- comprehensive corporate governance
- conflict transformation
- fairness and dignity
- incentivizing action
- we act with integrity
- role of the board of trustees
- high-functioning board and leadership
- governance structure
- dealing with governments
- board of directors support
- board of directors (bod)
- compliance by board of directors
- socially responsible corporate governance
- holistic corporate compliance
- corporate governance
- corporate governance and compliance
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- corporate governance excellence
- continuous enhancement of corporate governance
- board of directors
- corporate_governance
| 19 | 23 | corporate governance |
- public and professional education
- professional boundaries
- respect for cultural diversity
- earn the trust of customers
- public education
- education and information
- education and scholarship
- education and skills development
- education and storytelling
- education and talent growth
- education and technical advancement
- education and training
- education and youth
- education focus
- education for peace
- education, training, and information
- educational
- educational and policy tool
- educational equity
- educational impact
- empowerment through education
- encouraging educational institutions
- public engagement and education
- environmental education
- equity in education
- - ethics office
- ethics training and education
- excellence in teaching
- excellence in training
- hands-on learning
- high-quality education
- improving access to knowledge and education
- information and training
- innovation in education
- interdisciplinary education
- justice and protection
- justice and rehabilitation
- keeping up-to-date
- key principles
- knowledge transfer
- maximize future impact
- media freedom and literacy
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- - net cash flows from operating activities
- net nonoperating activities
- no warranty
- one company
- oregon department of education, early learning division
- original research and education
- overall goal
- patience and persistence
- patient education and empowerment
- patient-centered care
- 绩效理念
- political contributions and unauthorised lobbying
- preparation
- preservation of digital content
- prevention through education
- project-based learning
- promoting peace education
- purposeful impact
- quality education
- redefining education
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- resourcefulness
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- risk management organization
- safety and environment management
- sc awards europe 2022
- search for knowledge
- service-oriented leadership
- shared commitment
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- stakeholder focus
- support for education and research
- synergy through mutual communication and cooperation
- systems thinking
- tech readiness
- terrorism prevention
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- the core values in the text are
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- tika (fair)
- total expenses
- training and education
- training, education, and communication
- transformation through education, work, and income
- transformational education
- transformative education
- transparency and public involvement
- try fast, learn fast
- unusual payments to a local elected representative
- valuing education beyond the traditional
- victimand survivor-centered approach
- - training
- - average training hours for other employees
- training and mentoring
- training and guidance
- training and development
- training and capacity building
- training and awareness
- teacher support
- sri education (2016)
- skills and training
- mentorship and training
- intellectual and professional support
- empowerment through education and training
- educational resources
- educational opportunities at rand
- education and skill development
- education and professional development
- education and outreach
- education and learning
- education and enablement
- create conditions for language learning
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- commitment to original research and education
- average training hours for management employees
- training and certification
- training
- education
| - public and professional education
- professional boundaries
- respect for cultural diversity
- earn the trust of customers
- public education
- education and information
- education and scholarship
- education and skills development
- education and storytelling
- education and talent growth
- education and technical advancement
- education and training
- education and youth
- education focus
- education for peace
- education, training, and information
- educational
- educational and policy tool
- educational equity
- educational impact
- empowerment through education
- encouraging educational institutions
- public engagement and education
- environmental education
- equity in education
- - ethics office
- ethics training and education
- excellence in teaching
- excellence in training
- hands-on learning
- high-quality education
- improving access to knowledge and education
- information and training
- innovation in education
- interdisciplinary education
- justice and protection
- justice and rehabilitation
- keeping up-to-date
- key principles
- knowledge transfer
- maximize future impact
- media freedom and literacy
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- - net cash flows from operating activities
- net nonoperating activities
- one company
- oregon department of education, early learning division
- original research and education
- overall goal
- patience and persistence
- patient education and empowerment
- patient-centered care
- 绩效理念
- prevention through education
- project-based learning
- promoting peace education
- purposeful impact
- quality education
- redefining education
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- resourcefulness
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- risk management organization
- safety and environment management
- search for knowledge
- service-oriented leadership
- shared commitment
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- stakeholder focus
- support for education and research
- synergy through mutual communication and cooperation
- systems thinking
- tech readiness
- terrorism prevention
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- the core values in the text are
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- tika (fair)
- total expenses
- training and education
- training, education, and communication
- transformation through education, work, and income
- transformational education
- transformative education
- transparency and public involvement
- try fast, learn fast
- unusual payments to a local elected representative
- valuing education beyond the traditional
- victimand survivor-centered approach
- 10) a training programme around gender-sensitive approaches for working with men and boys would offer a means for linking up provision with the specific needs of men and boys in relation to mental health. this should include both initial training and ongo
- - training
- - average training hours for other employees
- training and mentoring
- training and guidance
- training and development
- training and capacity building
- training and awareness
- teacher support
- sri education (2016)
- skills and training
- providing practice for standardized tests or college entrance essays
- providing exemplary programming for character development
- mentorship and training
- intellectual and professional support
- funds for a secondary college
- empowerment through education and training
- educational resources
- educational opportunities at rand
- education and skill development
- education and professional development
- education and outreach
- education and learning
- education and enablement
- create conditions for language learning
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- commitment to original research and education
- average training hours for management employees
- advancing research and teaching
- training and certification
- training
- education
- employee engagement and training
- ensuring timely guidance and training
- foxconn education foundation
- train highly-competent talents
| 123 | 127 | education, training |
- animal rights
- 我们的经营理念 (our business philosophy)
- i practice urgent patience
- strong corporate values
- talent-driven leadership
| - animal rights
- 我们的经营理念 (our business philosophy)
- i practice urgent patience
- talent-driven leadership
- urgency and action
- urgency
| 5 | 6 | urgency |
- annual compliance confirmation
- dialogue and discourse
- - enterprise privacy
- 自强不息的奋斗精神 (striving spirit)
- working hours, overtime, and benefits
- working hours
- professional fulfillment and wellbeing
- positive working environment
- building a great place to work
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- creating a safe and positive work environment
- cultivating a healthy & empowering work environment
- good place to work
- reasonable work schedules and rest periods
- joyful work environment
| - annual compliance confirmation
- dialogue and discourse
- - enterprise privacy
- 自强不息的奋斗精神 (striving spirit)
- working hours, overtime, and benefits
- working hours
- professional fulfillment and wellbeing
- positive working environment
- outside work
- group flexible work arrangements policy
- building a great place to work
- safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment
- we foster a productive, healthy, and safe workplace
- creating a safe and positive work environment
- cultivating a healthy & empowering work environment
- good place to work
- reasonable work schedules and rest periods
- joyful work environment
- hours of work
- healthy and open working environment
- work-life balance
| 16 | 21 | work-life balance |
- annual compliance confirmation
- annual reviews wikipedian-in-residence
- build together
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- co-creation
- collaborative spirit
- conflict prevention and management
- craft of grantmaking
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- diverse and welcoming environment
- driving customer success
- employment and stability
- empowerment through education and training
- environmental standards
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- explore
- fairness and equality
- fulfill our responsibilities
- green development
- group social media policy
- - madiath, j., & jayapadma, r.v. (2002). a common cause-ng0s and civil society strengthening india's villages the sustainable way
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- result before taxes
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- transparent and equitable grantmaking
- we shape the future
- workers representation in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees
- fair labor rights
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- upholding labor rights
- fair treatment and working conditions
- labor and human rights standards
- adherence to labor laws
- respect for labor standards
- fair wages and working hours
- labor practices
- terms and conditions of employment
- labor standards and employee rights
- support for labour standards
- prohibition of forced labor
- fair labor practices
| - annual compliance confirmation
- build together
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- co-creation
- collaborative spirit
- conflict prevention and management
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- diverse and welcoming environment
- driving customer success
- employment and stability
- empowerment through education and training
- environmental standards
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- explore
- fairness and equality
- fulfill our responsibilities
- green development
- group social media policy
- - madiath, j., & jayapadma, r.v. (2002). a common cause-ng0s and civil society strengthening india's villages the sustainable way
- monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo
- protection of privacy and intimacy principle
- result before taxes
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- transparent and equitable grantmaking
- workers' rights
- workers representation in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees
- universal labour guarantee
- fair labor rights
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- upholding labor rights
- fair treatment and working conditions
- labor and human rights standards
- labor
- adherence to labor laws
- labor rights protection
- respect for labor standards
- fair wages and working hours
- labor practices
- terms and conditions of employment
- labor standards and employee rights
- support for labour standards
- prohibition of forced labor
- fair labor practices
- upholding labor standards
- forced labor
- employee rights
- labour rights and protection
- fair labor and employment practices
- protection of workers' rights
- elimination of forced labor
- labor standards
| 42 | 51 | labor standards |
- anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud
- anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud prevention
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- human-centric design
- learning from failure
- modernity
- preventing bribery, corruption, and fraud
- zero tolerance for corruption, fraud and dishonesty
- reporting financial impropriety
- prevention of fraud
- anti-fraud controls
- zero-tolerance for corruption and fraud
- zero tolerance to fraud and corruption
- zero tolerance for corruption & fraud
| - anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud
- anti-bribery, corruption, and fraud prevention
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- human-centric design
- learning from failure
- modernity
- preventing bribery, corruption, and fraud
- zero tolerance for corruption, fraud and dishonesty
- violations
- unacceptable behavior
- reporting financial impropriety
- prevention of fraud
- fraud prevention
- fraud policy
- fraud deterrence and disclosure
- fraud
- anti-fraud controls
- zero-tolerance for corruption and fraud
- zero tolerance to fraud and corruption
- zero tolerance for corruption & fraud
- disclosure of waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to appropriate authorities
| 14 | 21 | fraud |
- anti-drm
- availability and sharing of knowledge
- open access
- open access publishing
- open access to early journal content
- open access to knowledge
- open and equitable research communication
- open architecture and integration
- open availability of software
- open source
- open source innovation
- open source support
- open standards
- open technology
- open-source software
- risk management and control
- 社会责任 (social responsibility)
- source code availability
- responsibility towards the public and society
- transparency and open data
- accesso libero e gratuito
- accessibility of research
- valutazione basata sull'accesso aperto
- universal access to knowledge
- public access to information
- open-source projects
- open-source
- open to all within the spirit of the open definition
- open source principles
- open science
- open and reproducible science
- freedom of access to information
- free and open access
- democratization of knowledge
- open community and remixing
| - availability and sharing of knowledge
- open access
- open access publishing
- open access to early journal content
- open access to knowledge
- open and equitable research communication
- open architecture and integration
- open availability of software
- open source
- open source innovation
- open source support
- open standards
- open technology
- open-source software
- risk management and control
- 社会责任 (social responsibility)
- source code availability
- responsibility towards the public and society
- transparency and open data
- accesso libero e gratuito
- accessibility of research
- valutazione basata sull'accesso aperto
- universal access to knowledge
- public access to information
- principles of open source software
- open-source projects
- open-source
- open to all within the spirit of the open definition
- open source principles
- open science
- open and reproducible science
- incentivazione delle pubblicazioni ad accesso aperto
- freedom of access to information
- free and open access
- free and accessible geo-data
- democratization of knowledge
- open community and remixing
| 35 | 37 | open access |
- anti-fraud controls
- bridging cultures, beliefs, and generations
- community participation
- 文化生活
- dedication to customers' success
- dialogue
- diversity of thought and experience
- effective government
- engagement and interaction
- full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure
- growth and impact
- ilo's role
- inquisitiveness
- ownership and responsibility
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- victims’ and survivors’ experiences
- supply chain management
- suppliers & business partners
- supplier responsibility
- subcontractors and supply chain management
- subcontractors
- ethical relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- selecting and treating suppliers fairly
- respect for suppliers
- collaboration with suppliers and partners
- supplier collaboration
| - anti-fraud controls
- bridging cultures, beliefs, and generations
- community participation
- dedication to customers' success
- dialogue
- diversity of thought and experience
- effective government
- engagement and interaction
- full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure
- growth and impact
- inquisitiveness
- ownership and responsibility
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- victims’ and survivors’ experiences
- supply chain management
- suppliers & business partners
- supplier responsibility
- subcontractors and supply chain management
- subcontractors
- distributor selection
- ethical relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- equality and transparency with suppliers
- selecting and treating suppliers fairly
- objectivity in selecting and treating suppliers
- respect for suppliers
- collaboration with suppliers and partners
- supplier collaboration
- suppliers
- subcontracting
| 27 | 29 | supplier-oriented |
- anti-money laundering
- anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism
- anti-money laundering and sanction compliance
- anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering
- protection of assets and confidential information
- community input
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- improving lives of the vulnerable
- inclusion and equal participation
- independent and accountable justice system
- learning from mistakes
- ownership & accountability
- pilot
- records management
- show respect
- welcoming and inspiring
- unusual payments to a local elected representative
- terrorism prevention
- system laudering prevention
- sanctions & anti-money laundering
- prohibition of hard-core cartels
- prevention of terrorism
- money laundering
- international sanctions
- financing of terrorism
- fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
- deterrence
- avoiding financial crimes
- anti-money laundering activities
- irregular payments and money laundering prevention
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- prevention of corruption and money laundering
- opposition to unlawful activities
- responding to financial crimes and anti-social elements
- having no relationships with antisocial forces and standing resolute against undue demands
- anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance
- anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering
- prevention of financial crime
- irregular payments and money laundering
| - anti-money laundering
- anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism
- anti-money laundering and sanction compliance
- anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering
- protection of assets and confidential information
- community input
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- inclusion and equal participation
- independent and accountable justice system
- learning from mistakes
- ownership & accountability
- records management
- show respect
- welcoming and inspiring
- unusual payments to a local elected representative
- terrorism prevention
- system laudering prevention
- sanctions & anti-money laundering
- sanctions
- prohibition of hard-core cartels
- prevention of terrorism
- payment into the account of a foundation registered in a tax haven belonging to an intermediary working for a public sector counterpart
- money laundering
- international sanctions
- financing of terrorism
- fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
- deterrence
- avoiding financial crimes
- anti-money laundering activities
- irregular payments and money laundering prevention
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- prevention of corruption and money laundering
- ongoing vigilance against misconduct
- opposition to unlawful activities
- responding to financial crimes and anti-social elements
- having no relationships with antisocial forces and standing resolute against undue demands
- anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance
- anti-tax evasion and anti-money laundering
- prevention of financial crime
- irregular payments and money laundering
- prevention of financial crimes
- money-laundering prevention
| 39 | 42 | anti-terrorism anti-money laundering |
- anticipation
- anticipation of change
- caring for nature
- innovation and proactivity
- proactively connecting and collaborating
- promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- proactivity
- proactive reporting
- proactive innovation
- proactive & innovative
| - anticipation
- anticipation of change
- caring for nature
- innovation and proactivity
- proactively connecting and collaborating
- promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- proactive moderation
- proactivity
- proactive reporting
- proactive innovation
- proactive & innovative
- proactive problem-solving
| 11 | 13 | proactivity |
- applied knowledge
- public awareness and education
- championing innovation and sustainability
- respect for cultural differences
- go further together
- humor
- personal identity
- integrity and ethics
- knowledge and understanding
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 21 september 2003
- license must not restrict other software
- monitoring system
- no payment for news
- performance with integrity
- - pharmaceutical inquiries
- philanthropic spirit
- public policy and advocacy
- prompt investigation and resolution
- resource conservation
- respect, equity and diversity
- serving with integrity
- social value
- stakeholder involvement
- support for the economically disadvantaged
- system identity and access codes
- utility
- a. understanding of the terms of reference (tor)
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- interfaith understanding
- empathy and understanding
- deepening knowledge and understanding
- contextual understanding
| - applied knowledge
- public awareness and education
- championing innovation and sustainability
- respect for cultural differences
- go further together
- personal identity
- integrity and ethics
- knowledge and understanding
- license must not restrict other software
- no payment for news
- performance with integrity
- philanthropic spirit
- public policy and advocacy
- resource conservation
- respect, equity and diversity
- serving with integrity
- stakeholder involvement
- system identity and access codes
- utility
- a. understanding of the terms of reference (tor)
- visibility and understanding
- understanding perspectives
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- interfaith understanding
- empathy and understanding
- dialogue and understanding
- deepening knowledge and understanding
- contextual understanding
- understanding
- it seems like there was some misunderstanding
| 32 | 30 | understanding |
- applied knowledge
- company
- disclosure and transparency
- document all interactions
- esg governance
- forgiveness
- transparent disclosure
- truth and integrity
- accurate public disclosure and financial reporting
- accurate public disclosure
- accountability and reporting
- transparency and exposure
- responsible disclosure
- reporting obligation
- reporting and information sharing
- principle 9: public disclosure and independent verification of alignment with impact principles
- material information
- investigation and exposure
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- full disclosure
- fraud deterrence and reasonable disclosure
- financial disclosures and communications
- disclosure of information
- disclosure and recusal
- reporting
- compliance and reporting
- providing timely and truthful public disclosure
- information management and disclosure
- full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure
- integrity and disclosures
- public disclosures
- full, fair, and understandable disclosure
- integrity in information management & disclosure
- disclosure of td information
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- public disclosure and financial reporting
- transparency and reporting
- transparency and disclosure
- full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure
- openness and disclosure
| - applied knowledge
- company
- disclosure and transparency
- document all interactions
- esg governance
- forgiveness
- transparent disclosure
- truth and integrity
- accurate public disclosure and financial reporting
- accurate public disclosure
- accuracy and completeness in public disclosures
- accountability and reporting
- transparency and exposure
- responsible disclosure
- reports
- reporting obligation
- reporting and information sharing
- principle 9: public disclosure and independent verification of alignment with impact principles
- material information
- mandatory disclosure
- investigation and exposure
- inaccurate records and disclosures
- group disclosure and media policy
- full disclosure
- fraud deterrence and reasonable disclosure
- fraud deterrence and disclosure
- financial disclosures and communications
- disclosure of information
- disclosure and recusal
- disclosure and application
- reporting
- compliance and reporting
- providing timely and truthful public disclosure
- information management and disclosure
- full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure
- integrity and disclosures
- public disclosures
- full, fair, and understandable disclosure
- integrity in information management & disclosure
- disclosure of td information
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- public disclosure and financial reporting
- transparency and reporting
- transparency and disclosure
- full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure
- openness and disclosure
- disclosure
- data disclosure
- information disclosure
- proactive disclosure
- timely and truthful public disclosure
| 42 | 53 | disclosure |
- appreciation by god
- christian
- christian faith
- christian values
- devotion
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- godliness
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- honoring god and being respectful
- hope and trust in god
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- love and devotion to god
- loyalty to god
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- pursuing godliness
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- religion
- religious freedom
- respect from god
- we are christian
| - christian
- christian faith
- devotion
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- godliness
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- honoring god and being respectful
- hope and trust in god
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- love and devotion to god
- loyalty to god
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- pursuing godliness
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- religion
- religious freedom
- we are christian
| 20 | 17 | religion |
- approachable
- community upliftment
- consequences for violations
- customer satisfaction
- faithfulness to donor intent
- free market
- harmony, unity, and shared success
- integrity & sincerity
- integrity and sincerity towards shareholders
- paying it forward
- red gene (红色基因)
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- be pleasant and straightforward
- sincerity and customer satisfaction
- sincerity
- lawfulness and sincerity
| - community upliftment
- customer satisfaction
- harmony, unity, and shared success
- integrity & sincerity
- integrity and sincerity towards shareholders
- paying it forward
- sincerity and seriousness
- sincerity (ikhlas)
- 重情诚信
- 真诚
- be pleasant and straightforward
- sincerity and customer satisfaction
- sincerity
- lawfulness and sincerity
- 真诚 (sincerity)
- character
- trust and sincerity
| 16 | 17 | sincerity |
- appropriate conduct outside of work
- client-centric focus
- climate consciousness
- community-driven safety
- comprehensive solutions
- 核心价值观
- culture (文化)
- due delivery
- economic prosperity
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- executive management role
- exemplariness
- fair competition and business transactions
- - launch an innovation challenge with a cash reward
- location
- mutual growth and prosperity
- mutual prosperity
- operational efficiency
- principle 9: public disclosure and independent verification of alignment with impact principles
- synergy and collaboration
- wealth creation and social responsibility
- well-being and prosperity
- racial justice and prosperity
- global peace and prosperity
- bright futures
- harmonious development and shared prosperity
- growth and prosperity
- co-prosperity
- improving prosperity for all people and cultures
| - appropriate conduct outside of work
- client-centric focus
- community-driven safety
- comprehensive solutions
- 核心价值观
- culture (文化)
- economic prosperity
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- executive management role
- exemplariness
- fair competition and business transactions
- - launch an innovation challenge with a cash reward
- mutual growth and prosperity
- mutual prosperity
- operational efficiency
- principle 9: public disclosure and independent verification of alignment with impact principles
- synergy and collaboration
- wealth creation and social responsibility
- well-being and prosperity
- racial justice and prosperity
- global peace and prosperity
- bright futures
- harmonious development and shared prosperity
- growth and prosperity
- prosperity
- co-prosperity
- improving prosperity for all people and cultures
| 29 | 27 | prosperity |
- appropriate context
- civic attitude
- civic duty
- civic engagement
- civic leadership
- civil discourse
- civil society engagement
- sustainable value creation
- respectful and civil communication
- respect and civility
- civil communication
- civility
| - civic attitude
- civic duty
- civic engagement
- civic leadership
- civil discourse
- civil society engagement
- sustainable value creation
- respectful and civil communication
- respect and civility
- civil communication
- civility
| 12 | 11 | civility |
- architects
- confidentiality and responsible use of resources
- conflict minerals
- corporate accountability
- enable trust
- engage with respect
- entire agreement
- environment & sustainability
- fairness and trust in business relationships
- global access to listening and spoken language
- global affiliations
- global competitiveness
- global connectivity
- global coordination
- global days of service
- global engagement
- global good practice
- global growth
- global impact
- global impact and expansion
- global impact and reach
- global outreach
- global presence
- global procurement services (toronto) email
- global quality organization
- global reach and impact
- global responsibility
- global trade
- holistic perspective
- innovation that matters – for our company and for the world
- integrity and dignity
- kickbacks
- legal empowerment
- lists
- market dominance
- monitoring
- neutrality and impartiality
- open and reproducible science
- - overseas
- promoting public service messages
- reputation management
- safeguarding
- protection of the association's assets and tools
- we listen and share with curiosity
- - ntt group activities around the world
- make a positive impact
- local presence and global action
- local presence - global action
- impactful
- globalization and realism in policy
- global scope
- global representation
- global mindset
- global initiatives
- global giving
- global awareness
- future impact
- confronting global challenges
- globalization
- global corporate citizenship
- maximize future impact
- global recognition
- global expansion
- global expansion and influence
- global influence
- global reach
- global perspective
| - architects
- confidentiality and responsible use of resources
- corporate accountability
- enable trust
- engage with respect
- environment & sustainability
- fairness and trust in business relationships
- global affiliations
- global competitiveness
- global connectivity
- global coordination
- global days of service
- global engagement
- global good practice
- global growth
- global impact
- global impact and expansion
- global impact and reach
- global outreach
- global presence
- global quality organization
- global reach and impact
- global responsibility
- global trade
- holistic perspective
- innovation that matters – for our company and for the world
- integrity and dignity
- kickbacks
- market dominance
- neutrality and impartiality
- open and reproducible science
- - overseas
- promoting public service messages
- reputation management
- safeguarding
- protection of the association's assets and tools
- we listen and share with curiosity
- - ntt group activities around the world
- ripple effect
- making an extraordinary impact
- make a positive impact
- local presence and global action
- local presence - global action
- large-scale impact
- impactful
- globalization and realism in policy
- global scope
- global representation
- global mindset
- global initiatives
- global giving
- global awareness
- future impact
- foreign assistance should focus on countries where the need is greatest or where it can have the most impact
- confronting global challenges
- globalization
- global corporate citizenship
- maximize future impact
- global recognition
- global expansion
- global expansion and influence
- global influence
- global reach
- global perspective
- positive impact
| 67 | 65 | global impact |
- art and culture
- arts and creativity
- arts and culture
- belief in the importance of arts and humanities
- by taking the time to evaluate the needs of each community and individual, we're better able to help them achieve a brighter future. the best way to move forward is by learning together
- conservation and preservation of the museum's collection
- creativity and grace
- creativity and innovation
- culture
- empowerment through arts and humanities
- encouragement of art
- equal employment opportunities and diversity
- imagination and creativity
- initiative and creativity
- innovation and creativity
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- language arts standards
- loyalty to the company
- meeting language arts standards
- mentorship and professional development
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- peace and non-interventionism
- putting art at the heart of everything
- social responsibility and sustainability
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable development
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- worth of the individual
- access to poetry
- - media productions
- the museum has also played host to numerous other special exhibitions, such as fiery pool
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- personal collecting of art
- beauty
| - art and culture
- arts and creativity
- arts and culture
- belief in the importance of arts and humanities
- by taking the time to evaluate the needs of each community and individual, we're better able to help them achieve a brighter future. the best way to move forward is by learning together
- conservation and preservation of the museum's collection
- creativity and grace
- creativity and innovation
- culture
- empowerment through arts and humanities
- encouragement of art
- equal employment opportunities and diversity
- imagination and creativity
- initiative and creativity
- innovation and creativity
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- language arts standards
- loyalty to the company
- meeting language arts standards
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- peace and non-interventionism
- putting art at the heart of everything
- social responsibility and sustainability
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable development
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- worth of the individual
- acquisition and preservation of art
- access to poetry
- - media productions
- the museum has also played host to numerous other special exhibitions, such as fiery pool
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- personal collecting of art
- multidisciplinary content
- creative expression and scholarship
- celebration of complexity and beauty
- beauty
- artistic expression
| 35 | 39 | arts & humanities |
- other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- comprehensive services
- other expenses
- impactful change
- professionalism in conduct
- inclusivity and equality
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- reliability and credibility
- safety and sustainability
- shared vision and values
- sustainable learning models
- 知难而进、志在必得 (undaunted by difficulties, determined to succeed)
- uphold party leadership
- value the people who build our company
- we adhere to our duty to report
- achieving concrete change
- "the tipping point
- revolutionary change
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- meaningful and sustainable change
- inspiring change
- improvement before change
- embracing evolution
- embracing complexity and change
- community transformation
- commitment to change
- changes to the statutes
- change at scale
- catalyzing change
- reform and innovation
- comprehensive reform
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
| - other aspects of compliance and the code of conduct
- comprehensive services
- impactful change
- professionalism in conduct
- inclusivity and equality
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- reliability and credibility
- safety and sustainability
- sustainable learning models
- 知难而进、志在必得 (undaunted by difficulties, determined to succeed)
- value the people who build our company
- we adhere to our duty to report
- achieving concrete change
- "the tipping point
- transformational change
- revolutionary change
- revolution
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- organizational change
- meaningful and sustainable change
- inspiring change
- improvement before change
- embracing evolution
- embracing complexity and change
- embrace complexity and change
- deep transformative institutional change
- dedicated to large-scale change
- community transformation
- commitment to change
- changing the world for the better
- changes to the statutes
- change management plan
- change at scale
- catalyzing change
- catalyst
- be the change you seek
- advocacy and change
- reform and innovation
- comprehensive reform
- 持续改革 (continuous reform)
- recipe for change
- reform
- modifications and changes
- change
- be a source of change
| 32 | 45 | change |
- responsible asset management
- lifelong commitment
- working in partnership
- we are partners
- value of grantees and partnerships
- together with our partners
- sustainable partnerships
- sustainable partnership
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- strengthening partnerships
- standards for partners
- social dialogue and partnerships
- shared partnership vision and values
- resource equitable partnerships
- relationships with institutions
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- partnerships and innovation
- partnerships and collaboration
- partnership with vital voices
- partnership transition
- partnership model
- partnership management
- partnership identification
- partnership development
- partnership and transparency
- partnership and dialogue
- partnership and coalition
- partner with different sectors
- partner up
- other business partners
- networking
- listening and partnership
- it seems like you've provided a detailed description of nutrition international's partnership framework cycle. this cycle consists of four phases
- intentional partnerships
- industry collaboration
- global partnerships
- engagement with partners
- effective partnerships
- digital partnerships
- cooperation and coordination with other organizations
- community partnerships
- community partners and strategic partnerships are keys to success
- commitment to long-term partnerships and investments
- collaborative partnerships
- collaborative partnership
- collaboration with partners
- coalition building
- business relationships
- building powerful partnerships
- assigning a liaison to owasp
- alliance
- mutual benefit
- partnership and innovation
- strategic partnerships
- collaboration and partnerships
- responsible partnerships
- fair competition and partnership
- partnerships
- customer partnership
- collaboration with suppliers and partners
- collaboration and partnership
- partnership
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- building strong relationships
| - responsible asset management
- lifelong commitment
- - share third parties
- working in partnership
- we are partners
- value of grantees and partnerships
- together with our partners
- sustainable partnerships
- sustainable partnership
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- strengthening partnerships
- standards for partners
- social dialogue and partnerships
- shared partnership vision and values
- resource equitable partnerships
- relationships with institutions
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- relationship-building
- partnerships and innovation
- partnerships and collaboration
- partnership with vital voices
- partnership transition
- partnership model
- partnership management
- partnership identification
- partnership development
- partnership and transparency
- partnership and dialogue
- partnership and coalition
- partnering with institutions
- partner with different sectors
- partner up
- other business partners
- networking
- network building
- listening and partnership
- it seems like you've provided a detailed description of nutrition international's partnership framework cycle. this cycle consists of four phases
- interaction
- intentional partnerships
- industry collaboration
- global partnerships
- engagement with partners
- effective partnerships
- digital partnerships
- cooperation and coordination with other organizations
- community partnerships
- community partners and strategic partnerships are keys to success
- commitment to long-term partnerships and investments
- collaborative partnerships
- collaborative partnership
- collaboration with partners
- coalition building
- business relationships
- business opportunity and shared value
- building powerful partnerships
- associations
- assigning a liaison to owasp
- alliance
- mutual benefit
- partnership and innovation
- strategic partnerships
- collaboration and partnerships
- responsible partnerships
- fair competition and partnership
- partnerships
- customer partnership
- collaboration with suppliers and partners
- collaboration and partnership
- partnership
- relations with collaborating companies and suppliers
- building strong relationships
| 64 | 71 | partnerships |
- protection and assistance
- avoiding harm to others
- protection of beneficiaries
- protection of civil society
- combating intolerance
- protection of company resources
- conservatism in estimates
- continuous learning
- continuous professional development
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- informed decisions
- engage responsible third parties
- ethical decision-making
- everyday community
- evidence-based solutions
- experimental disposition
- protection from exploitation and abuse
- fairness and inclusivity
- faithfulness
- global cooperation
- protection from harm
- harm avoidance
- protection of identity and non-retaliation
- investor protection
- protection of journalists
- respect for labor and human rights
- - male employees
- protection of minors
- non-retaliation and whistleblower protection
- protection of patients' interests
- protection of personal data
- protection and preservation
- protection of prisoners and detainees
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- protection of public property and resources
- protection against exploitation and abuse
- protection of refugees
- protection and safety
- safety of journalists
- protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
- storytelling
- talent development and teamwork
- teamwork, entrepreneurship & innovation
- technology neutrality
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- protection of the vulnerable
- transparency and protection of boundaries
- protection of vulnerable individuals
- protection of vulnerable populations
- we make it great
- working hours
- resource protection
- protection of the association's assets and tools
- protection of stakeholders
- protecting assets and property
- justice and protection
- comprehensive safeguarding
- beneficiary protection
- protecting apple
- safeguarding
- protection of assets and property
- protect what is ours
- protection
- client focus and protection
| - protection and assistance
- avoiding harm to others
- protection of beneficiaries
- combating intolerance
- protection of company resources
- conservatism in estimates
- continuous learning
- continuous professional development
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- informed decisions
- ethical decision-making
- everyday community
- evidence-based solutions
- experimental disposition
- protection from exploitation and abuse
- fairness and inclusivity
- global cooperation
- harm avoidance
- protection of identity and non-retaliation
- protection of journalists
- respect for labor and human rights
- protection of minors
- non-retaliation and whistleblower protection
- protection of patients' interests
- protection of personal data
- protection and preservation
- protection of prisoners and detainees
- professionalism, safety, and ethics
- protection of public property and resources
- protection against exploitation and abuse
- protection of refugees
- protection and safety
- safety of journalists
- protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
- talent development and teamwork
- teamwork, entrepreneurship & innovation
- technology neutrality
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- protection of the vulnerable
- transparency and protection of boundaries
- protection of vulnerable individuals
- protection of vulnerable populations
- we make it great
- working hours
- rights and protection
- resource protection
- protection of the association's assets and tools
- protection of stakeholders
- protecting assets and property
- justice and protection
- comprehensive safeguarding
- beneficiary protection
- protecting apple
- safeguarding
- protection of assets and property
- protect what is ours
- protection
- client focus and protection
- confidentiality and protection
- security and protection
- indemnity
- labour rights and protection
| 64 | 62 | protection |
- associate well-being
- board of directors support
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- confidentiality and data privacy
- corporate governance
- definições preliminares
- economic freedom
- economic integration
- education and enablement
- environmental conservation
- environmental health & safety policy
- freedom
- global mindset
- harmony and cooperation
- high standards of integrity and business ethics
- inclusive hiring practices
- protection of information and intellectual property
- know the rules about importing and exporting
- respect for labor and human rights
- philanthropy engagement
- pioneer spirit
- - total liabilities
- 信任是成长的基石 信任是成熟的阶梯 信任是成功的泰山
- - emphasize the benefits of lta
- working hours, overtime, and benefits
- wages and benefits
- gifts and benefits
- promotion of quality and benefit
- fair wages and benefits
| - associate well-being
- board of directors support
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- confidentiality and data privacy
- corporate governance
- economic freedom
- education and enablement
- environmental conservation
- environmental health & safety policy
- freedom
- global mindset
- harmony and cooperation
- high standards of integrity and business ethics
- inclusive hiring practices
- protection of information and intellectual property
- respect for labor and human rights
- philanthropy engagement
- pioneer spirit
- - total liabilities
- - emphasize the benefits of lta
- working hours, overtime, and benefits
- wages and benefits
- offering personal benefits
- gifts and benefits
- promotion of quality and benefit
- fair wages and benefits
- team benefits
- wage and benefits
| 29 | 28 | benefits |
- assurance method
- client-centric approach
- comprehensive financial services
- comprehensive financial solutions
- constructive dialogue
- 核心价值观
- credible messengers
- energy conservation
- exemplarity and role modelling
- fair trade and competition
- financial accessibility
- financial discipline
- financial health
- financial independence
- financial independence and performance
- financial literacy
- financial report
- financial risks
- financial stability
- financial strength
- financial sustainability and growth
- global growth
- government official
- - hgtv-esque model cis classroom
- idealism
- inclusive finance
- inclusivity in financial services
- independent verification
- protection of information and intellectual property
- 铁的决心、铁的制度、铁的手腕
- operational efficiency
- sustainability and responsibility
- uncompromised integrity
- uncompromising integrity
- untiring effort for improvement
- welcoming and inspiring
- - total income statement
- - total expenses
- - other program income
- - mortgage and lease liabilities
- - management and accounting costs
- - liquid assets at the end of the financial year
- - liquid assets at the start of the financial year
- - changes in liquid assets
- - accounts payable and accrued expenses
- total expenses
- statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- net nonoperating activities
- net assets, end of year
- net assets at end of year
- financial interests
- financial and material resources
- financial activities
- costco credit card
- investment banking
- financial and economic performance
- economic-financial performance
| - client-centric approach
- comprehensive financial services
- comprehensive financial solutions
- constructive dialogue
- 核心价值观
- credible messengers
- fair trade and competition
- financial accessibility
- financial discipline
- financial health
- financial independence
- financial independence and performance
- financial literacy
- financial report
- financial risks
- financial stability
- financial strength
- financial sustainability and growth
- global growth
- government official
- inclusivity in financial services
- independent verification
- protection of information and intellectual property
- 铁的决心、铁的制度、铁的手腕
- operational efficiency
- sustainability and responsibility
- uncompromised integrity
- uncompromising integrity
- untiring effort for improvement
- welcoming and inspiring
- - total income statement
- - total expenses
- - other program income
- - mortgage and lease liabilities
- - management and accounting costs
- - liquid assets at the end of the financial year
- - liquid assets at the start of the financial year
- - changes in liquid assets
- - cash and cash equivalents
- - accounts payable and accrued expenses
- total expenses
- statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- net nonoperating activities
- net assets, end of year
- net assets at end of year
- financial interests
- financial and material resources
- financial activities
- costco credit card
- investment banking
- financial and economic performance
- economic-financial performance
- financial_information
| 57 | 53 | financial |
- audit oversight
- candor
- collaboration and connection
- efficiency and safety
- efficiency and sustainability
- entrepreneurship, efficiency, trustworthiness, frugality
- equity and inclusion
- gdpr
- global peace and prosperity
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- improve the utilization rate of equipment and materials
- improved animal and resource management
- improvement before change
- improvement objectives
- improvement of employee engagement
- improving action
- improving classroom climate and relationships
- improving lives
- improving quality of life
- innovation and efficiency
- innovation and improvement
- integrity and fairness
- lean staffing and autonomy
- lean staffing and flexible procedures
- lean thinking
- lean, autonomous, and collaborative operating model
- quality and efficiency
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三
- strive for lasting impact
- transparency and efficiency
- - turnover
- universal principles
- working effectively
- speed and efficiency
- results and efficiency
- proven and cost-effective solutions
- program expense ratio
- optimize the production process
- improve production efficiency
- implement cost reduction measures in procurement
- fundraising expense ratio
- efficient
- diligence and efficiency
- avoiding duplication of effort
- 科学、民主、有序、高效
- 以客户为中心、以效益为根本
- 精益管理
- be pragmatic and efficient
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- operational excellence
- efficiency and compliance
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- pragmatism and efficiency
- operational efficiency
- efficiency
- operational discipline
| - candor
- collaboration and connection
- efficiency and safety
- efficiency and sustainability
- entrepreneurship, efficiency, trustworthiness, frugality
- equity and inclusion
- gdpr
- global peace and prosperity
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- improve the utilization rate of equipment and materials
- improvement before change
- improvement objectives
- improvement of employee engagement
- improving action
- improving classroom climate and relationships
- improving quality of life
- innovation and efficiency
- innovation and improvement
- integrity and fairness
- lean staffing and autonomy
- lean staffing and flexible procedures
- lean thinking
- lean, autonomous, and collaborative operating model
- quality and efficiency
- transparency and efficiency
- universal principles
- working effectively
- speed and efficiency
- results and efficiency
- proven and cost-effective solutions
- program expense ratio
- optimize the production process
- improve production efficiency
- implement cost reduction measures in procurement
- fundraising expense ratio
- ensure value for money
- energy efficiency
- efficient communication
- efficient
- efficiency and scalability
- diligence and efficiency
- cost-efficiency
- cost-effectiveness and replicability
- avoiding duplication of effort
- 科学、民主、有序、高效
- 以客户为中心、以效益为根本
- 精益管理
- be pragmatic and efficient
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- operational excellence
- efficiency and compliance
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- pragmatism and efficiency
- operational efficiency
- efficiency
- operational discipline
- operational efficacy
- quality & efficiency
- cost reduction
- efficient use of resources
- lean operation management
| 56 | 61 | efficiency |
- audit oversight
- financial integrity
- innovation and stability
- self-cultivation
- support and gratitude
- teamwork and respect
- steady
- predictability
- long-term vision and staying power
- stability and employment
- employment and stability
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- stability
| - financial integrity
- innovation and stability
- self-cultivation
- support and gratitude
- teamwork and respect
- - established
- steady
- predictability
- permanence
- long-term vision and staying power
- stability and employment
- employment and stability
- integrity, innovation, efficiency, win-win, and stability
- stability
- stability and harmony
| 13 | 15 | stability |
- author rights management
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- confidential information and intellectual rights protection
- copyright and contact information
- costco auto program
- data-driven impact
- economic strength
- experimental disposition
- faithfulness
- innovation and intellectual property
- intellectual and professional support
- respect for intellectual properties
- intellectual property
- protection of intellectual property
- protection and respect for intellectual property
- protection of intellectual property and business secrets
- respect for intellectual property and confidentiality
- intellectual property rights
- respect for intellectual property rights
- protection of intellectual property rights and personal data
- intellectual rigor
- protecting intellectual property
- protection to intellectual property right and personal data
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- - total income
- responsibility towards society
- use of others' material
- safeguarding assets and intellectual property (ip)
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- respect for copyright
- protection of intellectual assets
- proprietary design
- patent protection
- group intellectual property policy
- group domain name and trademark policy
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- copyright infringement
- brand and intellectual property policy
- intellectual property protection
- data security and intellectual property protection
- protecting confidential information and intellectual property
- protection of information and intellectual property
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- protection of business secrets and intellectual property
- intellectual property and confidentiality
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- ideas and intellectual property
- confidentiality and intellectual property protection
- confidentiality and proprietary information
- respect for intellectual property
- protection of information and intellectual properties
| - author rights management
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- confidential information and intellectual rights protection
- copyright and contact information
- costco auto program
- data-driven impact
- experimental disposition
- innovation and intellectual property
- intellectual and professional support
- respect for intellectual properties
- intellectual property
- protection of intellectual property
- protection and respect for intellectual property
- protection of intellectual property and business secrets
- respect for intellectual property and confidentiality
- intellectual property rights
- respect for intellectual property rights
- protection of intellectual property rights and personal data
- protecting intellectual property
- protection to intellectual property right and personal data
- refrain from criminal or unethical activities
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- - total income
- responsibility towards society
- use of others' material
- safeguarding assets and intellectual property (ip)
- responsibility for intellectual property and accounting
- respect for copyright
- protection of intellectual assets
- proprietary design
- proprietary
- patent protection
- group intellectual property policy
- group domain name and trademark policy
- derived works
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- copyright infringement
- copyright and ugc
- brand and intellectual property policy
- intellectual property protection
- data security and intellectual property protection
- protecting confidential information and intellectual property
- protection of information and intellectual property
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- protection of business secrets and intellectual property
- intellectual property and confidentiality
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- ideas and intellectual property
- confidentiality and intellectual property protection
- confidentiality and proprietary information
- respect for intellectual property
- protection of information and intellectual properties
- copyright information
- protection of intellectual property rights
| 52 | 54 | intellectual property |
- autonomy and independence
- be there
- benefit for all
- cause above self
- diverse scientific coverage
- fairness and non-discrimination
- - fax
- integration of culture into business practices
- - no
- persuasion
- sustainable innovation
- public trust and loyalty
- we care (passion)
- responsiveness to the needs of vulnerable people
- responsibility for care and protection
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people served
- patient-centeredness in clinical encounters and care
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- i care
- healthy relationships
- duty of care
- culture of caring and wellness
- compassionate care
- caring for people and planet
- care for each other, partners, and communities
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- passion for patients
- compassion and care
- patient care
- care
- mutual respect and care
- care and concern
- solving with care
- social responsibility and care
- caring for people's livelihood
- taking care of each other
- caring
- we care deeply
- care and respect
- support across life events
- solve with care
- constant care
| - autonomy and independence
- be there
- cause above self
- diverse scientific coverage
- fairness and non-discrimination
- integration of culture into business practices
- sustainable innovation
- public trust and loyalty
- we care (passion)
- responsiveness to the needs of vulnerable people
- responsibility for care and protection
- prioritizing the needs, dignity, and well-being of the people served
- patient-centeredness in clinical encounters and care
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- nurturing
- i care
- healthy relationships
- duty of care
- culture of caring and wellness
- compassionate care
- caring for people and planet
- care for each other, partners, and communities
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- passion for patients
- compassion and care
- patient care
- care
- mutual respect and care
- care and concern
- solving with care
- social responsibility and care
- caring for people's livelihood
- taking care of each other
- caring
- we care deeply
- care and respect
- support across life events
- solve with care
- constant care
- i²care
- demonstrate fedex cares
- care of each other
| 42 | 42 | care |
- autonomy and independence
- belonging
- collaboration and collective impact
- 核心理念 (core values)
- costco credit card
- creating shared value
- creation beyond vision
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工 (develop the enterprise, contribute to society, benefit employees)
- employee safety
- employee well-being
- commitment to employee well-being
- employee well-being and growth
- employee wellbeing
- other employment / professional activities
- empowerment of vulnerable groups
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- ethical use of imagery
- evidence-based approach
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- fair wages and working hours
- financial integrity
- professional fulfillment and wellbeing
- illuminating humanity
- imagination
- innovation and digital integration
- innovation and transformation
- integrity and legality
- issued by
- journalist safety
- key supporters
- persuasion
- spiritual and ethical principles
- - other employees
- - human resources
- staff member
- staff investment
- staff
- relationships with employees
- our people
- employees
- employee
- our colleagues
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- protection of company assets and employees
- employee worth and shared success
- respect for employees
- employee care
- responsible leadership and employee welfare
- providing employee welfare
- care for employees
- employee-centric values
- corporate responsibilities to employees
- cast member and employee respect
- employee development and welfare
- commitment to employees
- development and safety of employees
- employee welfare and development
- our employees
- caring for employees
- employee welfare
- taking care of our people
| - autonomy and independence
- collaboration and collective impact
- 核心理念 (core values)
- costco credit card
- creating shared value
- creation beyond vision
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工 (develop the enterprise, contribute to society, benefit employees)
- employee safety
- employee well-being
- commitment to employee well-being
- employee well-being and growth
- employee wellbeing
- other employment / professional activities
- empowerment of vulnerable groups
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- ethical use of imagery
- evidence-based approach
- fair treatment of customers, suppliers, and competitors
- fair wages and working hours
- financial integrity
- professional fulfillment and wellbeing
- illuminating humanity
- imagination
- innovation and digital integration
- innovation and transformation
- integrity and legality
- journalist safety
- spiritual and ethical principles
- - other employees
- - human resources
- - employee relations
- staff member
- staff investment
- staff
- relationships with employees
- our people
- employees
- employee
- 造福职工
- our colleagues
- 奉献社会、造福员工
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- protection of company assets and employees
- employee worth and shared success
- respect for employees
- employee care
- responsible leadership and employee welfare
- providing employee welfare
- care for employees
- employee-centric values
- corporate responsibilities to employees
- cast member and employee respect
- employee development and welfare
- commitment to employees
- development and safety of employees
- employee welfare and development
- our employees
- caring for employees
- employee welfare
- taking care of our people
- employee satisfaction
- employee-directed philanthropy
- enhanced employee morale
- employee value
- employee safety and well-being
- responsible employer
- dedication to employees' success
| 61 | 67 | employee care |
- avoiding harm
- engage with respect
- freedom to act
- innovation and diversification
- protecting employee privacy
- spiritual growth and devotion
- diversification
| - avoiding harm
- engage with respect
- freedom to act
- innovation and diversification
- spiritual growth and devotion
- diversification
- diversified businesses
| 7 | 7 | diversification |
- protection of banking values
- - basic earnings per share (rmb)
- challenges faced
- charity
- editorial judgment & quality
- fair and free competition
- fair collaboration
- fostering dialogue
- growth and prosperity
- honor people’s privacy in everything we do
- humility and respect for others
- loyalty to mission
- philanthropy
- responsible production
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- • respect
- section f
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- structure
- strategic, data-informed approach
- strategic selectivity
- strategic journalism
- strategic impact
- strategic grant-making
- strategic development
- strategic approach
- policy coherence
- long view
- it seems like you've shared a mission statement and strategic vision for the ewing marion kauffman foundation, which aims to make greater kansas city a national model for equitable economic mobility by 2035. the foundation focuses on three strategic prior
- five-year improvement plan
- strategic thinking
- strategic leadership
- strategic planning
- 支撑战略 (supporting strategy)
- 总体发展方略 (overall development strategy)
| - - basic earnings per share (rmb)
- challenges faced
- charity
- editorial judgment & quality
- fair and free competition
- fair collaboration
- fostering dialogue
- growth and prosperity
- honor people’s privacy in everything we do
- humility and respect for others
- loyalty to mission
- philanthropy
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- • respect
- the organization will focus on three priorities
- structure
- strategic, data-informed approach
- strategic selectivity
- strategic journalism
- strategic impact
- strategic grant-making
- strategic development
- strategic approach
- revised operational guidelines for new engagements
- policy coherence
- planning for the future
- long view
- it seems like you've shared a mission statement and strategic vision for the ewing marion kauffman foundation, which aims to make greater kansas city a national model for equitable economic mobility by 2035. the foundation focuses on three strategic prior
- future plans
- five-year improvement plan
- expertise and strategic work
- strategic thinking
- strategic leadership
- strategic planning
- 支撑战略 (supporting strategy)
- 总体发展方略 (overall development strategy)
- esg vision & strategic goals
- direction
- development strategy
- strategic values
- objectives
- 总路径 (overall path)
- 总战略 (overall strategy)
- operation concept
| 35 | 44 | strategy |
- barrier-free community
- build community
- collaboration and community
- community
- responsibility to community
- community and approachability
- community and connection
- community and environmental responsibility
- community and inclusivity
- community development
- community empowerment
- community engagement and impact
- community engagement and social responsibility
- community growth
- community guidelines
- community impact
- community importance
- community improvement
- community investment
- community involvement
- community moderation
- community ownership
- community representation
- community responsibility
- community responsibility and environmental stewardship
- community right-to-know
- community safety
- community service
- community stewardship
- community strengthening
- community support
- community-centered
- community-centered approach
- community-centric
- community-centric solutions
- community-driven moderation
- community-driven solutions
- community-focused
- community-led
- community-led action
- community-minded
- community-oriented
- focus on community
- life matters most
- live the community
- member and community focused
- open community and remixing
- oregon community foundation website and community tool box website
- parent and community involvement
- person-centered and community-centered
- promotion of research
- remember that you are mapping in a large community
- saferworld (2004) 'philosophy and principles of community based policing' and 'police reform through community based policing, philosophy and guidelines for implementation'
- service to community
- social care and community involvement
- 技术支持
- testing
- responsibility to the community
- work in the best interest of the community
- world bank (2012) 'what have been the impacts of world bank community driven development programs?'
- world bank (2006) 'community-driven development in the context of conflict-affected countries
- we share (community)
- value community expertise
- thriving communities
- thrive as a whole community
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- small loans with frequent repayment
- resident involvement
- relationships and positive school climate
- number of dwellings
- involving parents and community
- invest in our communities
- importance of all communities
- human-centered and community-led approach
- healing and community resilience
- everyday community
- engaging with our communities
- empowering texas communities
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- democracy and community power
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- community-led development
- community-focus
- community-driven safety
- community-centric approach
- community upliftment
- community standards
- community libraries
- community input
- community consultation
- community building
- communities first
- communities
- building stronger communities
- building community and influence
- building community
- building communities
- social media
- our communities
- building belonging
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- strengthening communities
- communication with villagers
- care for our communities
- concern for community
- community well-being
- favoring social dialogue
- warmth and belonging
- community welfare
- collaborative community
| - barrier-free community
- build community
- collaboration and community
- community
- responsibility to community
- community and approachability
- community and connection
- community and environmental responsibility
- community and inclusivity
- community development
- community empowerment
- community engagement and impact
- community engagement and social responsibility
- community growth
- community impact
- community importance
- community improvement
- community investment
- community involvement
- community moderation
- community representation
- community responsibility
- community responsibility and environmental stewardship
- community right-to-know
- community service
- community stewardship
- community strengthening
- community support
- community-centered
- community-centered approach
- community-centric
- community-centric solutions
- community-driven moderation
- community-driven solutions
- community-focused
- community-led
- community-led action
- community-minded
- community-oriented
- focus on community
- live the community
- open community and remixing
- oregon community foundation website and community tool box website
- parent and community involvement
- person-centered and community-centered
- promotion of research
- remember that you are mapping in a large community
- saferworld (2004) 'philosophy and principles of community based policing' and 'police reform through community based policing, philosophy and guidelines for implementation'
- service to community
- social care and community involvement
- testing
- responsibility to the community
- work in the best interest of the community
- world bank (2012) 'what have been the impacts of world bank community driven development programs?'
- • community
- world bank (2006) 'community-driven development in the context of conflict-affected countries
- we share (community)
- value community expertise
- thriving communities
- thrive as a whole community
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- small loans with frequent repayment
- resident involvement
- relationships and positive school climate
- putnam r (2000) 'bowling alone
- number of dwellings
- neighborhood-based approach
- involving parents and community
- invest in our communities
- importance of all communities
- human-centered and community-led approach
- healing and community resilience
- everyday community
- engaging with our communities
- empowering texas communities
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- democracy and community power
- cultivating a supportive community and friendships
- community-led development
- community-focus
- community-driven safety
- community-centric approach
- community upliftment
- community standards
- community libraries
- community input
- community consultation
- community building
- communities first
- communities
- combating loneliness
- building stronger communities
- building community and influence
- building community
- building communities
- social media
- our communities
- building belonging
- stakeholder engagement and community interaction
- strengthening communities
- 友善的社會 (friendly society)
- communication with villagers
- care for our communities
- concern for community
- community well-being
- favoring social dialogue
- warmth and belonging
- community welfare
- collaborative community
- we build belonging
- 进地方门做地方人说地方话办地方事尽地方责 (entering local communities, being a local, speaking locally, and taking responsibility for local affairs)
| 111 | 112 | community |
- be available
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- human-centeredness
- industrial integration and innovation
- institutional repository
- long-term solutions
- media
- openness and integration
- sustainability and social responsibility
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- victimand survivor-centered approach
- we value and respect others
- technology integration
- interdisciplinary dialogue
- integration into mainstream programs
- integration and coordination
- responsibility integration
- integrated systems thinking
- comprehensive integration
- integration
- collaboration and integration
- 开放融合 (open integration)
- open architecture and integration
- innovation and digital integration
| - be available
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- human-centeredness
- industrial integration and innovation
- institutional repository
- long-term solutions
- openness and integration
- sustainability and social responsibility
- theme 3: integrity and trust
- victimand survivor-centered approach
- we value and respect others
- technology integration
- seamless integration
- interdisciplinary dialogue
- integration into mainstream programs
- integration and coordination
- integrated studies
- integrated approach
- responsibility integration
- integrated systems thinking
- comprehensive integration
- integration
- collaboration and integration
- 开放融合 (open integration)
- open architecture and integration
- innovation and digital integration
- integrated expertise
- solidarity and integration
| 24 | 28 | integration |
- be pragmatic
- be pragmatic and efficient
- pragmatic
- pragmatic academically informed institutional capacity-development
- pragmatic and nonpartisan approach
- pragmatic capacity development
- pragmatic, academically informed capacity development
- pragmatic, academically informed institutional capacity-development
- pragmatic, nonpartisan problem-solving
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- pragmatic advocacy
- pragmatic excellence
| - be pragmatic
- be pragmatic and efficient
- pragmatic
- pragmatic and nonpartisan approach
- pragmatic capacity development
- pragmatic, academically informed capacity development
- pragmatic, academically informed institutional capacity-development
- pragmatic, nonpartisan problem-solving
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- pragmatic advocacy
- pragmatic excellence
- 方毅刚勇 (pragmatic and courageous)
- always be practical and avoid frivolousness
| 13 | 14 | pragmatics |
- be respectful
- communicating with the public
- respect for diversity and equal opportunity
- loving kindness
- making ethical decisions
- mutual benefit and win-win
- national and international mechanisms
- respect for people
- preparation
- staying current
- stewardship
- transparency and awareness
- training and awareness
- public awareness and education
- public awareness
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- education and awareness
- cultural sensitivity and awareness
- awareness building
- awareness
- advocacy and awareness
- conflict of interest awareness
- awareness and responsibility
| - be respectful
- communicating with the public
- respect for diversity and equal opportunity
- loving kindness
- making ethical decisions
- mutual benefit and win-win
- national and international mechanisms
- respect for people
- staying current
- stewardship
- transparency and awareness
- training and awareness
- sensitivity and awareness
- raising awareness
- public awareness and education
- public awareness
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- education and awareness
- cultural sensitivity and awareness
- awareness building
- awareness
- advocacy and awareness
- be aware
- conflict of interest awareness
- awareness and responsibility
- consciousness
| 23 | 26 | awareness |
- being committed to a healthy future
- better health
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- global health improvement
- health
- health and happiness
- health and well-being protection
- health and wellness
- health camps
- health enhancement
- "health equity
- health systems strengthening
- health technology
- health-based approach
- health, safety, and welfare
- healthy relationship characteristics
- high-quality education
- human health
- impact of trauma and healing practices
- valuing stewardship of the earth's health and preserving its resources
- wellness beyond health
- world health organization (2008) 'preventing violence and reducing its impact
- we protect the health and well-being of all dogs
- violence is a health issue
- states' responsibility to safeguard public health
- public health link
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 january 2003
- protection of public health
- improving health and lives of people in need
- improving and extending people’s lives
- improving and extending people's lives
- improve the health of people living in high-need areas
- health education
- health and justice for all
- dedication to health and well-being
- committed to a healthy future
- improving health and vitality
- the wellbeing of the patient
- dedication to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life
- we are committed to a healthy future
- holistic health enhancement
- health prioritization
| - being committed to a healthy future
- better health
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- global health improvement
- health
- health and happiness
- health and well-being protection
- health and wellness
- health camps
- health enhancement
- health systems strengthening
- health technology
- health-based approach
- health, safety, and welfare
- healthy relationship characteristics
- high-quality education
- human health
- valuing stewardship of the earth's health and preserving its resources
- wellness beyond health
- world health organization (2008) 'preventing violence and reducing its impact
- we protect the health and well-being of all dogs
- violence is a health issue
- universal newborn hearing screening
- states' responsibility to safeguard public health
- sanitation
- public health link
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 january 2003
- protection of public health
- improving health and lives of people in need
- improving and extending people’s lives
- improving and extending people's lives
- improve the health of people living in high-need areas
- health education
- health and justice for all
- dedication to health and well-being
- committed to a healthy future
- improving health and vitality
- the wellbeing of the patient
- dedication to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life
- we are committed to a healthy future
- holistic health enhancement
- health prioritization
- health first
| 42 | 43 | health |
- being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect
- compare
- competitor's confidential information
- cost overrun case study
- empowering individuals to use their talents and capabilities
- excellence and determination
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- generali stories
- non-punishment
- political activity and community
- relationships and positive school climate
- 服务国家战略 (serving national strategies)
- optimism and determination
- inspired determination
- determined
- 以钢铁意志做人
- 铁的决心、铁的制度、铁的手腕
- 知难而进、志在必得 (undaunted by difficulties, determined to succeed)
- 铁的决心 (iron determination)
- steely resolve
- optimism & determination
| - being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect
- competitor's confidential information
- cost overrun case study
- empowering individuals to use their talents and capabilities
- excellence and determination
- formazione e sensibilizzazione
- political activity and community
- relationships and positive school climate
- 服务国家战略 (serving national strategies)
- selfless determination
- optimism and determination
- inspired determination
- determined
- 以钢铁意志做人
- 铁的决心
- 铁的决心、铁的制度、铁的手腕
- 知难而进、志在必得 (undaunted by difficulties, determined to succeed)
- determination
- 铁的决心 (iron determination)
- steely resolve
- optimism & determination
- determination and belief
- demonstrate determination, resiliency and tenacity
| 21 | 23 | determination |
- belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of human life
- civil discourse, human dignity, and individual expression
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- cultural heritage
- dignity (karamah)
- dignity and respect
- dignity and worth
- fair treatment and dignity
- global giving
- respect for human dignity
- human dignity
- human rights and human dignity
- inviolability of human dignity
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- mutual dignity
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- respecting human dignity
- strive for impact
- substance abuse prohibition
- systemic change
- the materiality assessment is a process where they prioritize esg (environmental, social, and governance) topic areas based on the input from internal and external stakeholders. the results of this assessment are divided into three tiers
- this procedure is an appendix to the group code of ethics. it will be made available to employees by any appropriate means
- workplace dignity
- respect for human life and dignity
- respect for fundamental human rights, social justice, human dignity, and equal rights
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- recognizing beneficiary dignity
- protection of human dignity
- privacy and dignity
- human rights and dignity
- dignity and worth of people
- dignity and worth of every individual
- dignity and respect for beneficiaries
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- dignity
- being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect
- respect for human rights and dignity
- respect and dignity
- respect and dignity for individuals
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
| - belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of human life
- civil discourse, human dignity, and individual expression
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- cultural heritage
- dignity (karamah)
- dignity and respect
- dignity and worth
- fair treatment and dignity
- global giving
- respect for human dignity
- human dignity
- human rights and human dignity
- inviolability of human dignity
- inviolability of the dignity of all human beings
- mutual dignity
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- respecting human dignity
- strive for impact
- systemic change
- the materiality assessment is a process where they prioritize esg (environmental, social, and governance) topic areas based on the input from internal and external stakeholders. the results of this assessment are divided into three tiers
- this procedure is an appendix to the group code of ethics. it will be made available to employees by any appropriate means
- workplace dignity
- respect for human life and dignity
- respect for fundamental human rights, social justice, human dignity, and equal rights
- respect and safeguarding of rights and dignities
- recognizing beneficiary dignity
- protection of human dignity
- privacy and dignity
- human rights and dignity
- dignity and worth of people
- dignity and worth of every individual
- dignity and respect for beneficiaries
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- article 10(1) of the iccpr provides that “all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.” the author submits that the conditions of detention at city prison, including se
- respect for human rights, personality, and dignity of the individual
- dignity
- being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect
- respect for human rights and dignity
- respect and dignity
- respect and dignity for individuals
- trust, loyalty, respect, and dignity
- respect for the personality and dignity of the individual
| 42 | 42 | dignity |
- believing in the unlikely
- business integrity
- 企业愿景 (corporate vision)
- costco credit card
- deficiency of operating support and revenue over expenses
- diversity and non-discrimination
- empowered communities
- fair wages and benefits
- family of leaders
- high-quality scientific research
- humility and service attitude
- inclusivity and non-discrimination
- integrity and impartiality
- move fast & be technically fearless
- non-discrimination and diversity
- non-discrimination and inclusivity
- nondiscrimination
- ongoing support
- partnership identification
- 以人为本
- performance evaluation
- posting information
- recusal
- refraining from any agreement or unfair practices
- shared knowledge
- zero-tolerance towards harassment
- zero tolerance for harassment
- racial justice and equity
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- non-tolerance of discrimination
- non-discrimination in aid delivery
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- no discrimination against persons or groups
- no discrimination against fields of endeavor
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- gender justice
- equality and non-supremacy
- eeo statement
- do not discriminate
- discrimination
- discriminação de indivíduos
- combating intolerance
- avoiding discrimination and violence
- avoidance of hate speech
- anti-racism and anti-sexism
- anti-racism
- anti-oppression
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity relations
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity
- anti-discrimination
- anti-bullying and anti-harassment
- no discrimination
- equal opportunity and non-discrimination
- upholding the equality of every human being
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- non-discrimination and equal treatment
- upholding equality
- stand for equality
- rejecting harassment and discrimination
- rejecting all forms of harassment and discrimination
- non-discrimination
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- humane treatment and non-discrimination
- equal opportunity compliance
| - believing in the unlikely
- business integrity
- 企业愿景 (corporate vision)
- costco credit card
- deficiency of operating support and revenue over expenses
- diversity and non-discrimination
- empowered communities
- fair wages and benefits
- high-quality scientific research
- humility and service attitude
- inclusivity and non-discrimination
- integrity and impartiality
- move fast & be technically fearless
- non-discrimination and diversity
- non-discrimination and inclusivity
- nondiscrimination
- ongoing support
- partnership identification
- 以人为本
- performance evaluation
- posting information
- recusal
- refraining from any agreement or unfair practices
- shared knowledge
- zero-tolerance towards harassment
- zero tolerance for harassment
- we treat everybody equally
- racial justice and equity
- racial equity
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- non-tolerance of discrimination
- non-discrimination in aid delivery
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- no discrimination against persons or groups
- no discrimination against fields of endeavor
- human rights, harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination
- group policy on bullying, harassment and victimisation
- gender justice
- equality and non-supremacy
- eeo statement
- do not discriminate
- discrimination
- discriminação de indivíduos
- combating intolerance
- avoiding discrimination and violence
- avoidance of hate speech
- anti-racism and anti-sexism
- anti-racism
- anti-oppression
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity relations
- anti-discrimination and equal opportunity
- anti-discrimination
- anti-bullying and anti-harassment
- no discrimination
- equal opportunity and non-discrimination
- upholding the equality of every human being
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- non-discrimination and equal treatment
- upholding equality
- stand for equality
- rejecting harassment and discrimination
- rejecting all forms of harassment and discrimination
- non-discrimination
- fair treatment and non-discrimination
- humane treatment and non-discrimination
- equal opportunity compliance
- zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment
- fairness and bias avoidance
- tolerance
- non-discrimination in employment
- prohibition of any discrimination
| 67 | 73 | non-discrimination |
- believing in the unlikely
- board diversity
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- crisis management
- cultural diversity
- dignity & respect
- direct diversity
- respect and diversity
- • diversity
- commitment to diversity
- diversity and equal opportunities
- diversity and equal opportunity
- diversity and equality
- diversity and equity
- diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusiveness
- diversity and inclusivity
- diversity and non-discrimination
- diversity and people-centredness
- diversity and pluralism
- diversity in science
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- diversity, equity and access
- commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity, & inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (dei)
- diversity, equity, inclusion and justice
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect
- embrace diversity and inclusion
- employee welfare
- employee well-being and diversity
- equality and equity
- global citizenship and respect for diversity
- global giving
- group inclusion and diversity policy
- respect for human dignity and diversity
- respect for human rights and diversity
- inclusion and diversity
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusiveness and diversity
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion
- non-discrimination and diversity
- pluralism and diversity
- preserving diversity and pluralism
- prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion
- promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
- promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- protecting company assets and reputation
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- social value
- stand together
- standards for collaboration and data-sharing
- steadfastness
- strive for impact
- support for victims of human rights violations
- talent attraction and development
- technological integration
- technological transformation
- technology transformation
- territorial integrity and sovereignty
- the core values presented within the text are clearly structured under three categories reflecting different aspects of ethical behavior and responsibility
- thinking big
- unity in diversity
- valuing diversity and equal opportunity
- we embrace diversity
- we value and respect others
- well-being and prosperity
- - american psychological association (apa). (2013). working with immigrant-origin clients
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- social inclusion
- sensitivity to diversity
- respect, equity and diversity
- respect for cultural diversity
- representation of asm
- removing barriers
- remove barriers
- promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
- opportunity for all
- open and welcoming environment
- nurturing differences
- multivocality
- international women's day
- institutionalize and incentivize equitable partnerships
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- inclusivity and diversity
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and diversity
- equity and belonging
- equality, inclusiveness, and respect for the diversity of people
- equality, inclusiveness and respect for the diversity of people
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
- engaging with diverse communities
- embracing diversity
- diversity, inclusion, and equity
- diversity, inclusion and equity
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- diversity of thought and experience
- diversity as wealth
- diversity and people-centeredness
- diversity and expertise
- diversity and activity
- diverse voices
- diverse scientific coverage
- diverse and welcoming environment
- celebrating unique qualities and perspectives
- building a diverse team
- breaking down barriers
- allyship
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- equal opportunities and diversity
- diversity inclusion
- diversity, inclusiveness, and an engaging environment
- respect for diversity and equal opportunity
- respect for diversity
- competence and diversity, global reach, and tradition
- collaboration and diversity
- respect for differences
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- respecting diversity
- human rights and diversity
- respect for people and diversity
- people and diversity management
- diversity
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- diversity & inclusion
- equal employment opportunities and diversity
- diversity inclusion principle
| - believing in the unlikely
- board diversity
- clean and efficient utilization of coal
- crisis management
- cultural diversity
- dignity & respect
- direct diversity
- respect and diversity
- • diversity
- commitment to diversity
- diversity and equal opportunities
- diversity and equal opportunity
- diversity and equality
- diversity and equity
- diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusion
- respect for diversity and inclusiveness
- diversity and inclusivity
- diversity and non-discrimination
- diversity and people-centredness
- diversity and pluralism
- diversity in science
- respect for diversity of religions, beliefs and cultures
- diversity, equity and access
- commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity and inclusion
- diversity, equity, & inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion
- diversity, equity, and inclusion (dei)
- diversity, equity, inclusion and justice
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect
- embrace diversity and inclusion
- employee welfare
- employee well-being and diversity
- equality and equity
- global citizenship and respect for diversity
- global giving
- group inclusion and diversity policy
- respect for human dignity and diversity
- respect for human rights and diversity
- inclusion and diversity
- inclusive diversity with equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusiveness and diversity
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion
- non-discrimination and diversity
- pluralism and diversity
- preserving diversity and pluralism
- prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion
- promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
- promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- protecting company assets and reputation
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- stand together
- standards for collaboration and data-sharing
- steadfastness
- strive for impact
- support for victims of human rights violations
- talent attraction and development
- technological integration
- technological transformation
- technology transformation
- territorial integrity and sovereignty
- thinking big
- unity in diversity
- valuing diversity and equal opportunity
- we embrace diversity
- we value and respect others
- well-being and prosperity
- 6) research around the intersection of ethnicity, age, and sexuality with mental health promotion interventions for men and boys would be fruitful. this should aim to understand the unique challenges and needs of these groups and how best to address them
- - american psychological association (apa). (2013). working with immigrant-origin clients
- we welcome everyone who shares our vision and values
- the barr foundation is a foundation based in boston, massachusetts, with a focus on arts, climate, education, and jobs. they have recently awarded grants totaling $53.4 million in the first and second quarters of 2024. the foundation values diversity and
- social inclusion
- sensitivity to diversity
- respect, equity and diversity
- respect for cultural diversity
- representation of asm
- removing barriers
- remove barriers
- recognizing the strengths and hardships of rural and immigrant experiences
- reaching out to all groups
- promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
- opportunity for all
- open and welcoming environment
- nurturing differences
- multivocality
- international women's day
- institutionalize and incentivize equitable partnerships
- inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access
- inclusivity and diversity
- inclusive diversity, equity, access, and accountability (ideaa)
- inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (idea) are central to our work
- human dignity and respect for diversity
- equity and diversity policy statement
- equity and diversity
- equity and belonging
- equality, inclusiveness, and respect for the diversity of people
- equality, inclusiveness and respect for the diversity of people
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
- engaging with diverse communities
- embracing diversity
- diversity, inclusion, and equity
- diversity, inclusion and equity
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- diversity of thought and experience
- diversity as wealth
- diversity and people-centeredness
- diversity and expertise
- diversity and activity
- diverse voices
- diverse scientific coverage
- diverse expertise
- diverse and welcoming environment
- celebrating unique qualities and perspectives
- building a diverse team
- breaking down barriers
- amplifying diverse voices
- allyship
- diversity, equity & inclusion
- equal opportunities and diversity
- diversity inclusion
- value different perspectives
- diversity, inclusiveness, and an engaging environment
- respect for diversity and equal opportunity
- respect for diversity
- competence and diversity, global reach, and tradition
- collaboration and diversity
- respect for differences
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- respecting diversity
- human rights and diversity
- respect for people and diversity
- people and diversity management
- diversity
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- diversity, inclusiveness and an engaging environment
- diversity & inclusion
- equal employment opportunities and diversity
- diversity inclusion principle
- valuing different perspectives
- be an ally
- we value different perspectives
- excel by embracing an inclusive work environment and diverse teams
- value diversity and equal opportunity
| 136 | 146 | diversity |
- benevolence
- building a harmonious workplace
- don’t #@!% the customer
- harmonious co-existence
- harmonious coexistence
- harmonious coexistence and shared growth
- harmonious development
- harmonious development and shared prosperity
- harmonious flow of work
- harmonious innovation and pioneering spirit
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- harmony and coexistence
- harmony and pursuit of excellence
- reporting of misconduct
- social harmony
- teamwork and harmonious workplace
- universal access to knowledge
- 和悦共生
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- harmony and cooperation
- open communication and harmonious work flow
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- 和合创先 (harmonious innovation)
- environmental preservation and harmony with society
- 和諧的環境 (harmonious environment)
- harmony
- harmony, unity, and shared success
- open communication and harmonious work
- harmonious coexistence of people, steel, and environment
| - benevolence
- building a harmonious workplace
- don’t #@!% the customer
- harmonious co-existence
- harmonious coexistence
- harmonious coexistence and shared growth
- harmonious development
- harmonious development and shared prosperity
- harmonious flow of work
- harmonious innovation and pioneering spirit
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- harmony and coexistence
- harmony and pursuit of excellence
- reporting of misconduct
- social harmony
- teamwork and harmonious workplace
- universal access to knowledge
- 和悦共生
- enterprising dynamism and harmonious development
- harmony and cooperation
- open communication and harmonious work flow
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- 和合创先 (harmonious innovation)
- environmental preservation and harmony with society
- 和諧的環境 (harmonious environment)
- harmony
- harmony, unity, and shared success
- open communication and harmonious work
- harmonious coexistence of people, steel, and environment
- coexistence
- harmony, superiority, openness, and win-win cooperation
- stability and harmony
- harmonious development between human, vehicle and society
- 柔韧圆通 (flexible and harmonious)
- place priority on coexistence
| 29 | 35 | harmony |
- best care
- bouygues telecom | address
- core values of hyundai mobis
- 企业文化 (corporate culture)
- 企业文化
- customer obsessed
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- documentation and monitoring
- education and learning
- energy security and technological leadership
- especially for managers
- establishing shared ethical standards
- give back
- global mindset
- governance
- governance and compliance
- grace
- graduated consequences
- personal identity
- loyalty and responsibility
- motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- 感动自己 感动他人
- - name
- network
- non-partisan
- quality that earns the trust of society
- 共享 (sharing)
- socially responsible leadership
- tel.
- we make it great
- societal attitudes
- service to the country and people
- responsibility as a member of society
- benefiting the country and people
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
| - best care
- bouygues telecom | address
- core values of hyundai mobis
- 企业文化
- customer obsessed
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- education and learning
- especially for managers
- establishing shared ethical standards
- give back
- global mindset
- governance
- governance and compliance
- grace
- personal identity
- loyalty and responsibility
- motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- non-partisan
- quality that earns the trust of society
- 共享 (sharing)
- socially responsible leadership
- we make it great
- societal attitudes
- positive and responsible society
- service to the country and people
- responsibility as a member of society
- benefiting the country and people
- harmonious progress of enterprise and society
- upholding the best interests of society
- responsibilities to society and the country
| 35 | 30 | society |
- best cooperation
- 既聪明 又能干 更听话
- business ethics
- co-operation and communication
- collaboration and connection
- communication channel
- contractors
- corporate asset protection and management
- cost sharing
- creativity and learning
- crisis management
- document all interactions
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
- empowering veterans
- enabling wide participation
- environmental respect
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- flint water crisis, michigan (2014-present)
- genuine
- information management
- information management and disclosure
- innovative leadership development
- safeguarding and risk reduction
- universal principles
- usefulness
- we raise compliance and ethics concerns
- 管理零失误 (zero errors in management)
- 管理零失误
- - program management and general
- - management level employees
- - management and accounting costs
- - management & general
- - ceo
- system management
- providing motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- management accountability and responsibility
- especially for managers
- executive management role
- responsible management
- management systems
- transparency and management systems
- 经营理念 (management philosophy)
| - best cooperation
- business ethics
- co-operation and communication
- collaboration and connection
- communication channel
- corporate asset protection and management
- creativity and learning
- crisis management
- document all interactions
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
- empowering veterans
- enabling wide participation
- environmental respect
- exhibit integrity & earn trust
- genuine
- information management
- information management and disclosure
- innovative leadership development
- safeguarding and risk reduction
- universal principles
- we raise compliance and ethics concerns
- 管理零失误 (zero errors in management)
- 管理零失误
- - program management and general
- - management level employees
- - management and accounting costs
- - management & general
- - ceo
- system management
- providing motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- project leader role and election
- motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- management accountability and responsibility
- especially for managers
- efficient management and governance
- 经营管理
- executive management role
- management principles
- responsible management
- management systems
- transparency and management systems
- 经营理念 (management philosophy)
- management philosophy
- management system
- cohesion through management
| 43 | 45 | management |
- branch closure
- brand and intellectual property policy
- collaboration and integration
- diverse voices
- establishing and enforcing standards
- respect for human rights and individuality
- human-centered performance
- individual liberty
- individual responsibility
- individual worth
- individualized assessment
- individualized support
- individuals have the power to make change
- media relations
- never settle
- responsible partnerships
- patent neutrality
- play, as a team
- promotion of research
- prudent fiscal management
- regional and international security
- role model leadership
- shareholder satisfaction
- sincerity and customer satisfaction
- stand for equality
- technology
- testing
- work readiness
- respect for individuality
- worth of the individual
- individual spirit
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
| - brand and intellectual property policy
- collaboration and integration
- diverse voices
- establishing and enforcing standards
- respect for human rights and individuality
- human-centered performance
- individual liberty
- individual responsibility
- individual worth
- individualized assessment
- individuals have the power to make change
- responsible partnerships
- patent neutrality
- play, as a team
- promotion of research
- prudent fiscal management
- regional and international security
- role model leadership
- shareholder satisfaction
- sincerity and customer satisfaction
- stand for equality
- technology
- testing
- uniqueness
- respect for individuality
- worth of the individual
- individual spirit
- corporate vitality and respect for individuality
- celebrate individuality. act together
- uniquely described core values
- values of the individual
| 32 | 31 | individuality, uniqueness |
- branch closure
- enterprise privacy office (toronto) e-mail
- fidelity
- improving health and vitality
- transparency (透明)
- well-being and vitality
- vibrancy
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- energy
| - enterprise privacy office (toronto) e-mail
- fidelity
- improving health and vitality
- transparency (透明)
- well-being and vitality
- vibrancy
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- energy
| 9 | 8 | vitality |
- 品牌口号 (brand slogan)
- calculated risk-taking
- compliance and risk management
- customer
- ethical and lawful conduct
- fair trials
- fairness and thoughtful risk-taking
- global representation
- governing law
- green finance
- grievance handling
- human rights and fair labor practices
- innovative learning models
- integrity and ethical business practices
- investment banking
- reporting concerns
- 责任 (responsibility)
- risk management and compliance (risk pro)
- safety and risk prevention
- actions for violations and measures to prevent recurrence
- thorough risk assessment and mitigation
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- systematic risk
- safeguarding and risk reduction
- risk-conscious behavior
- risk management organization
- group integrated risk management policy
- consequences
- business risks
- financial risks
- risk management and control
- responsible risk and crisis management
- sound corporate activities and risk-conscious culture
- climate change risk management
- anticipation of risks and mitigation
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- 责任管理 (responsibility management)
- risk awareness
- caution principle
| - compliance and risk management
- customer
- ethical and lawful conduct
- fair trials
- fairness and thoughtful risk-taking
- global representation
- green finance
- human rights and fair labor practices
- innovative learning models
- integrity and ethical business practices
- investment banking
- reporting concerns
- 责任 (responsibility)
- risk management and compliance (risk pro)
- safety and risk prevention
- actions for violations and measures to prevent recurrence
- thorough risk assessment and mitigation
- the text is part of a larger code of conduct for tesco employees, which provides guidance on how to handle various risks that may arise in the workplace. the code is divided into four sections
- systematic risk
- safeguarding and risk reduction
- risk-conscious behavior
- risk management organization
- risk assessment and risk management
- risk assessment and mitigation
- private risk absorption
- group integrated risk management policy
- consequences
- business risks
- financial risks
- risk management and control
- responsible risk and crisis management
- risk management
- sound corporate activities and risk-conscious culture
- climate change risk management
- anticipation of risks and mitigation
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- 责任管理 (responsibility management)
- stabilizing production and supply, forestalling safety risks
- risk awareness
- caution principle
- risk first
- risk control
- rigorous lifecycle management
- risk mitigation
- build in mitigation efforts commensurate with expected and actual impacts
- climate risk management
- internal control
| 39 | 47 | risk management |
- building communities
- collaboration and solidarity
- collective action
- collective effort
- collective impact
- collective responsibility
- committed to a healthy future
- ethical oversight
- 精益管理
- legacy and dreams
- professional limitations
- personally identifiable information
- reporting of violations
- respond fast while looking ahead
- responsive planning
- safety & environmental stewardship
- strength and reliability
- structure
- supportive environment
- sustainable management
- take bold measures
- tax-related reports
- the rule of law
- working in partnership
- union between people
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- solidarity, not charity alone
- solidarity with technical organizations, governments, and ngos
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- solidarity and justice
- solidarity and international cooperation
- solidarity and equity
- solidarity and cooperation
- solidarity and compassion
- professional solidarity
- believing in a shared destiny
- solidarity
- fostering solidarity and social ties
- stand together
- solidarity principle
| - building communities
- collaboration and solidarity
- collective effort
- collective responsibility
- committed to a healthy future
- ethical oversight
- 精益管理
- legacy and dreams
- personally identifiable information
- reporting of violations
- respond fast while looking ahead
- responsive planning
- safety & environmental stewardship
- strength and reliability
- structure
- supportive environment
- sustainable management
- take bold measures
- tax-related reports
- the rule of law
- working in partnership
- union between people
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- solidarity, not charity alone
- solidarity with technical organizations, governments, and ngos
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- solidarity and justice
- solidarity and international cooperation
- solidarity and equity
- solidarity and cooperation
- solidarity and compassion
- professional solidarity
- inspiring solidarity to transform lives
- fraternity
- believing in a shared destiny
- solidarity
- fostering solidarity and social ties
- stand together
- solidarity principle
- solidarity and integration
| 41 | 41 | solidarity |
- building relationships and positive school climate
- compliance with policies
- ethical oversight
- ethical governance
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- transparent and ethical governance
- ethical management
| - building relationships and positive school climate
- ethical oversight
- ethical governance
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- transparent and ethical governance
- ethical management
| 7 | 6 | ethical governance |
- business relationships and fair competition
- customer-centric culture
- growth and scale
- human rights and empowerment
- i apply systems thinking
- takohanga (responsible)
- we raise compliance and ethics concerns
- accurate financial reporting
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- accounting
- - total liabilities
- responsible financial management
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- prudent fiscal management
- leverage ratio
- incurred assets
- improve financial management
- fiscal responsibility and transparency
- cost overrun case study
- financial resilience
- financial discipline
- financial responsibility
| - business relationships and fair competition
- customer-centric culture
- growth and scale
- human rights and empowerment
- takohanga (responsible)
- we raise compliance and ethics concerns
- accurate financial reporting
- accurate financial recordkeeping
- accounting
- + total liabilities
- - total liabilities
- savings
- responsible financial management
- quality in financial planning and reporting
- prudent fiscal management
- proper use of funds
- preserving capital with a modest financial return
- leverage ratio
- incurred assets
- income statement (unaudited, accrual basis, in $)
- improve financial management
- fiscal responsibility and transparency
- fiscal responsibility
- cost-consciousness
- cost overrun case study
- belief in the duty to be effective stewards of financial resources entrusted to them
- balance sheet (unaudited, accrual basis, in $)
- exercising financial discipline
- financial resilience
- financial discipline
- financial responsibility
- intégrité du marché financier
- proper accounting
| 22 | 33 | financial prudence |
- by taking the time to evaluate the needs of each community and individual, we're better able to help them achieve a brighter future. the best way to move forward is by learning together
- giving back
- inclusiveness and ambition
- strengthen cooperation with customers
- the drive
- dreaming big
- ambition and drive
- aim high
- passion for success
- ambitious & competitive
- ambition & humility
- going for greatness
- ambition and youthfulness
- ambition
- stretch & ambition
| - by taking the time to evaluate the needs of each community and individual, we're better able to help them achieve a brighter future. the best way to move forward is by learning together
- giving back
- inclusiveness and ambition
- the drive
- dreaming big
- ambitious thinking
- ambition and scale
- ambition and drive
- aim high
- 进取
- passion for success
- ambitious & competitive
- ambition & humility
- going for greatness
- go for greatness
- ambition and youthfulness
- ambition
- stretch & ambition
- become one of china's outstanding large industrial investment groups
| 15 | 19 | ambition |
- bytecast series
- focus
- focus on core principles
- focus on ethereum
- focus on extreme poverty
- focus on fedora and foss
- focus on impact
- focus on the missed-out
- focused
- trust but verify
- curiosity & focus
| - focus
- focus on ethereum
- focus on extreme poverty
- focus on impact
- focus on the missed-out
- focused
- trust but verify
- curiosity & focus
| 11 | 8 | focus |
- care
- care and respect
- careful export controls
- compassion and care
- compassionate care
- continuous and comprehensive care
- coordinated and integrated care
- responsibility for care and protection
- high-quality care
- mutual respect and care
- patient-centeredness in clinical encounters and care
- self-care
- social care and community involvement
- strategic investment
- their ethics guide, available in 24 languages, outlines the group's values, rules of conduct, and actions. the guide includes an annex
- we care (passion)
- we care deeply
- whole-person orientation to care across all stages of life
- comprehensiveness
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- comprehensive assessment
- comprehensive approach
- patient care
- comprehensive solutions
- comprehensive services
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- comprehensive service
- best care
- comprehensive framework
| - care
- care and respect
- compassion and care
- compassionate care
- continuous and comprehensive care
- responsibility for care and protection
- high-quality care
- mutual respect and care
- patient-centeredness in clinical encounters and care
- self-care
- social care and community involvement
- strategic investment
- their ethics guide, available in 24 languages, outlines the group's values, rules of conduct, and actions. the guide includes an annex
- we care (passion)
- we care deeply
- whole-person orientation to care across all stages of life
- comprehensiveness
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- comprehensive assessment
- comprehensive approach
- patient care
- comprehensive solutions
- comprehensive services
- comprehensive insurance solutions
- comprehensive service
- best care
- comprehensive framework
- comprehensive rating
| 29 | 28 | comprehensive care |
- care for each other, partners, and communities
- comprehensive relationships and self-improvement
- contacts
- holistic
- holistic approach
- holistic care
- holistic corporate compliance
- holistic growth
- holistic health enhancement
- holistic personal development
- holistic support
- holistic well-being
- impact of trauma and healing practices
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- staff
- teamwork and unity
- think big. be humble
- whole-person orientation to care across all stages of life
- holistic development
- high-quality care
- holistic perspective
| - care for each other, partners, and communities
- comprehensive relationships and self-improvement
- contacts
- holistic
- holistic approach
- holistic care
- holistic corporate compliance
- holistic growth
- holistic health enhancement
- holistic personal development
- holistic support
- holistic well-being
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- staff
- teamwork and unity
- think big. be humble
- whole-person orientation to care across all stages of life
- whole-person orientation
- holistic development
- high-quality care
- holistic perspective
| 21 | 21 | holistic care |
- carpentry
- compassion and respect for others
- professional competence and fairness
- engage with respect
- knowledge and competence
- long-term perspective
- make it real. bring the extraordinary into the everyday
- support for seniors
- professional competence
- competence and prestige
- competence
- technical competence
- capable
| - compassion and respect for others
- professional competence and fairness
- engage with respect
- knowledge and competence
- long-term perspective
- support for seniors
- qualified professionals
- professional competence
- loyalty, competence and independence
- competence and prestige
- competence
- technical competence
- capable
| 13 | 13 | competence |
- cast member and employee respect
- development dimension
- diversity & inclusion
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- equitable and respectful treatment
- ethical responsibility
- • respect
- upholding respect and value of the individual
- tone of moderation and respect
- tact and courtesy
- respectfulness
- respect for the audience
- respect for personal integrity
- respect for grant applicants and recipients
- respect for colleagues and users
- respect for colleagues and clients
- respect and friendliness
- ngaˉkau maˉhaki (respect)
- mutual respect and dignity
- respect for all
- demonstrate respect for people
- respect for users
- we value and respect others
- respect for each other
- respect for people
- treating others with dignity and respect
- honoring god and being respectful
- respect for individuals
- respect for colleagues
- engage with respect
- respectful treatment
- we treat people how they want to be treated
- show respect
- we respect people
- respectful
- respect for others
- employee cooperation and respect
- be respectful
- respect for specific qualities
- respect for all people
| - cast member and employee respect
- development dimension
- diversity & inclusion
- equality and respectful workplace culture
- equitable and respectful treatment
- ethical responsibility
- • respect
- upholding respect and value of the individual
- tone of moderation and respect
- tact and courtesy
- respectfulness
- respect for the audience
- respect for personal integrity
- respect for grant applicants and recipients
- respect for colleagues and users
- respect for colleagues and clients
- respect and friendliness
- ngaˉkau maˉhaki (respect)
- mutual respect and dignity
- respect for all
- demonstrate respect for people
- respect for users
- we value and respect others
- respect for each other
- respect for people
- treating others with dignity and respect
- honoring god and being respectful
- respect for individuals
- respect for colleagues
- engage with respect
- respectful treatment
- we treat people how they want to be treated
- show respect
- we respect people
- respectful
- respect for others
- employee cooperation and respect
- be respectful
- respect for specific qualities
- respect for all people
- we treat each other fairly and respectfully
- treat all people properly and with respect – from clerks to ceos
- matter of respect
- creating a respectful workplace
- organizational cohesion and respect
- respect
| 40 | 46 | respectful |
- commitment to a cause greater than themselves
- volunteerism and selflessness
- selfless service
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- cause above self
- benevolence
- altruism
- selflessness
| - commitment to a cause greater than themselves
- volunteerism and selflessness
- unselfishness
- selfless service
- selfless editing & peer review
- selfless
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- helping others
- cause above self
- benevolence
- altruism
- selflessness
- help others
- 吃苦吃亏 (enduring hardship and sacrificing for others)
| 8 | 14 | altruism |
- caution
- prevention of compulsive gambling
- conservatism in estimates
- prevention of exploitation and abuse
- prevention of insider trading
- prevention and investment in schools and neighborhoods
- prevention and mitigation
- openness and trust
- prevent and address unintended consequences
- preventing destabilization
- preventing exploitation and abuse
- preventing unethical conduct
- prevention
- prévention des abus de marché
- prevention focused
- prevention through education
- prevention of proliferation
- support to national goals
- prevention in public systems
- prevention of terrorism
- the way we work
- prevention of underage gaming
- proactive mitigation and prevention
- preventive action
| - caution
- prevention of compulsive gambling
- conservatism in estimates
- prevention of exploitation and abuse
- prevention of insider trading
- prevention and investment in schools and neighborhoods
- prevention and mitigation
- openness and trust
- prevent and address unintended consequences
- preventing destabilization
- preventing exploitation and abuse
- preventing unethical conduct
- prevention
- prévention des abus de marché
- prevention focused
- prevention through education
- prevention of proliferation
- support to national goals
- prevention in public systems
- prevention of terrorism
- prevention of underage gaming
- proactive mitigation and prevention
- preventive measures
- preventive action
- early detection, response, and prevention of problems
- mitigation
- crisis prevention
| 24 | 27 | prevention |
- center for improvement of child & family services
- data protection and privacy
- family
- family as the fundamental unit
- family engagement
- family member
- family tradition
- family tradition and legacy
- family values
- happy family
- hiring family members
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- 新焦煤是一家
- optimism combined with pragmatic action
- personal or familial relationships with other associates
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- prohibition against retaliation
- 求利求名多求己少求人 爱家爱国多爱人少爱己
- sense of family
- technical competence
- trust and openness
- strengthening families and communities
- gender and family focus
- family members and close personal relationships
- defining family
- family and emotional wealth
| - center for improvement of child & family services
- data protection and privacy
- family
- family as the fundamental unit
- family engagement
- family member
- family tradition
- family tradition and legacy
- family values
- happy family
- hiring family members
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- optimism combined with pragmatic action
- partnerships between patients, families, physicians and care teams
- prohibition against retaliation
- sense of family
- technical competence
- trust and openness
- strengthening families and communities
- relatives or close friends
- informed and supported families
- gender and family focus
- family members and close personal relationships
- defining family
- family and emotional wealth
- 爱家爱国多爱人少爱己 (loving one's family, country, and people, but not oneself)
| 26 | 26 | family-oriented |
- cern, a registered charity, presented thoughts on developing and implementing a code of conduct and harassment investigation framework. the code is based on the organization's core values
- data privacy
- data privacy and information security
- data privacy and security
- data privacy policy
- data privacy, ethics, and artificial intelligence
- personal data protection and privacy
- data security and privacy
- deliver end to end
- dog owners' advocacy
- facilitating discovery, access, and interaction
- group data privacy policy
- international understanding
- privacy and data protection
- privacy and data security
- processing of information
- - enterprise privacy
- user control and safety
- sensitive information
- respect for user data
- records management
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- protecting personal information
- processing personal data
- privacy of patrons
- privacy breach
- personally identifiable information
- personal information protection policy
- personal data
- informed consent
- gdpr
- enterprise privacy office (toronto) e-mail
- employee privacy
- i am trusted with data
- protection of privacy
- protecting privacy
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- confidentiality and data privacy
- protection of intellectual property rights and personal data
- respect for user privacy
- protecting privacy and intimacy
- privacy protection
- protection of personal data
- protection to intellectual property right and personal data
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- data protection and privacy
- privacy by design
- user privacy
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- honor people’s privacy in everything we do
- protection of data and privacy
- respect for privacy choices
| - cern, a registered charity, presented thoughts on developing and implementing a code of conduct and harassment investigation framework. the code is based on the organization's core values
- data privacy
- data privacy and information security
- data privacy and security
- data privacy policy
- data privacy, ethics, and artificial intelligence
- personal data protection and privacy
- data security and privacy
- dog owners' advocacy
- facilitating discovery, access, and interaction
- group data privacy policy
- international understanding
- privacy and data protection
- privacy and data security
- processing of information
- - enterprise privacy
- user control and safety
- sensitive information
- respect for user data
- records management
- record
- protection of the confidentiality of acted's information and data
- protecting personal information
- processing personal data
- privacy of patrons
- privacy breach
- personally identifiable information
- personal information protection policy
- personal data
- informed consent
- gdpr
- enterprise privacy office (toronto) e-mail
- data
- employee privacy
- i am trusted with data
- protection of privacy
- protecting privacy
- data privacy, ethics and artificial intelligence
- confidentiality and data privacy
- protection of intellectual property rights and personal data
- respect for user privacy
- protecting privacy and intimacy
- data trust and privacy
- privacy protection
- protection of personal data
- protection to intellectual property right and personal data
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- data protection and privacy
- privacy by design
- user privacy
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- honor people’s privacy in everything we do
- protection of data and privacy
- respect for privacy choices
- digital responsibility
- digital ethics and data security
- data responsibility
- user protection
- ethical use of data and ai
- personal data protection
- respect for private information
- protecting employee personal information
- protection of customer and associate data
| 53 | 64 | data privacy |
- cern, a registered charity, presented thoughts on developing and implementing a code of conduct and harassment investigation framework. the code is based on the organization's core values
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- community-driven development
- - continuity reserve
- coordination
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- data privacy and information security
- efficiency
- environmental protection
- follow the fundamental rules of the world
- information security and accuracy
- information security and privacy
- information security and transparency
- information security policy
- information sharing
- inside information protection
- it security
- privacy and information security
- safety & security
- - total income
- system and information security
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- privacy or security violations
- personal information
- non-public material information
- non-public information
- institutional repository
- incorporating application security into software acquisition
- importance of application security
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- defining application security
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- responsible information use
- safeguarding information
- protection of assets and information
- data integrity and security
- protection of client and company information
- protecting information and assets
- processing of information
- protection of information and intellectual property
- protection of privacy and inside information
- protect information
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- information security
- protecting information
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- protecting confidential information
- protection of company assets and information
- privacy and security protection
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protection of information and data security
- privacy and security
- security and privacy protection
- information management
- protection of information
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- confidentiality and information handling
- protection of information and intellectual properties
| - cern, a registered charity, presented thoughts on developing and implementing a code of conduct and harassment investigation framework. the code is based on the organization's core values
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- community-driven development
- - continuity reserve
- coordination
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- data privacy and information security
- efficiency
- environmental protection
- information security and accuracy
- information security and privacy
- information security and transparency
- information security policy
- information sharing
- inside information protection
- it security
- privacy and information security
- safety & security
- - total income
- system and information security
- safeguarding resources, confidential information, and intellectual property
- promoting application security awareness
- privacy or security violations
- personal information
- non-public material information
- non-public information
- maintaining cybersecurity
- leveraging owasp resources
- institutional repository
- incorporating application security into software acquisition
- importance of application security
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- establishing and enforcing application security standards
- defining application security
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- responsible information use
- safeguarding information
- protection of assets and information
- data integrity and security
- protection of client and company information
- protecting information and assets
- processing of information
- protection of information and intellectual property
- protection of privacy and inside information
- protect information
- proper treatment of information and knowledge
- information security
- protecting information
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- protecting confidential information
- protection of company assets and information
- privacy and security protection
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protection of information and data security
- privacy and security
- security and privacy protection
- information management
- protection of information
- management of information to protect the secrecy of communications and customers' information
- confidentiality and information handling
- protection of information and intellectual properties
- use of information
- cybersecurity
| 63 | 67 | information security |
- change at scale
- compassion and tolerance
- description
- diversity and people-centeredness
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- entrepreneurial
- entrepreneurial spirit in pursuit of excellence
- entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship & innovation
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- entrepreneurship, efficiency, trustworthiness, frugality
- fair and ethical employment practices
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- harmony with nature
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- media inquiries
- net assets at end of year
- 我们的标准 (our standards)
- standards of work conduct
- speculation and risk-taking
- powering entrepreneurs
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship and economic development
- entrepreneurial principles
- entrepreneurial mindset
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- entrepreneurialism
- 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- entrepreneurial spirit
| - change at scale
- compassion and tolerance
- description
- diversity and people-centeredness
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- entrepreneurial
- entrepreneurial spirit in pursuit of excellence
- entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship & innovation
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- entrepreneurship, efficiency, trustworthiness, frugality
- fair and ethical employment practices
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- harmony with nature
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- net assets at end of year
- 我们的标准 (our standards)
- standards of work conduct
- speculation and risk-taking
- powering entrepreneurs
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- hard work and entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship and economic development
- entrepreneurial principles
- entrepreneurial mindset
- 企业基因 (enterprise gene)
- entrepreneurialism
- 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- entrepreneurial spirit
- we are entrepreneurial
- enterprising dynamism
| 30 | 31 | entrepreneurship |
- charitable donations
- charitable impulse
- charitable spirit
- charitable spirit passed through generations
- compassion and charity
- respect and dignity for individuals
- exceptional performance
- faith and charity
- financial activities
- human rights perspective
- intellectual property protection
- modifiability
- protecting confidential information and intellectual property
- respond fast while looking ahead
- 支撑战略 (supporting strategy)
- use good judgment
- welfare and charity
- - the akshaya patra foundation, usa (po box
- solidarity, not charity alone
- philanthropic tradition
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- homelessness and housing
- encouraging the charitable impulse at the local level
- charitable and political activities
- by following in jesus' footsteps, we look to support those who need it most and transform their lives
- charitable activities
- charity
- charitable purpose
| - charitable donations
- charitable impulse
- charitable spirit
- charitable spirit passed through generations
- compassion and charity
- respect and dignity for individuals
- exceptional performance
- faith and charity
- financial activities
- human rights perspective
- intellectual property protection
- modifiability
- protecting confidential information and intellectual property
- respond fast while looking ahead
- 支撑战略 (supporting strategy)
- welfare and charity
- - the akshaya patra foundation, usa (po box
- solidarity, not charity alone
- philanthropic tradition
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- interest-free loans
- homelessness and housing
- helping those in need
- helping others
- grantmaking programs
- encouraging the charitable impulse at the local level
- charitable and political activities
- by following in jesus' footsteps, we look to support those who need it most and transform their lives
- charitable activities
- 热心慈善公益事业
- charity
- charitable purpose
- firmwide policy on charitable contributions
- charitable contributions
- charitable giving
| 28 | 35 | charity |
- charitable donations
- engage donors to facilitate equitable partnerships
- universal design for learning (udl)
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- - in-kind contributions
- funding through donations and grants
- gifts and donations
| - charitable donations
- universal design for learning (udl)
- unyielding respect for human rights & diversity
- + donation received from garfield weston foundation
- - in-kind contributions
- funding through donations and grants
- gifts and donations
| 7 | 7 | donations |
- passion for chemistry and the global chemistry enterprise
- protection of confidential information
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- integrity, courage and passion
- - ntt group activities around the world
- passion and excellence
- passion and pride in our work
- passion and problem-solving
- passionate
- passionate about science
- passionate execution
- passion for purebred dogs
- passion for science
- spirit
- the environment
- passion to win
- passion for winning
- we care (passion)
- transformative passion
- passion for chemistry
- inspiring passionate commitment
- collective passion
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- passion for success
- passion for business
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- joy of selling
- passion to perform
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- lead with passion
- passion for our products and customers
| - passion for chemistry and the global chemistry enterprise
- protection of confidential information
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- integrity, courage and passion
- - ntt group activities around the world
- passion and excellence
- passion and pride in our work
- passion and problem-solving
- passionate
- passionate about science
- passionate execution
- passion for purebred dogs
- passion for science
- spirit
- the environment
- passion to win
- passion for winning
- we care (passion)
- transformative passion
- passion for chemistry
- inspiring passionate commitment
- collective passion
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- passion for success
- passion for business
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- joy of selling
- passion
- passion to perform
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- lead with passion
- passion for our products and customers
- 一分信任十分责任百分努力千分付出万分担当 (one part trust, ten parts responsibility, hundred parts effort, thousand parts sacrifice, and ten thousand parts undertaking)
| 32 | 34 | passion |
- cherishing democracy
- civic engagement and democracy
- commitment to democracy
- democracy and participation
- democratic oversight
- democratic participation principle
- ensuring democratic participation
- prevention of fraud
- global peace and prosperity
- respect for human life and dignity
- justice and democratic values
- low-cost, replicable models
- participatory democracy
- peace and democracy
- preservation and expansion of democratic space
- private absorption of losses
- 科学、民主、有序、高效
- social welfare
- support to affected communities
- supportive framework
- sustainability and human rights
- 科技创新 (technological innovation)
- the code of conduct
- strengthening democracy, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
- strengthening democracy
- strength of democracy
- respect for democratic principles
- democratic control
- democratic accountability
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- democracy and rule of law
- democracy and international cooperation
- democracy and community power
- civic participation and democracy
- democratic participation
- democratic member control
- democracy
| - cherishing democracy
- civic engagement and democracy
- commitment to democracy
- democracy and participation
- democratic oversight
- democratic participation principle
- ensuring democratic participation
- prevention of fraud
- global peace and prosperity
- respect for human life and dignity
- justice and democratic values
- low-cost, replicable models
- participatory democracy
- peace and democracy
- preservation and expansion of democratic space
- 科学、民主、有序、高效
- social welfare
- support to affected communities
- supportive framework
- sustainability and human rights
- 科技创新 (technological innovation)
- the code of conduct
- strengthening democracy, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
- strengthening democracy
- strength of democracy
- respect for democratic principles
- democratic control
- democratic accountability
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- democracy and rule of law
- democracy and international cooperation
- democracy and community power
- civic participation and democracy
- democratic participation
- democratic member control
- democracy
| 37 | 36 | democracy |
- informed choices
- quality and safety through evidence-based medicine, performance measurement and improvement, and patient engagement
- 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- evidence-based approach
| - informed choices
- 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- evidence-based approach
- empirical data and research
| 4 | 4 | evidence-based approach |
- christ helped all those he could and sacrificed everything
- collaboration with business partners
- confidence
- confidence building
- confident
- conflito de interesse
- developing empathy, compassion, and self-confidence
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- importance of staying fresh and adaptable
- maximizing impact
- power shifting
- progressive work culture
- self-confidence
- social and inclusion
- trust and confidence
- fostering trust and confidence
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
| - christ helped all those he could and sacrificed everything
- collaboration with business partners
- confidence
- confidence building
- confident
- conflito de interesse
- developing empathy, compassion, and self-confidence
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- importance of staying fresh and adaptable
- maximizing impact
- progressive work culture
- self-confidence
- social and inclusion
- trust and confidence
- fostering trust and confidence
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
| 18 | 17 | confidence |
- circular economy
- contribution to the economy and society
- economic
- economic and social development
- economic and social development to promote stability and resilience
- economic contribution
- economic development
- economic development and cooperation
- economic growth
- economic incentive
- economic mobility
- economic opportunity
- economic prosperity
- economic responsibility
- economic sanctions compliance
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- economic strength
- economic sustainability
- economic viability
- economic-financial performance
- economic, environmental and social performance
- entrepreneurship and economic development
- equitable economic mobility
- financial and economic performance
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- it seems like you've shared a mission statement and strategic vision for the ewing marion kauffman foundation, which aims to make greater kansas city a national model for equitable economic mobility by 2035. the foundation focuses on three strategic prior
- member economic participation
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- support for the economically disadvantaged
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- understand the community's historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- understand the community’s historical, social, cultural, and economic context
| - circular economy
- contribution to the economy and society
- economic
- economic and social development
- economic and social development to promote stability and resilience
- economic contribution
- economic development
- economic development and cooperation
- economic mobility
- economic opportunity
- economic prosperity
- economic responsibility
- economic sanctions compliance
- economic sanctions, anti-boycott, and export control laws
- economic sustainability
- economic viability
- economic-financial performance
- economic, environmental and social performance
- entrepreneurship and economic development
- equitable economic mobility
- financial and economic performance
- innovation for sustainable economic growth
- it seems like you've shared a mission statement and strategic vision for the ewing marion kauffman foundation, which aims to make greater kansas city a national model for equitable economic mobility by 2035. the foundation focuses on three strategic prior
- "social class differences in summer learning between kindergarten and first grade
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- understand the community's historical, social, cultural, and economic context
- understand the community’s historical, social, cultural, and economic context
| 34 | 29 | economic |
- responsible citizenship
- community libraries
- respect for cultural differences
- professional development and equal opportunities
- empowerment through knowledge
- ethical business practices
- professional excellence
- honest and ethical conduct
- human development
- legal and customer requirements
- long-term perspective
- monitoring system
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- number of complaints received about products and services in 2019
- overview of stage 3 activities
- perceptiveness
- responsible political engagement
- prompt investigation and resolution
- responsiveness in emergencies
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- social commitment
- 社会责任 (social responsibility)
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- steely resolve
- support for the economically disadvantaged
- support for victims of human rights violations
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- the hi network consists of an international federation based in lyon, france, and eight national associations
- work environment
- access to knowledge as a right
- access to knowledge and education
- access to knowledge
- trasferimento della conoscenza
- shared knowledge
- search for knowledge
- responsible action and knowledge sharing
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- research and knowledge sharing
- professional knowledge and skills
- nurturing knowledge communities and institutions
- knowledge transfer
- knowledge dissemination
- knowledge and understanding
- knowledge and expertise
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- knowable magazine
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- democratization of knowledge
- commitment to learning and knowledge sharing
- availability and sharing of knowledge
- applied knowledge
- knowledge accumulation
- knowledge
- knowledge and competence
| - responsible citizenship
- community libraries
- respect for cultural differences
- empowerment through knowledge
- ethical business practices
- professional excellence
- honest and ethical conduct
- human development
- legal and customer requirements
- long-term perspective
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- number of complaints received about products and services in 2019
- responsible political engagement
- responsiveness in emergencies
- 风控底线 (risk control bottom line)
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- social commitment
- 社会责任 (social responsibility)
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- steely resolve
- support for victims of human rights violations
- sustainability and protection of the environment
- the hi network consists of an international federation based in lyon, france, and eight national associations
- work environment
- access to knowledge as a right
- access to knowledge and education
- access to knowledge
- trasferimento della conoscenza
- shared knowledge
- search for knowledge
- responsible action and knowledge sharing
- respect for rural wisdom and knowledge
- research and knowledge sharing
- pursuit of knowledge and understanding
- professional knowledge and skills
- practical application of knowledge
- nurturing knowledge communities and institutions
- knowledge transfer
- knowledge dissemination
- knowledge and understanding
- knowledge and expertise
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- knowable magazine
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- expertise and knowledge
- democratization of knowledge
- commitment to learning and knowledge sharing
- availability and sharing of knowledge
- applied knowledge
- advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding
- knowledge accumulation
- knowledge
- knowledge and competence
- knowledge and skills
| 55 | 54 | knowledge |
- responsible citizenship
- professional development and equal opportunities
- professional excellence
- final report by the national human rights commission, dated 15 june 2004
- perceptiveness
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- steely resolve
- acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- support and knowledge sharing
- sharing and caring
- responsible action and knowledge sharing
- research and knowledge sharing
- knowledge sharing and community
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- availability and sharing of knowledge
- knowledge sharing
- information sharing
- sharing and wellbeing
- sharing (共享)
- prioritizing people and sharing benefits
- 共享 (sharing)
- sharing
| - responsible citizenship
- professional excellence
- final report by the national human rights commission, dated 15 june 2004
- solidarity with human rights defenders
- steely resolve
- acf research makes an effort to ensure the availability of the knowledge generated and product developed locally and promotes a wide sharing of research results
- support and knowledge sharing
- sharing content
- sharing and caring
- responsible action and knowledge sharing
- research and knowledge sharing
- knowledge sharing and community
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- availability and sharing of knowledge
- knowledge sharing
- 共享
- information sharing
- sharing and wellbeing
- sharing (共享)
- prioritizing people and sharing benefits
- 共享 (sharing)
- sharing
- real success is the success you share
| 22 | 23 | sharing |
- client-centric focus
- environmental and biodiversity protection
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- innovation in financial services
- leadership and accountability
- responsibility and learning
- openness and responsibility
- - operating result
- performance creation
- pleasurable shopping experience
- protecting the vulnerable
- providing timely and truthful public disclosure
- systems thinking
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- - beginning net assets
- small loans with frequent repayment
- investment in infrastructure
- increasing financing
- flexibility for developing countries
- financial support
- financial resourcing
- financial literacy
- financial activities
- building a world-class financial insurance group
- investment banking
- comprehensive financial services
- comprehensive financial solutions
- client wealth and financial inclusion
| - client-centric focus
- environmental and biodiversity protection
- respect for human rights and labor standards
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- innovation in financial services
- leadership and accountability
- responsibility and learning
- openness and responsibility
- performance creation
- pleasurable shopping experience
- protecting the vulnerable
- providing timely and truthful public disclosure
- systems thinking
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- - beginning net assets
- small loans with frequent repayment
- investment in infrastructure
- increasing financing
- flexibility for developing countries
- financial support
- financial resourcing
- financial literacy
- financial activities
- building a world-class financial insurance group
- investment banking
- comprehensive financial services
- comprehensive financial solutions
- client wealth and financial inclusion
- wealth_management
- rational business development
| 29 | 30 | financial development |
- - closing balance
- fairness and inclusion
- respect for human rights and inclusion
- inclusion and belonging
- inclusion and empowerment
- inclusion and social justice
- innovation and inclusiveness
- social inclusion
- standards for partners
- statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- strategic grant-making
- technology transformation
- think about tomorrow. account for what comes next, it makes all the difference
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- accessibility and inclusion
- social and inclusion
- participation and inclusion
- open and welcoming environment
- inclusivity and equity
- inclusiveness and leaving no one behind
- inclusive representation
- inclusive hiring practices
- inclusive growth
- inclusive engagement of all parts of society
- inclusive and equitable approach
- inclusion and equity
- inclusion and equal participation
- equity and belonging
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- welcoming
- inclusive development
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- inclusiveness
- inclusivity in financial services
- inclusive
- respectful & inclusive workplace
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- diversity & inclusion
- diversity inclusion principle
- respect and inclusion
- equality and inclusion
- inclusion and diversity
| - fairness and inclusion
- respect for human rights and inclusion
- inclusion and belonging
- inclusion and empowerment
- inclusion and social justice
- innovation and inclusiveness
- social inclusion
- standards for partners
- statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- strategic grant-making
- technology transformation
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- accessibility and inclusion
- we welcome everyone who shares our vision and values
- social and inclusion
- presumption of mainstream inclusion
- participation and inclusion
- open and welcoming environment
- lifting excluded voices
- inclusivity and equity
- inclusiveness and leaving no one behind
- inclusive representation
- inclusive hiring practices
- inclusive growth
- inclusive engagement of all parts of society
- inclusive and equitable approach
- inclusion and equity
- inclusion and equal participation
- include those who’ve been excluded
- include those who've been excluded
- equity and belonging
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- deepening inclusion
- amplifying diverse voices
- welcoming
- inclusive development
- maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment
- inclusiveness
- inclusivity in financial services
- inclusive
- inclusion
- respectful & inclusive workplace
- creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- diversity & inclusion
- diversity inclusion principle
- respect and inclusion
- equality and inclusion
- inclusion and diversity
- we are inclusive
- be an ally
- faith-friendly and inclusive
- be respectful and promote inclusion
| 45 | 55 | inclusion |
- code of ethics
- customers first
- empowerment and capacity building
- legal and ethical conduct
- reform and innovation
- respect & dignity
- stretch & ambition
- tax compliance
- the edib conservation principles are
- total expenses
- acf research promotes the strengthening of capacities in the host country's target communities
- training and capacity building
- the world bank group promotes evaluation capacity development at three levels
- strengthening local capacities
- pragmatic, academically informed capacity development
- pragmatic capacity development
- local capacity
- institutional capacity
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- evaluation capacity development
- empowerment and capacity-building
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- capacity building
- scalability
- scale and capacity
| - code of ethics
- customers first
- empowerment and capacity building
- legal and ethical conduct
- reform and innovation
- respect & dignity
- stretch & ambition
- tax compliance
- the edib conservation principles are
- total expenses
- acf research promotes the strengthening of capacities in the host country's target communities
- training and capacity building
- the world bank group promotes evaluation capacity development at three levels
- strengthening local capacities
- pragmatic, academically informed capacity development
- pragmatic capacity development
- local capacity
- institutional capacity building
- institutional capacity
- foreign assistance must utilize broadly accepted best practices such as strengthening local institutions and identifying and working with local stakeholders to address development constraints
- evaluation capacity development
- empowerment and capacity-building
- collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and expertise sharing
- capacity development
- capacity building and continuous improvement
- capacity building
- broader development agenda
- scalability
- scale and capacity
- continual improvement and capacity building
| 25 | 30 | capacity building |
- cohesiveness
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- cybersec asia award 2023
- enable trust
- financial and tax reporting
- - financial income
- follow the rules
- global and local application
- global outlook
- global scope
- global vision
- global vision and cooperation
- government official
- investigation
- legal support
- lists
- local focus with global reach
- local presence - global action
- money laundering
- public policy and advocacy
- promoting public service messages
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 january 2003
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- professionalism and respect
- safety, health, and welfare
- spirit
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- standards for partners
- support and innovation
- take bold measures
- we listen and share with curiosity
- thinking big
- leadership and vision
- global reach and impact
- global mindset
- expand overseas markets
- globalization
- 北汽愿景 (beijing automotive vision)
- 愿景:建设全球卓越保险集团
- global presence
- our objective is global performance
- global expansion and influence
- global reach
- global perspective
- global leadership and expansion
| - cohesiveness
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- enable trust
- financial and tax reporting
- - financial income
- global and local application
- global outlook
- global scope
- global vision
- global vision and cooperation
- government official
- legal support
- local focus with global reach
- local presence - global action
- money laundering
- public policy and advocacy
- promoting public service messages
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 january 2003
- resource conservation and environmental protection
- professionalism and respect
- safety, health, and welfare
- spirit
- information disclosure and stakeholder dialogue
- standards for partners
- support and innovation
- take bold measures
- we listen and share with curiosity
- visionary leadership
- thinking big
- leadership and vision
- global reach and impact
- global mindset
- expand overseas markets
- globalization
- 北汽愿景 (beijing automotive vision)
- 愿景:建设全球卓越保险集团
- global presence
- our objective is global performance
- global expansion and influence
- global reach
- global perspective
- global leadership and expansion
- vision
- enterprise vision
| 45 | 44 | global vision |
- collaboration and dedication
- control and substantial interest
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- 敬业合规 (dedication and compliance)
- entrepreneurialism
- equitable treatment
- general principles
- hearing and valuing voices
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- non-profit orientation
- nonretaliation
- perseverance and dedication
- solidarity and cooperation
- speaking up
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
- respect for user data
- volunteerism and dedication
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- doing everything one can
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- professional dedication despite hardship
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- integrity and dedication
- diligence and dedication
- dedication and respect
- devotion
- dedication to every client's success
| - collaboration and dedication
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- 敬业合规 (dedication and compliance)
- entrepreneurialism
- equitable treatment
- general principles
- hearing and valuing voices
- integrity, ethics, respect, dedication, search for knowledge and team spirit
- non-profit orientation
- nonretaliation
- perseverance and dedication
- solidarity and cooperation
- speaking up
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
- respect for user data
- volunteerism and dedication
- put words into action
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- doing everything one can
- 奉献
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- professional dedication despite hardship
- loyalty, teamwork, innovation, and dedication
- dedication, diligence and integrity
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- integrity and dedication
- diligence and dedication
- dedication
- dedication and respect
- devotion
- dedication to every client's success
- 奉献 (dedication)
- loyalty and dedication
- 一分信任 十分责任 百分努力 千分付出 万分担当 (one part trust, ten parts responsibility, hundred parts effort, thousand parts dedication, ten thousand parts commitment)
- unity, dedication, integrity and progress
| 30 | 35 | dedication |
- collaboration and integration
- establishing and enforcing standards
- free expression
- patent neutrality
- regional and international security
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- role model leadership
- media freedom and literacy
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- intellectual freedom
- freedom of speech and assembly
- freedom of speech
- freedom of expression and first amendment rights
- freedom of expression
- free speech
- civil discourse, human dignity, and individual expression
- privacy, security, and freedom of expression
| - collaboration and integration
- establishing and enforcing standards
- free expression
- patent neutrality
- regional and international security
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- role model leadership
- values of an open society
- promoting debate
- media freedom and literacy
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- intellectual freedom
- freedom of speech and assembly
- freedom of speech
- freedom of expression and first amendment rights
- freedom of expression
- free speech
- fighting censorship
- civil discourse, human dignity, and individual expression
- privacy, security, and freedom of expression
| 17 | 20 | freedom of expression |
- collaboration with business partners
- commitment to company & shareholders
- confidence of our shareholders and business partners
- fairness and accountability
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- integrity and sincerity towards shareholders
- shareholder engagement
- shareholder relations
- - share premium contribution
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- annual general meeting
- our shareholders
- shareholder satisfaction
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- shareholders first
- respect for shareholders and investors
- shareholder rights
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
| - collaboration with business partners
- commitment to company & shareholders
- confidence of our shareholders and business partners
- fairness and accountability
- honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community
- integrity and sincerity towards shareholders
- shareholder engagement
- shareholder relations
- - share premium contribution
- - net profit attributable to equity holder of the company
- - equity attributable to equity holder of the company
- annual general meeting
- our shareholders
- shareholder satisfaction
- commitment to shareholders and fiscal responsibility
- shareholders first
- respect for shareholders and investors
- shareholder rights
- responsibility to the company and shareholders
- our commitments to our shareholders
- shareowner faqs
- respect for shareholders
- protection of stockholder interest
| 18 | 23 | shareholders |
- collaboration with suppliers and partners
- ethical oversight
- legal support for private action
- professional limitations
- philanthropic spirit
- promote teamwork & trust
- promoting social justice
- promotion of research
- racial equity & social justice
- racial justice
- racial justice and equity
- responding to changing needs
- social justice and equity
- states' responsibility to safeguard public health
- supportive environment
- synergy and collaboration
- responsible use of company property
- zimbabwe women lawyers association (zwla)
- unwavering commitment to justice
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- societal attitudes
- social justice (adl)
- social justice
- social equality
- respect for fundamental human rights, social justice, human dignity, and equal rights
- just society
- inclusion and social justice
- global social equity
- global justice
- genuine need and justice
- gender justice
- focus on extreme poverty
- environmental justice
- economic justice
- commitment to social justice
- commitment to meaningful social change
- class struggle
- building just communities
- anti-oppression
- allyship
- advancing just systems
- advancing "just systems
- address the structural and social determinants of health
- promoting equity and justice
- targeted poverty alleviation
- social progress
- social and political issues
| - collaboration with suppliers and partners
- ethical oversight
- legal support for private action
- philanthropic spirit
- promote teamwork & trust
- promoting social justice
- promotion of research
- racial equity & social justice
- racial justice
- racial justice and equity
- responding to changing needs
- social justice and equity
- states' responsibility to safeguard public health
- supportive environment
- synergy and collaboration
- responsible use of company property
- "visualizing health equity
- zimbabwe women lawyers association (zwla)
- unwavering commitment to justice
- solidarity with people living in poverty and exclusion
- societal attitudes
- social justice (adl)
- social justice
- social equality
- respect for fundamental human rights, social justice, human dignity, and equal rights
- proletarian emancipation
- minimizing injustice
- just society
- inclusion and social justice
- global social equity
- global justice
- genuine need and justice
- gender justice
- focus on extreme poverty
- environmental justice
- economic justice
- decolonized development
- commitment to social justice
- commitment to meaningful social change
- class struggle
- center racial equity
- building just communities
- anti-oppression
- allyship
- advancing just systems
- advancing "just systems
- address the structural and social determinants of health
- promoting equity and justice
- targeted poverty alleviation
- social progress
- social and political issues
| 47 | 51 | social justice |
- collaboration, competition, and integrity
- confidentiality and data privacy
- data protection
- encouragement of potential
- - fax
- good place to work
- passion for impact
- impartiality and conflicts of interest
- - male employees
- meaningful social change
- monetary freedom
- partnership transition
- philanthropy engagement
- our purpose and ethos
- quality customer service
- - madiath, j., & jayapadma, r.v. (2002). a common cause-ng0s and civil society strengthening india's villages the sustainable way
- world bank (2012) 'what have been the impacts of world bank community driven development programs?'
- world bank (2006) 'community-driven development in the context of conflict-affected countries
- work in the best interest of the community
- thrive as a whole community
- the metlife foundation is dedicated to driving inclusive mobility for underserved and underrepresented communities around the world through collaborations with nonprofit organizations and investments aligned with three strategic focus areas
- support to affected communities
- support others in the community
- strengthening families and communities
- shared commitment
- service to constituencies
- service to community
- responsibility to the community
- oregon community foundation website and community tool box website
- membership committee
- involving parents and community
- investment in people and communities
- global days of service
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- community-focus
- community upliftment
- community service
- community investment
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- commitment to key causes
- commitment to indianapolis and indiana
- commitment to helping people live better lives
- commitment to fao
- commitment to dog owners' interests
- commitment to a cause greater than themselves
- care for each other, partners, and communities
- service to the country and people
- investing in communities
- social media
- communicating with the public
- the power to become a force for good in our communities
- commitment to community
- sustainable development and responsibility towards communities
- social commitment
- respected global corporate citizen
- care for our communities
- commitment to communities
- responsibility to communities
- honour our commitments to the communities in which we operate
- social responsibility commitment
- commitment to society
- we support our communities
- social care and community involvement
- community responsibility
- community support
- commitment to consumers and communities
- responsibility to community
| - collaboration, competition, and integrity
- confidentiality and data privacy
- data protection
- encouragement of potential
- good place to work
- passion for impact
- impartiality and conflicts of interest
- meaningful social change
- monetary freedom
- partnership transition
- philanthropy engagement
- our purpose and ethos
- quality customer service
- - madiath, j., & jayapadma, r.v. (2002). a common cause-ng0s and civil society strengthening india's villages the sustainable way
- world bank (2012) 'what have been the impacts of world bank community driven development programs?'
- world bank (2006) 'community-driven development in the context of conflict-affected countries
- work in the best interest of the community
- thrive as a whole community
- the metlife foundation is dedicated to driving inclusive mobility for underserved and underrepresented communities around the world through collaborations with nonprofit organizations and investments aligned with three strategic focus areas
- support to affected communities
- support others in the community
- strengthening families and communities
- shared commitment
- serving an entire neighborhood comprehensively and at scale
- service to constituencies
- service to community
- responsibility to the community
- reaching the last mile
- prioritizing remote and underserved areas
- oregon community foundation website and community tool box website
- membership committee
- involving parents and community
- investment in people and communities
- global days of service
- get involved with acm
- demonstrate care for each other, our partners, and our communities
- community-focus
- community upliftment
- community service
- community investment
- commitment to protect acted's beneficiaries
- commitment to key causes
- commitment to indianapolis and indiana
- commitment to helping people live better lives
- commitment to fao
- commitment to dog owners' interests
- commitment to a cause greater than themselves
- care for each other, partners, and communities
- service to the country and people
- investing in communities
- social media
- communicating with the public
- the power to become a force for good in our communities
- commitment to community
- sustainable development and responsibility towards communities
- social commitment
- respected global corporate citizen
- care for our communities
- commitment to communities
- responsibility to communities
- honour our commitments to the communities in which we operate
- social responsibility commitment
- commitment to society
- we support our communities
- social care and community involvement
- community responsibility
- community support
- commitment to consumers and communities
- responsibility to community
- corporate commitment
- organization's commitment
- 进地方门做地方人说地方话办地方事尽地方责 (entering local communities, being a local, speaking locally, and taking responsibility for local affairs)
| 67 | 72 | commitment to communities |
- collaborative aptitude
- group domain name and trademark policy
- growth and impact
- market dominance
- competitiveness
- competitive
| - collaborative aptitude
- group domain name and trademark policy
- growth and impact
- market dominance
- competitiveness
- competitive
- building a firm foundation in the market
- we play to win
- market competitiveness
| 6 | 9 | competetiveness |
- collaborative mindset
- company assets policy
- emphasis on human capital
- gender equality
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- security and resilience
- open-mindedness
- open debate
- open and thoughtful communication
- open & collaborative
- multivocality
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- openness to new challenges
- be open and inclusive
- openness to dialog
- open community and remixing
- open architecture and integration
- open
- be open-minded
| - collaborative mindset
- company assets policy
- emphasis on human capital
- gender equality
- motivated to improve the lives of others
- commitment to mr. kauffman's vision
- security and resilience
- tolerance and open-mindedness
- receptive
- reasonable discussion
- open-mindedness
- open debate
- open and thoughtful communication
- open & collaborative
- multivocality
- fostering dialogue across divides
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- debating
- openness to new challenges
- be open and inclusive
- openness to dialog
- open community and remixing
- open architecture and integration
- open
- be open-minded
- be open to different management and individual styles; there are many ways to be successful
- engaging thoughtfully
| 20 | 27 | open-mindedness |
- commercial endorsements
- community participation
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- consistent and satisfactory profits
- context, not control
- disability justice
- economic development and cooperation
- economic freedom
- harmony and cooperation
- 绩效理念 (performance concept)
- structure
- the joy of creating
- the software running the core of osm is open-source
- tika (fair)
- accountability and cooperation
- solidarity and cooperation
- mutuality
- mutual support
- mahi kotahitanga / co-operation
- interdependence
- cooperative approaches
- collaborative efforts
- collaboration and coordination
- co-creation
- believing in collaboration
- collaboration and interdependence
- co-operation and communication
- synergy through mutual communication and cooperation
- win-win for all
- respect and cooperation
- 合作共赢 (win-win cooperation)
- collective good
- cooperation among cooperatives
- co-operation, communication
- deliver together
- win-win cooperation
- stand together
- stronger together
- cooperation and team spirit
- best cooperation
| - community participation
- fair competition and anti-corruption
- consistent and satisfactory profits
- context, not control
- economic development and cooperation
- economic freedom
- harmony and cooperation
- 绩效理念 (performance concept)
- structure
- the joy of creating
- tika (fair)
- accountability and cooperation
- solidarity and cooperation
- mutuality
- mutual support
- mahi kotahitanga / co-operation
- interdependence
- good practices of cooperation
- good collaboration
- go further, together
- dialogue and cooperation
- cooperative approaches
- collaborative efforts
- collaboration and coordination
- co-creation
- believing in collaboration
- collaboration and interdependence
- co-operation and communication
- 合作共赢
- synergy through mutual communication and cooperation
- 和衷共济 (unity and cooperation)
- win-win for all
- respect and cooperation
- 合作共赢 (win-win cooperation)
- collective good
- cooperation among cooperatives
- co-operation, communication
- deliver together
- win-win cooperation
- stand together
- stronger together
- cooperation and team spirit
- best cooperation
- constructive relationships
- 合作共赢 (cooperation and mutual benefit)
- cooperation
- coordinated development
- cooperation and communication
- cooperation and collaboration
- cooperation and dedication
| 40 | 50 | cooperation |
- personal commitment
- personal and professional conduct
- personal data
- personal investments, transactions, and outside business interests
- personal obligation to report
- personal or familial relationships with other associates
- personal
- personal physician
- personalization
- personal experience
- individualized supports
- individualized assessment
- diary notes of mr. l
- consideration of individual needs
- individual spirit
| - personal commitment
- personal and professional conduct
- personal data
- personal investments, transactions, and outside business interests
- personal obligation to report
- personal
- personal physician
- personalization
- personal experience
- persona
- individualized supports
- individualized assessment
- diary notes of mr. l
- consideration of individual needs
- individual spirit
- unique description of core values
- uniquely described core values
- values of the individual
| 15 | 18 | personal, individual |
- community and social responsibility
- compliance management
- equal rights
- faith
- health as a human right
- implementation
- lambarth et al. (2015)
- leadership and organization
- learner-centricity
- long-term value creation
- open society
- operational context
- operational discipline
- setting and achieving clear objectives
- shared knowledge
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- 价值创造
- value creation oriented
- value generation
- violence is a health issue
- workplace violence
- zero tolerance for violations
- world health organization (2008) 'preventing violence and reducing its impact
- various resources from the grayston centre, a uk-based organization focused on preventing violent conflict and building safer lives
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- peaceful, non-violent manner
- peace and non-violence
- opposition to the death penalty
- nonviolence
- non-violent confrontation
- non-tolerance of violence and hate speech
- non-discrimination and non-violence
- no violence/harassment
- avoiding harm to others
- avoiding discrimination and violence
- armed violence reduction
- violence and harassment free workplace
- non-violence
- non-weaponization of robots
- zero tolerance of harassment or violence
| - community and social responsibility
- compliance management
- equal rights
- health as a human right
- leadership and organization
- learner-centricity
- long-term value creation
- open society
- operational context
- operational discipline
- shared knowledge
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- 价值创造
- value creation oriented
- value generation
- violence is a health issue
- world health organization (2008) 'preventing violence and reducing its impact
- violence
- various resources from the grayston centre, a uk-based organization focused on preventing violent conflict and building safer lives
- safer community plans, regional micro-disarmament standard/guideline 05.90 (2005)
- peaceful, non-violent manner
- peace and non-violence
- opposition to the death penalty
- nonviolent approaches
- nonviolence
- non-violent confrontation
- non-tolerance of violence and hate speech
- non-discrimination and non-violence
- no violence/harassment
- avoiding harm to others
- avoiding discrimination and violence
- armed violence reduction
- violence and harassment free workplace
- non-violence
- non-weaponization of robots
- zero tolerance of harassment or violence
- making the world safer
- no weaponization
- not weaponizing our robots
- violence and weapons
| 40 | 40 | non-violence |
- community partnerships
- informed consent
- - earmarked reserve tech development
- empowerment and autonomy
- independence and autonomy
- independence and impartiality
- independence and transparency
- lean staffing and autonomy
- lean, autonomous, and collaborative operating model
- sustainable supply chain
- sustainable use of resources
- system change
- the introduction of something new or different
- self-sufficiency
- self-determination
- professional autonomy
- medical independence
- decentralization and co-existence
- decentralization and autonomy
- decentralization
- 自力更生
- respect for user autonomy
- respect for autonomy
- respecting human autonomy
- context over control
- autonomy and independence
- context, not control
- autonomy
- respect for autonomy principle
| - community partnerships
- informed consent
- - earmarked reserve tech development
- empowerment and autonomy
- independence and autonomy
- independence and impartiality
- independence and transparency
- lean staffing and autonomy
- lean, autonomous, and collaborative operating model
- sustainable supply chain
- sustainable use of resources
- system change
- the introduction of something new or different
- self-sufficiency
- self-determination
- professional autonomy
- medical independence
- decentralization and co-existence
- decentralization and autonomy
- decentralization
- decentralised
- choice
- 自力更生
- respect for user autonomy
- respect for autonomy
- respecting human autonomy
- context over control
- autonomy and independence
- context, not control
- autonomy
- respect for autonomy principle
- restoring autonomy
- context not control
- user control
| 29 | 34 | autonomy |
- community-led sustainable innovation
- contributing to the un sustainable development goals
- commitment to sustainable development
- act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- a commitment to sustainability
- - who (2004). meeting the mdg drinking water & sanitation target
- - ntt group sustainability conferences
- the profile also mentions that the company adheres to three major development goals
- sustainable supply chain
- sustainable development goal 6
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable
- sustainability and future planning
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- runway of sustainability
- responsible consumption & production
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- implementation of the sustainable development goals (sdgs)
- human rights and sustainable development
- for a sustainable future
- contributing to sustainable development goal 6
- commitment to sustainability
- building a sustainable business
- aligning short-term needs with long-term sustainability
- themes of sustainability
- ntt group sustainability conferences
- 可持续发展
- creating future living space for human
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- sustainable energy supply
- sustainability reporting
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- sustainable development and social responsibility
- sustainable development strategy
- sustainable development
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- sustainability
- sustainable development principle
- sustainable practices
| - community-led sustainable innovation
- contributing to the un sustainable development goals
- commitment to sustainable development
- act's sustainability framework includes six focus areas
- a commitment to sustainability
- - who (2004). meeting the mdg drinking water & sanitation target
- - ntt group sustainability conferences
- the profile also mentions that the company adheres to three major development goals
- sustainable supply chain
- sustainable development goal 6
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable
- sustainability and future planning
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- runway of sustainability
- responsible consumption & production
- minimum requirement for sustainability
- implementation of the sustainable development goals (sdgs)
- human rights and sustainable development
- for a sustainable future
- contributing to sustainable development goal 6
- commitment to sustainability
- building a sustainable business
- aligning short-term needs with long-term sustainability
- themes of sustainability
- ntt group sustainability conferences
- 可持续发展
- creating future living space for human
- social and environmental responsibility, with the promotion of actions for sustainable development
- sustainable energy supply
- sustainability reporting
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- sustainable development and social responsibility
- sustainable development strategy
- sustainable development
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- sustainability
- sustainable development principle
- sustainable practices
- sdgs (sustainable development goals) alignment
- sustainability policy
- promoting sustainability
| 39 | 42 | sustainability development goals (sdg) |
- compassion (rahma)
- compassion and care
- compassion and charity
- compassion and empathy
- compassion and kindness
- compassion and respect
- compassion, patience, and persistence
- compassionate
- compassionate care
- contextual understanding
- developing empathy, compassion, and self-confidence
- key principles
- - management and accounting costs
- maximizing impact
- obeying the law
- - operating result
- promoting employment and urbanization
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- serving with integrity
- social and inclusion
- subcontractors
- support for research
- 支撑战略 (supporting strategy)
- sustainability and environmental responsibility
- sustainable management
- transparency and mutual accountability
- universal compassion
- visionary thinking and empathy for others
- solidarity and compassion
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- human touch
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
- empathy and compassion
- emotional connection
- compassion and tolerance
- compassion and respect for others
- compassion and memorialization
- compassion and generosity
- christ helped all those he could and sacrificed everything
- be human
- prioritizing the human element in human-robot partnerships
- compassion
| - compassion (rahma)
- compassion and care
- compassion and charity
- compassion and empathy
- compassion and kindness
- compassion and respect
- compassion, patience, and persistence
- compassionate
- compassionate care
- contextual understanding
- developing empathy, compassion, and self-confidence
- key principles
- - management and accounting costs
- maximizing impact
- promoting employment and urbanization
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗
- respect, understanding, compassion, tolerance, discretion and confidentiality
- serving with integrity
- social and inclusion
- subcontractors
- support for research
- 支撑战略 (supporting strategy)
- sustainability and environmental responsibility
- sustainable management
- transparency and mutual accountability
- universal compassion
- visionary thinking and empathy for others
- solidarity and compassion
- sensitivity
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- human touch
- heart
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
- empathy and compassion
- emotional connection
- compassion and tolerance
- compassion and respect for others
- compassion and memorialization
- compassion and generosity
- christ helped all those he could and sacrificed everything
- build with heart and balance
- be human
- prioritizing the human element in human-robot partnerships
- compassion
- respect people's personal lives and show compassion when an employee is struggling
| 43 | 45 | compassion |
- compassion and kindness
- data privacy and confidentiality
- equity and intersectionality
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- kind and respectful treatment of animals
- kindheartedness
- kindness
- kindness and respect
- commitment to legal compliance
- longevity gene
- trusted evidence
- tact and courtesy
- loving kindness
- grace
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- friendliness
- empathy and kindness
- respect and kindness
- friendship
- kindness and empathy
| - compassion and kindness
- data privacy and confidentiality
- equity and intersectionality
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- kind and respectful treatment of animals
- kindheartedness
- kindness
- kindness and respect
- commitment to legal compliance
- longevity gene
- tact and courtesy
- lovingness
- loving kindness
- grace
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- brotherly love
- assume good intent on the part of other mappers
- friendliness
- empathy and kindness
- respect and kindness
- friendship
- kindness and empathy
- warmth and friendliness
- be kind and respectful
| 21 | 24 | kindness |
- compassion, patience, and persistence
- 开放融合 (open integration)
- talent-driven leadership
- patience and persistence
- i practice urgent patience
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- empathy and patience
- patience & drive
| - compassion, patience, and persistence
- 开放融合 (open integration)
- talent-driven leadership
- urgent patience
- patience and persistence
- patience and generosity
- patience
- i practice urgent patience
- empathy, welcoming, friendliness, and patience
- empathy and patience
- patience & drive
| 8 | 11 | patience |
- compassion, patience, and persistence
- persistence and innovation
- act with integrity and persistence
- patience and persistence
- long-term resolve
- persistence
- strive
- striving
- make it happen
- steadfastness
| - compassion, patience, and persistence
- persistence and innovation
- act with integrity and persistence
- patience and persistence
- long-term resolve
- persistence
- strive
- striving
- make it happen
- steadfastness
- persistent
- relentless striving
| 10 | 12 | persistence |
- compete vigorously and fairly
- data-driven
- public engagement
- human-centered, participatory design
- inclusive representation
- inspiration
- international law and human rights
- partnership and community development
- whistleblower protection
- whistleblower protection and reporting
- whistleblower protection and reporting mechanism
- whistleblowing
- whistleblowing protection
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- the outline of the revised whistleblower protection act can be found on the marubeni group website for reference
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- support for whistleblowers
- safe reporting
- responsibility for reporting
- reporting potential breaches
- reporting of misconduct
- reporting of incidents or concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- reporting of concerns
- reporting obligation
- reporting misconduct and concerns
- reporting known or suspected violations
- reporting employment concerns
- reporting conduct violations
- reporting concerns/receiving advice
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- reporting channel
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- reporting and investigation
- personal obligation to report
- non-retaliation and whistleblower protection
- no harassment/discrimination against whistleblowers
- modern slavery & trafficking compliance & reporting violations
- incident reporting
- group whistleblowing policy
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- copy of the complaint to prison authorities
- compliance hotline
- compliance & reporting violations
- complaint and whistleblower management
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- reporting of illegal or unethical behaviour
- reporting concerns
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- prompt internal reporting of code violations
- reporting of violations
- prompt internal reporting of violations
- encouraging reporting of violations
- reporting of potential violations
- reporting misconduct
- responsibility to report concerns
- prompt reporting of violations
- open reporting
- reporting issues and seeking advice
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- reporting violations
- duty to report
| - compete vigorously and fairly
- data-driven
- public engagement
- human-centered, participatory design
- inclusive representation
- inspiration
- international law and human rights
- partnership and community development
- whistleblower protection
- whistleblower protection and reporting
- whistleblower protection and reporting mechanism
- whistleblowing
- whistleblowing protection
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- the outline of the revised whistleblower protection act can be found on the marubeni group website for reference
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- support for whistleblowers
- safe reporting
- responsibility for reporting
- reporting potential breaches
- reporting of misconduct
- reporting of incidents or concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- reporting of concerns
- reporting obligation
- reporting misconduct and concerns
- reporting known or suspected violations
- reporting employment concerns
- reporting conduct violations
- reporting concerns/receiving advice
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- reporting channel
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- reporting and investigation
- personal obligation to report
- non-retaliation and whistleblower protection
- no harassment/discrimination against whistleblowers
- modern slavery & trafficking compliance & reporting violations
- incident reporting
- group whistleblowing policy
- grievance process
- grievance policy
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- copy of the complaint to prison authorities
- compliance hotline
- compliance & reporting violations
- complaint and whistleblower management
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- reporting of illegal or unethical behaviour
- reporting concerns
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- prompt internal reporting of code violations
- reporting of violations
- prompt internal reporting of violations
- encouraging reporting of violations
- reporting of potential violations
- reporting misconduct
- responsibility to report concerns
- prompt reporting of violations
- open reporting
- reporting issues and seeking advice
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- reporting violations
- duty to report
- raise concerns
- grievance mechanism
- reporting concerns and hotline
- protection of whistleblowers
| 64 | 70 | whistleblower protection |
- competitive
- data integrity
- learning and improvement
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- locations
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- non-profit integrity
- open source principles
- promotion and protection of human rights
- reciprocation
- regenerative capacity
- respectfulness
- restoring sight to the blind
- value people
- accountability and evaluation
- working effectively
- proven and cost-effective solutions
- measurable, meaningful results
- focus on outcomes
- effectiveness
- effective remedies
- implementation and communication
| - competitive
- data integrity
- learning and improvement
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- no relationships with antisocial forces
- non-profit integrity
- open source principles
- promotion and protection of human rights
- respectfulness
- value people
- accountability and evaluation
- working effectively
- proven and cost-effective solutions
- outcome-focused effectiveness
- measurable, meaningful results
- focus on outcomes
- effectiveness
- effective remedies
- cost-effectiveness and replicability
- implementation and communication
- functionality
- efficacy
- program evaluation
| 22 | 23 | effectiveness |
- ambitious & competitive
- conclusion
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- contacts
- diverse scientific coverage
- honoring commitments to partners
- i improve
- improve financial management
- improve the utilization rate of equipment and materials
- improved animal and resource management
- improvement
- improvement before change
- improvement objectives
- improvement of employee engagement
- improving action
- improving classroom climate and relationships
- improving lives
- improving quality of life
- innovate responsibly
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- innovative models
- make it happen
- open-source
- promotion and development of free office software
- quality improvement
- quality of life improvement
- professionalism and respect
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- trust and openness
- violations of laws and regulations
- renew and improve
- iteration
- innovation and improvement
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- focus on the missed-out
- five-year improvement plan
- evaluation and continuous improvement
- bug tracker migration
- quality improvement and empowerment
- untiring effort for improvement
| - ambitious & competitive
- conclusion
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- contacts
- diverse scientific coverage
- honoring commitments to partners
- i improve
- improve financial management
- improve the utilization rate of equipment and materials
- improvement
- improvement before change
- improvement objectives
- improvement of employee engagement
- improving action
- improving classroom climate and relationships
- improving quality of life
- innovate responsibly
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- innovative models
- make it happen
- open-source
- promotion and development of free office software
- quality improvement
- quality of life improvement
- professionalism and respect
- teamwork, loyalty, respect and dignity
- trust and openness
- violations of laws and regulations
- we do great work and improve
- renew and improve
- iterative improvement
- iteration
- innovation and improvement
- implementation and review
- foster a culture of continuous improvement
- focus on the missed-out
- five-year improvement plan
- evaluation and continuous improvement
- corrections
- bug tracker migration
- refine
- quality improvement and empowerment
- untiring effort for improvement
- always improving
- raising the bar
- raise the bar
- we are always improving
- continual improvement
- kaizen
| 40 | 49 | improvement |
- compliance and fair management
- compliance with government procedures
- constructive feedback
- customized reporting
- expertise
- increasing financing
- - jayapadma, r.v., & johnson, l. t. (2003). "institutionalising gender in patriarchal rural communities
- necessary cookies
- our purpose
- support for vulnerable communities
- purposefulness
- purpose and ethos
- overall goal
- authentic writing purpose
- live our purpose, guiding behaviors, and values
- our purpose and ethos
- purpose
- purposeful innovation
- 企业宗旨 (corporate purpose)
| - compliance and fair management
- compliance with government procedures
- constructive feedback
- customized reporting
- expertise
- increasing financing
- our purpose
- purposefulness
- purposeful
- purpose and ethos
- overall goal
- noble purpose
- meaning
- giving an authentic purpose for writing
- authentic writing purpose
- live our purpose, guiding behaviors, and values
- our purpose and ethos
- purpose
- purposeful innovation
- 企业宗旨 (corporate purpose)
- enterprise purpose
- purpose in our world
| 19 | 22 | purpose |
- compliance to regulations
- continuous learning
- deliver end to end
- facilitating discovery, access, and interaction
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- installation of illegal computer software
- user control and safety
- system and information security
- sensitive information
- records management
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- processing personal data
- privacy or security violations
- personal information protection policy
- it security
- information security policy
- importance of application security
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- firewall
- data integrity
- data and reproducibility
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- safeguarding information
- data security and intellectual property protection
- i am trusted with data
- protecting our assets and data
- data integrity and security
- protection of client and company information
- security and privacy
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- comprehensive security features
- protect information
- protecting information
- privacy protection
- protection of personal data
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- data privacy policy
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- data security and privacy
- privacy and security protection
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protection of information and data security
- privacy and security
- security and privacy protection
- privacy and data security
- data privacy and security
- protection of information and intellectual properties
| - compliance to regulations
- continuous learning
- facilitating discovery, access, and interaction
- highly aligned, loosely coupled
- installation of illegal computer software
- user control and safety
- system and information security
- sensitive information
- records management
- record
- protection of third party rights, confidential information and privacy
- promoting application security awareness
- processing personal data
- privacy or security violations
- personal information protection policy
- it security
- information security policy
- importance of application security
- guardianship and protection of data and information
- firewall
- data integrity
- data and reproducibility
- data
- cybersecurity and protection of intellectual property
- crn’s 2023 security 100 list
- copy of the entry in city prison’s database
- building application security into acquisition guidelines
- safeguarding information
- data security and intellectual property protection
- i am trusted with data
- protecting our assets and data
- data integrity and security
- protection of client and company information
- security and privacy
- cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security
- comprehensive security features
- protect information
- protecting information
- data trust and privacy
- privacy protection
- protection of personal data
- cybersecurity, confidentiality, and information security
- protection of intellectual property and personal data
- data privacy policy
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- data security and privacy
- privacy and security protection
- proper use of information
- protect client and company information
- protection of information and data security
- privacy and security
- security and privacy protection
- privacy and data security
- data privacy and security
- protection of information and intellectual properties
- digital responsibility
- digital ethics and data security
- location of processing and data transfers
- data library
- data responsibility
- protecting assets and data
- ethical use of data and ai
- personal data protection
- cybersecurity
- protection of customer and associate data
- data security
| 51 | 66 | data security |
- compliance with international standards
- customer obsessed
- employee ownership and workplace quality
- commitment to employees
- - other employees
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- global mindset
- relationships with employees
- employees
- employee
- improvement of employee engagement
- care for employees
- cultivating a healthy & empowering work environment
- employee-centric values
- corporate responsibilities to employees
- realize the power of our people
- development and safety of employees
- our employees
- caring for employees
| - compliance with international standards
- customer obsessed
- employee ownership and workplace quality
- commitment to employees
- - other employees
- environment of respect and inclusiveness
- global mindset
- - employee relations
- relationships with employees
- employees
- employee
- 造福职工
- improvement of employee engagement
- care for employees
- cultivating a healthy & empowering work environment
- employee-centric values
- corporate responsibilities to employees
- realize the power of our people
- development and safety of employees
- our employees
- caring for employees
- employee satisfaction
- enhanced employee morale
- employee value
- dedication to employees' success
| 19 | 25 | employee-oriented |
- compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- 企业价值观 (corporate values)
- definições preliminares
- determined
- disability rights promotion
- discouragement of misuse
- respecting international trade order and abiding by laws and regulations
- respect for cultures and international trade order
- international trade compliance issues
- global trade
- compliance with international trade laws
- personal and business integrity, national and international trade
- compliance with foreign trade regulations
- trade compliance
| - compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- 企业价值观 (corporate values)
- determined
- discouragement of misuse
- trade-related orientation
- respecting international trade order and abiding by laws and regulations
- respect for cultures and international trade order
- international trade compliance issues
- global trade
- compliance with international trade laws
- personal and business integrity, national and international trade
- compliance with foreign trade regulations
- trade compliance
- respect for international trade order
| 14 | 14 | trade |
- comprehensive financial services
- comprehensive financial solutions
- comprehensive service
- financial disclosures and communications
- intellectually rigorous
- intentionality
- investigation
- kaitiakitanga / guardianship
- reputation focused
- other services
- strengthening families and communities
- respect for the sacredness of mother earth
- vox pops
- warmth and belonging
- - services supporting
- innovation and strengthening services
- high-quality services
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- service provider culture
- quality services
- quality of service
| - comprehensive financial services
- comprehensive financial solutions
- comprehensive service
- financial disclosures and communications
- reputation focused
- other services
- strengthening families and communities
- respect for the sacredness of mother earth
- warmth and belonging
- - services supporting
- security services
- innovation and strengthening services
- high-quality services
- 服务
- developing and delivering high-quality services that contribute to society
- service provider culture
- service
- quality services
- quality of service
- products & services
| 21 | 20 | services |
- concrete
- global good practice
- integrity and practical results
- it appears that you have provided information about three different policies
- product and service quality
- reporting and consultation
- concrete proposals
- practical problem-solving
| - concrete
- global good practice
- integrity and practical results
- product and service quality
- reporting and consultation
- using common sense
- concrete proposals
- 务实
- practical problem-solving
- down-to-earth approach
- always be practical and avoid frivolousness
- practicality
| 8 | 12 | practicality |
- conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical and legal compliance
- commitment to fair competition and legal compliance
- legal compliance
- commitment to legal compliance
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- legal compliance and fairness, equitability, and integrity
- upholding the rule of law
- stringent regulatory oversight
- respect for legal provisions
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 20 june 2003
- legal support for private action
- legal support
- legal hold
- legal and privacy
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- compliance with export and import regulations
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- advocacy and legal intervention
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- the rule of law
- i follow the law
- following the rules
- compliance with laws and policies
- loyalty to the constitution and the law
- adherence to laws and regulations
- compliance with national legislation, conventions and agreements
- compliance with laws and guidelines
- complying with laws and regulations of relevant countries and regions and respecting global norms, standards, cultures and customs
- compliance and lawfulness
- 社会责任百分百 契约精神百分百 法律意识百分百 (100% social responsibility, 100% contract spirit, 100% legal awareness)
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- obey the law
- compliance with international standards
- rule of law
- economic sanctions compliance
- legality
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- law-abiding
- respect for legality and ethics
- respecting the law
- compliance and legal adherence
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- respect for law
- legal and ethical compliance
- compliance with law
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- compliance with laws
- compliance with the law
- legal and regulatory compliance
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
- compliance with standards
- compliance and legal integrity
| - conducting business ethically, transparently, and in compliance with laws and regulations
- ethical and legal compliance
- commitment to fair competition and legal compliance
- legal compliance
- commitment to legal compliance
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- legal compliance and fairness, equitability, and integrity
- abide by the spirit and the letter of the laws and regulations
- upholding the rule of law
- stringent regulatory oversight
- respect for legal provisions
- limitation of liability and indemnity
- letter by mr. l to the chief prosecutor, dated 20 june 2003
- legal support for private action
- legal support
- legal representation
- legal hold
- legal and privacy
- enforcement and compliance mechanisms
- compliance with export and import regulations
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- advocacy and legal intervention
- adherence to system-wide universal laws and local regulations
- the rule of law
- i follow the law
- following the rules
- compliance with laws and policies
- loyalty to the constitution and the law
- adherence to laws and regulations
- compliance with national legislation, conventions and agreements
- compliance with laws and guidelines
- complying with laws and regulations of relevant countries and regions and respecting global norms, standards, cultures and customs
- compliance and lawfulness
- 社会责任百分百 契约精神百分百 法律意识百分百 (100% social responsibility, 100% contract spirit, 100% legal awareness)
- compliance with laws and ethical standards
- obey the law
- compliance with international standards
- rule of law
- economic sanctions compliance
- legality
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- law-abiding
- respect for legality and ethics
- respecting the law
- compliance and legal adherence
- legally compliant and ethically correct conduct
- respect for law
- legal and ethical compliance
- compliance with law
- legal and ethical compliance in business relationships
- compliance with laws
- compliance with the law
- legal and regulatory compliance
- compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations
- compliance with standards
- compliance and legal integrity
- legal information
- legalcompliance
| 55 | 60 | legal compliance |
- respect and confidentiality
- gratitude and appreciation
- supporting owasp
- synergistic corporate culture development
- power of gratitude
- gratitude and duty
- grateful
- gifts, entertainment, and gratuities
- creativity and grace
- spirituality and gratitude
- gratitude and spirituality
- gratitude
| - respect and confidentiality
- gratitude and appreciation
- supporting owasp
- synergistic corporate culture development
- power of gratitude
- gratitude and responsibility
- gratitude and respect
- gratitude and recognition
- gratitude and duty
- grateful
- gifts, entertainment, and gratuities
- creativity and grace
- spirituality and gratitude
- gratitude and spirituality
- gratitude
- always have respect for spiritual matters, and remember to be grateful at all times
| 12 | 16 | gratitude |
- confidentiality and data privacy
- respect for grantees
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- the museum has also played host to numerous other special exhibitions, such as fiery pool
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- bridging cultures, beliefs, and generations
- cultural enrichment
- cultural promotion
- cultural appreciation
- local community benefits and cultural representation
| - confidentiality and data privacy
- respect for grantees
- health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions
- the museum has also played host to numerous other special exhibitions, such as fiery pool
- some notable exhibitions originated or co-organized by the kimbell include the blood of kings
- enrichment
- bridging cultures, beliefs, and generations
- cultural enrichment
- cultural promotion
- cultural appreciation
- local community benefits and cultural representation
- enriching lives
| 10 | 12 | cultural enrichment |
- connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- respect for cultures, customs and traditions
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- documentation
- education and empowerment
- employee empowerment and safety
- empower
- empower and support
- empowering
- empowering human rights defenders
- empowering researchers
- empowerment and autonomy
- empowerment and capacity building
- empowerment and inclusivity
- empowerment and opportunity
- empowerment of trafficked persons
- empowerment of victims
- empowerment through education
- empowerment through information
- empowerment through knowledge
- funding through donations and grants
- gender equality and empowerment
- inclusive and empowering
- inclusivity and diversity
- individuals have the power to make change
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- license must not be specific to a product
- make a positive impact
- meaningful social change
- media relations
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- military and civilian integration
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- neuroscience-driven ai
- offer of a debt waiver in exchange for a "50-50" split
- ombuds office
- open and reproducible science
- open-mindedness
- organizational transformation
- participation and empowerment
- partner with different sectors
- patient education and empowerment
- pay it forward
- people-oriented management
- philanthropic legacy
- quality content
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- safety & environmental stewardship
- safety and moderation
- setting high standards for business practice
- shareholder value maximization
- our shareholders
- speak up
- speculation and risk-taking
- statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- strong commitment to ethics and responsibility
- stronger together
- support and professional development
- sustainability and environmental stewardship
- sustainable development goal 6
- system change
- system granting of any gifts or other considerations or advantages
- system laudering prevention
- systemd era
- targeted impact
- team spirit
- terrorism prevention
- the conciliation commission
- the core values of siemens energy
- the edib conservation principles are
- the formula for calculating the average training hours of cosco shipping lines is
- third party
- thrive as a whole community
- total liabilities
- transparency and management systems
- youth empowerment
- recognition and empowerment
- protecting and empowering people
- powering entrepreneurs
- people power
- partnership and empowerment
- local empowerment and best practices
- local empowerment
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- inclusivity and empowerment
- inclusion and empowerment
- human rights and empowerment
- empowerment through critical thinking
- empowerment through arts and humanities
- empowerment through access to water and sanitation
- empowerment and support
- empowerment and social responsibility
- empowerment and potential
- empowerment and capacity-building
- empowering veterans
- empowering texas communities
- empowering people living in poverty
- empowering individuals to use their talents and capabilities
- empowering individuals and communities
- empowering graduates
- empowering communities
- empowering citizens
- empowered communities
- unleash the power of our people
- enable
- quality improvement and empowerment
- empowerment
| - connecting writing prompts to existing academic lesson plans
- respect for cultures, customs and traditions
- - design a cis innovation lab (physical space)
- documentation
- education and empowerment
- employee empowerment and safety
- empower
- empower and support
- empowering
- empowering human rights defenders
- empowering researchers
- empowerment and autonomy
- empowerment and capacity building
- empowerment and inclusivity
- empowerment and opportunity
- empowerment of trafficked persons
- empowerment of victims
- empowerment through education
- empowerment through information
- empowerment through knowledge
- funding through donations and grants
- gender equality and empowerment
- inclusive and empowering
- inclusivity and diversity
- individuals have the power to make change
- legal compliance and ethical integrity
- make a positive impact
- meaningful social change
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- military and civilian integration
- net profit attributable to common stockholders
- neuroscience-driven ai
- offer of a debt waiver in exchange for a "50-50" split
- open and reproducible science
- open-mindedness
- organizational transformation
- participation and empowerment
- partner with different sectors
- patient education and empowerment
- pay it forward
- people-oriented management
- philanthropic legacy
- quality content
- respect privacy, confidentiality, and protect the integrity and security of assets, communications, information, and transactions
- safety & environmental stewardship
- safety and moderation
- setting high standards for business practice
- shareholder value maximization
- our shareholders
- speak up
- speculation and risk-taking
- statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- strong commitment to ethics and responsibility
- stronger together
- support and professional development
- sustainability and environmental stewardship
- sustainable development goal 6
- system change
- system granting of any gifts or other considerations or advantages
- system laudering prevention
- targeted impact
- team spirit
- terrorism prevention
- the conciliation commission
- the edib conservation principles are
- thrive as a whole community
- total liabilities
- transparency and management systems
- youth empowerment
- user empowerment
- refugee empowerment
- recognition and empowerment
- protecting and empowering people
- promotion and strengthening
- powering entrepreneurs
- people power
- partnership and empowerment
- local empowerment and best practices
- local empowerment
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- inclusivity and empowerment
- inclusion and empowerment
- human rights and empowerment
- empowerment through critical thinking
- empowerment through arts and humanities
- empowerment through access to water and sanitation
- empowerment and support
- empowerment and social responsibility
- empowerment and potential
- empowerment and capacity-building
- empowering veterans
- empowering texas communities
- empowering people living in poverty
- empowering individuals to use their talents and capabilities
- empowering individuals and communities
- empowering graduates
- empowering communities
- empowering citizens
- empowered communities
- unleash the power of our people
- enable
- quality improvement and empowerment
- empowerment
- employee empowerment and public engagement
- employee empowerment & respect
- user empowerment and ownership
- employee empowerment
- encourage decision-making by employees
| 107 | 108 | empowerment |
- conservation and preservation of the museum's collection
- decentralization and autonomy
- environmental awareness
- excellence and stewardship
- fairness, equality, and global stewardship
- impartiality and fairness
- optimism and commitment
- preservation of digital content
- striving
- subject matter experts
- support for local journalism
- sustainability and responsibility
- sustained excellence and leadership
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- valuing stewardship of the earth's health and preserving its resources
- wise stewardship
- sustainability and environmental stewardship
- stewardship of resources
- stewardship of donor intentions
- stewardship and accountability
- responsible resource management
- responsibility in exercising power and managing resources
- responsibility and stewardship
- prudent stewardship
- long-term stewardship
- financial stewardship
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- custodianship (amana)
- community stewardship
- i use resources responsibly
- environmental stewardship and green development
- responsible stewardship of corporate assets
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- asset stewardship
- environmental stewardship
- safety and environmental stewardship
- community responsibility and environmental stewardship
- respect for resources and sustainability
- social stewardship
- stewardship
- responsible stewardship
| - conservation and preservation of the museum's collection
- decentralization and autonomy
- environmental awareness
- excellence and stewardship
- fairness, equality, and global stewardship
- impartiality and fairness
- optimism and commitment
- striving
- subject matter experts
- support for local journalism
- sustainability and responsibility
- sustained excellence and leadership
- the code of ethics committee will oversee compliance with this code and will have the authority to investigate any alleged violations of this code, as well as to make recommendations for changes or improvements to this code. the code of ethics committee w
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- valuing stewardship of the earth's health and preserving its resources
- wise stewardship
- we are stewards
- we are good stewards
- trust and stewardship
- sustainability and environmental stewardship
- stewardship of resources
- stewardship of donor intentions
- stewardship and accountability
- responsible resource management
- responsibility in exercising power and managing resources
- responsibility and stewardship
- prudent stewardship
- proper stewardship of resources
- long-term stewardship
- good stewardship
- financial stewardship
- environmental stewardship, health, and safety
- environmental stewardship and sustainable products
- custodianship (amana)
- community stewardship
- i use resources responsibly
- environmental stewardship and green development
- responsible stewardship of corporate assets
- environmental stewardship for a sustainable future
- asset stewardship
- environmental stewardship
- safety and environmental stewardship
- community responsibility and environmental stewardship
- respect for resources and sustainability
- social stewardship
- stewardship
- responsible stewardship
- mission stewardship
| 43 | 48 | stewardship |
- considerate transitions
- financial sustainability
- improve financial management
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- integrity and ethics
- market discipline
- mhi contributes to successful acquisition of first observation images by jaxa's "xrism" x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission satellite
- providing value to members
- 团队精神 (team spirit)
- - total liabilities
- - net cash flows from operating activities
- - mortgage and lease liabilities
- - beginning net assets
- total liabilities
- prudent fiscal management
- leverage ratio
- increase (decrease) in net assets
- fundraising expense ratio
- financial sustainability and growth
- financial report
- financial health
- economic viability
- deficiency of operating support and revenue over expenses
- cost overrun case study
- cost basis calculator
- financial security
- delivering long-term success and sustainability
- financial resilience
- financial responsibility
- financial stability
- economic sustainability
- economic-financial performance
- financial strength
| - financial sustainability
- improve financial management
- innovation and entrepreneurship
- integrity and ethics
- market discipline
- mhi contributes to successful acquisition of first observation images by jaxa's "xrism" x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission satellite
- providing value to members
- 团队精神 (team spirit)
- - total liabilities
- - net cash flows from operating activities
- - mortgage and lease liabilities
- - costs of fundraising
- - beginning net assets
- total liabilities
- secure and sufficient funding
- savings
- prudent fiscal management
- proper use of funds
- preserving capital with a modest financial return
- leverage ratio
- increase (decrease) in net assets
- fundraising expense ratio
- fiscal responsibility
- financial sustainability and growth
- financial report
- financial health
- economic viability
- deficiency of operating support and revenue over expenses
- cost overrun case study
- belief in the duty to be effective stewards of financial resources entrusted to them
- cost basis calculator
- financial security
- delivering long-term success and sustainability
- financial resilience
- financial responsibility
- financial stability
- economic sustainability
- economic-financial performance
- financial strength
- long-term value proposition
| 33 | 40 | financial sustainability |
- consumer interests
- disaster preparedness
- fair trials
- guest safety
- improving health and lives of people in need
- individual spirit
- law and policy compliance
- responsibility and learning
- legacy and impact
- openness and responsibility
- openness and trust
- 业绩导向 (performance-oriented)
- production of cleaner and next-generation fuels
- purposefulness
- - services supporting
- we love purebred dogs
- responsiveness in emergencies
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- hurricane katrina, louisiana (2005)
- emergency response
- emergency preparedness
- emergency loans
- disaster relief
- crisis management
- community and disaster support
| - consumer interests
- disaster preparedness
- fair trials
- guest safety
- improving health and lives of people in need
- individual spirit
- law and policy compliance
- responsibility and learning
- legacy and impact
- openness and responsibility
- openness and trust
- 业绩导向 (performance-oriented)
- production of cleaner and next-generation fuels
- purposefulness
- - services supporting
- we love purebred dogs
- - emergency hotline
- responsiveness in emergencies
- rescue
- relief and rehabilitation
- providing financial support at critical times
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- livelihood restoration
- hurricane katrina, louisiana (2005)
- force majeure
- emergency response
- emergency preparedness
- emergency loans
- disaster relief
- crisis management
- community and disaster support
- crisis preparedness
| 25 | 32 | emergency, disaster relief |
- contact information
- - contact information
- for more information, you can contact the barefoot college at +91 (0)1463 288210 or visit their website
- gsk's headquarters is located at 980 great west road, brentford, middlesex tw8 9gs, united kingdom. for more information, visit or contact them through their registered number
- hope and optimism
- commitment to meaningful social change
- - telephone
- telephone
- copyright and contact information
- contact people
- contact information for noble research institute, llc
- bouygues telecom | address
- contact investor relations
- contacts
| - contact information
- - contact information
- for more information, you can contact the barefoot college at +91 (0)1463 288210 or visit their website
- gsk's headquarters is located at 980 great west road, brentford, middlesex tw8 9gs, united kingdom. for more information, visit or contact them through their registered number
- hope and optimism
- commitment to meaningful social change
- - telephone
- - phone
- - email
- - contact
- useful address and telephone numbers details
- telephone
- copyright and contact information
- contact people
- contact information for noble research institute, llc
- bouygues telecom | address
- contact investor relations
- contacts
- contact us
| 14 | 19 | contact information |
- contextual understanding
- data protection and privacy
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- justice and love
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- obeying the law
- office of human resources
- promoting employment and urbanization
- security and safety
- loving kindness
- friendship
- respect life, love life, honor life
- love our consumers and brands
| - contextual understanding
- data protection and privacy
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- humility, respect, transparency and love
- justice and love
- lovingness, humility, and empathy
- office of human resources
- promoting employment and urbanization
- security and safety
- neighbourly love
- lovingness
- loving kindness
- love
- companionship value
- brotherly love
- friendship
- respect life, love life, honor life
- love our consumers and brands
| 15 | 19 | love |
- continuous learning and innovation
- corporate responsibilities to employees
- corporate responsibility
- embargoes, sanctions, export and import controls
- financial stewardship
- innovation and forward thinking
- labor rights
- proper use of assets
- the delta brand
- thinking big
- - corporate responsibility
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- public responsibility
- csr reporting
- corporate accountability
- responsible business conduct
- responsible corporate citizenship
- profitability with a conscience
- 担当 (responsibility)
- responsibility as a business partner
- responsible corporate behavior
- good corporate citizenship
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
| - continuous learning and innovation
- corporate responsibilities to employees
- corporate responsibility
- financial stewardship
- innovation and forward thinking
- labor rights
- proper use of assets
- the delta brand
- thinking big
- - corporate responsibility
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- public responsibility
- legality and co-responsibility
- csr reporting
- corporate accountability
- responsible business conduct
- responsible corporate citizenship
- profitability with a conscience
- 担当 (responsibility)
- responsibility as a business partner
- responsible corporate behavior
- good corporate citizenship
- responsibility as a corporate citizen
- 沙钢理念 (corporate philosophy)
- responsible business
- comprehensively implement social responsibility
| 24 | 26 | corporate responsibility |
- continuous review
- courage to speak up
- support systems
- accountability and speaking up
- témoignage (speaking out)
- speak up & resources
- shared ownership & voice
- hearing and valuing voices
- elevating frontline voices
- bear witness
- i share my concerns
- voicing opinions and concerns
- openness and a speak-up culture
- speak up culture
- speaking on behalf of hp
- speak up
- speaking up and non-retaliation
- promoting a culture of speaking up
- speaking up
| - continuous review
- courage to speak up
- support systems
- accountability and speaking up
- voice
- témoignage (speaking out)
- speak up & resources
- shared ownership & voice
- lifting voices and amplifying stories
- hearing and valuing voices
- elevating frontline voices
- bear witness
- i share my concerns
- voicing opinions and concerns
- openness and a speak-up culture
- speak up culture
- speaking on behalf of hp
- speak up
- speaking up and non-retaliation
- promoting a culture of speaking up
- speaking up
- advice and concerns
- courageous speaking up
- ask questions and speak up
| 19 | 24 | speaking up |
- copy of the prison doctor’s report
- corporate security and crisis management
- cost sharing
- informed decision-making
- empowering texas communities
- commitment to ethical business practices
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- generous
- impact of daily choices
- informing
- informing the public
- participatory decision-making
- seriousness
- transparency in decision-making
- 决策零失误 (zero errors in decision-making)
- 决策零失误
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- - arnold foundation decision-tool
- responsible decision-making
- principle 8: review, document, and improve decisions and processes
- monitoring, reporting, and evaluation
- informed choices
- decisions
- conclusion
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
| - copy of the prison doctor’s report
- corporate security and crisis management
- informed decision-making
- empowering texas communities
- commitment to ethical business practices
- follow the law wherever scotiabank does business
- generous
- impact of daily choices
- informing
- informing the public
- participatory decision-making
- transparency in decision-making
- 决策零失误 (zero errors in decision-making)
- 决策零失误、管理零失误、操作零失误
- - arnold foundation decision-tool
- responsible decision-making
- principle 8: review, document, and improve decisions and processes
- monitoring, reporting, and evaluation
- informed choices
- decisions
- conclusion
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- improved decision making
| 25 | 23 | decision-making |
- copy of the prison doctor’s report
- corporate security and crisis management
- focus on measurable impact
- ifar ratio
- lead with passion
- patience & drive
- science and research
- various derivatives of spirit such as “三特精神”, “北移”精神, “六争”精神
- a framework for ethics in decision-making
- responsible decision-making
- ethical obligation
- ethical decision-making model
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- ethical action
- maintaining accurate records
- compliance and ethical decision-making
- ethical decision-making
- making ethical decisions
- honesty and integrity in decision-making
| - copy of the prison doctor’s report
- corporate security and crisis management
- focus on measurable impact
- lead with passion
- patience & drive
- science and research
- a framework for ethics in decision-making
- responsible decision-making
- ethical obligation
- ethical decision-making model
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- ethical action
- effective moderation tools
- maintaining accurate records
- compliance and ethical decision-making
- ethical decision-making
- making ethical decisions
- honesty and integrity in decision-making
- judgment
- commitment to ethical behavior
| 19 | 20 | ethical decision-making |
- copy of the request for an alternative medical examination
- protection of dog health and well-being
- employee well-being and development
- professional ethics
- ethics and respect
- friendship
- protection of public health
- protection of public health is the highest priority
- public health protection
- health services
- healthcare and medical research
- importance of effective institutions
- respect for indigenous and tribal peoples' rights
- initiative spirit of daring to be the first
- institute of medicine and national research council (2015)
- professionalism and integrity
- respect for law
- legal and medical ethics
- license neutrality
- local community benefits and cultural representation
- local leadership
- medical assistance
- medical ethics
- medical independence
- - medical inquiries
- medical report by dr. h, dated 13 january 2003
- mentorship
- national interest
- networking
- non-recurring profit or loss
- 开放 (openness)
- 开放
- openness and a speak-up culture
- own the outcome
- people-centered
- persuasion
- pessoa colaboradora
- philanthropic spirit
- philanthropic tradition
- physician leadership of collaborative care teams
- physician-directed medical practice
- pluralistic extension systems
- principles of medical ethics
- 专业 (professionalism)
- progressive values
- promote green development
- promoting equity and justice
- promoting fair and ethical conduct
- protecting company resources
- protection from retaliation
- quality experience
- recognition and influence
- reflecting on relationship changes
- refusal of medical examination by prison authorities
- professionalism and reliability
- remedy for human rights abuses
- respectful reputation
- resource
- professionalism and respect
- safety, health, and environment
- servant leadership
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- setting and achieving clear objectives
- solution-focused
- solve with care
- spirituality and gratitude
- sponsorships
- supporting individuals
- sustainable environment
- technological expertise
- the power to become indispensable to our customers
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- thoughtful planning
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- transparency and open communication
- universal access
- universal moral edict
- responsible use of company resources
- responsible use of resources
- value generation
- vote on election day
- we back our customers
- we believe in humanist values
- world health organization (2008) 'preventing violence and reducing its impact
- accessibility to healthcare
- accessibility to medical services
- access to quality health services
- "beyond health care
- public health link
- psychiatric report by dr. k, dated 15 april 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 may 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 march 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 january 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 14 august 2005
- personal physician
- patient-centeredness in clinical encounters and care
- medicine and healthcare
- improve the health of people living in high-need areas
- high-quality care
- healthcare accessibility
- health technology
- health systems strengthening
- health insurance
- health camps
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- compensation and healthcare
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- better health
- basic right to healthcare
- basic health services
- passion for patients
- patient-centered care
- patient care
- the wellbeing of the patient
- dedication to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life
- we are committed to a healthy future
| - protection of dog health and well-being
- employee well-being and development
- professional ethics
- ethics and respect
- friendship
- protection of public health
- protection of public health is the highest priority
- public health protection
- health services
- healthcare and medical research
- importance of effective institutions
- respect for indigenous and tribal peoples' rights
- initiative spirit of daring to be the first
- institute of medicine and national research council (2015)
- professionalism and integrity
- respect for law
- legal and medical ethics
- license neutrality
- local community benefits and cultural representation
- local leadership
- medical assistance
- medical ethics
- medical independence
- - medical inquiries
- medical report by dr. h, dated 13 january 2003
- national interest
- networking
- non-recurring profit or loss
- 开放 (openness)
- 开放
- openness and a speak-up culture
- own the outcome
- people-centered
- pessoa colaboradora
- philanthropic spirit
- philanthropic tradition
- physician leadership of collaborative care teams
- physician-directed medical practice
- principles of medical ethics
- 专业 (professionalism)
- promote green development
- promoting equity and justice
- promoting fair and ethical conduct
- protecting company resources
- protection from retaliation
- quality experience
- recognition and influence
- reflecting on relationship changes
- refusal of medical examination by prison authorities
- professionalism and reliability
- remedy for human rights abuses
- respectful reputation
- resource
- professionalism and respect
- safety, health, and environment
- service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
- solve with care
- spirituality and gratitude
- supporting individuals
- sustainable environment
- technological expertise
- the power to become indispensable to our customers
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- 紧、严、细、实、廉
- transparency and open communication
- universal moral edict
- responsible use of company resources
- responsible use of resources
- value generation
- we back our customers
- we believe in humanist values
- world health organization (2008) 'preventing violence and reducing its impact
- accessibility to healthcare
- accessibility to medical services
- access to quality health services
- "beyond health care
- remedies
- rehabilitation services
- public health link
- psychiatric report by dr. k, dated 15 april 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 may 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 march 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 january 2003
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 14 august 2005
- personal physician
- patient-centeredness in clinical encounters and care
- patient-centeredness
- medicine and healthcare
- improve the health of people living in high-need areas
- high-quality care
- healthcare accessibility
- health technology
- health systems strengthening
- health insurance
- health camps
- comprehensive, continuous healthcare based on a healing personal relationship
- compensation and healthcare
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- better health
- basic right to healthcare
- basic health services
- passion for patients
- patient-centered care
- patient care
- the wellbeing of the patient
- dedication to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life
- we are committed to a healthy future
| 116 | 107 | healthcare, medical services |
- 核心理念 (core philosophy)
- crisis management
- respect for diversity
- environmental conservation
- shareholder rights
- we value people
- supporting individuals
- recognition of the importance of people and relationships
- providing value to members
- our people
- importance of people as the most valuable resource
- human-centeredness
- human-centered approach
- belief in people
- belief in human potential
- unleash the power of our people
- people-centered development
- 以人为本
- people first
- emphasis on human capital
- be human. put people before all else
- putting people first
- worth of the individual
- people are our priority
- people
- we put people first
- value our people
- championing a people-centered approach
- prioritizing people and sharing benefits
- put people first
- realize the power of our people
- valuing people
- value the people who build our company
- value people
- we champion people
- taking care of our people
| - 核心理念 (core philosophy)
- crisis management
- respect for diversity
- environmental conservation
- shareholder rights
- we value people
- valuing individuals
- supporting individuals
- recognition of the importance of people and relationships
- providing value to members
- our people
- importance of people as the most valuable resource
- human-centeredness
- human-centered approach
- belief in people
- belief in human potential
- unleash the power of our people
- people-centered development
- 以人为本
- people first
- emphasis on human capital
- be human. put people before all else
- putting people first
- worth of the individual
- people are our priority
- people
- we put people first
- value our people
- championing a people-centered approach
- prioritizing people and sharing benefits
- put people first
- realize the power of our people
- valuing people
- value the people who build our company
- value people
- we champion people
- taking care of our people
| 36 | 37 | valuing people |
- 企业道德 (corporate ethics)
- discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
- protection of identity and non-retaliation
- importance of infrastructure and governance
- no retaliation
- non-retaliation
- commitment to non-retaliation
- non-retaliation and whistleblower protection
- partnership and community development
- prohibition on retaliation
- prompt investigation and non-retaliation
- protection against retaliation
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- retaliation
- zero tolerance for retaliation
- zero tolerance for reprisals
- retaliation is strictly prohibited
- protection from retaliation
- nonretaliation
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- speaking up and non-retaliation
- prohibition against retaliation
| - 企业道德 (corporate ethics)
- discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
- protection of identity and non-retaliation
- importance of infrastructure and governance
- no retaliation
- non-retaliation
- commitment to non-retaliation
- non-retaliation and whistleblower protection
- partnership and community development
- prohibition on retaliation
- prompt investigation and non-retaliation
- protection against retaliation
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- retaliation
- zero tolerance for retaliation
- zero tolerance for reprisals
- retaliation is strictly prohibited
- protection from retaliation
- nonretaliation
- no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation
- speaking up and non-retaliation
- prohibition against retaliation
- no-retaliation
- no tolerance for retaliation
| 25 | 27 | non-retaliation |
- corporate governance and compliance
- ethical standards and conduct
- - no
- results and efficiency
- trust but verify
- whole-person orientation to care across all stages of life
- support for seniors
- multi-generational focus
- intergenerational appeal
- elder care
- care for the elderly
- longevity gene
- age
| - corporate governance and compliance
- ethical standards and conduct
- results and efficiency
- trust but verify
- whole-person orientation to care across all stages of life
- support for seniors
- multi-generational focus
- intergenerational appeal
- elder care
- care for the elderly
- age-transitional model
- longevity gene
- age
- 长寿基因 (longevity genes)
- longevity gene (长寿基因)
| 13 | 15 | aging, age |
- 企业精神 (corporate spirit)
- 企业精神:担当、协同、清正、奉献
- 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- synergy through corporate culture development
- synergistic corporate culture development
- 企业价值观 (corporate values)
| - 企业精神 (corporate spirit)
- 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- synergy through corporate culture development
- synergistic corporate culture development
- 企业价值观 (corporate values)
- corporate_spirits
- corporate spirit
- 企业厂风 (corporate factory spirit)
| 7 | 9 | corporate spirit |
- courage and resilience
- data privacy and confidentiality
- international engagement
- joy and resilience
- resilience and adaptation
- strengthening and inspiring
- support rand
- sustainability and future planning
- take the long view
- responsible use of assets
- - continuity reserve
- preventing destabilization
- healing and community resilience
- economic and social development to promote stability and resilience
- business continuity and crisis management
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- crisis readiness
- security and resilience
| - courage and resilience
- data privacy and confidentiality
- international engagement
- joy and resilience
- resilience and adaptation
- strengthening and inspiring
- support rand
- sustainability and future planning
- take the long view
- responsible use of assets
- - continuity reserve
- robustness
- resilient
- preventing destabilization
- healing and community resilience
- group resilience policy
- economic and social development to promote stability and resilience
- business continuity and crisis management
- awe at human resilience and belief in people's ability to thrive, not just exist
- crisis readiness
- security and resilience
- enduring
- 笃定前行的坚守精神 (unwavering spirit)
- creation of a resilient and inclusive society
- resilience and security
- crisisreadiness
- demonstrate determination, resiliency and tenacity
- resilient operations
- resilience
| 18 | 29 | resilience |
- courageous
- courageous conversations
- courageous innovation
- take bold measures
- courage of conviction
- brave
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- bold terms
- courage
- courage in dealing with others
- be bold
- fearless
- fortitude
| - courageous
- courageous conversations
- courageous innovation
- acting with courage
- take bold measures
- courage of conviction
- brave
- boldness
- bold action
- audacity
- entrepreneurship with confidence, passion to perform, and courage
- bold terms
- courage
- courage in dealing with others
- be bold
- fearless
- fortitude
- bold
| 13 | 18 | courageous |
- credible messengers
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- financial and economic performance
- full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure
- knowledge application
- perform with excellence
- perseverance and hard work
- quality and safety through evidence-based medicine, performance measurement and improvement, and patient engagement
- teacher support
- 操作零失误 (zero errors in operation)
- 操作零失误
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- - key performance indicator b6.5.10
- performance evaluation
- performance and career development interviews
- motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- high performing
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- success
- 绩效理念
- culture of performance and innovation
- human-centered performance
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- performance creation
- sustainable performance
- 绩效理念 (performance concept)
- 业绩导向 (performance-oriented)
- high performance
- leading performance
- performance
- humanity-driven performance
- passion to perform
- exceptional performance
- performance with integrity
- global performance
- we are performance driven, through the lens of humanity
- financial independence and performance
| - credible messengers
- engaged, equitable, and inclusive communities
- financial and economic performance
- full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure
- perform with excellence
- perseverance and hard work
- teacher support
- 操作零失误 (zero errors in operation)
- 操作零失误
- - key performance indicator b8.1
- - key performance indicator b6.5.6
- - key performance indicator b6.5.10
- performance evaluation
- performance and career development interviews
- motivational, managerial, and monitoring capacity
- high performing
- care coordination and health workforce performance management
- success
- 绩效理念
- culture of performance and innovation
- human-centered performance
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- performance creation
- sustainable performance
- performance is our commitment
- 绩效理念 (performance concept)
- 业绩导向 (performance-oriented)
- high performance
- leading performance
- performance
- humanity-driven performance
- passion to perform
- exceptional performance
- performance with integrity
- global performance
- we are performance driven, through the lens of humanity
- financial independence and performance
- 业绩导向 (performance orientation)
- performance and professionalism
- fairness in performance
- operational performance
- performance-minded
- performance-oriented growth
- outperform expectations
- keep only our highly effective people
| 38 | 45 | performance |
- cultural responsiveness
- innovation and responsiveness
- innovative and responsive grantmaking
- legacy and impact
- open company, no bullshit
- production of cleaner and next-generation fuels
- responsive action
- responsiveness
- - services supporting
- strategic leadership
- tone of moderation and respect
- top priority on safety
- - total assets
- - total assets minus total liabilities
- - total expenses
- we are responsive
- responsiveness in emergencies
- responsive planning
- reliability and responsiveness
- in case of problems
- agility and responsiveness
- adaptability and responsiveness
| - cultural responsiveness
- innovation and responsiveness
- innovative and responsive grantmaking
- legacy and impact
- production of cleaner and next-generation fuels
- responsive action
- responsiveness
- - services supporting
- strategic leadership
- tone of moderation and respect
- top priority on safety
- - total assets
- - total expenses
- we are responsive
- responsiveness in emergencies
- responsive planning
- reliability and responsiveness
- rapid response
- in case of problems
- agility and responsiveness
- adequate follow-up
- adaptability and responsiveness
- anticipate risks and listen to those affected
| 22 | 23 | responsiveness |
- curiosity and lifelong learning
- customer 1st
- dreams & curiosity
- education
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
- employee-centric values
- 职工誓言 (employees' oath)
- flint water crisis, michigan (2014-present)
- free speech
- global peace and prosperity
- i follow the law
- listening to stakeholders
- - mortgage and lease liabilities
- neutral language
- political contributions or gifts
- position type/expected hours of work
- profession
- reflection and self-assessment
- regulatory compliance
- resource protection
- respectful
- scientific rigor and evidence-based decision making
- setting standards and best practices
- 坚守精神
- take ownership
- protection of trade secrets
- scientifically-founded
- scientific rigor
- scientific evidence
- scientific approach
- quality and scientific rigor
| - curiosity and lifelong learning
- customer 1st
- dreams & curiosity
- education
- empathy, compassion and self-confidence
- employee engagement and inclusive culture
- employee-centric values
- 职工誓言 (employees' oath)
- free speech
- global peace and prosperity
- i follow the law
- listening to stakeholders
- - mortgage and lease liabilities
- neutral language
- political contributions or gifts
- profession
- reflection and self-assessment
- regulatory compliance
- resource protection
- respectful
- scientific rigor and evidence-based decision making
- take ownership
- scientifically-founded
- scientific rigor
- scientific evidence
- scientific approach
- quality and scientific rigor
- method
- we follow the science
| 32 | 29 | scientific method |
- protection of data and privacy
- gender equality and empowerment
- professional learning
- learning through action and listening
- preservation of company assets
- system laudering prevention
- tireless effort
- public understanding
- - web application server
- well-being and prosperity
- winning spirit
- respect for dignity and gender equality
- gender equity
- gender equality
| - protection of data and privacy
- gender equality and empowerment
- professional learning
- learning through action and listening
- preservation of company assets
- system laudering prevention
- tireless effort
- - web application server
- well-being and prosperity
- winning spirit
- respect for dignity and gender equality
- gender equity
- gender equality
| 14 | 13 | gender equality |
- data and reproducibility
- equity and fairness
- spirituality
| - data and reproducibility
- equity and fairness
- spirituality
- marketing
- lobbying
- advocating in the marketplace
| 3 | 6 | market advocacy |
- data integrity
- equity and inclusion
- i am honest
- our name
- quality and reputation
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三
- commitment to social responsibility
- reputation management
- protection of reputation
- protecting the foundation's reputation
- protection of assets and reputation
- company assets and reputation
- asset and reputation protection
- protecting company assets and reputation
- protecting assets and reputation
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三 (safety first, reputation second, efficiency third)
- brand protection
- brand building
- the delta brand
- reputation focused
- respectful reputation
- protecting our assets and reputation
- protection of company assets and reputation
| - data integrity
- equity and inclusion
- i am honest
- our name
- quality and reputation
- commitment to social responsibility
- upholding reputation
- reputation protection
- reputation management
- protection of reputation
- protecting the foundation's reputation
- assessing reputational harm
- 信誉至上
- protection of assets and reputation
- company assets and reputation
- asset and reputation protection
- protecting company assets and reputation
- protecting assets and reputation
- 安全第一 口碑第二 效益第三 (safety first, reputation second, efficiency third)
- brand protection
- brand building
- the delta brand
- reputation focused
- respectful reputation
- protecting our assets and reputation
- protection of company assets and reputation
- reputation
- protect our assets and reputation
- corporate image and reputation
| 23 | 29 | reputation |
- data privacy and confidentiality
- ground-truthed data is the usp of osm and always preferred
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- 拼搏 (pīnbó): perseverance
- perseverance and dedication
- perseverance and hard work
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗
- targeted philanthropy
- team "smbc group
- tenacity
- projects are king
- perseverance and long-term commitment
- long-term resolve
- doing everything one can
- 自强不息的奋斗精神 (striving spirit)
- professional dedication despite hardship
- perseverance
- strive
- winning spirit
- striving
- passionate execution
- passion for winning
| - data privacy and confidentiality
- ground-truthed data is the usp of osm and always preferred
- 拼搏 (pīnbó): perseverance
- perseverance and dedication
- perseverance and hard work
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗
- targeted philanthropy
- team "smbc group
- tenacity
- projects are king
- perseverance and long-term commitment
- long-term resolve
- doing everything one can
- 不断登攀
- 自强不息的奋斗精神 (striving spirit)
- championship mindset
- professional dedication despite hardship
- perseverance
- strive
- winning spirit
- striving
- go for greatness
- passionate execution
- passion for winning
- 笃定前行的坚守精神 (unwavering spirit)
- do not let temporary setbacks become permanent excuses
- have a fierce resolve in everything you do
- 一分信任十分责任百分努力千分付出万分担当 (one part trust, ten parts responsibility, hundred parts effort, thousand parts sacrifice, and ten thousand parts undertaking)
- relentless striving
| 22 | 29 | perseverance |
- data protection and privacy
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- ethics office
- fiduciary responsibility and loyalty
- future developments
- global initiatives
- global interdependence
- harmony
- independence from national interests
- innovation is our way forward
- national development
- national discretion
- national mission
- national orientation
- national pride
- national responsibility
- national service
- national service and development
- national sovereignty
- preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets
- 求利求名多求己少求人 爱家爱国多爱人少爱己
- - domestic
- national interest
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- pride and national identity
- national pride and patriotism
- 服务国家战略 (serving national strategies)
- support to national goals
| - data protection and privacy
- 发展企业、奉献社会、造福员工
- ethics office
- fiduciary responsibility and loyalty
- future developments
- global initiatives
- global interdependence
- harmony
- independence from national interests
- innovation is our way forward
- national discretion
- national mission
- national orientation
- national pride
- national responsibility
- national service
- national service and development
- national sovereignty
- preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets
- - domestic
- serving the nation
- national interest
- 以身许国的奉献精神 (dedication to the country)
- pride and national identity
- national pride and patriotism
- 服务国家战略 (serving national strategies)
- support to national goals
- serving the national strategy and overall transformation of shanxi
- national importance
- serving national interests and development strategies
| 28 | 30 | national |
- data-driven decision making
- it appears that you have provided a corporate code of business conduct and ethics policy for d.r. horton, inc. the document includes information on resources available to employees for guidance regarding compliance questions or concerns, as well as contac
- leadership counts
- mahi kotahitanga / co-operation
- participation
- participation and empowerment
- participation and inclusivity
- participation in political affairs and lobbying
- participatory decision-making
- participatory design
- participatory governance
- participatory research
- private absorption of losses
- service to constituencies
- student-centeredness
- supportive framework
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- active participation and reporting
- support and participation
- participation and inclusion
- full participation
- enabling wide participation
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- democracy and participation
- constructive participation
- collaboration and participation
- ensuring democratic participation
- reporting and consultation
| - data-driven decision making
- it appears that you have provided a corporate code of business conduct and ethics policy for d.r. horton, inc. the document includes information on resources available to employees for guidance regarding compliance questions or concerns, as well as contac
- leadership counts
- mahi kotahitanga / co-operation
- participation
- participation and empowerment
- participation and inclusivity
- participation in political affairs and lobbying
- participatory decision-making
- participatory design
- participatory governance
- participatory research
- service to constituencies
- supportive framework
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- active participation and reporting
- - result from participations
- worker feedback, participation, and grievance
- support and participation
- participation and inclusion
- invitation
- full participation
- enabling wide participation
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- democracy and participation
- constructive participation
- collaboration and participation
- 全员参与
- ensuring democratic participation
- reporting and consultation
- employee participation
- involvement
| 28 | 32 | participation |
- decentralization and autonomy
- modifiability
- participation in political affairs and lobbying
- political activism
- political activities
- political activities, contributions, and participation
- political neutrality
- political pluralism
- political responsibility and commitment
- politics and political parties
- protection
- support and gratitude
- transparent political lobbying
- trade union, political, and social activities
- public official and campaign visits
- public functions / political activities
- political contributions
- government official
- charitable and political activities
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- political activity and community
- responsible political engagement
| - decentralization and autonomy
- modifiability
- participation in political affairs and lobbying
- political activism
- political activities
- political activities, contributions, and participation
- political neutrality
- political responsibility and commitment
- politics and political parties
- protection
- support and gratitude
- transparent political lobbying
- trade union, political, and social activities
- public official and campaign visits
- public functions / political activities
- political contributions
- government official
- charitable and political activities
- integrity related values such as anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, data privacy, lobbying and engagement, political contributions, and corporate assets protection
- political activity and community
- responsible political engagement
- outside activities
- follow rules for donations and political activities
- personal political activities in the us
- political contributions and activities
| 22 | 25 | political activities |
- defending human rights
- presentation
- - property and equipment, net
- support for the disadvantaged
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- transparency and clarity
- simplicity and clarity in regulation
- legibility
- description
- conciseness
- communicate expectations clearly
- clear expectations
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- clarity on roles and responsibilities
- clarity
| - defending human rights
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- transparency and clarity
- try to be concise
- simplification and clarity
- simplicity and clarity in regulation
- legibility
- description
- conciseness
- communicate expectations clearly
- coherence
- clear expectations
- clear communication and spokesperson policy
- clarity on roles and responsibilities
- clarity
- interpretability
- readability
- intelligibility
| 15 | 18 | clarity |
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- ethical and transparent process
- commitment to honoring commitments
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- speaking up
- sustainability and corporate information
- the hcz pipeline
- working together
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- open communication and creativity
- initiative and creativity
- imagination and creativity
- event 2: creative workshop
- entrepreneurial mindset
- creativity and learning
- creativity and grace
- bold and creative approach
- arts and creativity
- creativity
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- creation beyond vision
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- innovation and creativity
- human ingenuity
- creativity and innovation
- joy of creating
- dare to innovate
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- the joy of creating
| - democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- ethical and transparent process
- commitment to honoring commitments
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- integrity, commitment, professionalism, creativity, and diversity
- speaking up
- sustainability and corporate information
- working together
- prototype
- originality
- open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion
- open communication and creativity
- initiative and creativity
- imagination and creativity
- fostering ideas and imagination
- experimentation
- event 2: creative workshop
- entrepreneurial mindset
- creativity and learning
- creativity and grace
- bold thinking
- bold and creative approach
- arts and creativity
- apply ai creatively
- 挑戦・創造
- creativity
- innovation, creativity, and performance
- creation beyond vision
- unwavering passion and ingenious thinking
- innovation and creativity
- human ingenuity
- creativity and innovation
- joy of creating
- creative
- dare to innovate
- these values are aimed to collectively foster a prosperous environment where ethical practices, respect, responsible management, creativity, and superior performance thrive. boldly shown, they are
- the joy of creating
- respect for individual self-control and creativity
- promoting creativity
- challenge and creation
- always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times
- challenge & creation
| 30 | 42 | creativity |
- developing guidelines and policy
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- policy coherence
- policy governance
- protect what is ours
- responsibility
- the document you've shared outlines three policies for apopo members
- educational and policy tool
- dedication to improving policymaking
- group policies
- governing policies
- we follow our code and policies
- follow the code and policies
| - developing guidelines and policy
- legal compliance and ethical conduct
- policy coherence
- policy governance
- protect what is ours
- responsibility
- the document you've shared outlines three policies for apopo members
- revised operational guidelines for new engagements
- educational and policy tool
- dedication to improving policymaking
- check the policy
- group policies
- governing policies
- we follow our code and policies
- follow the code and policies
- policy alignment
| 13 | 16 | policies |
- personal and professional development
- personal experience
- personal & professional growth
- personal growth
- personal and professional growth
- support and respect each other
- sustainability and scale
- the core values highlighted in the text from the walt disney company's standards of business conduct
- self-discovery
- positive learning environment
- holistic personal development
- expansion of consciousness
- character development
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- holistic growth
- expanding human potential
- mutual growth
- employee well-being and growth
- self-cultivation
- professional growth and teamwork
- comprehensive relationships and self-improvement
| - personal and professional development
- personal experience
- personal & professional growth
- personal growth
- personal and professional growth
- support and respect each other
- sustainability and scale
- widening the horizon
- self-discovery
- positive learning environment
- holistic personal development
- expansion of consciousness
- character development
- 自强不息
- the power to become more by learning and growing
- holistic growth
- expanding human potential
- mutual growth
- employee well-being and growth
- self-cultivation
- professional growth and teamwork
- comprehensive relationships and self-improvement
- self development
- grow every day
- enthusiasm
| 21 | 25 | personal growth |
- diverse and welcoming environment
- explore
- focus on members
- honest and open communication
- honest and open communications
- learning and openness
- legal and ethical compliance
- membership committee
- non-discrimination and human rights
- open
- open & collaborative
- open and accountable
- open and thoughtful communication
- open communication
- open communication and harmonious work
- open communication and harmonious work flow
- open company no bullshit
- open debate
- open to all
- open to all within the spirit of the open definition
- openness and accountability
- openness and disclosure
- openness and honesty
- openness and imagination
- openness and integration
- openness to dialog
- openness to new challenges
- promoting openness and collaboration
- scientific inquiry
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- solidarity, not charity alone
- take responsibility
- team work and collaboration
- visibility
- transparency and openness in governance and output
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- openness, transparency, and learning
- open, informed debate
- open society
- open communication and creativity
- open and informed debate
- mutual respect and openness
- honesty and openness
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- candid conversations
- be open and transparent
- openness and win-win
- 开放
- 开放 (openness)
- open communication and reporting
- be pleasant and straightforward
- be open and inclusive
- open workplace culture
- open door environment
- transparency and openness
- independent development through openness
- open community and remixing
- open, honest and clear communication
- trust and openness
- openness and a speak-up culture
- be open
- openness
- openness and responsibility
- openness and trust
- be open-minded
- open and honest communication
- openness and transparency
| - diverse and welcoming environment
- explore
- honest and open communication
- honest and open communications
- learning and openness
- legal and ethical compliance
- membership committee
- non-discrimination and human rights
- open
- open & collaborative
- open and accountable
- open and thoughtful communication
- open communication
- open communication and harmonious work
- open communication and harmonious work flow
- open company no bullshit
- open debate
- open to all
- open to all within the spirit of the open definition
- openness and accountability
- openness and disclosure
- openness and honesty
- openness and imagination
- openness and integration
- openness to dialog
- openness to new challenges
- promoting openness and collaboration
- scientific inquiry
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- solidarity, not charity alone
- take responsibility
- team work and collaboration
- we work together (openness)
- visibility
- values of an open society
- transparency and openness in governance and output
- respect, fairness, openness, and integrity
- receptive
- principles of open source software
- openness, transparency, and learning
- open, informed debate
- open society
- open communication and creativity
- open and informed debate
- mutual respect and openness
- honesty and openness
- demonstrating integrity, openness, and honesty
- demonstrating integrity, openness and honesty
- candid conversations
- be open and transparent
- openness and win-win
- 开放
- 开放 (openness)
- open communication and reporting
- be pleasant and straightforward
- be open and inclusive
- open workplace culture
- open door environment
- transparency and openness
- independent development through openness
- open community and remixing
- open, honest and clear communication
- trust and openness
- openness and a speak-up culture
- be open
- openness
- openness and responsibility
- openness and trust
- be open-minded
- open and honest communication
- openness and transparency
- harmony, superiority, openness, and win-win cooperation
- openhearted communication
- practice of open and in-depth communication
- we are open, we respect, we trust
- share information openly, broadly, and deliberately
| 68 | 76 | openness |
- diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- doing everything one can
- doing the right thing
- doing what's right
- ethical business practices and integrity
- commitment to always doing the right thing
- always do the right thing
- do what's right
| - diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- doing everything one can
- doing the right thing
- doing what's right
- ethical business practices and integrity
- commitment to always doing the right thing
- do the right thing
- always do the right thing
- do what's right
- we do the right thing
- we do what’s right
- do the right thing even when it's not the easy thing
- do what’s right
- we do what's right
| 8 | 14 | do the right thing |
- protection of dog health and well-being
- commitment to dog owners' interests
- little amal
- live as a servant leader
- optimism and commitment
- commitment to purebred dog sports
- passion for purebred dogs
- commitment to science and society
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- source code
- southern african aids trust (sat)
- we love purebred dogs
- we are committed to advancing the sport of the purebred dog
- kind and respectful treatment of animals
- human-animal bond
- ethical treatment of animals
- ending wildlife exploitation
- dog welfare
- animal welfare
- advancement of the purebred dog sport
| - protection of dog health and well-being
- commitment to dog owners' interests
- live as a servant leader
- optimism and commitment
- commitment to purebred dog sports
- passion for purebred dogs
- commitment to science and society
- sound theory and fresh ideas
- southern african aids trust (sat)
- we love purebred dogs
- we cherish dogs as companions
- we are committed to the interests of dog owners
- we are committed to advancing the sport of the purebred dog
- love for purebred dogs
- kind and respectful treatment of animals
- human-animal bond
- ethical treatment of animals
- ending wildlife exploitation
- dog welfare
- cherishing dogs as companions
- animal welfare
- animal sentience
- advancement of the purebred dog sport
| 20 | 23 | animal care |
- due diligence
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- homelessness and housing
- principle 5: engage in transparent due diligence
- trustworthy relationships and open, fair business practices
- human rights due diligence
| - due diligence
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- homelessness and housing
- principle 5: engage in transparent due diligence
- trustworthy relationships and open, fair business practices
- human rights due diligence
| 6 | 6 | due diligence |
- earning trust
- heritage
- heritage and expertise
- historical relevance
- historical significance
- the core values of luxshare as outlined in the text are
- preservation
- historical continuity
- respect for tradition
- 精神传承 (spiritual heritage)
| - earning trust
- heritage
- heritage and expertise
- historical relevance
- historical significance
- preservation
- legacy and history
- holocaust commemoration
- historical continuity
- respect for tradition
- 精神传承 (spiritual heritage)
- respect for history
| 10 | 12 | heritage |
- economic and social development to promote stability and resilience
- legal innovation
- leverage the power of volunteers
- life-giving
- local engagement
- peaceful purposes
- - ph
- recognizing the importance of clubs and volunteers
- speed
- sustainable monetization
- respect for user data
- voluntary action
- voluntary and open membership
- voluntary regulation
- volunteer at best buy
- volunteer leadership
- volunteer spirit
- volunteer-driven
- volunteerism
- importance of clubs and volunteers
- volunteerism and community engagement
- volunteerism and dedication
- volunteerism and selflessness
- volunteerism sustains our organization and inspires our participants to make change in their communities
- we recognize the critical importance of our clubs and volunteers
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
| - economic and social development to promote stability and resilience
- legal innovation
- leverage the power of volunteers
- local engagement
- peaceful purposes
- recognizing the importance of clubs and volunteers
- speed
- sustainable monetization
- respect for user data
- voluntary action
- volunteer at best buy
- volunteer leadership
- volunteer spirit
- volunteer-driven
- volunteerism
- importance of clubs and volunteers
- volunteerism and community engagement
- volunteerism and dedication
- volunteerism and selflessness
- volunteerism sustains our organization and inspires our participants to make change in their communities
- if you're interested in getting involved with heifer international, they offer opportunities to give, become a partner, or even join their team. for more information, visit their website
- volunteer work
| 26 | 22 | volunteerism |
- economic mobility
- equitable economic mobility
- synergy
- témoignage (speaking out)
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- thrive as a whole community
- sustainable upward mobility
- socioeconomic stability and mobility
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- social mobility
| - economic mobility
- equitable economic mobility
- synergy
- témoignage (speaking out)
- this text appears to outline a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing mobility, education, research, innovation, and cooperation between the european union (eu) and six eastern partner countries
- thrive as a whole community
- sustainable upward mobility
- socioeconomic stability and mobility
- social mobility and economic opportunity
- social mobility
| 10 | 10 | social mobility |
- education and opportunity
- empowerment and opportunity
- equal opportunity
- equitable opportunity
- opportunity
- opportunity areas
- opportunity expansion
- opportunity for all
- serving others
- the conciliation commission
- valuing diversity and equal opportunity
- access to opportunity
- investing in people, places, and opportunities
- economic opportunity
- unleash opportunities
| - education and opportunity
- empowerment and opportunity
- equal opportunity
- equitable opportunity
- opportunity
- opportunity areas
- opportunity expansion
- opportunity for all
- serving others
- the conciliation commission
- valuing diversity and equal opportunity
- access to opportunity
- providing access and opportunity
- maximizing opportunity
- investing in people, places, and opportunities
- expanding access to resources and opportunities
- economic opportunity
- current opportunities
- broadening opportunity
- unleash opportunities
- opportunity with media
| 15 | 21 | opportunity |
- education and scholarship
- other scholarships
- 可持续发展
- this text appears to outline the terms of reference for two committees within mercy corps europe (mce)
- thorough risk assessment and mitigation
- thoroughness
- transparency and public involvement
- academic success
- commitment to original research and education
- collaboration and scholarship
| - education and scholarship
- other scholarships
- 可持续发展
- this text appears to outline the terms of reference for two committees within mercy corps europe (mce)
- thorough risk assessment and mitigation
- transparency and public involvement
- academic success
- scholarship
- preservation of scholarship
- grounding work in scholarship
- creative expression and scholarship
- commitment to original research and education
- collaboration and scholarship
- advancing research and teaching
| 10 | 14 | scholarship |
- education and youth
- potential of young people
- promoting access
- valuing younger people
- valuing youth leadership
- respect for young people's perspectives
- youth
- youth empowerment
- youth leadership
- youth leadership and organizing
- supporting the next generation
- support for children and youth
- empowering children, teenagers, and young people
- ambition and youthfulness
| - education and youth
- potential of young people
- promoting access
- valuing younger people
- valuing youth leadership
- respect for young people's perspectives
- youth
- youth empowerment
- youth leadership
- youth leadership and organizing
- supporting the next generation
- support for children and youth
- making judaism matter for the new generation
- empowering children, teenagers, and young people
- ambition and youthfulness
| 14 | 15 | youth |
- efficient
- human rights and diversity
- human rights and fair treatment
- improve the health of people living in high-need areas
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- tax-related reports
- relationship with tax authorities
- financial and tax reporting
- compliance with tax, subsidy and public contract rules
- tax compliance
| - efficient
- human rights and diversity
- human rights and fair treatment
- improve the health of people living in high-need areas
- accurate accounting and tax reporting
- tax payment amount by country or region for the fiscal year ended february 28, 2023
- books, records & tax
- tax-related reports
- relationship with tax authorities
- financial and tax reporting
- compliance with tax, subsidy and public contract rules
- tax compliance
- fulfillment of obligations as citizens, including financial obligations imposed by law
- taxes
- tax practices
- zero tolerance for tax evasion
- responsible tax practice
| 11 | 17 | tax compliance |
- embrace freedom
- five freedoms
- freedom in a framework
- freedom of association
- freedom of association and collective bargaining
- freedom of choice in work
- freedom of expression
- freedom of expression and first amendment rights
- freedom of information
- freedom of redistribution
- freedom of speech
- freedom of speech and assembly
- global freedom
- intellectual freedom
- legal and technical freedom
- media freedom and literacy
- reflective
- regional and international security and stability
- religious freedom
- scalability
- self-discipline
- support others in the community
- sustainable development strategy
- systemic change
- respect for human dignity and freedom
- permissiveness and perpetual rights
- monetary freedom
- freedom of work choice
- freedom and human rights culture
- freedom and flexibility
- freedom advocacy
- economic freedom
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- advocacy for freedom
- freedom to act
- freedom
- freedom and responsibility
| - embrace freedom
- freedom in a framework
- freedom of association
- freedom of association and collective bargaining
- freedom of choice in work
- freedom of expression
- freedom of expression and first amendment rights
- freedom of redistribution
- freedom of speech
- freedom of speech and assembly
- global freedom
- intellectual freedom
- legal and technical freedom
- media freedom and literacy
- reflective
- regional and international security and stability
- religious freedom
- scalability
- support others in the community
- sustainable development strategy
- systemic change
- respect for human dignity and freedom
- permissiveness and perpetual rights
- monetary freedom
- freedom of work choice
- freedom and human rights culture
- freedom and flexibility
- freedom advocacy
- economic freedom
- committed to human dignity and individual freedom
- commitment to human dignity and individual freedom
- claiming freedom to exercise medical functions
- advocacy for freedom
- freedom to act
- freedom
- freedom and responsibility
- employee freedom
| 39 | 37 | freedom |
- emergency preparedness
- entrepreneurial spirit
- general principles
- having no relationships with antisocial forces and standing resolute against undue demands
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- 创新进取 (innovation and progress)
- innovation and progress
- development and progress
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
| - emergency preparedness
- entrepreneurial spirit
- general principles
- having no relationships with antisocial forces and standing resolute against undue demands
- 创新进取 (innovation and progress)
- innovation and progress
- progress with the times
- monitor progress
- growth and productivity
- development and progress
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取
- 企业与时代共同前进
- unity, dedication, integrity, and progress
- 进取 (progressiveness)
- unity, dedication, integrity and progress
- scale
- progress
| 10 | 17 | progress |
- empathy and patience
- loyalty to the company and conflicts of interest
- non-discrimination and human rights
- social transformation
- sustainability and corporate information
- the hcz pipeline
- openness and imagination
- imagination and creativity
- imagination
- believing in the unlikely
- architects
- human ingenuity
| - empathy and patience
- loyalty to the company and conflicts of interest
- non-discrimination and human rights
- social transformation
- sustainability and corporate information
- openness and imagination
- imagination and creativity
- imagination
- fostering ideas and imagination
- believing in the unlikely
- architects
- apply ai creatively
- human ingenuity
- inspire imagination
| 12 | 14 | imagination |
- emphasizing the core principle of humanitarian work
- humane and sustainable food systems
- humanitarian advocacy
- humanitarian aid
- humanitarian assistance
- humanitarian concerns
- humanitarian interests
- humanitarian principles
- protection of humanitarian space
- humanitarianism
- independence and impartiality of humanitarian action
- maintaining separation of humanitarian negotiations
- minimizing visible association between humanitarian and political/military objectives
- prioritizing the human element in human-robot partnerships
- responsibility
- 责任
- professionalism and responsibility
- strategic, data-informed approach
- sustainable development and responsibility towards communities
- sustainable partnership
- upholding humanitarian principles in un mission mandates
- southern african aids trust (sat)
- service to humanity
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- reinforcing the human rights movement
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- protection of refugees
- promoting humanity
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- illuminating humanity
- humanitarian relief
- humanitarian impact
- humanitarian action
- help people with the greatest need
- empowerment of vulnerable groups
- compliance with international humanitarian law
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- cause above self
- humanistic outlook
- humanist values
| - emphasizing the core principle of humanitarian work
- humane and sustainable food systems
- humanitarian advocacy
- humanitarian aid
- humanitarian assistance
- humanitarian concerns
- humanitarian interests
- humanitarian principles
- protection of humanitarian space
- humanitarianism
- independence and impartiality of humanitarian action
- prioritizing the human element in human-robot partnerships
- responsibility
- 责任
- professionalism and responsibility
- strategic, data-informed approach
- sustainable development and responsibility towards communities
- sustainable partnership
- upholding humanitarian principles in un mission mandates
- we are committed to the poor
- southern african aids trust (sat)
- service to humanity
- respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
- respect for fundamental humanitarian principles
- reinforcing the human rights movement
- providing medical assistance to all victims irrespective of race, politics, religion or creed
- protection of refugees
- promoting humanity
- mhi group to provide relief support to victims of the january 1, 2024 earthquake disaster centered on the noto peninsula
- innovation for humanitarian benefit
- illuminating humanity
- humanitarian relief
- humanitarian impact
- humanitarian action
- helping those in need
- help people with the greatest need
- empowerment of vulnerable groups
- compliance with international humanitarian law
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- centering experiences and needs of trafficked persons
- cause above self
- humanistic outlook
- humanist values
| 42 | 43 | humanitarianism |
- empowerment of trafficked persons
- empowerment of victims
- supply chain transparency and accountability
- sustainable and responsible practices
- victims’ and survivors’ experiences
- victimand survivor-centered approach
- victim-centered
- victim assistance
- the document concludes with information about a book series titled "seeking remedies for torture victims
- support for victims of human rights violations
- support for victims
- support for survivors
- protecting the vulnerable
- justice for victims
- centering victims' and survivors' experiences
| - empowerment of trafficked persons
- empowerment of victims
- supply chain transparency and accountability
- sustainable and responsible practices
- victims’ and survivors’ experiences
- victimand survivor-centered approach
- victim-centered approach
- victim-centered
- victim- and survivor-centered approach
- victim empowerment
- victim assistance
- the document concludes with information about a book series titled "seeking remedies for torture victims
- support for victims of human rights violations
- support for victims
- support for survivors
- protecting the vulnerable
- justice for victims
- centering victims' and survivors' experiences
| 15 | 18 | victim support |
- encouragement
- encouraging educational institutions
- equal rights
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- measurable, meaningful results
- measurement matters
- media coverage
- - media productions
- offer of a debt waiver in exchange for a "50-50" split
- operations
- peace and non-interventionism
- precautionary principle
- sc awards europe 2022
- shareholder value maximization
- the core values highlighted in the text specific to swiss re's code of conduct are
- training and capacity building
- strengthening and inspiring
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- encouragement of potential
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- belief in the ability of people to help themselves
| - encouragement
- encouraging educational institutions
- equal rights
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- measurable, meaningful results
- measurement matters
- - media productions
- offer of a debt waiver in exchange for a "50-50" split
- peace and non-interventionism
- shareholder value maximization
- the core values highlighted in the text specific to swiss re's code of conduct are
- training and capacity building
- strengthening and inspiring
- providing recognition and encouragement
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors
- encouragement of potential
- building on the enthusiasm of individuals
- belief in the ability of people to help themselves
| 22 | 19 | encouragement |
- encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- humility and service
- humility and spirit of service
- national service
- national service and development
- research and reporting
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- serve people
- humility and a spirit of service
- exemplary service
- commitment to service
- sincerely service
- honesty, integrity, and service
- passion for service
- serving others
- humility and service attitude
- leadership in service
- live as a servant leader
- service excellence
- serve athletes
| - encouraging open-mindedness and lifelong learning
- humility and service
- humility and spirit of service
- national service
- national service and development
- research and reporting
- suppliers or partners performing activities
- service to others
- service (khidma)
- serve people
- i-serve
- humility and a spirit of service
- humble service
- here to serve
- exemplary service
- commitment to service
- 服务
- sincerely service
- humbleness and service attitude
- honesty, integrity, and service
- passion for service
- serving others
- humility and service attitude
- leadership in service
- service
- live as a servant leader
- service excellence
- serve athletes
- best service
| 20 | 29 | service |
- energy
- engaged global citizens and competent socially responsible leaders
- ethical quotations
- global corporate citizenship
- providing reliable and accurate reporting
- quality and reliability
- responsibility, honesty, and reliability
- safety and reliability
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- transparency and reliability
- reliability and responsiveness
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- reliable operation
- strength and reliability
- soundness
- dependability
- professionalism and reliability
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
| - energy
- ethical quotations
- global corporate citizenship
- providing reliable and accurate reporting
- quality and reliability
- responsibility, honesty, and reliability
- safety and reliability
- commitment to the protection and assistance of persons of concern
- transparency and reliability
- reliability and responsiveness
- credibility and reliability
- unsurpassed quality and reliability
- trust and reliability
- reliable operation
- strength and reliability
- reliable
- soundness
- dependability
- professionalism and reliability
- reliability and fairness in external relationships
- reliability
- operating reliability
| 18 | 22 | reliability |
- engaged global citizens and competent socially responsible leaders
- take action
- credible messengers
- credible
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- reliability and credibility
| - take action
- credit
- credible messengers
- credible
- credibility and reliability
- transparency, mutual respect, reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity
- reliability and credibility
- credibility
| 6 | 8 | credibility |
- 我们的工程理念 (our engineering philosophy)
- financial and material resources
- firewall
- focus on ethereum
- focus on fedora and foss
- health technology
- health, safety and environment
- information technology
- innovation and technology
- innovation and technology leadership
- integrity in personal art collecting
- open technology
- strengthening communities
- - web application server
- technology-focused
- technology transformation
- technology as a tool
- modernity
- coordinated and integrated care facilitated by technology and community resources
- computer and telecommunication systems
- bug tracker migration
- technological advantage
- innovation and technological advancement
- technological advancement
- technological integration
- technology
| - 我们的工程理念 (our engineering philosophy)
- financial and material resources
- firewall
- focus on ethereum
- health technology
- health, safety and environment
- information technology
- innovation and technology
- innovation and technology leadership
- integrity in personal art collecting
- open technology
- strengthening communities
- * computer and telecommunication systems
- - web application server
- we are the most admired global energy company leveraging talent and technology.
- technology-focused
- technology transformation
- technology as a tool
- modernity
- coordinated and integrated care facilitated by technology and community resources
- computer and telecommunication systems
- bug tracker migration
- arch build system (abs) and arch user repository (aur)
- 科技创新
- technological advantage
- innovation and technological advancement
- technological advancement
- technological integration
- technology
- programmability
| 26 | 30 | technology |
- ensuring the safety of people and property
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- gratitude and spirituality
- respect for individuality
- respect for international law
- providing an opportunity for self-reflection
- quality content
- relationships with employees
- substance
- supporting third sector organizations
- technological advancement
- think big
- training and capacity building
- transparency and accuracy in documentation
- transparency and spiritual growth
- spiritual values
- spiritual growth and devotion
- spiritual devotion
- spiritual and ethical principles
- pursuing godliness
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- love and devotion to god
- godliness
- spirit
- spirituality
- spirituality and gratitude
- loyalty to god
- spiritual penetration
| - ensuring the safety of people and property
- grassroots spirit, devotion to undertakings
- gratitude and spirituality
- respect for individuality
- respect for international law
- providing an opportunity for self-reflection
- quality content
- relationships with employees
- technological advancement
- training and capacity building
- transparency and accuracy in documentation
- transparency and spiritual growth
- spiritual values
- spiritual growth and devotion
- spiritual devotion
- spiritual and ethical principles
- pursuing godliness
- prayer
- our mission at journey films is to produce films that encourage congregations and interfaith groups to learn more about the lives of extraordinary religious figures. the documentaries we have produced, including "spiritual audacity
- love and devotion to god
- godliness
- finding one's inner truth
- 精神文明
- spirit
- spirituality
- spirituality and gratitude
- loyalty to god
- spiritual penetration
- transcendence
- always have respect for spiritual matters, and remember to be grateful at all times
| 28 | 30 | spirituality |
- environmental compliance
- fair competition and antitrust
- focused philanthropy
- generosity and philanthropy
- global council and philanthropy
- importance of main street philanthropy
- innovation in philanthropy
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- 铁的制度 (iron system)
- legal recognition
- people and the environment
- philanthropic innovation
- philanthropic leadership
- philanthropic responsibility
- philanthropy
- philanthropy and community engagement
- philanthropy and giving
- philanthropy and public welfare
- philanthropy and support
- promotion and protection of human rights
- support and guidance
- support and knowledge sharing
- support for agriculture and rural development
- support for colleagues
- support for industrial transformation
- sustainability and growth
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
- the asr aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of raízen's business model, strategies, and initiatives related to sustainability, as well as its financial performance. the report is structured into five main topics
- virtue (shengde)
- wise philanthropy
- the walton family foundation is a philanthropic organization based in bentonville, ar 72712. they have five core values that guide their approach to giving
- strategic philanthropy
- strategic giving
- scientific philanthropy
- philanthropy engagement
- philanthropy as a foundation for living
- philanthropy and legacy
- philanthropic tradition
- philanthropic spirit
- philanthropic legacy
- people-focused philanthropy
- emphasis on the craft of grantmaking
- emphasis on philanthropy as a form of citizen responsibility
- effective philanthropy
- christ helped all those he could and sacrificed everything
- addressing the overlooked
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- targeted philanthropy
| - environmental compliance
- fair competition and antitrust
- focused philanthropy
- generosity and philanthropy
- global council and philanthropy
- importance of main street philanthropy
- innovation in philanthropy
- integrity, energy saving, environmental protection, and philanthropy
- people and the environment
- philanthropic innovation
- philanthropic leadership
- philanthropic responsibility
- philanthropy
- philanthropy and community engagement
- philanthropy and giving
- philanthropy and public welfare
- philanthropy and support
- promotion and protection of human rights
- support and guidance
- support and knowledge sharing
- support for colleagues
- support for industrial transformation
- sustainability and growth
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
- wise philanthropy
- the walton family foundation is a philanthropic organization based in bentonville, ar 72712. they have five core values that guide their approach to giving
- strategic philanthropy
- strategic giving
- scientific philanthropy
- philanthropy engagement
- philanthropy as a foundation for living
- philanthropy and legacy
- philanthropic tradition
- philanthropic spirit
- philanthropic legacy
- people-focused philanthropy
- motivation to improve lives
- emphasis on the craft of grantmaking
- emphasis on philanthropy as a form of citizen responsibility
- effective philanthropy
- christ helped all those he could and sacrificed everything
- advancing the greater good
- addressing the overlooked
- social responsibility and philanthropy
- targeted philanthropy
- employees direct our philanthropy
| 48 | 46 | philanthropy |
- environmental protection and corporate social responsibility
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- open and informed debate
- provide quality products and services
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 may 2003
- reply from chief prosecutor, dated 17 september 2003
- safety and well-being
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense construction)
- professional boundaries
- transparency and protection of boundaries
| - environmental protection and corporate social responsibility
- honesty, transparency, ethical behavior
- open and informed debate
- provide quality products and services
- psychiatric report by dr. j, dated 15 may 2003
- safety and well-being
- 支撑国防建设 (supporting national defense construction)
- when boundaries are crossed
- boundaries
- professional boundaries
- transparency and protection of boundaries
| 10 | 11 | protective boundaries |
- equity and intersectionality
- feminist and intersectional approach
- intersectional
- intersectional feminism
- intersectionality
- nonviolence
- property of iucn
- strength of democracy
- sustainable performance
- public trust
| - equity and intersectionality
- feminist and intersectional approach
- intersectional
- intersectional feminism
- intersectionality
- nonviolence
- property of iucn
- strength of democracy
- sustainable performance
- public trust
| 10 | 10 | intersectionality |
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical dealing
- commitment to high ethical standards
- high legal, ethical, and moral standards
- highest ethical standards
- highlighted core values
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- our power values
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- self-discovery
- acknowledgement of the ethics covenant
- setting standards
- principles of medical ethics
- normative and ethical values
- high standards of conduct
- ethical standards and conduct
- ethical quotations
- ethical practice
- ethical peer review
- ethical obligations beyond legal duties
- ethical fundraising
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- ethical behaviour
- ethical
- confronting media failures
- ethical responsibility
- integrity and ethical standards
- ethics in all activities and relationships
- establishing shared ethical standards
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- preventing unethical conduct
- ethical standards and responsible behavior
- ethical deployment
- ethical standards
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- ethical behavior
- ethical standards and accountability
- compliance and ethical standards
- 我们的标准 (our standards)
- establish shared ethical standards
- observe ethical standards
| - esg治理 (esg governance)
- commitment to fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical business practices
- fair and ethical dealing
- commitment to high ethical standards
- high legal, ethical, and moral standards
- highest ethical standards
- highlighted core values
- respect for human rights, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to high ethical standards
- respect, fairness & inclusion
- self-discovery
- acknowledgement of the ethics covenant
- setting standards
- principles of medical ethics
- normative and ethical values
- high standards of conduct
- ethical standards and conduct
- ethical quotations
- ethical practice
- ethical peer review
- ethical obligations beyond legal duties
- ethical fundraising
- ethical decision-making frameworks
- ethical behaviour
- ethical
- confronting media failures
- ethical responsibility
- integrity and ethical standards
- ethics in all activities and relationships
- establishing shared ethical standards
- ethical concepts with chinese characteristics
- preventing unethical conduct
- ethical standards and responsible behavior
- ethical deployment
- ethical standards
- respect for human rights and ethical standards
- ethical behavior
- ethical standards and accountability
- compliance and ethical standards
- 我们的标准 (our standards)
- establish shared ethical standards
- observe ethical standards
- how we do business
- upholding ethical standards
- behavior standards
- promotion of ethical standards
- ethical culture promotion
- professional conduct and ethics
- customer orientation & ethical standards
| 43 | 49 | ethical standards |
- professional ethics
- good, clean, and fair food
- good, clean, fair, and healthy food
- respect for law
- nutrition and income
- optimism and determination
- reasonable work schedules and rest periods
- self-reflection
- supportive
- universal morality
- use of others' material
- working effectively
- prevention of malnutrition and hunger
| - professional ethics
- good, clean, fair, and healthy food
- respect for law
- nutrition and income
- optimism and determination
- reasonable work schedules and rest periods
- self-reflection
- supportive
- universal morality
- use of others' material
- working effectively
- prevention of malnutrition and hunger
- food security
- snacking made right
| 13 | 14 | health and nutrition |
- 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- i use resources responsibly
- respect for laws and regulations
- performance creation
- pleasurable shopping experience
- protect our assets
- reliability and responsiveness
- technology-driven
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- the right resources
- support and resources
- responsible resource management
- resource mobilization
- resource conservation
- resource
- other resources
- financial and material resources
- financial and material resource allocation
- fair distribution of resources
- investment in resources
| - 职业道德规范 (professional ethics standards)
- i use resources responsibly
- respect for laws and regulations
- performance creation
- pleasurable shopping experience
- protect our assets
- reliability and responsiveness
- responsible use of digital technologies and data protection
- the right resources
- support and resources
- responsible resource management
- resource redistribution
- resource mobilization
- resource conservation
- resource
- other resources
- financial and material resources
- financial and material resource allocation
- fair distribution of resources
- adequate resources
- investment in resources
- resources
| 20 | 22 | resource distribution |
- excellence and recognition
- measurable, meaningful results
- preventive action
- recognition and appreciation
- recognition and sustainability
- user safety and security
- zakocs & edwards (2006)
- recognition and influence
- recognition and empowerment
- recognition
| - excellence and recognition
- measurable, meaningful results
- preventive action
- recognition and appreciation
- recognition and sustainability
- user safety and security
- recognition and influence
- recognition and empowerment
- recognition
- gratitude and recognition
| 10 | 10 | recognition |
- fair wages and benefits
- fairness, integrity and impartiality
- impartiality and avoiding conflicts of interest
- impartiality and balance
- impartiality and integrity
- impartiality and neutrality
- impartiality and trust
- respect, fairness and integrity
- supplier and consultant conduct alignment
- synthesis
- toˉkeke (impartial)
- neutrality and impartiality
- integrity and impartiality
- independence and impartiality
- impartiality and conflicts of interest
- impartiality and accuracy
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- fairness and impartiality
- impartiality and non-discrimination
- impartiality
- impartiality and fairness
| - fair wages and benefits
- fairness, integrity and impartiality
- impartiality and avoiding conflicts of interest
- impartiality and balance
- impartiality and integrity
- impartiality and neutrality
- impartiality and trust
- respect, fairness and integrity
- supplier and consultant conduct alignment
- toˉkeke (impartial)
- neutrality and impartiality
- integrity and impartiality
- independence and impartiality
- impartiality and conflicts of interest
- impartiality and accuracy
- honesty, ethics, impartiality, and professionalism
- fairness and impartiality
- impartiality and non-discrimination
- impartiality
- impartiality and fairness
- impartiality and fairness in dealing with private organizations and individuals
| 21 | 21 | impartiality |
- family tradition and legacy
- support for agriculture and rural development
- sustainability and impact
- the climate divide
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- philanthropy and legacy
- philanthropic legacy
- legacy and inspiration
- legacy and impact
- legacy and dreams
- leadership and legacy
- honoring legacy
| - family tradition and legacy
- sustainability and impact
- the climate divide
- the code of ethics is based on four fundamental values
- upholding legacy
- philanthropy and legacy
- philanthropic legacy
- permanence and legacy
- legacy and inspiration
- legacy and impact
- legacy and history
- legacy and dreams
- legacy and continuity
- legacy
- leadership and legacy
- honoring legacy
| 12 | 16 | legacy |
- feminism
- feminist and intersectional approach
- international women's day
- intersectional feminism
- sustainable performance
- public trust
| - feminism
- feminist and intersectional approach
- international women's day
- intersectional feminism
- sustainable performance
- public trust
| 6 | 6 | feminism |
- focus on core principles
- openness
- tact and courtesy
- the three joys
- the core values in the text are
- the core values are
- core_values
- key principles
- core values of hyundai mobis
- 核心价值观
- 核心理念 (core values)
- highlighted core values
- the core values described in the text are
- 核心理念 (core philosophy)
- the core values described in the text are encapsulated by the phrase
- in summary, the core values include
- 价值观 (values)
| - openness
- tact and courtesy
- about us
- {"core_values"
- the core values in the text are
- the core values are
- guiding principles
- core_values"
- core_values
- core principles
- key principles
- core values of hyundai mobis
- 核心价值观
- 核心理念
- les core values in the text are
- 核心理念 (core values)
- highlighted core values
- the core values described in the text are
- 核心理念 (core philosophy)
- the core values listed in the text are
- the core values described in the text are encapsulated by the phrase
- in summary, the core values include
- 价值观 (values)
- our values
- core-values
- who we are
- values
- corevalues
- core values
| 17 | 29 | core values |
- fostering solidarity and social ties
- insider information, insider threat, and securities trading
- regulated migration policies
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- stakeholder involvement
- stakeholder focus
- relationships with stakeholders
- protection of stakeholders' interests
- focus on colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders
- customer, shareholder, and stakeholder focus
- promotion of stakeholder value
- listening to stakeholders
- stakeholder rights protection
- stakeholder value promotion
- collaboration with stakeholders
- reliability and responsibility towards stakeholders
- constructive dialogue with stakeholders
- commitment to stakeholders
- trust from stakeholders
- responsibility to stakeholders
- respect for stakeholders
- valuing stakeholders
| - fostering solidarity and social ties
- insider information, insider threat, and securities trading
- transparency in crucial information for stakeholders
- stakeholder involvement
- stakeholder focus
- relationships with stakeholders
- protection of stakeholders' interests
- focus on colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders
- customer, shareholder, and stakeholder focus
- additionally, the website provides information for various stakeholders
- promotion of stakeholder value
- listening to stakeholders
- stakeholder rights protection
- stakeholder value promotion
- collaboration with stakeholders
- reliability and responsibility towards stakeholders
- constructive dialogue with stakeholders
- commitment to stakeholders
- trust from stakeholders
- responsibility to stakeholders
- respect for stakeholders
- valuing stakeholders
- questionnaire of stakeholder concerns
- communication with stakeholders
- increase communication and coordination with stakeholders
| 22 | 25 | stakeholders |
- prevention of fraud
- international peace
- professional limitations
- location
- non-proliferation
- non-weaponization
- non-weaponization of robots
- operational context
- promoting peace education
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- responsible use of company property
- various resources from the grayston centre, a uk-based organization focused on preventing violent conflict and building safer lives
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- peaceful, non-violent manner
- peaceful purposes
- peaceful activism
- peace, justice and tolerance
- peace and non-violence
- peace and non-interventionism
- peace and democracy
- global peace and prosperity
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- education for peace
- peace
- peace pursuit
| - prevention of fraud
- international peace
- non-proliferation
- non-weaponization
- non-weaponization of robots
- operational context
- promoting peace education
- social, environmental and economic sustainability
- 永續經營 (sustainable management)
- responsible use of company property
- various resources from the grayston centre, a uk-based organization focused on preventing violent conflict and building safer lives
- solidarity, peace, and justice
- saferworld (2004) 'chapter 2
- peaceful, non-violent manner
- peaceful purposes
- peaceful conduct
- peaceful activism
- peace, justice and tolerance
- peace and non-violence
- peace and non-interventionism
- peace and democracy
- global peace and prosperity
- focus on international peace and the advancement of education
- education for peace
- peace
- peace pursuit
- coexistence
| 26 | 27 | peace |
- gdpr
- public health and safety
- integrity and pragmatism
- patient-centric
- pragmatic excellence
- 务实 (wùshí): pragmatism
- pragmatism and efficiency
- strive
- pragmatism and nonpartisanship
- pragmatic, nonpartisan problem-solving
- pragmatic and nonpartisan approach
- optimism combined with pragmatic action
- be pragmatic
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- pragmatism
- pragmatic
| - gdpr
- public health and safety
- integrity and pragmatism
- patient-centric
- pragmatic excellence
- 务实 (wùshí): pragmatism
- pragmatism and efficiency
- strive
- pragmatism and nonpartisanship
- pragmatic, nonpartisan problem-solving
- pragmatic and nonpartisan approach
- optimism combined with pragmatic action
- be pragmatic
- 务实
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- 团结、奉献、求实、进取 (unity, dedication, pragmatism, enterprising spirit)
- pragmatism
- pragmatic
- practical realism
- 方毅刚勇 (pragmatic and courageous)
- always be practical and avoid frivolousness
| 17 | 21 | pragmatism |
- gifts
- gifts and benefits
- gifts and donations
- gifts and entertainment
- gifts and hospitality
- gifts and solicitations
- gifts, entertainment, and gratuities
- innovation gene (创新基因)
- institutional integrity
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- internal relations
- know the rules about gifts, meals, entertainment, and travel
- acceptance of gifts and gratuities
- system granting of any gifts or other considerations or advantages
- integrity regarding gifts
- business gifts
- business entertainment and gifts
- avoiding improper gifts
- i make ethical decisions when giving and receiving gifts, travel, and entertainment
- proper standards for gifts and entertainment
- political contributions or gifts
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment appropriately
| - gifts
- gifts and benefits
- gifts and donations
- gifts and entertainment
- gifts and hospitality
- gifts and solicitations
- gifts, entertainment, and gratuities
- innovation gene (创新基因)
- institutional integrity
- integrity and fairness in the marketplace
- internal relations
- know the rules about gifts, meals, entertainment, and travel
- acceptance of gifts and gratuities
- system granting of any gifts or other considerations or advantages
- offering and accepting anything of value
- meal expenses
- integrity regarding gifts
- business gifts
- business entertainment and gifts
- avoiding improper gifts
- i make ethical decisions when giving and receiving gifts, travel, and entertainment
- proper standards for gifts and entertainment
- political contributions or gifts
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment
- giving and receiving gifts and entertainment appropriately
- giving gifts to government officials and employees
- gift policies
| 23 | 27 | gifts, meals, entertainment |
- global connectivity
- innovation and connectivity
- teamwork and synergy
- the management approach is evaluated through an independent third-party verification process based on the aa1000 as(2008) for a type 1, moderate level of assurance. the report also complies with the core option level of gri standards. the company's csr re
- timber
- coordinated and integrated care facilitated by technology and community resources
- connection and collaboration
- connection
- connected
- collaboration and connection
- connectivity
| - global connectivity
- innovation and connectivity
- teamwork and synergy
- the management approach is evaluated through an independent third-party verification process based on the aa1000 as(2008) for a type 1, moderate level of assurance. the report also complies with the core option level of gri standards. the company's csr re
- interoperability
- coordinated and integrated care facilitated by technology and community resources
- connection and collaboration
- connection
- connected
- collaboration and connection
- connectivity
- network and connectivity
| 11 | 12 | connectivity |
- global movement
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- munificence
- responsible political engagement
- scientific rigor and evidence-based decision making
- scientific evidence
- research-based practice
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- evidence-based solutions
- evidence-based programs
- evidence-based practice
- evidence-based advocacy
- evidence-based
- evidence
- challenging dogma with evidence
- 系统观念 (systematic concept)
| - global movement
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- responsible political engagement
- scientific rigor and evidence-based decision making
- scientific evidence
- research-based practice
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- evidence-based solutions
- evidence-based programs
- evidence-based practice
- evidence-based influence
- evidence-based advocacy
- evidence-based
- evidence
- empirical data and research
- challenging dogma with evidence
- belief in systematic understanding
- 系统观念 (systematic concept)
| 16 | 18 | evidence-based practice |
- governance structure
- i follow the law
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- management of human rights and ethics
- service to humanity
- technology as a tool
- 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- scientific rigor and evidence-based decision making
- scientific evidence
- scientific decision-making
- research-based practice
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- informed decisions
- informed decision-making based on science
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- evidence-informed decision making
- evidence-based solutions
- evidence-based programs
- evidence-based decision-making
- evidence-based advocacy
- evidence-based
- evidence
- informed decision-making
- 系统观念 (systematic concept)
| - governance structure
- i follow the law
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- management of human rights and ethics
- service to humanity
- technology as a tool
- 9) there are a number of areas of research that would help develop a strong evidence base around mental health for men and boys, including
- scientific rigor and evidence-based decision making
- scientific evidence
- scientific decision-making
- rigorous, scientific, and data-driven approach
- research-based practice
- knowledge and evidence-based action
- informed decisions
- informed decision-making based on science
- fact-based decision-making
- evidence-informed policy solutions
- evidence-informed decision making
- evidence-based solutions
- evidence-based programs
- evidence-based influence
- evidence-based decision-making
- evidence-based decision making
- evidence-based advocacy
- evidence-based
- evidence
- evaluate results
- empirical data and research
- data-driven practices
- belief in systematic understanding
- informed decision-making
- 系统观念 (systematic concept)
- improved decision making
- science-based decision-making
| 24 | 34 | evidence-based decision making |
- green development
- ground-truthed data is the usp of osm and always preferred
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- tireless effort
- hard work and innovation
- perseverance and hard work
- hard work, diligence, and thrift
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- wisdom and hard work
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗 (put strugglers first, long-term hard work)
- diligent work
| - green development
- ground-truthed data is the usp of osm and always preferred
- respect and support for human rights and fair working conditions
- tireless effort
- hard work and innovation
- 勤奋
- 艰苦奋斗
- perseverance and hard work
- hard work, diligence, and thrift
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗
- self-reliance, hard work, innovation, and continuous improvement
- wisdom and hard work
- 以奋斗者为本、长期艰苦奋斗 (put strugglers first, long-term hard work)
- diligent work
- 敬业精业 (diligent and industrious)
- hard work
- hard work and commitment
| 12 | 17 | hard work |
- harmony-based
- harmony-based, pursuing excellence
- harmonious flow of work
- harmony and coexistence
- harmonious co-existence
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- 和諧的環境 (harmonious environment)
- harmonious development
- harmony
- harmonious coexistence
| - harmony-based
- harmony-based, pursuing excellence
- harmonious flow of work
- harmony and coexistence
- harmonious co-existence
- 和悦共生 (harmony and coexistence)
- 和諧的環境 (harmonious environment)
- harmonious development
- harmony
- harmonious coexistence
- harmonious development between human, vehicle and society
- 总基调 (overall tone)
| 10 | 12 | harmony-based |
- public health and safety
- nurturing knowledge communities and institutions
- observe ethical standards
- resource mobilization
- respect de la réglementation
- strive
- pragmatism and nonpartisanship
- pragmatic, nonpartisan problem-solving
- pragmatic and nonpartisan approach
- politics and political parties
- nonpartisanship
- non-partisan
- independence and non-partisanship
- political neutrality
| - public health and safety
- nurturing knowledge communities and institutions
- observe ethical standards
- resource mobilization
- strive
- pragmatism and nonpartisanship
- pragmatic, nonpartisan problem-solving
- pragmatic and nonpartisan approach
- politics and political parties
- objectivity and nonpartisanship
- nonpartisanship
- nonpartisan approach
- nonpartisan
- non-partisanship
- non-partisan
- independence and non-partisanship
- political neutrality
| 14 | 17 | nonpartisanship |
- historical continuity
- media relations
- the core values in the text are
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- talent-driven leadership
- talent attraction and development
- talent and teamwork
- staff investment
- leadership development
- investing in leadership development
- invest in leaders
- innovative leadership development
- enhancement of human resources
- talent cultivation
- talent management
- talent development and teamwork
- expanding human potential
- education and talent growth
- talent development
| - historical continuity
- the core values in the text are
- respect for workers' rights and safety
- talent-driven leadership
- talent attraction and development
- talent and teamwork
- staff investment
- leadership development
- investing in leadership development
- invest in leaders
- innovative leadership development
- enhancement of human resources
- talent cultivation
- talent management
- talent development and teamwork
- expanding human potential
- education and talent growth
- talent development
- employee development
- people development
| 19 | 20 | talent development |
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- 荣誉 善勇 智勤 方毅刚勇 柔韧圆通 智慧 良心 吃苦 吃亏 敬业 精业 向上 向善
- social commitment
- the core values of luxshare as outlined in the text are
- wisdom
- wise stewardship
- wise philanthropy
- wisdom and hard work
| - 荣誉 善勇 智勤 (honor, kindness, courage, wisdom, and diligence)
- social commitment
- wisdom
- wise stewardship
- wise philanthropy
- wisdom and hard work
- philosophy
- 智慧良心 (wisdom and conscience)
- 智勤 (wise and industrious)
| 8 | 9 | wisdom |
- respect for human dignity and freedom
- professional independence
- legal and ethical compliance
- people-to-people contacts
- program expense ratio
- project incubation
- promoting human development
- research and knowledge sharing
- riduzione della duplicazione degli studi
- shareholder value maximization
- step down considerately
- 团队精神
- training and awareness
- transparency and public involvement
- the walton family foundation is a philanthropic organization based in bentonville, ar 72712. they have five core values that guide their approach to giving
- non-profit orientation
- non-profit integrity
- non-profit ethos
- non-profit and non-shareholder
- non-profit 501(c)3 leadership
- foundation
- civic engagement for non-profit purposes
| - respect for human dignity and freedom
- professional independence
- legal and ethical compliance
- program expense ratio
- project incubation
- promoting human development
- research and knowledge sharing
- shareholder value maximization
- 团队精神
- training and awareness
- transparency and public involvement
- the walton family foundation is a philanthropic organization based in bentonville, ar 72712. they have five core values that guide their approach to giving
- non-profit support
- non-profit status
- non-profit orientation
- non-profit integrity
- non-profit ethos
- non-profit and public benefit
- non-profit and non-shareholder
- non-profit and non-governmental
- non-profit 501(c)3 leadership
- non-profit
- non-governmental
- foundation
- civic engagement for non-profit purposes
- avoidance of research bias and non-profit-driven
- charitable contributions
| 22 | 27 | non-profit, charity, foundation |
- respect for human dignity and freedom
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- support for survivors
- support for whistleblowers
| - respect for human dignity and freedom
- relationships with customers, business partners, and public authorities
- support for survivors
- support for whistleblowers
- limited government intervention
- limited government
- constitutionalism and limited government
| 4 | 7 | limited government |
- human rights & labor standards
- inspired determination
- price fixing
- privacy and anonymity
- prohibition of forced labor
- strive for the best as a team
- transformation and development
- we the peoples" approach
- the ethics & compliance hotline is available 24/7 for reporting concerns anonymously if necessary. reports should provide detailed information to facilitate investigation, and reporters may choose to use their names for follow-up purposes. the ethics & co
- anonymous reporting
- anonymity in vox pops
- anonymity and pseudonyms
- anonymity and confidentiality
| - human rights & labor standards
- inspired determination
- price fixing
- privacy and anonymity
- prohibition of forced labor
- strive for the best as a team
- transformation and development
- the ethics & compliance hotline is available 24/7 for reporting concerns anonymously if necessary. reports should provide detailed information to facilitate investigation, and reporters may choose to use their names for follow-up purposes. the ethics & co
- low profile
- anonymous reporting
- anonymity in vox pops
- anonymity and pseudonyms
- anonymity and confidentiality
- anonymity
| 13 | 14 | anonymity |
- humility and reflection
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- targeted poverty alleviation
- self-reflection
- reflective
- reflection and self-assessment
- reflection
- reflecting on relationship changes
- providing an opportunity for self-reflection
- encouraging self-reflection and writing about personal values
- commitment to ongoing learning and self-reflection
| - humility and reflection
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- targeted poverty alleviation
- acknowledge the negatives
- self-reflection
- reflective
- reflection event
- reflection and self-examination
- reflection and self-assessment
- reflection
- reflecting on relationship changes
- providing an opportunity for self-reflection
- introspection
- encouraging self-reflection and writing about personal values
- commitment to ongoing learning and self-reflection
| 11 | 15 | reflection |
- respect and humility towards others
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- transformation through learning
- transformation through education, work, and income
- technology transformation
- revolutionizing the way the world works
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- organizational transformation
- individuals and communities can transform themselves
- impact and transformation
- innovation and transformation
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- digital transformation
- transformation and development
- technological transformation
- commitment to growth and transformation
- advancement with the times
- comprehensive reform
- create the future of sport
- support for industrial transformation
| - respect and humility towards others
- respecting the right to fair treatment
- transforming broken systems
- transformative use
- transformative
- transformational impact
- transformational change
- transformation through learning
- transformation through education, work, and income
- transformation
- transform others and transform ourselves by doing
- transform
- technology transformation
- revolutionizing the way the world works
- revolution
- rebuilding, renewing, innovating, and transforming
- organizational transformation
- inspiring solidarity to transform lives
- individuals and communities can transform themselves
- impact and transformation
- extension of purpose, change of purpose, mergers, annulment, conversion and other amendments
- innovation and transformation
- energy revolution, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and transformation and development
- digital transformation
- transformation and development
- technological transformation
- commitment to growth and transformation
- advancement with the times
- comprehensive reform
- create the future of sport
- support for industrial transformation
- transformation and upgrading
- transforming lives
- industry transformation and upgrading
- serving the national strategy and overall transformation of shanxi
- green transformation and innovation
- reform
- new energies
| 20 | 38 | transformation |
- humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- respect for intellectual property
- outside employment
- promoting employment and urbanization
- supporting the next generation
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- forgiveness and mercy
- forgiveness
| - humility, mutual respect, forgiveness, transparency, and love of humanity
- respect for intellectual property
- outside employment
- promoting employment and urbanization
- supporting the next generation
- forgiveness and non-retaliation
- forgiveness and mercy
- forgiveness
| 8 | 8 | forgiveness |
- hurricane katrina, louisiana (2005)
- support for the disadvantaged
- transparency and simplicity
- simpllicity
- simplicity and human touch
- simplicity and clarity in regulation
- lean staff, simple procedures, and cooperative leadership
- conciseness
| - hurricane katrina, louisiana (2005)
- transparency and simplicity
- try to be concise
- simpllicity
- simplification and clarity
- simplicity and human touch
- simplicity and clarity in regulation
- lean staff, simple procedures, and cooperative leadership
- conciseness
- simplicity
- simple
- do the simple thing that works
- beauty in simplicity
- simplification
| 8 | 14 | simplicity |
- impartiality and neutrality
- pride
- proper use of company resources
- synthesis
- territorial integrity and sovereignty
- technology neutrality
- patent neutrality
- non-governmental, non-denominational, and apolitical
- neutrality in financial choices
- neutrality and independence
- neutrality and impartiality
- neutral language
- license neutrality
- independence from national interests
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- independence and neutrality
- government neutrality
- neutrality
- political neutrality
| - impartiality and neutrality
- pride
- territorial integrity and sovereignty
- technology neutrality
- patent neutrality
- non-governmental, non-denominational, and apolitical
- no permanent allies or adversaries
- neutrality in financial choices
- neutrality and trust
- neutrality and independence
- neutrality and impartiality
- neutral language
- license neutrality
- license must be technology-neutral
- independence from national interests
- independence from any religious or party-political affiliation
- independence and neutrality
- government neutrality
- neutrality
- political neutrality
| 19 | 20 | neutrality |
- independence
- independence and accountability
- independence and autonomy
- independence and impartiality
- independence and interdependence
- independence and neutrality
- independence and non-partisanship
- independence and objectivity
- independence from national interests
- independence from undue influence
- independent journalism
- national sovereignty
- - partner with us dept. of education to launch a competition
- reporting and non-retaliation policy
- respect de la réglementation
- sustainable supply chain
- the introduction of something new or different
- - the ncarb rule of conduct is made up of 5 general rules
- think big
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- sovereignty and independence
- professional independence
- neutrality and independence
- independence and transparency
- independence and integrity
- financial independence
- independent development through openness
- autonomy and independence
- financial independence and performance
| - independence
- independence and accountability
- independence and autonomy
- independence and impartiality
- independence and interdependence
- independence and neutrality
- independence and non-partisanship
- independence and objectivity
- independence from national interests
- independence from undue influence
- independent journalism
- national sovereignty
- - partner with us dept. of education to launch a competition
- sustainable supply chain
- the introduction of something new or different
- - the ncarb rule of conduct is made up of 5 general rules
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- sovereignty and independence
- professional independence
- neutrality and independence
- loyalty, competence and independence
- loyalty and independence
- independence and transparency
- independence and integrity
- financial independence
- independent development through openness
- autonomy and independence
- financial independence and performance
| 30 | 29 | independence |
- individual liberty
- promotion of free software philosophical and cultural ideals
- co-prosperity
- regional and international security
- upholding principles
- license must not restrict other software
- liberty and rule of law
- legal and technical freedom
- economic freedom
| - individual liberty
- promotion of free software philosophical and cultural ideals
- co-prosperity
- regional and international security
- upholding principles
- preserving choice in money
- license must not restrict other software
- liberty and rule of law
- liberty
- legal and technical freedom
- fighting censorship
- economic freedom
| 9 | 12 | liberty |
- individualized support
- long-term support
- mutual support
- 总要求 (overall requirement)
- reporting conduct violations
- service to the customer
- supporto agli autori
- supportiveness
- supportive framework
- supportive environment
- supportive
- supporting individuals
- support systems
- support rand
- support for success
- support for colleagues
- support and resources
- support and promotion
- support and professional development
- support and partnership
- support and participation
- support and knowledge sharing
- support and innovation
- support and guidance
- support and gratitude
- support and feedback
- support and development
- support and connection
- support and appreciation
- support and accessibility
- safe & supportive
- philanthropy and support
- ongoing support
- empowerment and support
- empower and support
- collaboration and support
- support
| - long-term support
- mutual support
- reporting conduct violations
- service to the customer
- supporto agli autori
- supportiveness
- supportive framework
- supportive environment
- supportive
- supporting individuals
- support systems
- support rand
- support for success
- support for colleagues
- support and resources
- support and promotion
- support and professional development
- support and partnership
- support and participation
- support and knowledge sharing
- support and innovation
- support and guidance
- support and gratitude
- support and feedback
- support and development
- support and connection
- support and appreciation
- support and accessibility
- safe & supportive
- philanthropy and support
- operating support
- ongoing support
- empowerment and support
- empower and support
- creating a pipeline of support
- collaboration and support
- support
- seeking guidance and support
- support strategies
| 37 | 39 | support |
- individualized supports
- victim assistance
- authorization letter from the author
| - individualized supports
- victim assistance
- work authorization/security clearance
- proper authorization
- authorization letter from the author
- authority to act
- work authorization
| 3 | 7 | autorisation |
- 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- innovation and experimentation
- innovative spirit
- 敢为人先的创新精神 (innovative spirit)
- 创新精神
- pioneer
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- initiative spirit of daring to be the first
- harmonious innovation and pioneering spirit
- pioneer spirit
| - 创新进取 (innovation and enterprising spirit)
- innovation and experimentation
- innovative spirit
- 敢为人先的创新精神 (innovative spirit)
- 创新精神
- pioneering discoveries
- 拼搏创新
- pioneer
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- initiative spirit of daring to be the first
- harmonious innovation and pioneering spirit
- pioneer spirit
- pioneering spirit to overcome challenges
- pioneering
- invent the future
- we pioneer
- pioneering spirit
| 10 | 17 | pioneering spirit |
- innovation and social progress
- mutual respect and openness
- social innovation
- stringent standards
- accelerating social change
- volunteerism sustains our organization and inspires our participants to make change in their communities
- social transformation
- social change
- promotion of free software philosophical and cultural ideals
- positive systemic change
- positive social transformation
- positive social change
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- meaningful social change
- inspiring change
- impact-first investing
- doing real and permanent good
- commitment to meaningful social change
- class struggle
- change at scale
- by following in jesus' footsteps, we look to support those who need it most and transform their lives
- building a better future
- social progress
- social and political issues
| - innovation and social progress
- mutual respect and openness
- social innovation
- accelerating social change
- volunteerism sustains our organization and inspires our participants to make change in their communities
- social transformation
- social change
- ripple effect
- revolution
- promotion of free software philosophical and cultural ideals
- positive systemic change
- positive social transformation
- positive social change
- meaningful, socially beneficial change
- meaningful social change
- large-scale change
- inspiring change
- impact-first investing
- doing real and permanent good
- dedicated to large-scale change
- daily choices can change the world
- critique of capitalism
- commitment to meaningful social change
- class struggle
- changing the world for the better
- change at scale
- by following in jesus' footsteps, we look to support those who need it most and transform their lives
- building a better future
- breaking the cycle of misery
- be the change you seek
- social progress
- social and political issues
- reform
- creating a better future
| 24 | 34 | social change |
- insider information, insider threat, and securities trading
- integrity and ethical standards
- principle 2: integration of esg factors
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- the materiality assessment is a process where they prioritize esg (environmental, social, and governance) topic areas based on the input from internal and external stakeholders. the results of this assessment are divided into three tiers
- esg resources hub - human rights at verizon
- economic, environmental and social performance
- esg governance
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- environment
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- green development
| - insider information, insider threat, and securities trading
- integrity and ethical standards
- principle 2: integration of esg factors
- this annual sustainability report (asr) presents raízen's performance in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions during the 2021-2022 crop year. the report is prepared in accordance with the global reporting initiative (gri) standards
- the materiality assessment is a process where they prioritize esg (environmental, social, and governance) topic areas based on the input from internal and external stakeholders. the results of this assessment are divided into three tiers
- esg working group (ewg)
- esg committee (esgc)
- esg resources hub - human rights at verizon
- economic, environmental and social performance
- esg governance
- esg治理 (esg governance)
- environment
- sustainable development and environmental protection
- green development
- esg insight
- esg
- esg approach
- esg resources hub
- esg (environmental, social, governance)
- green transformation
- strong environmental sustainability
- environmental and social wellbeing
- embrace social and environmental responsibility
| 12 | 23 | environmental, social, and governance (esg) |
- prevention of insider trading and preservation of market integrity
- local ownership
- riduzione della duplicazione degli studi
- public interest reporting
- public interest
- public benefit
- investing in the greater good
| - prevention of insider trading and preservation of market integrity
- local ownership
- - total public support and revenue
- total public support and revenue
- significant interest
- public interest reporting
- public interest
- public benefit
- investing in the greater good
- greater good
- we are a private-sector group operating in the public interest
- upholding the best interests of society
| 7 | 12 | public interest |
- inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- inviolable human rights
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润 (today's integrity, tomorrow's market, the day after tomorrow's profit)
- support and feedback
- provide feedback and coaching
- feedback mechanisms and regular consultations
- feedback
- constructive criticism
- constructive feedback
| - inspiring and unleashing abundance in every person
- inviolable human rights
- 今天的诚信 明天的市场 后天的利润 (today's integrity, tomorrow's market, the day after tomorrow's profit)
- acted feedback mechanism
- worker feedback, participation, and grievance
- support and feedback
- provide feedback and coaching
- feedback mechanisms and regular consultations
- feedback
- constructive feedback and responsibility
- constructive criticism
- constructive feedback
- community feedback
| 9 | 13 | feedback |
- integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- quality and rigor
- quality and scientific rigor
- resource protection
- setting standards and best practices
- sustainability and self-reliance
- tax-related risks
- transparency and robustness
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- we value and respect others
| - integrity and teamwork, creative pioneering, decision-making based on verified on-site observations, decisive action after thorough planning
- quality and rigor
- quality and scientific rigor
- resource protection
- sustainability and self-reliance
- transparency and robustness
- unity, diligence, rigor, and pragmatism
- we value and respect others
- rigour
- rigorous methodology
- rigorous
- 严谨
- rigor
| 10 | 13 | rigor |
- integrity regarding gifts
- kickbacks
- virtue (shengde)
- philanthropy and giving
- paying it forward
- pay it forward
- joy and the transformational power of giving
- importance of main street philanthropy
- giving back to communities
- give back
- giving back
| - integrity regarding gifts
- kickbacks
- philanthropy and giving
- paying it forward
- pay it forward
- joy and the transformational power of giving
- inspiring others to give
- importance of main street philanthropy
- giving back to communities
- give back
- giving back
| 11 | 11 | giving back |
- integrity, transparency and meritocracy
- integrity, transparency, and meritocracy
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
| - integrity, transparency and meritocracy
- integrity, transparency, and meritocracy
- sustainable, independent and meritocratic community
- sustainable, independent, and meritocratic community
| 4 | 4 | meritocracy |
- international cooperation
- international first-class
- international membership
- international peace
- international perspective
- international sanctions
- international security and stability
- international trade controls
- international women's day
- tax-related reports
- the code of conduct
- solidarity and international cooperation
- national and international mechanisms
- international understanding
- international support
- international law and human rights
- international law
- international collaboration
- democracy and international cooperation
- commitment to international cooperation
- contribution to the development of the international community
| - international cooperation
- international membership
- international peace
- international perspective
- international sanctions
- international security and stability
- international women's day
- tax-related reports
- the code of conduct
- transnational cooperation
- solidarity and international cooperation
- national and international mechanisms
- international understanding
- international support
- international law and human rights
- international law
- international collaboration
- diplomatic tools and actions
- democracy and international cooperation
- commitment to international cooperation
- contribution to the development of the international community
| 21 | 21 | international cooperation |
- respect for international law
- legibility
- relationships
- reporting of potential violations
- the text also mentions the core values that employees at gazprom international must adhere to
- hope and trust in god
- hope and optimism
- believing in the unlikely
- relentless optimism
| - respect for international law
- legibility
- relationships
- reporting of potential violations
- the text also mentions the core values that employees at gazprom international must adhere to
- trust and hope
- hopeful
- hope and trust in god
- hope and optimism
- hope
- believing in the unlikely
- relentless optimism
| 9 | 12 | hope |
- invest in leaders
- investigation and exposure
- investigations
- investing in the future
- investing in the greater good
- investing with impact
- investment
- investment in future generations
- investment in infrastructure
- investment in leadership
- investment in resources
- - investment income
- - investments
- investor calendar
- investor events & webcasts
- investor news
- investor protection
- investor relations
- investors
- knowledge and expertise
- principle 3: prioritize investments with clear pathways to impact
- - value of attendance calculator
- long-term investment in science
- ethical investment
- capital funding focus
- strategic investment
| - invest in leaders
- investigation and exposure
- investing in the future
- investing in the greater good
- investment
- investment in infrastructure
- investment in leadership
- investment in resources
- - investment income
- - investments
- knowledge and expertise
- principle 3: prioritize investments with clear pathways to impact
- long-term investment in science
- increase investment in r&d
- ethical investment
- capital funding focus
- strategic investment
- personal private investments
- investment_banking
- chengdu xingcheng investment group co., ltd
| 26 | 20 | investment |
- just society
- optimism and determination
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- transparency and truthfulness
- truth and verification
- truth-telling
- truthful
- types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
- value makes you and me
- - value of attendance calculator
- value of research and endeavor
- value of working at the local or grassroots level
- 价值观 (values)
- - total income
- - investment income
- - income from media productions
- - financial income
- transformation through education, work, and income
- nutrition and income
| - just society
- optimism and determination
- reporting concerns and receiving advice
- transparency and truthfulness
- truth and verification
- truth-telling
- truthful
- types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
- value of research and endeavor
- value of working at the local or grassroots level
- 价值观 (values)
- - total income
- - rental income
- - investment income
- - income from media productions
- - financial income
- - earned income
- transformation through education, work, and income
- nutrition and income
- income
| 19 | 20 | income |
- learning and adaptation
- longevity gene
- 开放融合 (open integration)
- support for industrial transformation
- generous
- compassion and generosity
| - learning and adaptation
- longevity gene
- 开放融合 (open integration)
- support for industrial transformation
- patience and generosity
- generous
- generosity
- compassion and generosity
| 6 | 8 | generosity |
- legal compliance and fair operating practices
- neutrality in financial choices
- providing notice and comment period
- solidarity and equity
- transformation through cultural management
- - burns, j. k. (2009). mental health and inequity
- racial equity & social justice
- global social equity
- equitable economic mobility
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- commitment to reducing inequity
- addressing disparities
| - legal compliance and fair operating practices
- neutrality in financial choices
- solidarity and equity
- transformation through cultural management
- - burns, j. k. (2009). mental health and inequity
- racial equity & social justice
- identify the poorest households for targeting purposes
- global social equity
- equitable economic mobility
- democracy, participation, inclusion, and reduction of inequalities
- commitment to reducing inequity
- center racial equity
- addressing disparities
| 12 | 13 | reducing inequity |
- letter of complaint to chief prosecutor, dated 1 october 2002
- community and stakeholder engagement
- strengthening and inspiring
- legacy and inspiration
- inspiring change
- inspired determination
- inspiration
- brand building as a spirit for inspiration
- welcoming and inspiring
| - community and stakeholder engagement
- strengthening and inspiring
- legacy and inspiration
- inspiring change
- inspired determination
- inspiration and advocacy
- inspiration
- brand building as a spirit for inspiration
- welcoming and inspiring
- inspirational brand building
- brand building as inspiration
| 9 | 11 | inspiration |
- local presence and global action
- non-maleficence
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- pride
- observance of the “do no harm” principle
- avoiding harm to others
- avoiding harm
- harm avoidance
| - local presence and global action
- non-maleficence
- objectivity and avoidance of conflicts of interest
- pride
- observance of the “do no harm” principle
- do no harm
- beneficence and nonmaleficence
- beneficence
- avoiding harm to others
- avoiding harm
- harm avoidance
| 8 | 11 | non-maleficence, beneficence |
- long-term value
- stakeholder engagement
- statements and publications
- value the people who build our company
- shared value creation
- quality assurance and value creation
- 价值创造
- 企业与客户共创价值
- client value creation
- performance creation
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- creating shared value
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- 持续价值创造 (continuous value creation)
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- sustainable value creation
- value generation
- value
- quality and value
- value creation oriented
- creating value
- shareholder engagement and value creation
- long-term value creation
- create value
| - long-term value
- stakeholder engagement
- statements and publications
- value the people who build our company
- value programme
- shared value creation
- payment models that recognize the added value of the pcmh approach
- creation of added value for society
- creation added value for society
- creating added value
- complementarity of purpose and value added
- business opportunity and shared value
- anything of value
- 创造财富
- quality assurance and value creation
- 价值创造
- 企业与客户共创价值
- client value creation
- performance creation
- integrity, innovation, people-oriented, value-creation
- creating shared value
- protecting and respecting intellectual property and creating new value through innovative technologies and solutions
- value creation
- 持续价值创造 (continuous value creation)
- 价值创造型社会责任推进模式 ("value creation" social responsibility model)
- sustainable value creation
- value generation
- value
- quality and value
- value creation oriented
- creating value
- shareholder engagement and value creation
- long-term value creation
- create value
- creating new value
- real value creation
- providing value
- vision to create long-term value
| 24 | 38 | value creation |
- member economic participation
- safe and sustainable society
- safeguarding assets
- the core values described in the text for the marubeni group are
- transparency and consensus-based processes
- user safety and security
- consensus-driven
- consensus and compromise
- consensus
- conflict resolution and mediation
- community consensus
| - safe and sustainable society
- safeguarding assets
- transparency and consensus-based processes
- user safety and security
- consensus-driven
- consensus and compromise
- consensus
- conflict resolution and mediation
- community consensus
| 11 | 9 | consensus |
- multi-generational focus
- work environment
- utility
| - multi-generational focus
- work environment
- utility
| 3 | 3 | utilitarianism |
- national mission
- acm's mission, vision, values, goals
- overall goal
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- here for the mission
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
| - national mission
- acm's mission, vision, values, goals
- we have a story (vision)
- overall goal
- missionstatement
- 北汽使命 (beijing automotive mission)
- 企业使命 (corporate mission)
- here for the mission
- 企业格言 (corporate motto)
- enterprise motto
- mission and values
- 使命 (mission)
- mission
- 总目标 (overall goal)
- 总路径 (overall path)
| 6 | 15 | mission |
- neutral language
- • respect
- setting standards and best practices
- - total expenditure
- strategic, data-informed approach
- scientific and data-driven
- research and data-driven action
- data-driven impact
- data-driven decision making
- data-driven approach and human stories
- data-driven approach
- data-driven
- business intelligence
| - neutral language
- • respect
- strategic, data-informed approach
- scientific and data-driven
- rigorous, scientific, and data-driven approach
- research and data-driven action
- data-informed decision making
- data-driven practices
- data-driven impact
- data-driven decision making
- data-driven approach and human stories
- data-driven approach
- data-driven
- business intelligence
| 13 | 14 | data-driven decision making |
- non-proliferation
- record keeping
- support and feedback
- promotion of international and regional security and stability
- prevention of proliferation
- non-weaponization
| - non-proliferation
- record keeping
- support and feedback
- promotion of international and regional security and stability
- prevention of proliferation
- non-weaponization
| 6 | 6 | non-proliferation |
- non-punishment
- prioritizing technological innovation
- sustainability and environmental consciousness
- self-awareness
- reflection and self-assessment
| - prioritizing technological innovation
- sustainability and environmental consciousness
- self-knowledge
- self-awareness
- reflection and self-assessment
- consciousness
- mindfulness
| 5 | 7 | self-awareness |
- non-violence
- non-violent confrontation
- self-respect
- staff investment
- stakeholder inclusion
- strengthening communities
- technological advantage
- video materials
- technology-focused
- technology as a tool
- tech readiness
- strategic use of technology
- information technology
- focused on ethereum’s underlying technology and use-cases
- driven
- automation
- technological advancement
| - non-violence
- non-violent confrontation
- self-respect
- staff investment
- stakeholder inclusion
- strengthening communities
- technological advantage
- * computer and telecommunication systems
- technology-focused
- technology as a tool
- tech readiness
- strategic use of technology
- information technology
- focused on ethereum’s underlying technology and use-cases
- driven
- automation
- technological advancement
- digitalization
- powerful ai
- technology-driven finance
| 17 | 20 | technology-driven |
- open door environment
- patient and consumer focus
- promotion of research
- thoughtful
- respect and consideration
- consideration
- be considerate
| - open door environment
- patient and consumer focus
- promotion of research
- thoughtful
- respect and consideration
- consideration
- considerate transition
- be considerate
| 7 | 8 | consideration |
- people and diversity management
- system and information security
- politics and political parties
- bipartisan collaboration
| - people and diversity management
- system and information security
- politics and political parties
- bipartisanship
- bipartisan collaboration
| 4 | 5 | bipartisanship |
- public policy and advocacy
- resource conservation
- strengthening the army
- universality and transparency
- accessibility and universal design
- universalism
- universal understanding
- universal significance
- universal principles
- universal morality
- universal moral edict
- universal compassion
| - public policy and advocacy
- resource conservation
- strengthening the army
- universality and transparency
- accessibility and universal design
- universalization and implementation
- universality
- universalism
- universal values
- universal understanding
- universal significance
- universal principles
- universal morality
- universal moral edict
- universal compassion
- universal
| 12 | 16 | universalism |
- responsible political engagement
- tax-related risks
- the formula for calculating the average training hours of cosco shipping lines is
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- empowerment through critical thinking
- critical thinking and analysis
- critical reflexivity
- critical thinking
| - responsible political engagement
- rigorous critique
- importance of listening, examining, evaluating, and learning
- empowerment through critical thinking
- critical thinking, reasoned argument, shared knowledge, and verifiable facts
- critical thinking and analysis
- critical reflexivity
- critical thinking
| 8 | 8 | critical thinking |
- product safety and quality
- racial justice and prosperity
- thriving communities
- personal identity
| - product safety and quality
- racial justice and prosperity
- thriving communities
- personal identity
- passport of the author
- jewish identity
- identity
- elevating conversations about judaism, jewish identity, and jewish commitment
| 4 | 8 | identity |
- research ethics & integrity
- support and connection
- togetherness
- 价值创造
- value creation oriented
- world bank (2006) 'effective conflict analysis exercises
- upholding conflict transformation principles
- the conciliation commission
- peaceful settlement of conflicts based on principles and norms of international law
- interpersonal conflicts
- conflict transformation
- conflict resolution and mediation
- conflict resolution
- conflict prevention and management
- conflict prevention
- dispute resolution
- artful compromise
- conflict management
| - research ethics & integrity
- support and connection
- togetherness
- 价值创造
- value creation oriented
- world bank (2006) 'effective conflict analysis exercises
- upholding conflict transformation principles
- the conciliation commission
- peaceful settlement of conflicts based on principles and norms of international law
- interpersonal conflicts
- fostering dialogue across divides
- conflict transformation
- conflict resolution and mediation
- conflict resolution
- conflict prevention and management
- conflict prevention
- arbitration
- dispute resolution
- artful compromise
- conflict management
| 18 | 20 | conflict resolution |
- safety and welcoming environment
- strong content
- accelerating social change
- systems thinking
- systemic view
- systemic change
- system change
- sustainable change
- sustainability and systemic change
- positive systemic change
- long-term, systemic solutions
- commitment to systems change
- change at scale
- comprehensive reform
| - safety and welcoming environment
- strong content
- accelerating social change
- transforming broken systems
- systems thinking
- systemic view
- systemic change
- system change
- sustainable change
- sustainability and systemic change
- positive systemic change
- long-term, systemic solutions
- large-scale change
- institutional change
- deep transformative institutional change
- dedicated to large-scale change
- critique of capitalism
- commitment to systems change
- changing the world for the better
- change at scale
- comprehensive reform
| 14 | 21 | systemic change |
- stockholder engagement
- strategic giving
- active participation and reporting
- active engagement and reporting of violations
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- whistleblowing protection
- whistleblower protection and reporting mechanism
- we adhere to our duty to report
- the outline of the revised whistleblower protection act can be found on the marubeni group website for reference
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- support for whistleblowers
- safe reporting
- responsibility for reporting
- reporting potential breaches
- reporting of misconduct
- reporting of incidents or concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- reporting of concerns
- reporting misconduct and concerns
- reporting known or suspected violations
- reporting employment concerns
- reporting conduct violations
- reporting concerns/receiving advice
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- personal obligation to report
- modern slavery & trafficking compliance & reporting violations
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- investigation and exposure
- incident reporting
- group whistleblowing policy
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- compliance hotline
- compliance & reporting violations
- complaint and whistleblower management
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- whistleblowing
- i share my concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behaviour
- reporting concerns
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- prompt internal reporting of code violations
- reporting of violations
- prompt internal reporting of violations
- encouraging reporting of violations
- reporting of potential violations
- immediate reporting
- reporting misconduct
- responsibility to report concerns
- prompt reporting of violations
- open reporting
- reporting issues and seeking advice
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- reporting violations
- whistleblower protection and reporting
- prompt internal reporting of violations of the code
- duty to report
| - stockholder engagement
- strategic giving
- active participation and reporting
- active engagement and reporting of violations
- acted complaints and reporting mechanisms
- whistleblowing protection
- whistleblower protection and reporting mechanism
- we adhere to our duty to report
- the outline of the revised whistleblower protection act can be found on the marubeni group website for reference
- the document outlines two protected channels for reporting possible misconduct
- support for whistleblowers
- safe reporting
- right and obligation to report violations
- responsibility for reporting
- reporting potential breaches
- reporting of misconduct
- reporting of incidents or concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behavior
- reporting of concerns
- reporting misconduct and concerns
- reporting known or suspected violations
- reporting employment concerns
- reporting conduct violations
- reporting concerns/receiving advice
- reporting any incident or concern relating to the code of conduct
- personal obligation to report
- modern slavery & trafficking compliance & reporting violations
- liberty to voice opinions without fear of victimisation
- investigation and exposure
- incident reporting
- group whistleblowing policy
- grievance process
- grievance policy
- grievance mechanism (internal)
- duty to inform and report misconduct
- compliance hotline
- compliance & reporting violations
- complaint and whistleblower management
- reporting problem situations and seeking advice
- whistleblowing
- i share my concerns
- reporting of illegal or unethical behaviour
- reporting concerns
- reporting allegations of wrongdoing
- reporting violations and prohibiting retaliation
- prompt internal reporting of code violations
- reporting of violations
- prompt internal reporting of violations
- encouraging reporting of violations
- reporting of potential violations
- immediate reporting
- reporting misconduct
- responsibility to report concerns
- prompt reporting of violations
- open reporting
- reporting issues and seeking advice
- disclosure of wrongdoing
- reporting violations
- whistleblower protection and reporting
- prompt internal reporting of violations of the code
- duty to report
- raise concerns
- grievance mechanism
- reporting concerns and hotline
- reporting ethical irregularities
- protection of whistleblowers
| 58 | 66 | whistleblowing |
- strategic thinking
- think flexibly
- emotional intelligence
- emotion as a professional asset
- 重情诚信 (emphasis on emotions and integrity)
- 重情诚信 (valuing emotions and integrity)
- 我们的情感 (our emotions)
| - strategic thinking
- think flexibly
- emotional intelligence
- emotion as a professional asset
- bringing emotion to work
- 重情诚信 (emphasis on emotions and integrity)
- 重情诚信 (valuing emotions and integrity)
- 我们的情感 (our emotions)
| 7 | 8 | emotional intelligence |
- striving for innovation and scientific management
- striving for lasting impact
- training and guidance
- support and guidance
| - striving for innovation and scientific management
- training and guidance
- support and guidance
- guidance
| 4 | 4 | guidance |
- the document concludes with information about a book series titled "seeking remedies for torture victims
- the museum has also played host to numerous other special exhibitions, such as fiery pool
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- protection of prisoners and detainees
- anti-torture
| - the document concludes with information about a book series titled "seeking remedies for torture victims
- the museum has also played host to numerous other special exhibitions, such as fiery pool
- the report covers the social responsibility activities and initiatives undertaken by aviation industry corporation of china in 2017. the scope of the report includes the headquarters and various subordinate units of the corporation. the time range of the
- the chief prosecutor’s office finally concluded its investigation on 20 november 2003. the chief prosecutor’s office found that there was insufficient evidence to substantiate the author’s claims of torture and ill-treatment. the chief prosecutor’s office
- protection of prisoners and detainees
- prohibition on the infliction of unnecessary suffering
- prohibition of torture
- prohibition of attacks against those hors de combat
- opposition to torture and cruel treatment
- opposition to the death penalty and torture
- despite the findings and recommendations of the national human rights commission, the state has not taken any action to compensate the author or to prosecute the police officers involved in his torture. the author has therefore exhausted all available dom
- article 7 of the iccpr provides that “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” the author submits that the physical and psychological abuse he suffered at the hands of the police officers at city pol
- anti-torture
| 5 | 13 | anti-torture stance |